Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 412 Awakened Mud

"I'm sorry about the Unbreakable Vow." Draco said, holding a cup of hot tea, looking at the forest in front of him with gray eyes open, "I know it was Aunt Bella's idea, but my mother didn't stop her, I think She's had enough of my dad swearing."

Pomona listened in silence as she ate her chocolate pudding.

"No matter how vicious the oath is, it is empty if it is not implemented. Scarhead said that the godfather can do anything for his mother. I really doubt that. Aunt Bella can go to Azkaban for the Dark Lord. It’s true that anything can be done.”

"What's the use of him going to Azkaban?" Pomona said angrily. "Wasting time like Bella?"

"That's the godfather's perfunctory talk of the white wizard, what he did for you is the truth." Draco looked at her with goldfish-like eyes, "I heard from Charlotte that he even used forbidden spells."

"Stop it," she said distractedly.

"He almost killed my dad. The white wizard always said how great love is, but I think he must have never experienced it himself. It can make people crazy, especially when you want it and can't get it." Della Ke whispered, "You made me forget Pansy, why can't you forget Scarhead's mother, I heard from my mother that you once defended her."

"What else did your mother tell you?" the Pomona police officer asked.

"He's mad, Pomona, Dark Lord." Draco gasped, hot breath forming white smoke. "We can't have another mad leader."

"In your opinion, Severus is no longer worth following?" Pomona asked the police officer.

"I don't know. He doesn't care much about us. My dad can do whatever he wants, but he only deals with Gringotts. He never participates in the plans of the werewolves. Instead, he has no idea." Draco was puzzled say.

"Then how do you think it compares to the Dark Lord's previous rule?"

Draco thought for a while and said, "We don't need to work hard for success, so everything will go smoothly. On the contrary, it is a lot of trouble when we cooperate with the outside world. The dragon that Weasley contacted has not arrived yet, and the goblins have been following us all day long." Get in trouble."

Pomona thought of the "Dark Lord" who was in love with her all day long. He was really free, not at all like Tom Riddle, who spent his days trying to calculate Albus Dumbledore, or use terrorist methods Restrain your subordinates so that they do not betray themselves.

Then she started to lose her mind again. After 12 o'clock, it was Sunday. He said that he wanted to watch a movie today. In fact, going to a public place like a movie theater is better than watching it at home. No one will care about them even if they do something else.

Drinking iced pumpkin juice while warming the fire, accompanied by grilled sausage and steak, you don’t have to worry about etiquette, just lie on the sofa and eat it, how comfortable it feels.

"I hate working weekends," Pomona murmured.

"How can you associate domination with working weekends?" Draco asked in disbelief.

"Everyone needs rest, even the Emperor, I've heard the Dark Lord never sleeps."

Draco's hair stood on end like a frizzy cat.

"You don't know?" Pomona asked.

"I went to school later, and I don't know about the family affairs." Draco said tremblingly, "How can people not sleep."

"So he's a monster," said Pomona grimly, "but even monsters are loved, and Bella loves him."

Because her lover is dead, Bella is going to take revenge on those who took her lover, Severus Snape is the first one.

"When a woman goes crazy, she's afraid of herself. I just heard Severus say that he saw Bella. Did you see it?"

"No." Draco said coldly.

"Are you afraid? If Severus and Bella fight."

Draco was silent for a while, then finally nodded.

"Don't worry, I will protect you." Pomona hugged Draco.

"I should be the one to protect you." Draco said sullenly, "The wand of fate chose me instead of the godfather. I made Slytherin fail."

"If you think so, Draco, then you are dead wrong. The Elder Wand chose Severus. The Dark Lord must kill him if he wants to have the Elder Wand. Killing is not the solution. East Rome There used to be a general in the empire named Phocas. He used killing and suppression to those who wanted to resist him. As a result, his city defense army betrayed him, and everyone betrayed him. Having won the crown, you may think that Severus's process of becoming a leader is easy, but it is precisely because the previous leader failed too much and people are eager for a new leader, so he can go so smoothly." Pomona wrapped her body tightly "The Dark Lord must literally kill him to gain the allegiance of the Elder Wand, and then I must become a widow. The Elder Wand chose you to give us all a chance."

"It's not that easy to get the Elder Wand's approval," Draco said. "Grindelwald didn't even get it."

"I don't care who it approves, I just want to go back and rest now." Pomona said in pain, "While warming up by the fire, drinking iced pumpkin juice, kissing and cuddling, this is what I want."

Draco shook his head.

"You think I'm wrong?"

"You don't want anything else?"

"He gave me the most precious time. What jewel in the world can compare to this?" Pomona said with a relieved smile, "I will tell you a secret. He didn't know that I came to you. I have fought in other places, and my magic power has been exhausted, do you know about warm-up potions?"

"Did you drink that?" Draco let go of Pomona immediately.

"I'm afraid I won't even have the strength to stand up after the effect of the medicine wears off." Pomona said happily. "I'm so glad you're a doctor, Draco. You heal people instead of hurting people."

Draco looked like he was going to cry at any moment, his eyes were watery.

"I asked you to learn Parseltongue not because I wanted you to become a dark wizard. The earliest inventor of Parseltongue was a doctor and an alchemist. Slytherin and pure-blood nobles have been misunderstood for many years. I think this is why the Elder Wand chooses you." You are indeed the chosen one." Pomona's heart was beating uncomfortably, and she heard the mysterious rustling sound again "The Dark Lord told me that love is of no use except to make people weak , but I still hope that you can learn to love. A woman will be stupid as long as she is in love. Even if she is Ravenclaw, you have to trust Astonia. She cares about your thoughts because she cares too much about you. "

The aftertaste of magical power vibrating in the air made everyone sober. The fire pit just now began to collapse rapidly, and then a huge bone-like claw stretched out from the pit, and dead leaves and soil quickly scrambled around. It, the fire of the fire did no harm to it, and an ugly black giant crawled out of the pit.

Even Slytherin, who was used to seeing death and killing, was taken aback when he saw this thing, and the people by the pit immediately disapparated and fled.

"What's that?" Draco said in shock.

"Giant." Pomona said blankly. "Thousands of years ago, the Forbidden Forest was the battleground of giant wars. I knew that such a ruckus would wake up the sleeping things in the forest."

"Then why don't you stop?" Draco yelled out of control.

"Can you stop it?" Pomona said with a sneer, "What's more, the giant didn't wake up by himself, it was awakened by the black wizard. Don't be idle, find the person who manipulated it."

After speaking, Pomona pulled down her hood, concealing her figure.

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