Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3353 Sugar and Meat (4)

The Philosopher's Stone can not only create elixirs of life, but can also turn "base metals" into precious metals.

In order to make the Philosopher's Stone, many alchemists put a lot of effort into it, but only Nico Flamel, who actually made it, made the Philosopher's Stone in Paris, France.

Although silver mines had been discovered, Spain was short of money. In addition to the technology for withdrawing silver that needs to be improved, there is also the reason for the money order. In short, Godoy does not plan to invest too much in Louisiana. He has seen that Spain cannot achieve the same growth level in North America as South America. North America does not have much contribution or impact on Spain's financial income, but has to bear huge amounts of money. The garrison military expenditure is not only unprofitable, but also a huge burden.

It is cost-effective for Spain to exchange with Tuscany. There is no vast no-man's land there. On the contrary, it has been well developed, with prosperous industry, complete culture and high degree of civilization. The key is "no debt".

In addition to the Louisiana Purchase, there were now two foreign affairs focal points in North America.

One is the issue of DuPont purchasing equipment for making gunpowder from France. The Americans used warships to transport corn from the United States, and then transported "nitrate for making ice" from France.

The fertilizer factory in Paris is disgusting, but it also produces a lot.

The northeast monsoon in the Atlantic Ocean is suitable for driving from the east coast of the United States to Europe. Traveling with the waves is much safer than traveling against them.

American bison is also meat, and the temperature in winter is relatively low, so it can be preserved and transported with natural ice - this is an amazing change across the ages for Americans.

"A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms" describes a magical plant that only grows on the "Fungi Rock" near the "Blue Window" in Malta. It has many medicinal values, but it is the secret of the Knights of Malta. In 1744, the head of the Knights of Malta forbade anyone to approach the rock and sent troops to block the road to Fungus Rock.

The British are now stationed there, but they probably don't know this secret. Georgiana remained silent when she thought of the magical animals and plants that had disappeared in the 20th century, especially the Rem cattle that once ran on the North American prairies and were later unable to obtain a drop of blood and had to be artificially synthesized.

What really brought down the price of bread was the rationing system implemented during the Revolution. France just happened to implement a census, which was much easier to implement than in 1795.

Barel, who wrote the pamphlet, participated in the implementation of rationing together with an actor named Colo, but this actor was not a comedy actor. He was especially good at playing ruthless characters. He once proposed at the National Salvation Committee that the hoarders should be punished. death penalty.

Despite Danton's objections, it was still passed. In addition, the "Suspect Law" that can lock people until the end of the world was also passed on the initiative of Kolo.

April 1795 was the worst. There was not much food left from the previous year, and the next year's food could not be harvested until June. The British had imposed a blockade on the sea, making overseas supplies extremely unreliable.

While the starving women accused the men of being too cowardly to storm the Convention and demand more bread, the royalists continued to fish in troubled waters, suggesting that only the king could restore adequate supplies.

But they were more willing to listen to Robespierre than to bring the ailing Louis XVII out of his miserable prison and put him on the throne.

Later, some women simply rushed into the National Convention to "petition". Their noise made the meeting unable to proceed. Then the Girondin MP Maximian Isnar, who had been a perfume manufacturer, stood up. , to keep them quiet.

This man lived until 1802, and was expelled from the tribune. For a time Georgiana was in charge of the affairs of the veterans, and he distributed the pensions of the war dead to their widows according to Say's doctrine.

Jean-Baptiste Say was a Lyon businessman and a loyal follower of Adam Smith. He supported free trade and invented "Say's Law." The core of this law is "consumption". Producers cause problems in production. The demand for goods from other producers creates a cycle of the entire economic system, where everyone is engaged in production for the purpose of consumption and sales.

They just didn't expect that the family members didn't go shopping, but saved the money, and not in the bank. In socks, under the bed, and in children's ceramic dolls, economists of this era did not yet have the concept of "consumer confidence index", and then Say and Maximian were scolded by Bonaparte.

After changing her clothes that smelled of alcohol, Georgiana asked the kitchen to prepare supper.

