Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3365 secret land of apollo (Part 2)

The party was held in the garden of Chiconyara Manor, but the main event was indoors. Benjamin Franklin invented a glass harp. It is said that he was inspired by a goblet at a party. The piano does not need to be struck. The player will sit next to the glass piano like sitting at a piano, put his feet on the connecting plate, let the glass piano rotate, and then touch the edge of the glass bowl with wet fingers, so that it will make a sound. .

Paganini heard the sound and exclaimed, "This is the sound of heaven."

This is a "compliment" for a violinist who specializes in playing "The Devil's Trill."

In addition to friends from the art world of Chiconyara, Aurelio, a Milanese celebrity whom Georgiana had only heard of in the morning, also came. He also brought some of his friends, and the party scene was lively. Less than Chiconyara remains under house arrest.

Some people say that curiosity is the driving force for human progress.

But Georgiana felt too many "curious" prying eyes.

Those whispers carried by the wind disturbed her soul, even though she used to be a person who liked to "chat" with others.

When everyone is chatting about someone, will she look out of place if she doesn't join in?

Although she is not interested in someone's personal life.


Georgiana looked up and found that it was Chiconyara. He really didn't look like what he was rumored to be.

In fact, she was also curious as to why he wanted to marry such a woman.

But she suppressed her curiosity and smiled at him.

"It's not cold, thank you for your concern."

"But you don't seem to like this party, at least not like Mrs. Muela." Chiconyara looked at Caroline not far away, her long and loose skirt covered her figure, she was like a queen Move around the site.

"She didn't come here just to relax." Georgiana took a sip of wine.

"Why is that?" Chiconyara asked curiously.

To save her husband's career.

Georgiana thought to herself.

Between her husband and her brother, Caroline chose her husband, even though rumors would make Napoleon look foolish enough to start a war over a woman.

Soldiers followed Napoleon not only for pure force, but also because he had a clear mind and would put his bayonet down in front of someone who really knew what he was talking about.

"Do you think my outfit matches you?" Georgiana asked Chiconyara with a smile.

He looked at her with a smile on his face, as if wearing a Venetian mask.

"Want to have a dance?" Chiconyara asked.

Just then a waiter came over, Georgiana put the wine glass on the plate he was holding, then she took Ciconiara's arm and walked into the dance floor.

There were people dancing on the dance floor, but when they saw them coming, they all dispersed.

In fact, if Georgiana danced with Bonaparte, they would be about the same height. When dancing with Ciconiara, she would have to be "higher", while Ciconiara would have to bend down, but in any case, they would still follow. The music jumped up.

After spinning around twice, she had a strange idea that she was waltzing with Lucifer.

"I heard that General Murat is going to Naples this time." Ciconiala asked, "Do you want to build roads?"

In fact, Georgiana didn't know which direction Mullah was going, although it sounded like he was going north.

"Women shouldn't discuss war," Georgiana whispered. "And politics."

"How about we talk about jewelry? Is this necklace yours?" Chiconyara asked.

"No, I borrowed it." Georgiana lowered her head subconsciously, "How do you know it's not mine?"

"Not your style," Chiconyala said. "I have a gift for you."

"I really can't wait." Georgiana said with a smile, suddenly feeling that this dance was extremely long.

Even ghosts have their own social circles. Peeves is not even willing to invite Nearly Headless Nick to join him.

The Gray Lady did go, but she didn't seem to go. Barrow was humming alone on the observatory.

They died, but their souls did not disappear with the dissolution of their bodies as Epicurus said. They wandered in the castle for thousands of years, constantly hearing the living people talking about their "stories."

In the history of Roman law, there was a provision that called the area north of the Tiber River a "foreign country".

In the early days of Rome's founding, the Etruscans built 12 cities north of the Tiber River. They were long-term rivals of Rome.

As mentioned in the Aeneid, they came from the Greek world in the Aegean Sea and were more influenced by Greek culture.

Since the discovery of Pompeii, there has been a wave of archaeological craze in Europe, but Rome, with its ancient ruins everywhere, cannot easily dig up "archeology".

Just like "before", Rome issued "restricted maps" on which excavations were absolutely prohibited, circled in red.

The biggest difference between archaeological excavation and human anatomy is that the results of the research must be published, so archaeological enthusiasts began to explore around. In the mid-18th century, someone discovered an ancient Greek city in Albania. Later, after research, it should be Belonging to the 5th century BC, that is, the Romans claimed that pirates had attacked their merchant ships, and then began the Roman conquest of the Illyrian Kingdom of the Greek world.

