Ron Weasley was missing, and at the time of the explosion, there were man-eating spiders everywhere, and his mum Molly passed out immediately after learning the news.

"I... I didn't know he couldn't Apparate." Seamus Finnigan was sweating profusely, and said to the stunned Hermione, "You know, according to legend, he found you by Apparating, And he always arrives on time when he's an Auror."

"It's useless to worry about these things now, let's form a search and rescue team immediately." Harry said categorically, this young man was crowned the title of savior perhaps because of his amazing mobility, which is a typical Gryffindor trait , reckless doer.

"It doesn't take too many people to find a person. If he is still alive, he will leave traces. If too many people go, the traces will be destroyed." Rolf said, "You should form an elite team, Haribo special."

"There are people from the firefighting team everywhere around the fire scene, where are there any traces to track?" Dean Thomas immediately shouted.

"It's no use arguing with me, my friend. The important thing now is to save people." Rolf said wearily, "Also, you should ask the person guarding the demarcation line. If you don't see him, it proves that he is still with you." On the other hand, I think the Weasley family and the people next door have many enemies, and it will be very dangerous to pass at this time."

Everyone was silent.

"I don't think there's anything to hesitate." Arthur Weasley quickly made up his mind, and patted Harry on the shoulder. "Thank you, Harry. Leave it to me to find someone."

"No, Arthur..."

"You still have a lot to do. Ron is my son, and it's my responsibility to bring him back." Arthur put his hand on Harry's shoulder and looked at him sincerely, "Help me take care of him." Good Molly."

"Where are Bill and George?" Ginny asked. "Ron's their brother."

"They still have their own family to take care of, don't bother them, dear." Arthur looked at Ginny and said, "Actually, you shouldn't be here, who is looking after James now?"

"I asked Andromeda for help."

"Harry is Teddy's godfather, why do you ask Teddy's grandparents for help instead? You go back to me immediately." Arthur looked at his watch, "Merlin's beard is going to be twelve o'clock, you know you are now How irresponsible is your behavior? Your mother was never like you."

"Go home, Ginny," said Hermione absent-mindedly. "I'll get your brother back."

Ginny glared at Hermione like she was about to say something vicious, but Ginny didn't say a word, turned and left the tent, and Apparated.

"We're moving camp," Justin said at this moment. "They know where we are, and they might Apparate at any moment."

Justin didn't say who they were, but the smell of high-end perfume in the tent silently said who he was.

"Ready to evacuate." Harry announced helplessly, so everyone started to get busy, the house elves were also helping to pack, and Arthur and Harry walked out of the tent together.

"Don't come back after you find Ron, take him home immediately, Arthur," said Harry.

"I know." Arthur pursed his lips and nodded with a smile. "Take care of yourself, and my daughter, Harry Potter."

"I'll go with you." Simon walked out of the tent. "I could have taken him with me to apparate, and I am also responsible for this."

Arthur didn't say anything, and left with Simon. Harry turned his head and discussed with Justin where the next camping point should be.

The quiet camp began to be chaotic, the first half of the night was not over, the second half of the night was approaching, the time before dawn was hard to bear, how pleasant it was to lie on a warm and comfortable bed in this cold and tired time.

Things that are usually commonplace become precious when they are scarce. Sleep is just a terrible aspect of war.

Wild animals must be vigilant at all times, and domesticated ones can sleep in peace. When domesticated ones return to the wild, there must be a process of rewilding.

Every animal needs to learn, deer have to learn how to hide, wolves have to learn how to hunt, let them out without survival skills, and abandoning pets without going through this process will kill them. Recruits tend to suffer the highest battle losses, because they have not yet adapted to the process of returning from civilization to barbarism.

Watching young people lying in death pits is terrible, and field commanders are not the same as senior officers who are far away from the battlefield, because they have to face that tragic image.

Sweeping the battlefield is not like walking among the flowers, corpses will attract crows, this kind of bird is a very powerful opportunist, as long as there is food, it will appear, and the miserable sound of crows will only make people shudder.

The situation changed, anxiety began to spread, and people began to act collectively. The free hunters outside the tent did not panic. They just changed from standing and chatting to doing something. Some petty thefts began to happen. The people who were robbed shouted that the other party returned the things. The people who carried out the robbery laughed unscrupulously. This laughter made others laugh too, but the smile froze on their faces. Their eyes were still blank and confused.

When the lights in the tent went out one after another, people had to use fluorescent flashes to start lighting. When the last light was blown out, the camp that had been happy just now became pitch black. Many people exclaimed, but soon Soon they saw a person appear, Harry Potter, a face that often appears in newspapers and wanted posters, people are used to following him on the broom, and even discussing stories related to him while flying .

On this cold winter night, those innocent and childlike stories can help children who are afraid of the dark to sleep. How a brave teenager defeated evil and finally saved the world. Their beating hearts will gradually slow down. In the end, he was kissed by the god of sleep and slowly fell asleep.

They can feel that they are protected, the big villain will be brought down by him, and everyone can live happily and happily. This is how children's world is.

Why is there such a villain as Voldemort?

Both he and Harry were orphans, how could there be such a big gap? Vernon and Petunia could have thrown Harry into an orphanage, and just wanted to see him every now and then, but instead they kept him in their own home, even though the family bullied him all the time.

Tom Riddle sensed the injustice, Harry didn't get as much as his cousin growing up, he didn't have a birthday cake, and he didn't have any presents, what made them different?

Those who followed Harry Potter, holding fluorescent wands and the battle of Hogwarts that day, the magic that the Death Eaters released to the Hogwarts defensive magic circle looked so similar, just overlooking from a high altitude, Because the formation of the team is constantly changing, it looks like a fish for a while, and a pigeon for a while, as if it is performing some kind of performance.

A streak of black smoke brushed the treetops in the cold night wind and fell far behind the line. It looked both Death Eater flight and obscurity.

It only appeared for a moment before disappearing into the sea of ​​forest and the sea of ​​fog without a trace, like some kind of hallucination, which never existed at all.

"We're here!" When he saw a sorbus tree emitting a faint white light in the dark, Justin flew around it and said excitedly to Harry Potter, "with it, dark creatures can't be destroyed." will attack us."

"Sorbet is long-winded, chestnut is lazy, ash is stubborn, and what else is there?" In the crowd, a hunter began to tell an old superstition about wand wood, the last one he forgot and couldn't think of.

"Ollivander says only a small part is true." Another hunter immediately accused.

"I know a chestnut wand owner who is really lazy."

"Really? What's his name, see if I know him."

"Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's friend, who captured Pete Pedilou's wand, and that coward was lazy when he was reading."

"Aha, no wonder he turned to the Death Eaters."

In the whispers, the new camp began to be built again, it was still covered by the dense canopy and could not be seen from above the forest.

Everything looked peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

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