Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 414 Arrest momentum

In addition to silk, porcelain, and spices, the Silk Road also spread exams to Europe. Except for top students like Hermione Granger, no student in the world likes exams.

Exams are a purgatory for poor students, and a carnival for top students. Every time Hufflepuff takes the exam, someone will always be at the bottom. As time goes by, Hufflepuff will become a trash and idiot academy.

Later, the last "top three" of the whole year were firmly controlled by Gryffindor and Slytherin, mainly because of the presence of Goyle, Crabbe and Neville Longbottom. Seeing the gloomy expressions of Slytherin and the Head of Gryffindor made me want to laugh three times.

It’s relaxing not to be at the bottom of the list. Eat and sleep, eat and sleep, be a fat little badger, and don’t have to worry about being the last in the exam. How happy is this kind of college life.

The bird-shaped man-eating monster is a distant relative of the little bird, snake, and cockroach. When it saw its giant-like relative, it kept screaming in surprise.

And the giant's skeleton was blown into bone slag, and he couldn't die anymore. The big villain has been defeated, and peace and tranquility have been restored in the Forbidden Forest. Let's all continue to live happily.


Sweetheart, who was fantasizing about a date with the Potions Master, was woken up by Arthur Weasley's yelling, and immediately glared at the redhead who was messing with her.

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you here?" Arthur asked.

"Take care of my godson." While others were cleaning up the battlefield, Pomona and Arthur Weasley were talking about the old days. There was a very warm breath in him, very suitable for home, not suitable for such a dangerous and cold forest adventure.

"Who is your godson?"

"Draco Malfoy..."

"What!" Arthur yelled again.

"Relax." Pomona said softly. "It's funny for wizards to be religious. Don't take it so seriously."

"Are you a member of the Order of the Phoenix or a Death Eater now!" Arthur lowered his voice and asked angrily.

"You shouldn't forget about Slytherin's contribution and patronize 'harvest'." Pomona said coldly, "I heard that George and Fred are involved in Bagman's gambling business, do you know about this? Arthur? Is this the absolute reason why you are killing the pure-blood family now? Because of the gambling debts they both owed?"

"They lost all their savings, but they don't owe that much money." Arthur looked away.

"Then why are you still being so hard on pure-blood families, especially Death Eater families, and you're bringing up the Marlene McKinnon case again, and you're adding to pointless disputes, Arthur, while I'm To reduce disputes, it is I who question you, not you who question me!"

"You do not understand……"

"I don't understand many things, such as why you don't care about your own safety at all, how dare you stay here." Pomona looked at Slytherin in the distance, no one noticed this corner now "You know How many people want to kill you?"

Arthur said nothing.

"Come on, don't end up like Amelia Borns before someone finds out about you."

"You think I'm a coward who backs down after a few threats?" Arthur growled in a low voice. "You're crazy, Pomona, and I know Snape's death hurts you..."

"That didn't bother me, my brain is clearer than yours now." Pomona said coldly "I'm doing the right thing, Godric Gryffindor thinks a three-legged stool is more stable than a four-legged one, Salazar Slytherin thinks four-legged is more stable, why can't you accept those prodigal sons who come back?"

"Do you really think they're back, or are you pretending not to know that you're being used by them? They're cunning criminals."

"Why didn't Ron get punished for driving that Anglia? What about George and Fred selling all the contraband? And Charlie, who helped his friend raise a Norwegian spineback for himself, yourself Why don't you call yourself a criminal when you break the law?"

Arthur looked at her and shook his head.

"I no longer recognize you, Pomona, and from now on I forbid you to approach my children."

"They're grown-ups, Arthur, you don't have the right to do that. Look at what Hermione has done in your house? Do you think in your bones that women should do housework and take care of children at home, and men should go out and make troubles?" Ronald Weasley is the one who should stay at home, Hermione can do more than him."

"You took her in." Arthur said suddenly, "You know the house where Sirius lived."

"Oh, are you expecting her to have nowhere to go, but to humbly go back to your house and admit her mistake to Molly and you?" Pomona said sarcastically, "Yes, Arthur, I took her in."

"You want to break up my house, don't you?" Arthur said hostilely.

"It's your problem!" Pomona waved her hands. "Don't be too friendly to Muggles. They are not all good people, and they don't need protection at all. Your Muggle protection law is too ridiculous."

"I know that you will be poisoned sooner or later if you get so close to Snape, and you are exactly like those pure-bloods now." Arthur gritted his teeth and said, "That's why you want to be the daughter-in-law of the Black family, right? ? Because they are absolutely pure?"

