Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3356 Sugar and Meat (7)


The door to Pomona's office was knocked open by a daredevil, and she began to seriously consider whether to put a restraint on the door like Old Bat.

"Hello, Mr. Longbottom." She looked at Neville, who was breathing heavily. "What can I do for you?"

"They are going to execute Buckbeak." Neville swallowed. "The executioner is Walton MacNeil."

Pomona did not ask Neville why he knew that the person who wanted to execute Buckbeak was a former Death Eater. Walton McNeil was not like other Death Eaters. He was responsible for "cleaning" work, so he had to work with werewolves. Contact was at the bottom of the organization, and Karkaroff didn't even reveal him.

"What do you want me to do?" Pomona asked.

"Of course it's to save Buckbeak," Neville said in shock.

"I think you should know that the sentence for Buckbeak's death was issued by the Ministry of Magic," said Pomona.

"But Buckbeak is innocent and Malfoy is guilty," Neville said accusingly.

She observed Neville.

Children often can't hide their worries. Although they think their acting skills are good, she wants to discern whether Neville really cares about Buckbeak, or whether he wants to take the opportunity to take revenge on Malfoy, who always bullies him.

In the end, she chose to turn the thick book in front of her and push it in front of Neville.

"What is this?" Neville said, looking at the tome.

"Hermione Granger is reading a book recently, "Presumption of Innocence and Reasonable Doubt in History."" Pomona said. "She feels that if Buckbeak is allowed to go to the hearing to defend himself and behave in a civilized manner, the committee will "It is more likely than not that members of the organization would have raised a 'reasonable doubt' as to the crimes with which it is charged."

Neville looked at Pomona in surprise.

"There is a precedent in history. There was a troll who was accused of attacking a villager driving a carriage, but he behaved meekly at the hearing. After investigation, it was found that a huge boulder rolled down a mountain and he just happened to be nearby. ." Pomona said.

"Can it be done?" Neville asked Pomona.

Pomona shook his head.

"Why?" Neville asked unhappily.

Because of Hagrid's past, he was not allowed to become the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts, or even get close to the little wizards, even if he was a sentimental big man.

"You may hear it from other places, but I hope you can stay calm and objective and listen to me." Pomona said softly, "Can you do that?"

Neville nodded.

Pomona organized the language.

"Leprechauns can speak human language, but no one has ever proposed to classify them as humans." Pomona said, "Because they like to attract the attention of Muggles, which does not meet Grogan Stamp's definition of human beings. Human beings are creatures with sufficient intelligence to understand the laws of magical society and shoulder the responsibility of upholding these laws.”

"You mean, Buckbeak is not human." Neville said after thinking for a moment.

"There is a difference between humans and animals. Some pure-bloods proposed treating Muggles as animals. This has not been passed legally, but in the minds and hearts of those people, they still think so." Pomona said helplessly. explain.

"Of course this is wrong!" Neville said calmly.

"You should learn about witch hunting in your history class this semester. What do you think?" Pomona asked.

The flames on Neville's body suddenly went out.

There were certain topics that Pomona felt were too heavy to broach to a teenager, even though he, like Harry, was born at the end of July.

"There once was a boy named Credence. He was parasitized by the Obscurus, just like the little wizards of that era who had to suppress their own power. However, in his era, Macusa had announced that there were no more Obscurials in the United States. But he appeared in New York, Manhattan, where Macusa's headquarters is located. At that time, Macusa enacted a law that could kill dangerous magical creatures on the spot, so he was executed on the spot. He was exactly the same as you and me before being parasitized." Pomona said "And the fugitive, Sirius Black, who didn't even defend himself when he was interrogated..."

"But he killed his friend," Neville said.

"No, Neville, that's not what I'm discussing with you!" Pomona said angrily, "You boys often act on a whim..."

"So you think you should be like Hermione Granger, spending time and energy only to find that nothing can be changed?" Snape said outside the door.

When did he come?

Neville saw his "Boggart" and was so scared that he didn't dare to say anything.

Snape ignored him and walked up to Pomona.

"The sword of justice cannot be wielded by an angry man," Pomona said, looking him in the eyes, "or by a passing 'interest.'"

He laughed.

"Interested?" he said in a low voice.

"Killing is not a fun game." She said out of breath, lowering her head, not daring to look at him.

"Then what's a fun game?" he said slowly.

She thought he must have learned something from the Death Eaters, and then she saw Neville, who was staring at them both.

She drove Neville away in anger.


Voldemort has a pet snake named Nagini, and Credence has a blood orc friend, also named Nagini. They have a helpless fate that one day they will completely transform into animals and forget that they were ever human.

Neville used the Sword of Gryffindor to destroy Nagini. He probably didn't think too much when he swung the sword, thinking that he had relieved Nagini's pain.

Georgiana looked at the ceremonial sword inlaid with the Prince Regent's diamond that was placed on the table in front of her. She put it on the table simply because she couldn't find a place to put it, but the city representatives sitting there might use it. Everyone looked at it in awe or pretended not to see it. Everyone seemed uncomfortable, and there were not as many "problems" as there were before.

There are usually two crossed keys on the papal coat of arms, which comes from a sentence in the Gospel of Matthew: I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be loosed. Yes, it will also be released in heaven.

