Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3360 Peter and Lombard (2)

Legend has it that the word Lombardy comes from Greek and means long beard.

They first lived in Scandinavia and began to migrate south along the land route around the 1st century AD. In the history of Tacitus, it was recorded that there was a very warlike tribe in the Elbe River. They worshiped the main god Lamba ( langbard).

In short, they had a conflict with a tribe named Heruli, who lived at the border of Slovenia and Austria. They were the most ferocious and brutal Germanic tribe at that time.

However, the Lombards conquered them, and then these Vikings began to expand. When Justinian tried to regain the territory of the ancient Roman Empire from Constantinople, Belisarius was the first to encounter them, but Belisarius Lisarius did not have a direct conflict with them, but gave them funds and equipment to attack another barbarian group.

At that time, Milan was still the border of the Eastern Roman Empire. When Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, he signed another marriage. Licinius would marry Constantine's half-sister Constantia. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Constantine I killed Licinius and his only son with Constantia. Constantine did not remarry and spent the rest of her life in her brother's court.

However, the Lombards had not yet migrated from Scandinavia at that time. After they formed an alliance with Justinian, they regarded Pavia as their capital. When Justinian's war with the Goths ended, only a small army remained, which was unable to resist the Lombards and their allies.

Italy soon fell to the Lombards, city after city was taken with little resistance, and the outlines of the new Lombard kingdom were soon formed.

Then the King of Lombardy arranged for his trusted dukes to rule. With the assassination of King Albert in Verona, Lombardy entered the era of "duke rule". However, the dukes did not rule their territories "quietly". They formed alliances with the Franks and Byzantines respectively, but found that they "led the wolf into the house", and both the Franks and Byzantines wanted to occupy their territories.

So they ceased fighting, for in order to do this they needed a king again, and they placed Osari, son of Clive, on the throne.

However, in the conflict with the Franks, Lombardy lost a lot of land. Ossari married Audlinda, the daughter of the Duke of Bavaria, and made her the Queen of Lombardy. She was only 19 years old at the time.

Ossari died the next year. After Ossari's death, who would marry the queen became a controversial topic among the dukes. Later, the dukes decided to let the queen decide for herself. This is what the play is about.

There used to be a cathedral in Monza, which was built by Queen Audlinda of Lombardy in 595. She had married the Duke of Turin at that time, and thus began the Turin Dynasty of the Lombard Kingdom.

The Duke of Turin was Osari's cousin, and was said to be so handsome that the Queen of Lombardy decided to marry him as soon as she saw him. The hand-kissing ritual was invented by the Vikings around the 8th century, but who says the Vikings at the end of the 6th century couldn’t do it?

The lyrics in the play are that when the Duke of Turin kissed the hand of the Queen of Lombardy, the Queen said to him affectionately, "You should not kiss my hand, but my lips." Their marriage That's it for sure.

Monza Cathedral was not built for the wedding of the two, but to store the Iron Crown. St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, is said to have found the True Cross with the two nails on it that were used to nail Jesus.

There are many such holy objects, but one of the two nails was thrown into the Adriatic Sea to calm the storm, and the other was used on the war helmet of Emperor Constantine. After the Edict of Milan was promulgated, he Removed the nails from the helmet.

The enamel plate on the Iron Crown was given by the church as a diplomatic gift. It was not originally used as a crown for coronation. It may have originally been smaller in size, suitable as an armband or a votive crown, hung from the altar.

However, Henry VII was crowned Holy Roman Emperor with an iron crown until 1558. After Charles V issued an edict to abdicate in 1556, he divided the empire into Spanish Habsburg and Austrian Habsburg. He ruled Spain himself and gave Austria to Ferdinand I. However, Ferdinand I was not crowned until 1558. Year.

No Roman emperor had been crowned in Rome since Frederick III. The Iron Crown is said to have been donated to the church after the death of the Queen of Lombardy. Now it is kept more as a "cultural relic". In 1717, there was a big debate about the authenticity of the iron nails on the Iron Crown.

But what the audience was talking about was not the crown. The play was adapted. When the Duke of Turin kissed the queen's hand, the ghost of the queen's ex-husband, Osari, appeared. His lyrics were "My cousin married Should I bless or curse my queen?"

The audience was booing at that time.

