Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3341 The Devil’s Proof (1)

Lent is also called the pre-tribulation period, which occurs 40 days before Easter. On this day, the Great Fast will begin, so in the two weeks before this day, Venetians will wear masks and indulge in carnival, as if they are enjoying what they did not enjoy during the fasting period.

This day is said to originate from the ancient Roman Saturnalia, but there was more than one god of agriculture in ancient Rome. If it was to commemorate Saturn, then the Carnival should be in December, and at the end of December it would be Christmas.

Another saying is to commemorate the god of wine. In March every year, spring flowers are almost blooming in the Mediterranean area. It is suitable to pray to the god of wine for good weather and good weather.

Although there is no agriculture on the main island of Venice, there is still territory on the mainland, not to mention that sailing requires favorable winds.

After returning to the suite, Georgiana thought about it. It was the Carnival in Venice. Why didn't she and Polina put on masks and go there to play?

What other work do you do and what religious representatives do you meet? Sirius Black didn't ask for a trust. Naturally, he could spend as much as he wanted, but once he spent all his money, it would be gone. He comes from a similar background in London, and basically relies on trust to live so freely. The hair of a carefree person looks thicker.

Davout was already bald when he was in his 30s. The key was that he did not wear a wig. Fortunately, the Guardsmen had to wear hats. Italian honor guards also have different heights, but Astorre is not from the Mediterranean and is quite tall. As for Georgiana’s appearance, she doesn’t remember it. Anyway, she’s not too ugly. If you ignore the issue of hair loss, she’s quite tall. Wu looks pretty good.

"Madam!" Feryl yelled.

"What are you doing!" Georgiana covered her heart, which almost jumped out of fright.

"Should I go find Director Denon now?" Feryl asked.

Georgiana shook her head.

Julian knew Paulina's whereabouts better than Georgiana. He probably brought a few French policemen here, whether they were ordered by Fouche or Dubois.

At present, the power of the French police has not crossed the Alps, and they still have to operate secretly... By the way, how did General Lecky still survive after shooting and killing people in the street?

The Republic of Venice still existed before 1797. After he committed a murder in Brescia, he went to the prison in Venice. The jailer was bribed to provide him with an alibi. Although he had sufficient motives, it was because he bribed the priest who listened to the warning. The mistress did not know that it was General Leckie who was listening to her admonishment.

Napoleon forbade Venetians to wear masks, but Venetians wore masks not only for carnival, but also to avoid debts and other reasons. In other words, at best, the witnesses saw a mysterious figure wearing a cloak and a mask who looked like General Leckie shooting the Marquis, while General Leckie relied on the alibi of being in prison, so to speak. The witnesses' accusations were unfounded.

Then Georgiana thought of Harry Potter. When he accused Draco Malfoy, he had no evidence, just "I know."

In British law, there is a reasonable doubt rule. If there is no conclusive evidence, the defendant bears the risk of conviction without proof. After the abolition of divine judgment, starting in the 17th century, "satisfying conscience" became a more frequent standard. The judge would omit the evidence of both parties and rely entirely on the defense of both parties and let the jury make a verdict.

For example, there is an article that does not name names like Rita Kister, such as "Dumbledore," but anyone who has read this article can tell who it is talking about. Now let's ask the jury. Judgment, is the defendant guilty or not guilty?

Chiconyara defended himself, although he did not go to court and at some points did not support the opening of the courts, which came with costs.

In other words, it is a bit unreasonable for Georgiana to continue to restrict Chiconyara’s personal freedom. In civil law, there is a verdict of innocence, especially after the promulgation of the Declaration of Human Rights. A person is legally innocent until he is convicted. sinful.

If Chiconyara had been represented by a lawyer, he might have won and been freed immediately.

Even in the UK, if there is not enough evidence before trial, the person will be deemed to have no "pre-trial effect" and be deemed innocent. The United States simply follows Article 9 of the Declaration of Human Rights.

But the idea of ​​using the presumption of innocence in various revues has become a household name.

For example, a man swears to love a woman for the rest of his life. He is innocent until he betrays her, but is he faithful to his wedding vow?

After he made the oath, the woman felt safe and lived a happy and stable life.

Oath = safety.

If people don't believe in oaths, what can replace oaths as a safety mechanism?

Wizards make unbreakable oaths, and breaking the oath results in punishment, usually death. But it also depends on the viciousness of the third party. Bella has many ways to make life worse than death.

Severus replaced Draco and assassinated Dumbledore. He did his best to take care of Draco, but the oath did not stipulate how long or how many times he would "protect" Draco. Take care of Draco.

Narcissa really felt at ease after Snape agreed to make an unbreakable oath. She was so uneasy before that she even came to Spider End Alley, a place where a lady like her would not go.

Once the war started, Georgiana did not send out intelligence, but also signed documents and used the 16,000 Swiss people. Then she could not think about "neutrality".

It would take some time for the Tsar's Far East plan to take shape. The two hegemons, Sparta and the Delian League, established two concentric circles with themselves as the center.

From the perspective of dominance, Voldemort and Dudley are the right ones. The prerequisite for exercising dominance is strong force. Moreover, Voldemort is different from Dudley. He also pursues immortality and does not have to worry about death and weakness. He will always be so powerful.

He kills whoever he wants, moodily, based on his preference.

In contrast, the Sun King Louis XIV gave rewards based on preference, while Fouquet was exiled after trial, and he was not sentenced to death.

It is easier to win the favor of the king in order to get rewards. Caligula asked the minister to kill his son, and he also asked the loyal minister to love him. This is the same as Voldemort asking the Malfoy couple to kill their only son after he forced them to die. He also wants them to be loyal to him.

If Bonaparte wanted freedom of navigation and could not clear out the "pirates" on the Dalmatian coast, the Mediterranean fleet would definitely appear.

Georgiana immediately wrote to Bougainville, telling him not to go to war with the British, and then Georgiana asked Philyl to call Stanley.

This information was different from the information about Gibraltar that Bonaparte had asked her to pass before, and he did not ask her to say it.

It would be great if she could be like Fleur. Her father might not be particularly good, but he could give her a safe and tolerant home.

Or maybe, although Fleur found a British man, because Bill was ordinary, she didn't need to use "love" to reconcile the two overlords.

In "The Aeneid", Venus loved to bathe in the ocean of Oceanus. He was a Titan, but because he wisely stayed out of the incident, he was not affected and was still the god of the sea.

He also tried to reconcile Zeus and Prometheus, but in vain. Later, even the position of Poseidon was replaced by Poseidon.

Roman loyalty was never a one-sided obligation. Caesar gained the loyalty of his soldiers because he gave them adequate rewards, including fertile land and knighthood. Even when the Trojan King Priam was killed by the son of Achilles, he called at the altar and asked the gods to avenge him if there were "pietas" in heaven.

Then the door opened and Stanley walked in.

"Good afternoon, madam, are you looking for me?" Stanley asked in English.

"I want to have some afternoon tea, do you want to drink it?" Georgiana said in English with a smile.

"It's my honor to have tea with you." Stanley also said with a smile.

So Georgiana asked Felicity to make tea.

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