"I didn't think so!" Pomona screamed.

"Don't play dumb, our family lives in that house, you think Molly and I don't know what you're up to?"

"Did I play a trick? Now your daughter Ginny is Mrs. Potter, and Harry Potter inherits Sirius' property. You have turned around, haven't you? No wonder you have given up so much effort and given birth to six sons." After that, I must give birth to a daughter!"

"Enough!" cried Hermione. "Let's go find Ron, Arthur."

Arthur Weasley blushed, glared at Pomona like an enemy, then flung his cloak and walked away without looking back.

Pomona's head was buzzing from the heat of emotion and the argument when Hermione came over and put her arms around her.

Pomona also put her arms around Hermione, and they became the only ones who could support each other in this icy world.

"You shouldn't be in the Order of the Phoenix," said Hermione. "Dumbledore was right not to let you meddle in these matters."

"Do you also think I'm useless?" Pomona said sullenly, "I can only wash dishes and cook."

"Everyone loves the kitchen," said Hermione briskly. "Why do you disappear like the house-elf when it's mealtime?"

"The meeting ended." Pomona said softly, "The Dark Mark on his arm cannot stay at the headquarters for long. I want to send him away."

"I've never heard of Professor Snape fighting Sirius."

"You're right when you say don't bring your personal feelings to work." Pomona hugged Hermione even tighter, "But it's too difficult, like falling off a cliff, there's no way to stop it live."

"Albus stopped Harry when he fell off the broom," said Hermione firmly. Willow is ruined."

"So Albus Dumbledore is a great wizard, and we're just mortals," said Pomona wearily. "We can stop things from falling with spells, but we can't stop hearts from falling."

"You look tired, are you okay?"

Pomona thought for a while, took another bottle of warming potion from her pocket, and handed it to Hermione.

"This is my last bottle. Drinking it can increase your stamina, but you will feel very tired, like overdrawn."

"I know this potion." Hermione took the bottle of medicine. "It seems to be called a warming potion."

"You're literally the smartest witch I've ever met, Hermione," said Pomona, smiling.

"It's very remote, but I like reading, I think this is my greatest use." Hermione also said with a smile, and then she looked at the potion in her hand and said, "I still remember the day when I saw you in the hospital. look..."

"Don't think about it," said Pomona dryly. "Be careful it'll give you nightmares, dear."

"The book of potions says that fairies are very vain, and removing their wings will make them very angry. Besides, fairies are hard to catch, so fairy wings are a very precious potion material." Hermione asked " Fairies don't usually get close to humans, I saw a lot of them in the rosebush the day of the Triwizard Yule Ball, why?"

"They are my distant relatives, and I have the same wings as them."

"Because you are a mixed-race Veela like Fu Rong, if the Veela loses control, it will grow wings and its face will become like yours." Hermione said clearly.

"No, Fleur won't." Pomona shook her head. "She's still a human being. Veela blood just makes her look more beautiful."

"That must be pretty," said Hermione, looking at Pomona. "You look like an elf in a fairy tale with fairy wings."

"I thought to compliment someone was to say she was like an angel."

"But we're wizards, and witches at the same time." Hermione smiled and said, "Oh, yes, this is for you."

As she spoke, she took out a small bottle from the embroidered bag.

"What's this?" Pomona asked holding the shiny black powder.

"The horn powder of the horned beast, Rolf gave it to me as a gift." Hermione said, "It is said that taking its powder can make people not be affected by alcohol and stay awake for seven days and nights."

"What did he give you this for?"

"He heard that I'm easy to learn, but I'm not so easy to learn and sleepless." Hermione shrugged. "I think it's better for you to take it than to use it for me."

"You know the mythical beasts were supposed to not exist, right?" Pomona said, looking at Hermione.

"I know, Luna said she believed it existed, and that the U.S. Congress put in a lot of fake news to cover up the truth and make Muggles believe that the beast they saw was a hoax." Hermione smiled and shook her head. "The only thing that can be followed about it Traces exist in biographical fiction."

"Now, they brought the evidence." Pomona shook the glass bottle in her hand. "How do you feel, Miss Know-it-All?"

Hermione smiled and shook her head and left.

"Never sleep for seven days and seven nights?" Pomona muttered to herself looking at the glass bottle in her hand, and then took off her summoning ring. She thought that someone would be very interested in this thing.

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