The ghost of Osari wears a skull mask. Theoretically, it is impossible for a person to turn into a skeleton so quickly. But 20 years ago, when Alberin was still alive, he used the skull of another Germanic tribe leader as a wine glass. It was later said that he was poisoned by his wife.

The skull is the most popular and recognizable symbol of death in human history, but the skull on the Jolly Roger has two bones added to it, which represents "Jolly Roger". It is actually a friendly sign, because when the pirate's mast rises Raising a red flag represents unforgiveness.

The rules of this era are like this. Not only the navy, but pirates also have many flags. They will hang one of them and wait until they are close enough to the ground before raising the real flag. However, the navy often means firing cannons, "Happy Roger" It's negotiable.

Ancient Roman pirates would use the double snake staff of Mercury as a symbol, which was a god who protected clever people, liars and thieves.

Snake emblems can be seen everywhere in Milan... This pattern reminds Georgiana of the tomb of a woman who had to have the coat of arms of her first and second husbands engraved on the sarcophagus after her death because of Dante's Divine Comedy.

She recently learned something new - it doesn't matter what others think of us, but what matters is how we think others think of us.

The monks at the St. Bernard Pass monastery will not distinguish their nationality when searching for and rescuing mountaineers in distress. Paramedics and doctors on the battlefield will wear armbands with a red cross on a white background.

In addition to using whips to "pass the road", the Prussian army also had a kind of punishment. The officer would hit the soldiers with the dull side of the saber, usually 25 to 50 times.

Whether it hurts or not is secondary... The army also has an enlightenment movement. There is a cafe on Rue Saint-Honoré dedicated to victorious officers. The 12 pillars are decorated with laurel leaves. There is a shield-shaped panel on the top of the pillar, and the shield has Medou on it. Sha's portrait will be on the pillar, and the winner's flag will be hung on the pillar.

Mullah took Caroline there, and the people inside talked about military life, events, theories, etc.

Collective unity is extremely important, and France's strict hierarchical divisions seriously hindered mutual respect and cooperation among soldiers. "Fraternity," a Greek word representing brotherhood, was an emerging military theory for people in the 18th century. The belief and theory was that success in battle depended on trusting and close relationships between the soldiers of the Grande Legion, or more broadly, Napoleonic friendship.

"Oh, by the way, there's something I forgot to tell you." Caroline said as if she really suddenly remembered it.

"What else?" Georgiana asked.

"Jerome met an American girl in Baltimore and they were married." Caroline smiled and said, "Besides me, only Joseph knows."

Georgiana was struck by lightning.

"Of course, now we have to add you." Caroline put her hand on her belly. "Her belly will soon be about the same size as mine."

"If there are any other surprises, let's talk about it together." Georgiana said with a smile.

"How about this surprise?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a man suddenly said.

They followed the sound and found out that it was the middle-aged man who said "the defender of peace" at the meeting.

"Which city do you represent?" Georgiana asked him.

"Leon." He walked up to Georgiana and kissed the back of her hand. "My name is Joseph Marie De Grando, and I am a semiotician."

"What surprise do you have for me?" Georgiana asked.

"The Lyon Chamber of Commerce is willing to fund this operation with 10 million francs." After speaking, Grando kissed Caroline's hand again.

Although this does solve the urgent need, but...

"Where are your earrings?" Grando looked at Georgiana's ears. "You seem to have a pair of olive leaf earrings."

"One was taken away," Georgiana said, touching her left ear.

"Do you want new ones?" Grando asked.

She shook her head.

"It's a unique thing in the world, and nothing can replace it." Georgiana replied.

"What are you talking about?" Caroline asked.

"The olive branch and the sword of victory." Georgiana looked at Caroline and said, "Which one do you want? Let me tell you first, the olive branch may not win the sword of victory."

"Besides semiotics, what else do you know?" Caroline asked Grando.

"I can still defend the city." Grando said proudly, "I participated in the defense of Lyon and resisted the anti-French alliance."

Then he looked at Georgiana and said, "I heard that you asked General Augereau to go to Rivoli Castle?"

"I didn't let him go, I just suggested it," said Georgiana.

"It's in ruins there, and what kind of troops does he use to defend it?" Grando asked.

Georgiana shook her head.

"I haven't thought about this problem. Besides, it's just a suggestion." Georgiana said.

"How about letting him go with Mullah?" Caroline asked Georgiana.

Georgiana thought for a moment and shook her head.

"Let's keep walking for a while." She said as she walked.

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