Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3334 Banquet Guests (4)

In "A History of Hogwarts", it is said that Peeves was originally a human being. He used his last strength to come to the auditorium, where a banquet was being held, and told everyone that the giant was coming.

But no one believed what he said, until he turned into a ghost in front of everyone, and people screamed in panic.

"Did you hear? Dementors attacked the Hogwarts Express." Sinistra said bluffingly.

"It's not an attack, it's a search on the car." Professor Ancient Rune said, and they didn't give Pomona a chance to speak at all.

"I heard they attacked Harry Potter, look." Sinistra gestured to look across the way, "It was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who stopped them."

Pomona looked over.

Remus was sitting next to Snape... This seating arrangement was really classic.

Even the Frogs singing could not drown out the whispers in the auditorium. After they finished singing, Dumbledore walked to the front of the owl podium to prepare for the regular opening speech.

"Welcome to the new school year at Hogwarts." Dumbledore's voice, amplified by the amplifying spell on the owl podium, echoed in the auditorium. The feast attracts…”

"He seems paler than usual," Sinistra said, looking at the Gryffindor table.

Pomona looked at Remus who stood up. He looked thinner and paler than when he was studying.

At this time, Dumbledore introduced the Care of Magical Creatures teacher who replaced the retired Kate Burn. When Hagrid stood up, he accidentally touched the dining table and almost tipped the table over.

In addition to the werewolf, this year's professor also has a hybrid giant...

At this time, there was applause. Many people knew and liked Hagrid, and they thought this was good news.

A former Death Eater, a half-veela, and oh yes, a half-goblin.

"In order to capture Sirius Black, dementors will be stationed at every entrance. Although I have been assured that they will not disrupt our daily study life, I remind you that dementors are ferocious creatures and they will not They differentiate between those they are after and those who stand in their way, so I must warn everyone here not to give them a reason to harm you."

Pomona was a little distracted. She thought of the giants and the Minotaur of Crete, both of whom were cannibals.

However, the giant eats people because of hunger. The Minotaur asks the Greeks to send children every year, and it is impossible for those children to feed it.

The young Theseus planned to end this "summary". He took the boys and girls who were drawn by lot, and with the help of Princess Ariadne of Crete, he solved the labyrinth with a ball of thread and killed the Minotaur. , and later Crete was conquered by Greece.

On the way back, Theseus had a dream. When he woke up, he abandoned Ariadne, who had helped him, on a desert island.

Ariadne is unwilling to wake up until Bacchus passes by.

Because Theseus forgot to replace the black sail on the ship, his father thought that his action failed, so he jumped into the sea, which was called the Aegean Sea.

Pomona has been to the Adriatic Sea, but not the Aegean Sea.

At this time, Chiconyara had already come in, accompanied by the toad-like Marquis of Rollebon. They seemed to be chatting happily.

They had breakfast in a pavilion, which was hung with thin white gauze that fluttered when the wind blew.

Ciconiala turned her attention to Polina, and she was also sizing him up. At that moment, Georgiana felt that Ciconiara seemed to have been struck by Zeus' thunder.

Georgiana began to count in her mind, plus Augereau and the Minister of the Navy. This was the "inside information" she heard from Bougainville. He also fell in love with the newly widowed Polina.

"Have you had breakfast?" Georgiana asked Chiconyara Leopold, interrupting his reverie.

"No... no, I've eaten." Chiconyala stammered, completely losing the diplomat-like talk he showed when he was at his house last time.

Polina smiled, turned away from Ciconiara, and continued to teach Delmid how to eat pasta with a fork.

"Then come and eat with us," Georgiana said to Chiconyara.

He sat down in the empty seat next to Polina slightly stiffly, looking very reserved.

"Where are you taking us to play today?" Georgiana asked.

"I won't go with you, I have other things to do." Polina said, "My son is going with you."

Chiconyala turned his attention to Delmid, and Delmid also looked at Chiconyala. The atmosphere could not be called friendly.

"How about going to the Piazza Grande in Milan?" said the Marquis. "Let's go and see how it goes."

This project has actually been stopped by Melchi because the square in the plan is sometimes round and sometimes square.

"Just go there," said Georgiana.

"Do you want to go?" Chiconyara asked Delmid, his attitude was very strange, not like talking to a child.