This city is called Apollonia. There were many "Apolonia" in ancient Greece, and there was one in Macedonia. But Apollonia in Albania was not only in ruins, because an earthquake caused the terrain to change, it became a It is not easy to dig out the swamp, so even though it was discovered in the 18th century, it still remains as it was discovered.

After finding this place, it shouldn't be difficult to find a thousand-year-old tree nearby.

Some people say that in order to attract the attention of Louis XV, Madame Pompidou often appeared in the yew woods near the hunting grounds. She was always heavily scented with perfume, and the smell would remain even if she left.

Louis XV smelled the scent and remembered it so much that he discovered Madame Pompidou in the crowd.

But her dream is not to become the second Madame Pompidou.

Besides, she is not as talented as Madame Pompidou. She just wants to know whether that Apollonia was the "crime scene" that year.

Finally, the song ended, and Chiconyara took her off the dance floor and headed to a lounge.

"Where is my gift?" Georgiana asked Chiconyara.

"You'll see it soon." He smiled mysteriously, and then opened the door in front of him.

They walked in. In the open space of the lounge, there was an old man. Although he was in a wheelchair, he was wearing an evening dress.

"Good evening, madam," the old man said as he tried to stand up, but Georgiana quickly stopped him.

"Please don't stand up, sir," said Georgiana, looking at Chiconyara with a realization.

"Open it, zoisite," Chiconyala said, looking at the old man.

The old man opened the jewelry box on his knees with trembling hands.

It is the gemstone necklace carved from a stone that looks like a "wine-colored sea".

The sound of the glass piano sounded outside the house again. In fact, even a skilled player will still make mistakes occasionally. The human ear can only accept sound waves of a certain frequency, and cannot hear sounds above or below this frequency.

Glass bowls sometimes produce such frequencies that the sound sounds intermittent, like a bad contact.

Caroline made her choice. She knew that Bonaparte could not trust him, not even his blood relatives. You...

"Please protect Slovenia." The old man said in a weak voice, "Keep it from the fire of war."

"Is this why you left your library?" Georgiana asked.

"I think this reason is sufficient." The old man smiled and said, "What do you think?"

She thought of the Black Lake, and the castle beside it, almost in ruins after the great war.

"I don't think I have that ability." Georgiana said, "You've found the wrong person."

"Do you like that necklace?" Chiconyara asked.

"What if you like it? What if you don't like it?" she asked.

"If you like it, just accept it, don't ask how much it costs," Chiconyara said.

"Do you think I'm a carpe diem person?" Georgiana asked.

Ciconiala walked behind her and took off the necklace from her neck. Then he walked to the old man, took out the necklace from the box, and then walked to Georgiana again and put it on her.

"That's much better." Chiconyara looked at her and said with satisfaction. "It suits you better than 'Troy Is Burning'."

She held up the "sea water" that kept changing colors under the light.

"What do you call it?" asked Georgiana.

"What do you want to call it?" asked zoisite.

"How do you know 'Troy Is Burning'?" Georgiana asked, looking at the gem.

"Even if you throw it away, you still can't stop fate." Chiconyala said with a smile, "Do you think I am right?"

She looked at Chiconyala.

"You know, how did I come up with the idea of ​​Hercules vs. Fate? Destiny is not to be blocked, it is to be defeated."

"Do you think you can win?" Chiconyara asked.

She thought of Josephine's diamond ring with her destiny engraved on it, but unfortunately that name was also taken.

"Mrs. Starr is right, there is not enough sunshine in England, and the women there are beautiful but unknown." Chiconyara said softly, "How about calling it the gift of Apollo?"

Apollo gave Hector a helmet, which blocked the spear of Diomodes who was good at shouting. Odysseus stood near him, and Diomodes said to Odysseus, "The disaster star is coming to you." We're coming."

"I'm not a disaster star." She said sadly, wanting to take off the necklace. "Who would like a disaster star!"

Chiconyala easily controlled her and prevented her from going crazy.

"Didn't the disaster star block it?" Chiconiyala coaxed.

He was right in a certain sense. The missile hit Hector and made him faint. When he woke up, Hector jumped on the chariot and returned to his team, escaping the dark death.

"Accept it as you accept your fate," Chiconyala said like a poet.

She broke free from his arms now and ran away.

Where are you going?

At this moment, she really wanted to apparate to that lost ancient city, but unfortunately she didn't know its exact coordinates, and Albania was so far away from Scotland. Could Helena apparate to such a far place all at once?

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