Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 417 Wizards and Muggles

A rumbling sound broke the silence of the forest, Ron Weasley trembled with fright, and Buckbeak raised his head vigilantly.

"Oh, my God." Ron murmured. He walked in front of Buckbeak. As the night darkened, the fog became thicker and thicker. If you look, you can still see the outlines of some things in the fog.

It was a huge, crawling thing that looked very much like a spider.

"Fluorescent flickering!"

As his wand was lit, there was a burst of strong light from the opposite side. Ron subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, and after he could get used to the strong light, he made a careful distinction. The monster in the dark turned out to be the Ford Angle Leah car.

"Are you here to save me?" Ron asked the car, which rumbled twice before turning around and heading the other way.

"boom boom"

As if sensing that Ron hadn't followed, the Ford roared impatiently.

"Go, go and have a look."

Ron told Buckbeak that they quickened their pace and followed the Ford.

It was very risky to venture into the forest, but Anglia seemed to be leading him the way. They carefully avoided bushes and thorns, and some startled night birds fluttered overhead from time to time.

Ron followed the wheel marks, and his wand pointed around. There was a lot of rubbish here. There were Muggle food bags on the branches and on the ground, and occasionally one or two abandoned tents. It seemed that someone had lived here.

"What the hell is this place?" Ron whispered, he could feel the suffocating dark breath, like some kind of curse.

The Ford car led him to move forward, the giant trees that looked like they grew up in the prehistoric era disappeared, the trees gradually became normal, and there were more sundries on the ground.

He staggered and looked back at Buckbeak, as if longing to ride on its back, but Buckbeak was very interested in those mice, and stretched out his sharp claws to step on them from time to time.

"Who's there!" asked a clear voice, his voice accompanied by the sound of the barrel being loaded, enough to deter anyone with malicious intentions.

Ron was slightly taken aback.

"Muggle?" He said, Auror's experience had given him exposure to a lot of things, including knowing the Muggle weapon - the gun.

"Take it easy, Dylan," a woman said. "You call us Muggles, are you a wizard?"

"who are you?"

Just as Ron was wondering, he saw a man and a woman in the dense fog. Two men in black dressed like Death Eaters appeared. The woman's leg seemed to be injured, and she needed a man's support to walk.

"Wow, bro, what's that following you?" the male Muggle with rivets all over his body asked Buckbeak, staring at him.

"You shouldn't be here," said Ron. "Get out of here."

"We want to go too, but where are we now?" the crippled woman asked "Can you help us?"

Ron stared at them without speaking, and at the same time the Anglia car sped away, apparently its purpose had been achieved.

"What do you want to hunt?" said Ron, pointing his wand at their shotguns.

"Deer or rabbit, don't worry, we won't hurt you."

Ron turned to leave.

"Please, help us," the female Muggle begged.

"Stay here, and I'll find someone to rescue you after I'm out of danger." Ron said ruthlessly.

"What do you want?" the male Muggle asked. "We can make a deal."

"Have you got anything to eat?" Ron asked.

"Yes!" said the male Muggle immediately.

"Put down your gun, and what's behind you, and stand where I can see you."

"Do as he says, Dylan!" said the female Muggle.

The male Muggle named Dylan put down the gun and guitar case, and then walked a few steps away. At this moment, Ron came to the female Muggle, whose left calf was stained with a piece of dried blood. Turning brown, Ron cut open her jeans with a Cutting Charm, revealing a bloody, upturned gash.

"What hurt you?" Ron asked.

"A plant." The female Muggle said helplessly, "How can a plant move?"

"That's a magic plant, do you remember what it looks like?"

"I don't remember, we were running," said the Muggle girl. "Is it bad?"

"Better go to the hospital sooner." Ron cast a healing spell on her wound with his wand, and it didn't take long for the horrible scar to form.

"Food." Ron reached out to the male Muggle, and Dylan opened the guitar case. Inside was an unfinished roast chicken wrapped in tinfoil.

Ron took the roast chicken and immediately devoured it, even though it was cold, the oil had congealed and looked very greasy.

The female Muggle stood up with Dylan's support and tried to take two steps. Then she let go of Dylan's hand and walked boldly. She looked no different from a normal person.

"Thank you." The female Muggle walked to Ron's side and held out her hand. "My name is Anna Wood, and his name is Dylan Ernest. What's your name?"

"Whatever you want." Ron said coldly, not looking at Anna's outstretched hand at all, looking very rude.

"A wizard can't hunt." Anna looked at Ron and asked with interest.

"Not everything can be eaten in this forest." Ron ate the roast chicken with relish, and threw the uneaten chicken bones to Buckbeak.

"You raised it?" Anna asked, looking at Buckbeak.

"No." Ron said vaguely.

Everyone was silent, only Ron's chewing could be heard.

"Why are you running?" After finishing the roast chicken, Ron wiped his greasy hands on his clothes.

"Bugs, they're chasing us," said Ana, who seemed to be the one of the duo who had the word.

"That's definitely not an ant," Dylan said.

"How did you mess with them?"

"The prey on the edge of the forest are basically hunted down. We planned to try our luck in the depths of the forest. When we shot, we accidentally hit their lair." Anna said, "What are you doing, wizard?"

"Stay away from me." Ron warned the Muggle girl who was leaning towards her.

"Are you hunting too?" Anna looked at Ron with fascinated eyes.

"Eight-eyed spiders." Ron Gu Zuo said to Anna calmly, "They are as big as a car."

"Are you serious? Brother?" Dylan said with a sneer, and Ron smelled the same pampered rich young master smell as Draco Malfoy on him.

"Do you want to see it?" Ron said unconvinced.

"Of course." Dylan agreed without hesitation.

"Then follow along." Ron looked at the shotgun in their hands with contempt and said, "This thing is useless to it at all."

"Then what's the use?" Anna asked curiously.

"Fire, do you have gasoline?" Ron asked the two.

"I have it in my car," Dylan said, "but we'll have to get out of the woods to find it."

"If you see the babo tuber, it is a magical plant that looks like a slug. It collects its pus and can be ignited with fire."

Ron used a mouse caught by Buckbeak and turned it into a kettle. Anna's eyes were shining, and she looked at Ron with admiration.

"Are you Merlin?" Anna said excitedly.

"No, but I did defeat a terrible dark wizard, Voldemort, have you heard of it? I destroyed one of his powerful dark magic props..." Ron chattered to Anna that everyone in the wizarding world knew that In this story, the protagonist who destroyed the Horcrux became himself, and Harry Potter and Hermione became supporting roles. Annawood listened with interest, and Dylan Ernest's face became extremely ugly.

"You're bragging," said the handsome but thin Dylan sarcastically.

"If you meet other wizards, you can ask me if I'm lying!"

The two stared at each other for a while, then turned their eyes elsewhere.

Some people are born to hate each other forever.

The three of them walked in the low bushes with one deep foot and one shallow foot, followed by a Hippogriff, like a team of free hunters, shuttled through the Forbidden Forest, and soon disappeared in the dense fog. disappeared.

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