Later this power was called "clavium potestas", which can be understood as a transfer of power.

In the news and newspapers of the 20th century, you can often see the mayor handing a huge key to a celebrity with a smile on his face. Its more meaning is an honor, recognizing someone's contribution, and naming that person a person. Honorary Citizen.

Even the city walls and fortresses of Turin have been demolished, and the city has been allowed to be planned by the French. The fortifications of other cities, such as Lucca and Florence, were not dismantled, but they also began to transform the ancient cities, whether it was the actual construction of a new look for the city or in other aspects.

Georgiana had been to Brussels, where Louis XIV's cannons overran the city walls, hit the center of Brussels, razed it to the ground, and then built French buildings over it.

Napoleon's war in Italy was mostly in the field. He gave the task of demolishing Turin to the Executive Committee of Turin. They decided which places to demolish, what not to demolish, and how to demolish it.

In addition, there are drainage systems, water diversion systems, lighting, slaughterhouses, etc. These are all determined in a scientific way after rational research.

Florence is not in the Shannan Republic, but who doesn't want to "progress"?

People in the Middle Ages spent too much energy and time building churches, and the construction of Milan Cathedral has not really ended until now. During this 500-year construction period, 78 architects designed the Milan Cathedral, and they all wanted to incorporate the most beautiful and wonderful designs of their time into this building.

International Gothic, late Gothic, French Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, etc. Chiconyara talked about a lot, and she couldn't remember it clearly.

She is carefully crafted everywhere and is a work of art everywhere, but she cannot be defined as a certain style, more like a super mixed cocktail.

She was beautiful, but Pomona had never thought of having a wedding there, and the statue of St. Bartholomew, even decorated with roses, would have been too intimidating to appear at a wedding.

The first time she thought of "heaven" and "man" was because of the roof of Milan Cathedral. It looked like a cross lying down, imagining someone was nailed there.

Then she saw the "microcosm" and "macrocosm", which are Plato's thoughts. In "Timaeus" he mentioned that the mission of man is to make the immortal elements in us commensurate with the movement of all things in the universe, so that The soul will become rational and orderly.

This is an order that is different from Aristotle’s “blood”.

There are many “touchstones” of courage, including facing death nobly.

The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus once said: I must die, I must be imprisoned, I must endure exile, I know it, but must I die groaning? Do I have to cry and cry? Can anyone stop me from smiling in exile?

There was something about the adult Snape that the teenage Snape didn't have, and she had thought he had learned it from the Death Eaters.

When a person chooses to stand, the "hands" and "feet" are different. If Snape was prostrate on the ground just to survive, his "hands" and "feet" would be equal, but that posture would be too ugly.

As long as he does not lose his composure, Voldemort has a noble temperament that Dumbledore does not have, although he cannot face his own death noblely.

Sirius had been complaining about unfairness since he came out of Azkaban. She admired Snape even more for knowing that the world was unfair but not complaining. He worked hard to become strong so that no one could separate him from the one who lived in Spider-End Alley. , the boy who fantasizes about life in a magic school is connected.

Fantasy always brings pleasure, but how is he actually doing in magic school?

There are many kinds of sage. The perfume Snape uses is made from muscadine sage, which tastes very similar to muscadine wine.

It turned out that all this was her imagination, and he was still the "Sev" who made a fuss at the door of the Gryffindor common room, waiting for Lily to open the door for him.

Rather than being disappointed, she firmly believed in the idea that "nature is unchangeable". No wonder both the "White Wizard" and the "Dark Lord" gave up on him.

No matter how much you put into him or how much you pour on him, he is always like that.

Marble is not as hard as granite, so it can be carved. It is like having a person inside the stone and all the sculptor has to do is dig him out with a chisel.

But a chisel that can cut into marble cannot cut into granite. If you continue to cut away, the chisel will break on its own.

Only dynamite, or an Obscurus like Credence, could shatter the granite of the Alps.

She finally figured out how the idea that lingered in her mind and made her want him to find a fertile woman to marry came from.

Fantasy is fantasy and it cannot possibly satisfy actual needs.

"Do you think this is practical?" Georgiana looked at the deputies who were much older than her calmly. "When a person commits a crime, the punishment cannot be too severe, because as far as the crime committed by the criminal is concerned, the excess is like It is punishing the innocent, but it cannot be too light. Legal experts say that current sins are different from original sins and are committed through free will. But I do not think that free will necessarily represents sin. St. Augustine said that doing good also requires free will. It says in the book of James that if a person knows to do good but does not do it, it is his sin.”

No one said anything, so she went on to tell her own story.

"Paracelsus said that everything is toxic, and the dose is the key to toxicity. In the process of making sugar from beets, lime needs to be added as a clarifier. Adding too much will turn the sugar into a strong alkali. Too little will turn the sugar into a strong base. , it will turn black and ferment.”

"That's why you asked us where we have the lime cellar?" asked the Modena representative.

"I want to use the British charitable trust system to solve the land issue left by the Archbishop of Milan." Georgiana took the sword away from the table. "You can vote."

"Vote by show of hands or by secret ballot?" asked the representative from Bologna.

She glanced at the sky, it was almost dawn.

"I'll prepare breakfast for you." Georgiana said with a smile, then stood up, left the sword behind, and went to work in the kitchen.

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