Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3368 The Tide of the World (3)

Starting at about the age of 9, Ciconiara left Ferrara and went to Modena to study. He stayed there until he was 18 years old, and then "escaped" to Rome.

Rome at that time was Bernini's Rome. Just like when Bernini came to Rome with his father, it belonged to Caravaggio, and almost all the churches had Caravaggio's masterpieces.

The Fountain of the Four Rivers, the bronze baldachin in St. Peter's Basilica, and even St. Peter's Square itself were all designed by Bernini.

Many people say that Michelangelo's works give the sculptures divinity, while Bernini's works are famous for chasing desire, and the stones they touch have a beating life.

The sculpture in "Pieta" is not a living body. Whether it is "Moses" or "David", you can carefully observe their muscles and blood vessels, because in a state of exertion, the blood vessels in David's body are swollen. There is a depression on the forearm of Moses' right hand. This depression is caused by the extensor muscle of the little finger. It only appears when the little finger is raised. However, there is no sign of exertion on the body of the Pieta. This reflects Michelangelo's Luo's knowledge of anatomy.

"Pluto Robs Persephone" was sculpted by Bernini. He gave the marble a texture of flesh and blood. When Hades' hand held Persephone's body with force, the details of the sunken skin were clearly carved out. . The "flesh and blood" he depicts is not Michelangelo's nearly scientific description. When people see Persephone's thighs, they won't look for her blood vessels. In other words, the "energy" expressed by Michelangelo and Bernini is different.

Michelangelo was inspired by the "Broken Body", which was sitting there in silence. Bernini is dynamic, and Pluto gets Persephone laughing loudly. Although the statue cannot make a sound, the viewer can imagine it from his expression, even if his happiness is based on Persephone's terror. .

The finished product was initially placed lower than the ground, as if Pluto was "sinking" with Persephone.

Soon the cold underworld will warm up. After all, Pluto does not lose his life like other people who come to the underworld. He is an immortal god who is just assigned to be in charge of the underworld.

However, the young Ciconiara did not like Bernini that much, or in other words, he was interested in the German painter Mence, although Mence had already passed away when Ciconiara arrived in Rome.

Bernini and the Sun King were from the same era. As the most popular artist in Rome, whatever Bernini wanted, he only had to look at it and someone would give it to him. When the Sun King Louis XIV began to build Versailles, he invited Bernini. Their cooperation was not happy. The Sun King was always dissatisfied with Bernini's design. In the end, Bernini only sculpted a bust for Louis XIV and did not Leave no buildings behind.

Why do people covet the world of mortals?

The love for life prevents us from feeling that the coming of death is a relief.

Albus Dumbledore had no attachment to life because he lived too painfully and soberly.

There is a vampire who is good at confusing his "prey", and the blood of his "prey" is sucked while he is in a daze. He and Mrs. Zabini were good friends. Once, Mrs. Zabini wore a completely backless black silk dress. She attracted the attention of all the men in the room, even though everyone knew that her fourth husband was died.

In the end, this vampire did not get eternal life. He died in 1977, not because he forgot to close the curtains and was burned to death by the sun, but because of the duel... Fudge's implementation of the ban on dueling was actually supported by some people.

The last time she met the vampire Giovanni in Venice, he was among the Muggles. In 1754, Britain and Italy held a broomstick competition. They flew from Scotland to the Colosseum in Rome, and a fight broke out between supporters of both sides.

Around 1620, a mysterious man came to Milan, which happened to coincide with the time when mercenaries destroyed the castle. Then the doors of many houses in the city were smeared with blood overnight, and then the "plague" came to the city. .

When the Italian wizards came to visit, she thought they seemed very polite, but Severus changed his mind about settling in Venice and gave up the house he bought.

Then she remembered the underground cave in Venice, which, like the Pantheon, had a ray of light shining down on an altar.

On that altar, she got a key that could go anywhere. It didn't seem to be of much use at the time. What would she do with it if someone Apparated?

The two faces of the Gate of Janus, one holding the key, the other holding the rod of warning...

She had no hope and asked Grando if he knew about Venice's renovation plan, or what Caroline called the "evisceration plan."

"Oh, I know this. When we occupied Venice, we renovated the port and arsenal of Venice." Grando said.

"Why didn't anyone tell me!" Georgiana couldn't help but raise her voice.

"After the Treaty of Campo Formio was signed, we withdrew and the renovation work stopped." Grando asked inexplicably, "Why do you ask?"

She felt more and more the need to go to Venice, even though it was a bad idea to "travel" now.

Paganini's violin sounded again, this time he played a very slow and lyrical piece by Handel.

Severus threw a violin into the Alpine fire, where the souls of the six musicians were imprisoned.

"Portkey," Georgiana whispered.

"What?" Grando asked even more strangely.

As long as you have the Portkey, you can reach your destination no matter how far the distance is, or if Apparition is prohibited like Hogwarts, just like the Quidditch World Cup.

Maybe Helena has been to the place where the crown is hidden before, and then made a door key to prepare for the next time she goes there. It can be anything...


She seemed to hear someone say and turned her head subconsciously.

"Think of the key that can open any door." Grindelwald smiled at her.

"It's too difficult," she said subconsciously.

"If Janus' head were separated, would they still be Janus?" Grindelwald asked.

She couldn't answer the question.

"Madam," Grando whispered, "Who are you talking to?"

She turned her head nonchalantly.

Rather than saying that Muggles couldn't see Dementors, it was more like saying that he was a lunatic talking to things that other people couldn't see.

Isn't the half of the face of the door-opener holding the key the same as that of Janus holding the key?

Of course, no one wants to have an extra face on the back of their head, so it’s better to use it sparingly.

"I'm going to rest for a while," said Georgiana.

Grando immediately helped her and sat down by the fountain in the garden.

She looked at the reflection in the spring and seemed to see Ravenclaw's diadem under the water.

Obviously, it was not made into a portkey and was kept in the Room of Requirement until the final battle.

However, it was the crown that became the key to the connection between Voldemort and Albania.

"Falling in love with yourself?"

Georgiana looked up and found that it was Grando who had just hidden the wand and poured her water.

"Are you a wizard?" Georgiana asked.

"Are you a witch?" the other party asked.

She was silent for a moment.

"Yes," she said quietly.

"Then why did you tell everyone you weren't?" the other party asked.

"This is my means of survival." Georgiana said softly, "What can I do for you?"

"Introducing myself, my name is Francois Zabini, nice to meet you, witch." He smiled and said, "I am a wizard."

"You still haven't said what you want to do," said Georgiana.

"Knowing you." Zabini said happily. "I thought you would like to talk to your kind for a while. Haven't you had enough of these Muggles?"

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