Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3337 Banquet Guests (7)

Pantheon (pantheon) means all, and theon means god. In the rituals of the gods of Olympus, it is not only the sunshine during the day that tends to the direction of the gods, but also the festive meal is indispensable for both humans and gods.

There is a circular hole in the center of the Pantheon's dome. It not only brings in sunlight, but also rainwater. However, there are 22 holes reserved on the marble floor that are difficult to find without looking carefully, and rainwater drains along them. go out.

Isaac almost sacrificed his son, but was stopped by an angel. However, the ancient Romans did not take this into consideration. They would also deliberately spray the blood of the victims into the sky. The whole process was peaceful and solemn, or presented the appearance of a happy festival.

The gods in ancient Greek myths and legends often had banquets on Mount Olympus. Compared with Zeus's companions in the world, the cupbearer who was brought to Mount Olympus to replace the goddess of youth was a bit... Out of line, although from a human perspective this is a blessing.

Neither Themis nor Hera could control Zeus. Zeus ate his first wife Metis. Themis was very disgusted with this, so she created the law of marriage, invented the concept of family, and tried to This will restrain Zeus.

Metis was already pregnant when Zeus ate her. When Zeus was due to give birth, he felt a splitting headache. Hephaestus, the god of fire, split Zeus's head open with an axe, and Athena jumped out of Zeus's head.

The lame Vulcan married Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and made jewelry for her every day in order to please her.

There is a rose ring among them. It looks exquisite, but it is covered with thorns, which means that love has to pay a price and responsibility.

Every Pentecost someone climbs to the opening of the Pantheon and rains down rose petals.

When ancient Roman generals returned in triumph, the Romans would throw flowers at them.

But not everyone appreciates this aesthetic. Massena was more interested in the gold and silver artifacts in the Pantheon. Although the Directory issued an order to allow plundering, some people still refused all plundering. They confronted Massena's army at the Pantheon.

Rousseau said that law can be divided into three categories, civil law, criminal law and fundamental law, plus a fourth and the most important one. This law is neither engraved on a bronze watch nor on marble, but is engraved in the hearts of citizens, thus forming the true constitution of the country. When other laws become obsolete or even die out, it can replace those laws or resurrect them. It can keep the creative spirit of a nation alive, and it can subtly replace the power of authority with the power of habit. He is talking about morals, habits, and especially public opinion.

In fact, these regulations are just the arch beams on the dome, and only the power of morality and habit can finally form the unshakable keystone on that dome.

There have been many twists and turns since the Pantheon was built. First, there was a fire in 80 AD, which destroyed most of the Pantheon. The existing Pantheon was rebuilt by Hadrian based on the drawings left behind.

After the Pantheon was converted into a church, although it was not demolished as a pagan building, many of the marble sculptures inside were moved out. Some were auctioned as works of art, and some were transported to the The town near Rome was buried, and it was in a state of ruin when it was unearthed.

This sculpture was not in the Vatican collection at the beginning. The Pope hoped that Michelangelo’s teacher Bregno would restore the “broken body” to the appearance of Hercules before collecting it, but Bregno and Michelangelo refused. It was finally placed in the observation tower in a dilapidated state.

There is a sculpture of the River God in the Vatican, lying on a platform with a pitcher on his crotch. Many legends have it that the source of the river is the water jar. Some people say it is the river god of the Tigris River, some say it is the river god of the Arno River in Florence. It was found without a head, and Michelangelo put another head on it, making it complete.

When Napoleon moved the art back to France, he originally wanted to take away the famous "broken body", but the curator of the museum stopped him and replaced it with the sculpture of the river god on the grounds of avoiding further damage during transportation.

After it was transported back to Paris, many people commented that the artistic value of the sculpture of the river god was not as good as the body. Now with the emergence of the theme of Hercules' battle with the goddess of fate, the call to transport the "body" to Paris has appeared again.

