Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3329 Sea of ​​Atlas (Part 2)

The Maltese language was mentioned in the Treaty of Amiens. This language is said to have originated in ancient Carthage. It has absorbed a large number of foreign languages ​​and has become an independent language. Maltese speakers can half converse with Arabs in North Africa. It can even be regarded as the official language of Western Arabia to some extent.

In the myth about Atlas, Perseus saw Atlas on his way back after cutting off Medusa's head. Atlas said to him, "I'm tired, please use Medusa." His head is facing me, let me turn to stone."

Perseus agreed to Atlas's request and placed Medusa's head facing Atlas, so that he became Mount Atlas.

There is indeed an Atlas Mountains in the Maghreb, the land of sunset. It extends from southwestern Morocco to northeastern Tunisia. It is the largest folded and fractured mountainous area in Africa. In ancient times, some North African kings claimed to be from Atlas. Descendants.

Georgiana had thought that the Hungarians were going to spread French to the Croatians, but after talking to Cikoñara, she realized she was wrong. The Hungarians intended to make Magyar the official language of the Holy Roman Empire, so they allowed the Croats to speak Magyar.

After ending several sieges of Vienna and winning victories against the Turks, the Holy Roman Empire stepped up its interference in Hungary's internal affairs, and the Habsburg court did not return the lands occupied by the Turks to Hungary. On the contrary, But they were regarded as trophies and distributed at will.

In addition, a peasant uprising broke out in the wine-rich Hekiorgaya area. The desperate serfs and Kurucs, the then border guard, resisted the Austrians. All this led to the popularity of Kurucs' poetry.

In 1794, a batch of manuscripts began to be popular in Britain, France and other countries. They were written in the form of epistolary literature and mainly recorded the deeds of Rakocci, the national hero. Croatia and Hungary then lived in peace for several centuries. A conflict occurred.

Augereau was the first to report after Napoleon took office and became the commander of the Italian Army. At that time, Bonaparte had just finished dealing with the mutiny. After that classic dialogue, Augereau told the second horseman who came to report. Cena said "I'm so scared of this little bastard."

However, in Castiglione, it was he who dared to resist Bonaparte's order and was unwilling to retreat, which turned defeat into victory.

Although Augereau opposed Napoleon's Coup de Brumaire, he did not actually oppose it.

He dissolved the Batavia Assembly without immediate punishment. Bonaparte dismissed him for leaving without authorization without recall.

This also caused many generals to take warning. Except for people like Mullah, almost no one dared to leave the station without authorization for reasons such as showing closeness and giving gifts.

The other one was Saint-Cyr, who was always transferred around. After the war in Portugal, he was transferred to Rennes to suppress bandits.

Augereau has a commission that guarantees him a life in Paris. In addition to the nickname of the first swordsman in France, Augereau also had the nickname "The Darling of Victory". Once, the Austrian army launched the "Brescia Surprise", capturing the local defenders and occupying the hospital at a small cost of 3 deaths and 11 injuries. Hospital patients included Lannes, Murat, who was infected with malaria, and Josephine, who was almost captured. She was supposed to evacuate from Brescia to Milan, but then the Battle of Castiglione took place, and Augereau fought the enemy fiercely on the arid plains for ten years. Six hours to retake Castiglione.

In order to use enough money to repair hydrological stations and flood embankments, Georgiana stopped the renovation work on Castiglione Street.

If she remembered correctly, General Wellington's coalition forces met a garrison in Lyon, the Duke of Castiglione, who seemed to be a marshal. He called Napoleon a tyrant, and then allowed the coalition forces to capture Lyon without blood. .

She has always been thinking about the Rivoli Castle. It is not only a must-pass on the Cerny Mountain Road, but also an ideal toll station. However, the toll tax was canceled after the French Revolution. After collecting a toll tax from the local , the ruling government used salt taxes to provide financial support for road construction.

The Paris Agricultural Association is also complaining about this matter. Tourists often only focus on going to scenic spots and hotels without stopping in the countryside, and they are also responsible for the task of building roads.

In theory, of course, the professional road construction team is the best at construction. The road construction technology that the Roman road expert knows is not something that farmers who cannot speak French know.

But the national budget only has so much money, and private funds from Lyon were used to get the Canal de Ourcq started. Sooner or later it will be nationalized, preferably with wine taxes.

France's high-end red wine cannot compete with Porto red wine. This has nothing to do with tariffs, but low-end red wine is no match for Porto red wine.

Now that Georgiana was living in Maura's house, she had to take some precautions to avoid news like Charles the Dragoon, which would be a double disaster for her and Maura.

Bougainville is still her guardian, and some things are better for him, provided that Mullah can listen. Isn't it just to keep a close eye on Mullah by placing her in his own home?

Maura was not her type. Even though he was tall and handsome, Sirius and the doctor she met in the botanical garden were much more handsome than him.

Even though she and Murat both spoke French, communication was still poor.

The "Peace of Amiens" also states that people whose native language is Maltese can be stationed on the island. Is it possible that the Arabs from North Africa should be allowed to go?

This is of course impossible. It is also written in the treaty that the Berber country is a hostile country. This multinational naval bandit suppression is the Berber pirates.

If it weren't for Lily and Severus' pure love, she wouldn't want to interfere with these things.

I'm tired, Lily. You can use the cat teasing stick to tease other cats but take care of them.

"Come on, have some real wine," said Paulina, handing a glass of red wine to Georgiana.

She took the wine and drank it without hesitation. Her mouth was full of fruity fragrance.

She drank one glass after another, as if to get herself drunk, but Polina poured more for her.

"You have guests to meet later, so don't get drunk." Polina said.

"Why do you think I'm so unlucky?" Georgiana said to Polina half drunkenly. "I can't get anything I want."

"You are not unlucky." Polina took a sip of wine. "You have a lot of things that others want."

Georgiana cried.

She also said this to others.

"It's not like Nabooni has abandoned you, he will take you back." Polina said expressionlessly.

She wasn't crying because of this, but she still felt better.

Even if it is used, there are always people who want it, and there is no value in using it. That is the real desolation.

Beauty is like this, and so is a good bow. If the birds are gone, what is the use of the bow?

Maybe it is used for self-defense, if there are no birds and there are robbers, but people who use bows will also consider whether this bow is reliable at critical moments.

"I want to make paint from wine residues," Georgiana sobbed.

"Are you obsessed with money?" Polina nodded her head.

"Trash can be reused," she said with a pout.

Polina couldn't help but roll her eyes, when there were footsteps outside the door, and soon Bougainville, dressed like an adventurer, appeared.

In fact, Bougainville is more than 20 years younger and can be considered handsome, but it's a pity...

She asked the nanny to take Delmid and Mulla's sons away, planning to take them out to play with the captain after the business was finished.

"Madam, the Americans have discovered a gold mine." Bougainville said, "This time it seems to be true."

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