If it hadn't been for Augereau, she wouldn't have thought about what would happen to the republicans in the House of Commons after she left.

In 1795, when even bread rations were insufficient, rice was used to make up for it, but rice also needed fuel to cook. This time, they went to Belgium to negotiate a business of imported coal, and the fuel shortage problem was solved.

This time the shipping was not blocked, so it should be relatively easier. However, Basel still wrote the article inciting Britain and France to restart the war.

Another one is the soldiers who are going on an expedition to Santo Domingo. They will land in Mexico. This is a threat to the Americans, but the Americans have also said that if there are French troops stationed in Louisiana, they will fight in future wars. On the side of the British, Mexico is not Louisiana.

Neither sugar nor silk were necessities of life, and these two "free trades" did not have much impact except for the impact on 2,500 silk workers in London.

Adam Smith also said that the beneficial effects of colonial trade on Britain and other reasons have largely overcome the adverse effects of monopoly. The most important thing is the fairness of the judicial system. The British people at the top will respect the British at the bottom. Human rights enable everyone to have the fruits of their own labor, thereby most effectively promoting the development of various industries.

In fact, Say pays more attention to the real economy and full employment. However, even in the process of exchanging goods for money and money for goods, currency only works for a moment. It is as indispensable as steel, which accounts for 1% of the gross national product.

Georgiana once said "barter for barter" in front of a Lyon businessman, which happened under extreme circumstances. People who wore silk were regarded as nobles during the Reign of Terror, and no matter how rich they were, they would not dare to buy silk from Lyon.

Although people wearing cotton products will be slandered in Spitalfields, it would be better not to go to Spitalfields. Where to go and what to do? Experience law and order chaos? Or want to meet Jack the Ripper?

It was precisely because of Maximian's ability to win a group of women's arguments alone that Georgiana let him take charge. The people who participated in the three-level parliament were much more educated than those in the vegetable market. They all hoped that the king would hear their voices and solve their problems, and they spoke louder and louder.

The shelter opened a daycare class, and parents would quarrel just by asking them to pick up their children on time. Donou and Lacahill also planned to provide free accommodation to primary school and normal school students across France. Putting aside the issue of the national budget, Georgiana first asked Donou to try this model.

The children who come to Hogwarts are 11 years old. Although they technically have not graduated from elementary school, they are not "elementary school students" anymore.

Even if senior students generally don't like to be "babysitters", let alone a group of real elementary school students.

When Georgiana returned to the "classroom", she found that Denon had found a group of old men from nowhere, and Stanley was indeed missing.

She was about to turn around and leave, but was discovered by someone at the door.

These people spoke either French or English - both with Italian accents.

Bonaparte spoke French with a Corsican accent, but how did he say it...

Just then the midnight snack arrived, Hungarian broth. The last time Pomona cooked it in the apartment, Mrs. Pell upstairs thought she was making a potion. If she really made a potion, it didn't taste like that. .

Aside from the broth and mashed potatoes, they ate quite normally, at least not as unacceptable as seeing pineapple on pizza.

At this time, she remembered the exchange student from the University of Padua she met in Venice. Her purpose was to protest against too much sugar in food. But no one paid any attention to her. Customers in the cafe kept adding sugar to their espresso, which was more like syrup than coffee.

In that report, the sugar beet yield per acre on both sides of the Po River in Italy was 1.1 times the European average.

"Where are the lime cellars around here?" Georgiana suddenly asked.

I looked around where I was sitting.

"Why do you ask?" Denon asked.

Because beet sugar needs to be added with lime as a clarifier, it cannot be used too much. It needs to be tested with phenolphthalein. If it turns red, is it sugar or a strong alkali?

Don't put too little. If you put too little, the sugar juice will turn black, and what comes out of the pot is not the sugar, but the fermentation products.

In addition, beet residues can be used as feed, but only if Italy does not fall into war again, which will destroy everything.

"It's nothing." She said lightly and continued to eat her midnight snack.

Its taste is as rich as Traitor Trevor said. Because of the addition of dill, it has a fresh citrus and mint flavor, which is worse than the oatmeal eaten by the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar. The food is much more delicious,

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