Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3320 White and Lucky Star (6)

Although the carriage factory in Annecy continued to manufacture new carriages, it was impossible to increase transportation capacity without horses.

The boss of Orionda Import and Export Company discussed the horse purchase with Austria again, but they did not reply, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

The Theresa cadastre, which the Piedmontese say is "very practical", is located near Trieste. Not only the Piedmontese, but many Milanese also own land there. These cadastres did not accompany the Lombardy. If the Shannan Republic is established and canceled, they will still be valid.

Serberoni, who had just died, left a huge inheritance, which was divided equally between his brother and his only daughter Maria, who married the Marquis Ludovico Visconti.

The administration of the "city" of Milan is now the responsibility of a governing council composed of the Visconti family. Prior to this, the Cisal Republic was under military jurisdiction and was headed by the Minister of War Ambrogio Villago. In 1798, the Austrian and The Russian allied forces took back Lombardy, and he was forced to go into exile in the Champagne region of France. After France reoccupied Milan in 1800, he and 9 special government commissioners managed part of the municipal administration, but three months later this department was occupied by Viscon. After the establishment of the Shannan Alpine Republic, the Ministry of War was abolished and he himself became a member of the Legislative Assembly.

In short, there are many Italians who are still attached to Austrian rule. The French bombardment of La Scala Opera House was called an "atrocity" in some newspapers.

Milan's 20 million war contribution was divided equally between the three bankers, but other areas, such as Ferrara and Bologna, were divided proportionally, although the amount was only 3 million lire. However, Ferrara felt that it had more responsibility than Bologna, so on the day the Shannan Republic was founded, they called on all representatives to go. Most of them were later deported, except for one person who served as Ferrara's representative, and this person eventually formulated Article 1 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic: Roman Apostolic Catholicism is the only religion openly practiced within the territory of the Republic and is also the state religion.

Give to God what is God’s, and to Caesar what is Caesar’s.

Since it is a state religion, the officials of the Shannan Republic should not be held by non-Catholics. This was rejected by Napoleon. What he wanted to establish was a mixed government. This was supported by many people, especially the Milanese.

The Medici had been bankers to the Pope, and they had been driven out of the Republic of Florence, just before the Papal Meridian was drawn.

The initial papal meridian was farther east, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the Portuguese king and asked for it to be redrawn, which meant that Spain would benefit.

Although they later discussed and repainted it, the Pope of the Borgia family had already expressed his attitude on this matter, and then the Republic of Florence was unable to support itself during the siege of the Spanish. In the end, the Pope's army captured Florence, and then the Medici The Qi family has returned to Florence.

Since the death of the Visconti family, the succession of the principality has been constantly changing. In addition to Sforza, who stepped in midway, there are also the Spaniards. The "castle" where Georgiana lived before was the Principality of Milan under the Spanish rule. Western border fortress.

The "Conqueror" yellow diamond representing disaster once fell into the hands of Sforza. Gian Galeazzo Sforza was only 7 years old when he inherited the title. Ludovico Sforza saw it The young Duke did not choose to be a good uncle, but tried to take away the regency of the widow Bona of Savoy. Although he was driven out of Milan after his failure, he still found a way to drive Bona away. , becoming the sole regent.

Later, when his nephew grew up and was old enough to get married, he went to his father-in-law in Naples for help. In order to stop Naples, Ludovico led the French to send troops to Naples, kicking off the 1965 Italian War.

After the French occupied Milan, and because Francois I was captured by Charles V at the Battle of Pavia, France gave up its right to rule Italy, including Milan, in the Treaty of Cambrai. The areas ruled by Charles V included Spain, Naples, Sardinia, Sicily and other places, but he himself divided the territory, and the Spaniards obtained the right to rule Milan through inheritance.

At this time, the French wanted to gain the control of Milan from the Spanish. After the War of the Spanish Throne, there were a series of treaties after the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht. Among them, the Treaty of Baden in 1714 ceded Milan to Austria. Spain was previously ruled by a branch of the Habsburg family until 1797, when Austria ceded Milan to France in the Treaty of Campo Formio, and France became the capital of the Cisalpine Republic.

