On September 22, 1972, according to the moon phase calendar, that day was the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15, and it was the day when the moon was the largest and roundest in a year.

This day was Friday, and he could have a good rest on Saturday and Sunday, but Pomona was a little exhausted every time seeing him transform so painfully.

She wanted to rest, she wanted to quit this exhausting extracurricular activity, but Dumbledore was not at school.

Things are pretty dire outside the school now, too, with Squibs protesting everywhere, and goblin families murdered and their fortunes robbed.

The school is not peaceful either, there are pure-bloods everywhere, especially in Slytherin College, the Death Eaters have begun to recruit disciples from the students, Regulus, the second son of the Black family, is now often with Lucius Malfoy , Bellatrix, as a freshman, he was definitely given preferential treatment, but no one has any objection to this, he is from the Black family, the only person who may be dissatisfied with this is Sirius Black, who was assigned to the grid Blake of Ryffindor.

The root of all this turmoil comes from one person——Voldemort. His photos rarely appear in newspapers, but everyone who has seen him says he is very handsome, and his teachers speak very well of him. Very sweet, and Slughorn was very proud of having such a student, but his name was not that during school, he was called Tom Riddle, a very unusual name.

The sound of hurried footsteps interrupted her thoughts, and Pomona looked back to see that it was Severus who had appeared at the door.

It had been a week since the last fight, and he'd been fighting longer than she'd imagined, but she knew he'd come back for her.

"You were busy with your experiments over the summer, so you basically didn't practice Occlumency, did you?" Pomona said as she loosened the potted plants.

"I don't have a sparring partner," Severus said. "Lily told me you had something to tell me."

"My God." Pomona gritted her teeth secretly. She was very dissatisfied with the Gryffindor lioness. Everyone has their own rhythm in doing things. Not everyone is like Gryffindor. Home.

"What are you trying to say?" Severus said defensively, with the look of his pet stabbing Gigi.

"Have you ever heard of Voldemort?" Pomona turned around with her wand in hand.

"Every Slytherin has heard of him," Severus said slowly, not sure where he got the accent, but it was much better than his old accent.

"It's not the current Voldemort, but another Dark Lord during King Arthur's time, Voldermortist. He was Merlin's enemy like Morgana. He once tried to kill Merlin during King Arthur's reign. He planned it carefully for a long time. Many subordinates, but at the last moment they were defeated by Merlin with a paralyzing spell. Last year you spent a year practicing armor protection and dodging, Severus, you learn spells very quickly, but sometimes you really Not very clever, I told you many times that the spell will not work until you hit it, your armor body protection may not be able to block every curse, those spells handed down in the pure blood family are very old, and some of them I don't know. I know, avoiding is more effective than blocking..."

"When are you going to teach me to fight back?" Severus interrupted her. "You're going to teach me the Paralyzing Charm?"

"No." Pomona said listlessly. "What did you learn from old Slug?"

"Warm-up potion, drink it to gain extra stamina, but you can only use it twice a week." Severus went to his old place and sat down again, a corner against the wall where the sun could bask, and he arranged it Very comfy, and even a cushion "That's not really gaining extra stamina, after taking it the body has side effects from being overdrawn, plus there's an antidote for Humeizi venom."

"Sounds interesting." Pomona said enthusiastically. "What material did you use?"

"Goraxa horn powder, I heard it's hard to come by now, so the price is extremely expensive, it was Newt Scamander who raised the last pair of fertile horned camels and their cubs into the existing herd Yes," Severus said, "Can you figure out how to get me a good deal?"

"Slughorn ordered you to do it, right?" Pomona easily saw through the trick of the old slug.

"He knows that I know people from Hufflepuff, and you will always have a channel inside." Severus deliberately swayed him. "He is a very knowledgeable person, and I have learned a lot from him."

"So you still want to spend the summer with the Slughorns?"

"Yes." He said reluctantly.

"I'll figure it out," Pomona said, recalling how she'd persuade Scamander to grind a little powder off the horns of his family llama.

"I took the Knight Bus back." After a long silence, Severus said slowly, "When I was not at home, my mother faced him alone, and I was worried that he would hurt her."

Pomona didn't ask who he was, but she knew it was probably Severus' Muggle father, Tobias Snape.

"I hope he's not my father." Severus said calmly but full of hatred. "I call myself a half-breed Prince in the academy. When will you teach me to fight back?"

"There are many ways to fight back. Everyone has their own different styles. You have to find what suits you."

Hearing the meowing, Pomona hugged the kitten from Scamander's house in her arms.

"Is that your pet?" Severus asked.

"The situation in the UK is not good right now. This cat has the blood of Maolizi. Although my tortoise is easy to take care of, it is useless. I gave it to someone else to raise." Pomona carefully avoided the cat. the cat's paw, and silenced it with a Confusion Charm.

"What was that?" Severus asked.

"The confusion spell can be used on both people and things."

"How do you know how to raise tortoises?" Severus asked with a strange face.

"It's easy to take care of it, and you don't have to worry about it dying. It might still be alive after I die." Pomona released the confused cat, and it ran out of the greenhouse immediately.

"The spell is not as powerful as possible, but to be effective." Severus said after seeing it run away, "I read a book about duels in the Middle Ages. A mountain was moved over, but he was eliminated by the opponent with a weapon that killed you."

"Oh, thank goodness, you've finally got the hang of it!" Pomona exclaimed. "It's better to be useful than to be powerful, that's what I'm trying to say."

"Can you use that spell on me? I want to know what it does." Severus said blankly, "Only if I know how I feel, can I know what it does to the enemy Feel."

"You have enemies at a young age?" Pomona rolled her eyes.

Severus stood up, looking like he was ready, waiting for Pomona to strike.

Pointing her wand at him, Pomona cast a Confusion Charm on him, and his dark eyes became hollow, like two long tunnels.

Seeing those "evil eyes", Pomona woke up suddenly. She looked around and saw that this place was still in the greenhouse, but it was not the greenhouse that was left unattended more than 30 years ago and was full of vixen. A thriving "forest".

She was still wearing the Hogwarts school robe, if not for the exhaustion from her body, she almost thought she was still studying at school.

Now she is in the lounge next to the office. It is still the same as it was when she left six years ago. There is a note on the bedside. She brought it over. It is written in the handsome handwriting that she is very familiar with.

'Sleep well, I'll be back at dawn. '

Pomona snorted.

"I don't even say where I'm going, how can I rest well." She took out her flannel bag. "You're becoming uncute, Severus."

Pomona missed the little boy who listened to her so much, and was resentful of the man who asked her to obey his orders in everything. Why should the boy grow up.

She summoned the small bottle of warm-up potion. To make this potion, you only need dragonfly breasts, fairy wings, flying seahorses, and foxy eggs. You don't need expensive materials like horn powder, it's just the price of drinking it. It was to overdraw his strength for the next few days. Severus had been learning how to confuse people since the second grade.

Horned camel horn powder is the antidote for Humeizi venom, it must be drunk, although Humeizi is small, its venom is very poisonous, if you don’t drink it, you may die, even wizards, Cormac McLaggen He made a bet with someone and ate Humeizi eggs, and he drank such an expensive antidote to save him.

Such an idiot was alive, but a genius like Severus, who worked hard, almost died. It was so unfair to be naive.

Pomona closed her eyes and drank the potion made of vixen eggs. Now is not the time for her to sleep peacefully, there are still several hours before dawn.

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