Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3315 White and Lucky Star (1)

In addition to Ceroni, several other soldiers were found at the venue. They were taken away by the military police, while the rest remained in the opera house.

They couldn't leave even if they wanted to. All entrances and exits were blocked, unless there really was a so-called underground passage in the opera house.

But then Georgiana remembered the Declaration of the Rights of Man. She first wrote a note to Du Bois, asking them not to torture the prisoners and to give them a "decent" place to be imprisoned.

Hobbes once said in "Leviathan" that there is no injustice when everyone involved agrees.

However, the constitution of the Shannan Republic was not adopted through a referendum or had a constituent assembly.

It is not difficult to guess the mood of public opinion, otherwise Cerrone would not have gathered so many people by handing out leaflets.

The opera house is actually very much like a panoramic prison, with each box being a single room, although the boxes at La Scala are arranged in a horseshoe shape rather than a circle.

She asked everyone to choose a "room" separately, and then provided food and water. As for the issue of going to the toilet...that was left to others to think about.

She remembered that many of the boxes at the Paris Opera House had curtains, but she didn’t know if there were curtains at La Scala, and she had never been in them.

In short, as long as everyone is monitored, it can at least be guaranteed that they are not being abused while in captivity.

At this time, the manager of La Scala arrived. He looked nervous and sweating profusely, looking at where he had come in a hurry.

The opera house is mostly used for rehearsals during the day, and is officially open at night. Men and women will wear evening gowns and jewelry to participate in "social activities."

But Napoleon built the Teatro Rentacio, Teatro Carcano, and the planned Teatro di Santa Radegonda in Milan, diverting some of La Scala's role.

Georgiana handed her request to the theater manager and asked him to communicate with the employees inside. If he was unwilling to use other methods, she then told Melchi to go inside after the people inside accepted the feasible method. Food and water are provided, but people cannot be released for the time being.

Then the police interrogate the suspect.

The magistrate of Bologna was named Magenta, and he had a correspondence with Cerrone. The two met in a women's salon named Gerta de Lors, and they met through Magenta. Genta, Cerroni met Congressman Chiconyala.

It is too early for Ceroni to take action now, but it is also possible that he has received the message. If he takes action later, he will not have a chance. If Georgiana, like Theseus, wanted to arrest Grindelwald who was giving a speech without alerting other people at the scene.

She must have looked like a despotic devil at the moment.

At this time, she was in a bank next to La Scala Opera House Square. The underground vault here had thick walls, like a bunker. If there was an emergency, she could hide in it. She could usually be in the manager's luxurious office.

There is no police chief in the Shannan Republic. If there is a person like Fouche, you can scold him at this time, or threaten to remove him from his post, and then urge him to arrest the people on the list quickly.

This is the difference between Britain and Italy. The British magistrates are knights appointed by the king. They may not necessarily understand the legal background, but Italy has no shortage of judges who understand the law. Even Bologna is the birthplace of ancient Roman legal annotations. Talleyrand once gave them a constitution to establish a federation, and the remnants of those principalities and republics still exist.

This cannot be solved overnight.

Since it is planned to use ordinary jurisdiction in arbitration, the arrests should be left to the Italians themselves as much as possible. What power does Italy have to do this now?

After searching all over, she regretfully found that no, the Shannan Alpine Republic was not just a newly established country.

She saw Caroline just now. Her belly was already very big. Seeing that the next child was about to be born, it was better for Maura not to go out and stay at home with her family.

So Georgiana wrote to Polina, asking them to find a way to call Mullah back no matter what method they used.

However, neither Murat nor the Italian police were used. Who should be used to arrest them? Do they need to use the carabinieri?

Not to mention the Italians, Georgiana herself felt uncomfortable when she saw the soldiers brought out by De Riolles. She had no intention of creating more terror after the cannon was fired.

In fact, the court also has the function of summons, but normal people will take a detour when they see today's battle. Moreover, with the spread of rumors, it is almost impossible to "consciously" make Magenta and the others accept the summons.

When she first heard about the riots in Milan, she was very anxious and immediately said that she would change the route instead of taking the sea route, from Marseille to Corsica and then to Milan.

Now that it really happened, she was not anxious at all. She felt like she was less like a person and more like a machine.

She walked to the window and looked at the opera house, whose glass had been shattered by the gunfire. It no longer looked graceful and luxurious, like a princess in distress.

In a loosely constrained utopia, respect is a minimal restriction on movement.

Draco Malfoy always looked arrogant, but he also knew how to respect Felivi. Before becoming his godmother, Draco never looked down on Pomona Sprout.

What would he think if he came to this world and saw her doing these things?

She found it funny to be so complacent about this kind of thing. When Umbridge and Snape, the two headmasters from Slytherin House, put a lot of restrictions on the school and students, the students all resisted them. .

In order to safeguard the values ​​of liberty, equality, and fraternity, the French paid a high price and went through seven anti-French alliance wars before the world recognized that it was impossible for the world to return to the past.

But Napoleon's patriarchal way of "stopping debate" was also not recognized by people. When others wanted to raise objections, he silenced them.

Piedmont's cadastral system Georgiana has not been studied, and if it is indeed reasonable... it probably will not be recognized. Rules are not allowed to be broken. No matter what the reason is, if an exception is made for a reasonable reason, such as not being allowed to lie, it becomes allowed to lie to protect the innocent or during war, then this rule of not being allowed to lie It exists in name only.

This is a complex issue that requires her to take time to think about it, but she doesn't have it now. The only thing she can do is to bring Magenta and the others as respectfully and procedurally as possible. They are different from people like Cerrone who have nothing. They can completely ignore Cerroni's poetry and continue to enjoy high official positions and generous salaries.

What if Napoleon really wanted to annex Piedmont and Italy? Are they wrong to reject gifts from false benefactors?

At this time, the defense was changed downstairs, and the Chasseurs replaced the Italian honor guard and stood at their sentry post.

She didn't know if what she did would harm Napoleon. It would have been better if he had fired a blank warning shot like the sentry who fired at the boat. In an emergency, the police would fire a warning shot.

She suddenly had an idea, although she didn't know if it would work.

Then she asked someone to call Arrighi, who could speak Italian... Would it be in line with the legal process to "invite" these honor guards who had received officer training in Fontainebleau?

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