"I have no other objections." Delmid said diplomatically, without sounding like a child.

"I only gave him to you for a day." Polina looked at Georgiana reproachfully.

She felt that Delmid behaved normally when playing with paper boats, which must have been caused by the stories of Greek and Roman celebrities that Bougainville read to him.

Otherwise, why not change it to a story about a saint?

The nanny carried Delmid to change his ketchup-stained clothes. Once he had changed, he could leave, during which the adults could safely talk about adult topics.

Chiconyara kept staring at Polina, but Polina didn't feel embarrassed. She was used to being noticed.

On the contrary, Georgiana felt terribly embarrassed, and she thought about what topics to talk about to ease the atmosphere.

"Are you going to Elba too?" Ciconiala suddenly asked Polina.

"Maybe I'll go," Polina said absently, looking perfunctory.

"Then I'll go too." Chiconyara looked at Georgiana and said, "I heard there is a marble mine there that has not been mined."

Polina sneered, but Georgiana didn't expect it.

"Is there a marble mine on Elba?" she asked in surprise.

"Elba has always been rich in marble." Ciconiara said calmly. "It is part of the Apennines, like Carrara."

"Are there any marble mines in Corsica?" Georgiana asked Polina.

"Why are you so interested in stones?" Polina said to Georgiana impatiently.

"Corsica has a lot of granite, and not every mountain produces marble, madam." said the Marquis of Rollebon.

"Isn't there enough stone in Carrara?" the Marquis asked again, probably because no one answered.

"No... I have another idea about quarrying to build the bridge. How about we pour it with concrete?" Chiconyara said. "That way you don't have to worry about taking out waste materials."

This is indeed a good idea and can save a lot of labor, but the purpose of quarrying is to practice applied mechanics.

Polina showed no interest in the topic, got up and left.

But Chiconyala’s mind did not follow her.

"I heard that the Pantheon in Rome was also made of volcanic ash concrete." Marquis Rollebon said, "Why don't we try it?"

"Solve the people's water problem first, and the Pantheon can be repaired later." Georgiana said, "There are also lights, hospitals, and cemeteries."

"Is France also sending audits? Just like the Xiubo River Bridge?" Chiconyara said.

She sneered and shook her head.

"If it weren't for the fact that your financial system is like a dark forest, I don't think the First Consul would have sent the French to do it." Georgiana said, "Is it better to use the Florentine or Venetian system for your audit decision?"

Chiconyara pursed her lips.

She placed the newspaper in the center of the table.

"If war is unavoidable, many graves will have to be prepared..."

"I think what's more important than this is how to evacuate civilians from the war zone." Ciconiala said. "I don't want what happened in Genoa to happen again."

"You mean the siege?" asked Georgiana.

Chiconyara shook his head.

"In April 1799, 40,000 refugees from various regions of Italy took refuge in Genoa, but at the end of July the French general forcibly ordered them to leave. Where do you think they are going? And how are they going to go?" asked Ciconiala .

"Why did you go to France to find Napoleon?" Georgiana asked.

"Otherwise, what do you think I am for?" Chiconyala asked.

She couldn't speak.

"That square could become a refugee camp, but that would go against the idea of ​​the First Consul," said Cicconiara. "He wanted a beautiful Milan suitable for being the capital. Architectural designers designed The buildings are all royal buildings, and I don’t think he would want to see a crowded civilian complex.”

"Let's talk about it after we go and see it." Georgiana stood up.

When encountering a disaster, people will subconsciously go to a safe place. When the famine broke out the year before last, many people took their families and went to Paris. After all, it was the capital.

Then she remembered the assassination plan that was uncovered by the French police. The assassins were ambushing the Opera House, but because Bonaparte did not go, their plan failed. These people were all Italians.

If they had followed the refugees to Paris, then in addition to sanitation, water, and food, they might also have security issues.

In fact, she doesn't have to worry about all this, as long as she doesn't become a warm-hearted person and care about Muggles' affairs.

Lily was not like her even though she came from the Muggle world. After choosing the magical world, Lily severed ties with her Muggle family.

Unfortunately, the magical world is not all about happiness and joy. Why is there a Dark Lord? How wonderful it would be without him.

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