When Napoleon came to Milan, there was a Mrs. Monti. This Mrs. Monti was not the real wife of the poet Monti. The "real" Mrs. Monti's maiden name was Theresa Picler, a famous hard-stone sculpture. Daughter of the master Giovanni, they married in 1791. In 1793, Monti composed "La Mourning", and soon afterwards he was persecuted by the Jacobins in Naples and Bologna. Monti left his wife and daughter in Rome.

Mrs. Monti who came to Milan was an actress. They met at the Carnival in Parma in 1788. After she miscarried four times, she gave birth to a son for Monti. But Monty was penniless at the time, and she had more than one lover. Monty wrote a satirical poem that alluded to his wife's relationship with a poet, and then left the house.

When Monti was on trial in Rome, he suffered a great deal of fear, both physically and mentally, and he defended himself in letters. At that time, Rome and Napoleon signed the "Treaty of Tolentino". Compared with the Pope's Secretary of State, Mrs. Monti in Milan felt that Bonaparte had more methods, and then Monti was "sent" to Milan.

Here Monti began to write hymns to celebrate the beheading of the king, and he later became Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Western Chalpins. When the Austrian and Russian allied forces came, he sent his daughter to Romagna, fled to Piedmont, and then to Lyon, where he reunited with Theresa. They then traveled to Paris, living on subsidies and hospitality from friends, until 1801, when they returned to Italy.

After returning, he taught Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Milton, but he still had contact with Madame de Staël.

Her contemporary Madame Roland was more focused on family, but unfortunately she died on the guillotine.

Mrs. Starr believes that women suffer from two kinds of pain - silence and loneliness. She does not think that women should stay away from public affairs.

The last time Chiconyara saw Mrs. Starr, her concept of marriage had changed. She no longer believed that she did not want a marriage without love, but believed that only "mutual appreciation" and the ability to "dialogue" A marriage based on this foundation is the most stable.

She forgave Rousseau for his belief in love, which he had mentioned in an essay from his youth that women should stay out of public affairs.

"Do you think they have a chance to talk? Georgiana." Chiconyala said, looking at the open scenery.

Georgiana looked at the shoes on her feet. They were very dirty with mud, but she no longer felt wasted.

"Mrs. de Staël said that in an unequal marriage, there is a kind of pain that surpasses all the pain in the world. She feels that it is timidity and shrinkage." Georgiana said calmly, "But I don't feel that way."

"What is that?" Rohrban asked.

"Miss you?" Chiconyara asked, his tone extremely brisk.

Georgiana shook her head.

"For the sake of love, let go of your own principles." She said melancholy. "The first thing a person who advocates honor pays attention to is his principles. In order to defend his principles, he will not hesitate to give up his job, wealth and even his own life. A person who advocates honor will not hesitate to give up his job, wealth and even his own life. A man must have courage. If he lacks courage, his other principles are nothing more than a sword without a sharp point."

"Isn't that timidity and timidity?" Rohrban said.

"Courage is the instinct of a warrior, to defend what you cherish. There is no other emotion in the world that can enhance courage more than it."

Luo Erban looked at her in confusion.

Georgiana looked up at Chiconyala.

"Medea's instinct is to punish unfaithful husbands. Have you ever seen a female devil living in polygamy?"

Chiconyala laughed.

"Augustine said that every desire is a passion, and we suffer because of passion, and suffering is also a passion, but not every passion is a sin, so if someone says that we suffer fear , it is not a sin, you should not ask me that question, because before departure, he told me that I am nothing." Georgiana said.

"Mura was also a passionate person, and he never looked at a map." Rohrbon said, "So the First Consul asked him to listen to someone who could read a map."

They both looked at Georgiana.

The look in their eyes reminded her of Mullah's weird look, but he didn't mention that he didn't look at the map, and Georgiana didn't think any general would fight without looking at the map.

"I'm just a woman, I don't know anything about war." Georgiana said with a smile, and then continued to walk forward, and soon she reached the center of the square.

She remembered the maze in the Triwizard Tournament, when she also laid it out from the center.

If Bonaparte listened to Mill's advice and occupied Sicily instead of going to Egypt, it would be a different situation.

But what to do now?

This is really a problem.

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