Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3331 Banquet Guests (1)

"What's this?"

Georgiana took a glass of transparent wine, which smelled very strongly of anise.

"Monkey ouzo is very popular in Spain and South America." Ciconiala said. "I heard that the garrison in Gibraltar also likes it very much. They will drink it after taking a sea bath."

"It's not the monkey on the Rock of Gibraltar, it's the monkey on the bottle holding a note that says, 'Science says this is the best, and I didn't lie,'" Denon said.

“Which one do you think is better than Marseille ouzo?” Ciconiala asked Denon.

"I prefer wine. Ouzo is too strong and is more suitable for sailors," Denon said.

Georgiana got closer and smelled it, and sure enough, the smell of wine was much stronger than wine.

"Try it?" Chiconyara urged.

"I'll get drunk if I drink any more." Georgiana put down the glass of white wine. "Let's go back today and come back to play with you tomorrow."

"How about I take you to visit Milan." Ciconiala said.

Georgiana was noncommittal and took away two unopened bottles of wine.

"What do you think of this wine?" Georgiana said to Bougainville in a drowsy voice. She might have had too much.

"As the Italian proverb goes, those who have never tasted bitterness do not know how to appreciate sweetness." Bougainville said while tasting the wine that Paulina found bitter.

Georgiana felt very tired, because she found that she actually had no motivation for the "just cause", and she preferred to comply with international confidentiality laws and hide herself.

"After the attack on the sea begins, someone on land will also occupy the port of Naples, especially Taranto. Which general do you think is more suitable?" Bougainville asked.

"I don't want to discuss the war." Georgiana said tiredly. She thought that after working hard for so long, she could prolong peace for a while.

"Didn't you tell me you were going to relax with me? Why are you more depressed than me?" said Polina, who was dressed in jewelry and looked like she was going to a dinner party.

"Where are you going?" Georgiana asked subconsciously.

"Where do you think I'm going?" said Polina.

She looked at Polina.

"I'm going to a banquet at the Visconti's, will you go?" Paulina asked.

She shook her head subconsciously.

"Go and relax," Bougainville encouraged.

"It might be more uncomfortable if I go." Georgiana said that she has never been good at being in crowded situations, even if she was in the crowded Hufflepuff Academy.

But she'd heard that Gryffindor parties were lively, probably because they were such a welcoming bunch of people.

"My son is handed over to you," Polina said, and then left Mulla's house.

In Greek, the name of fennel is "Marathon". According to legend, it was the place where the Greeks won the decisive battle with the Persians in 490 BC. A Greek soldier ran back to Athens from Marathon, and then the marathon began.

She now feels like she has run a full marathon.

"What can I do to cheer you up?" Bougainville asked.

Then the nanny took Delmid out.

"He leaves it to you, Captain." Georgiana said with a smile. "This is your new sailor."

Bougainville stood up and walked over to Delmid, and they were soon playing together.

Although it was a very unlucky idea, there would often be plagues after wars broke out. She had to prepare in advance. Judging from the current situation, the church was an indispensable cemetery.

What blows on the Adriatic Sea in winter is the "Pola", which blows in the direction of Albania. There are many pirates in this area, but you don't always encounter pirates, so the wind vane of the Venetian Customs is the fate of ancient Rome. Goddess Fortuna.

The island of Corcyra is actually across the sea from Albania. The outbreak of the first phase of the Peloponnesian War was caused by the Corcyra incident.

Epidamnus is a colony of Corcyra, and Corcyra is a colony of Corinth. Corinth is located on the isthmus and is the target of both the Delian League and Sparta. When there is civil strife in Epidamnus, it is necessary to When Corcyra came to help, the Corcyraeans refused, and then Epidamnus found Corinth, causing a conflict between Corcyra and Corcyra.

Corcyra defeated the Corinthians, but considering that Corinth was an ally of Sparta and worried about Corinth's revenge, Corcyra turned to Greece for help.

What alliance does France have now?

What about the diplomatic methods he used to use? Why don't you use it now?

Georgiana managed to pull herself together and think about whom to write to.

It happened that the door was bustling at this time, and after a while Mullah came back.

He looked Georgiana up and down.

"What for?" she asked with hostility.

"Why don't you go to Marino today?" Maura asked.

Return the military power to you.

She cursed, but said something else.

"I want to find a teacher. It's time for Delmid to start reading."

"These are not busy. Is that why you asked me to go to Naples?" Mulla asked.

She looked at Mullah, and he looked at her.

"What reason do you want to use to occupy the port of Naples?" Georgiana asked, "Naples is now a neutral country."

"So I'm here to ask you." Maura said, sitting across from her, picked up the bottle and drank, and vomited after just one sip.

"What kind of wine is this? Why is it bitter?" Mullah cursed.

Bonaparte said that the wine had been opened and he would drink it even if it was bitter.

“How about we build a road along the coast?”

"What?" Mullah said in surprise.

"In the Second Punic War, Carthage had to develop commerce in order to pay the wages of its mercenaries. They developed in Spain. The Romans felt that the Carthaginians had violated the treaty, and then they broke up with..."

"What does this have to do with what we are talking about?" Mullah asked.

She couldn't explain it to him clearly, and she was very tired when she explained it clearly. She didn't have the energy to explain it to him now.

"Business and cotton cultivation!" she said directly.

After thinking for a while, Murat said, "The coastal road passes through Ancona, which is the territory of the Pope."

She wanted to pass out.

"Why are you so dedicated?" Mulla asked. "Don't tell me you love Napoleon."

"Why can't you say that?" asked Georgiana.

"I'm asking you a question, don't prevaricate me. Do you think this excuse is the same as the Venetian panacea that can cure any disease?" Mullah asked.

"I need strength," she said tiredly.

"What?" Mullah asked.

He may need her to give a great reason, such as for world peace or something.

“Against slavery,” Georgiana shouted. “And the Inquisition.”

Maura looked at her carefully, she was a policeman.

"Isn't Britain anti-slavery?" Mullah asked.

"But there's also the Witchcraft Act," said Georgiana.

Mullah was doubtful.

"General, do you think it would be more pitiful to die on the battlefield or to die at the stake?" Georgiana asked.

He didn't answer. After a while he got up and walked away.

At this time, Georgiana looked at Bougainville, not far away, and motioned for him to talk to Mullah about what he had just said.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Murat always set up his staff in a castle where he could find women. General Lecky's sister was a famous beauty in Lombardy. She is currently in Venice.

If Mullah really loves beauty so much, why is Georgiana's charm useless to him?

Is she not beautiful enough, or is the hybrid Veela's magic broken?

It's possible that she wasn't Maura's type, just as Maura wasn't Georgiana's type.

For Maura, women are there to love, not to be understood.

So she stood up to see what happened to the paper boat Delmid had folded.

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