Freemasonry has always been active underground, and Joseph II once issued a decree to prevent the spread of works considered harmful to religion or harmful to papal authority. In Turin, with the support of the great nobility, the Masonic lodge continued to expand. The archbishop and the parish priest hoped that the royal family would intervene, because "this is not only contempt for religion, but also a riot prepared for the tranquility of the government."

As long as they participate in pagan worship that may be related to Freemasonry, such as astrology, even astronomers who stay in the mountains all day long must be careful, for fear that if they say the wrong thing, they will end up like Galileo.

After Napoleon came, there was no Inquisition and the strict censorship mechanism was abolished. So there was another voice in the newspaper, shocked and angry at this "riot that tarnished the reputation of Italy".

Anyway, when Georgiana went to the Brera Observatory, the Brera Palace also had a topographic research room, a cartographic research room, and a census office. No one had thought about a census before Napoleon.

At the same time, under the premise that the military must fully submit to scientific research, the military survey team can measure the trends of rivers, hills, and mountains. Most astronomers are old, and young people are more suitable for those tasks of traveling through mountains and rivers.

With the assistance of various surveyors, the triangle to the east and north of Milan was almost complete, with the southern triangle extending as far as Bologna, the frontier of the Republic of Montenegro.

In addition to the uneven sharing of huge amounts of money and supplies that caused conflicts between Bologna and Ferrara, Bologna also had a customs house. Italy's wool textile industry is no longer what it was in the 14th century, but wool exports exist in Schio, with "Germany's Lombardy" and Venice being the main markets.

Now that Lombardy in Germany is a republic, are there still tariffs? Venice used to be duty-free, but now that Venice has been assigned to Germany, do you have to pay taxes?

In general, it is enough for a country to send one envoy, one deputy envoy, and one special envoy. The Italian "embassy" has almost become a parliament.

In addition, Bologna has its own constitution, which is the biggest obstacle to the formation of the Shannan Republic. The republic is "one and indivisible" unless it accepts a federal constitution, which is rejected by vote.

In Article 14 of the Draft Declaration of Human Rights and Citizenship written by Sieyes, all citizens shall obey the law equally, and no citizen shall be forced to obey any authority other than the law.

Internal order must establish and employ a legitimate internal force in such a way that one need not plead for dangerous recourse to military power.

But now the question is, what if instead of forcing citizens to obey, they voluntarily obey other authorities?

The church also has canon law. The Council of Trent in the 16th century promulgated the Organic Law of the Clergy. England adopted Protestantism as the state religion.

But Georgiana's definition of God is "unknown", and she does not define who created the world and mankind.

She looked at St. Augustine and Erasmus, but she believed in Paracelsus more. If you drink too much of the antidote, it will turn into poison. The dose is the key to determining the toxicity of a substance.

When meeting with scholars in Milan, Napoleon said that he valued an outstanding scholar as much more important than the richest city.

Georgiana did not dare to say similar words, but she spent a fairly pleasant afternoon at the Brera Palace and returned to the Marino Palace when it was getting dark. If there was nothing else, she planned to go to Murat's house for dinner.

In the conference room, Georgiana found Julian Ouvral, smoking alone inside.

"I didn't know you smoked," Georgiana said at the door.

"There are other things you can't think of." He put out his cigarette in the crystal ashtray and looked at Georgiana. "In 1798, the Directory planned to sign a treaty with Italy, but the Italians rejected it. They thought That’s not an unequal treaty, it’s a form of slavery.”

She really didn't know that.

"Now they feel that if they want to sign an extradition and arbitration agreement, they cannot let Chiconyara be the ambassador. He is an artist but does not understand the law. They have better candidates for the ambassador." Julian said.

"I'm not asking you to complete this matter. If it doesn't work, think of another way." Georgiana said.

"The problem is, I also think he is suspicious." Julian said coldly, "Everyone thinks he is innocent."

"Didn't you feel that way before?" asked Georgiana.

"How do you think he got the Pope to trust him and give him such an important fortress?" Julian asked.

Georgiana thought of the news she had heard that afternoon.

What role did the Bishop of Savoy play in the King's abdication?

"Is that why you smoke?" Georgiana asked.

He shook his head with a wry smile.

"What are you going to do if Magenta can't come tomorrow?" Julian asked.

She shook her head, turned around and left the conference room, leaving Julian alone.

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