Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 420 The Anointed

The temperature in the greenhouse is constant throughout the year, especially the one where the Abyssinian shrunken fig is located. Not only the fruit, but its leaves are also a very useful potion material, and the withered flower branches can even be used as poison. Requiring special handling, keeping it healthy and strong is every gardener's job as it is in Abyssinia.

When the autumn of Hogwarts comes, the trees outside begin to wither and wither, and everything begins to become depressed, but the plants in the greenhouse are still thriving, flowers the size of washbasins are blooming on the ceiling, and the water mist keeps the air Tropical humidity, and colorful butterflies fluttering in the garden.

Neville looked up at the sun shining through the glass, the sky blue with only feathery clouds.

There were a lot of people going to Hogsmeade on Saturday, and few people stayed in the castle. He didn't really want to go to a crowded place that much, let alone he needed someone to guide him when he had troubles.

The sixth grade course selection plan is more complicated than in previous years. Neville's grandma, Augusta, hoped that he could learn Transfiguration at NEWT level, but he only got an A, which did not meet Professor McGonagall's standard. Not interested.

That's what his father, Frank Kronbotton, was good at. Grandma always hoped that he could look like his father. If Frank's wand hadn't been broken during the Ministry of Magic battle, Augusta would have even let Neville continue to use Frank. wand.

He had his first magic wand at the age of 16, which was much later than others, and he didn't want to live in the eyes of others' disappointment forever.


While weaving among the plants, he heard the voice of the herbalist professor, who was evidently in the greenhouse.

"Professor?" Neville held the schedule of elective courses. Grandma thought that after taking Transfiguration, there was no need to study Charms, but he got an O in Charms, and he wanted to take this course.

He had a lot of questions to ask, but when he followed the voice to find her, what he saw shocked Neville.

A very pretty woman with the same flowing winged gray hair as Professor Sprout, only she didn't look pudgy at all.

Her skin was fair and soft, with a healthy blush on her cheeks, and she was wearing a plain black work gown, and she was entangled with a man in black under the fig tree.

Her lips were swollen, her eyes looked blurred, and she resisted the embrace of the man in black as if she was refusing to welcome her. From Neville's angle, she couldn't see his face clearly, but her greasy hair was as pale as a vampire. The skin clearly points to a person, what is Severus Snape doing here?

With the clatter of metal buckles, Snape let the woman's legs wrap around his waist, and began to move.

Neville immediately looked away in embarrassment.

His grades were poor, his brain was not as easy to use as Hermione's, but he was not mentally retarded enough to be the kind of young child who would ask parents where their children came from, and of course he knew what they were doing.

His round face was flushed by the intermittent, vague humming. Cedric had asked Neville if he knew something, and now he knew what Cedric meant.

Neville left the greenhouse in a hurry.

When he came outside again, the cold autumn wind made his dizzy head wake up a lot from the warm and humid greenhouse. He looked up at the sky, and the blue sky was still the same color, but he felt that something had changed. Yes, and then he laughed.

That Potions professor that everyone said he was scary and obsessed with black magic was just a person. The former Neville Longbottom was so scared of him that it was ridiculous to turn his Boggart into him. He was nothing scary at all.

When the prophecy ball shattered, Neville also heard the prophecy, and the content of the prophecy he heard was different from Harry's.

Part of what Harry heard was: the one with the power to destroy the Dark Lord was coming, the Dark Lord would mark him, but he had powers the Dark Lord didn't know, and one of the two would die at the hand of the other.

The part Neville heard was that the child was born in the family that had defeated the Dark Lord three times, at the end of July.

After the newspaper confirmed the news of Voldemort's return, those who doubted Harry began to believe him again, and some even compared him with another "chosen one".

The origin of the anointing comes from a shepherd's experience, lice and other insects often get into the sheep's wool, and when they get close to the sheep's head, they will burrow into the sheep's ears and kill the sheep, so the ancient shepherds poured oil on the sheep's head superior. This makes the fleece smooth and keeps insects from getting close to the sheep's ears, as the insects would slide down. Anointing thus becomes a symbol of blessing, protection and empowerment.

Harry's grandfather made his fortune on hair smoother, so it was used as evidence that he was the "anointed one".

Harry is very famous, there are many girls in the school who want to date him, Hufflepuff's internal date list Malfoy will be ranked in the 30s, even Cedric is ranked behind Harry, Christmas in the fourth grade If it hadn't been for Ginny at the prom, he probably wouldn't have gotten a date as the other boys thought.

He was dreaming throughout the summer vacation, what would happen if he became the chosen one, but grandma always felt that he was not the grandson she wanted, and she still wanted him to learn transfiguration so that he could be like his father.

His mind went back to that woman's face, the way she kissed the ugly Snape, she was fascinated, she looked like the Muggle said, Satan's lover, did she realize that she looked like Like kissing the devil?

The plants in the greenhouse were whispering, they were discussing how humans reproduced differently from their own, and Neville felt that the two of them were like snakes in the Garden of Eden, and there were only two of them.

Hogwarts really shouldn't have Slytherin, they actually worship the loathed, hated, creatures that represent temptation and traitors that should be eliminated, but they exist, and the two intertwined snakes represent alchemy, they The human body is being refined inside. This method is different from the body made by Voldemort with potions. The pure and lovely baby will be conceived and born from the female body, just like pollinating a flower. A certain process must be experienced.

Maria did not go through this process when she gave birth to the son of God. She was conceived by the Holy Spirit. When Joseph heard that she was pregnant out of wedlock, he originally planned to dissolve the engagement. It was an angel who dreamed that he agreed to marry Maria and married her after she gave birth to the son of God. She has sex.

Is Jesus the beloved Son of God or an illegitimate son of an unknown father? This is a question that every pagan can't help but want to explore. In the Middle Ages, whoever touched this restricted area would be sent to the stake.

The long years have caused many secrets to be lost, but there are still rumors in the dark corners. The Frank Merovingian royal family may have descendants of Jesus to join. married a woman, married her and had children.

He is a human being, not as holy as some people think, worthy of worship as a god.

He's just a prophet, he sees the future, just like Trelawney.

Neville was taken aback by the thought that had come to his mind just now, it felt unholy, like something had been tainted.

He came back to his senses and found that he was still in the Forbidden Forest, not far away were groups of Thestrals, they were all descendants of Wuwu, and Hannah and Lavender were in front of him, arguing endlessly.

Now some girls are arguing for him, but Neville doesn't feel very happy. After Professor Sprout came back this time, he didn't continue to wear the mask of benevolence and optimism as before. She is actually a strong woman like grandma. She encouraged Hufflepuff's students to compete with Ravenclaw. If they win, they will be given coconut-flavored ice cream. If they lose, they will be imprisoned. Cedric was once under heavy pressure, and the honor of a college for hundreds of years is waiting He went to revive it.

She likes Neville very much, but she is the dean of another house after all, and she still has so many things to worry about. In the sixth grade, Professor Minerva McGonagall rejected his course application as he expected, but she And said something to him.

"Your grandma should be proud of the grandson she has now, not the one she imagined, especially after the Ministry battle."

Justin told him that the god of love is divided into the god of love in the sky and the god of love on the earth, so saints should also have saints in the sky and saints on the ground.

Neville didn't want to live the way his grandma wanted. He didn't like transfiguration at all. As a result, Professor Sprout and his grandma made some kind of deal behind his back, allowing him to learn the skills of Animagus, an Auror city. They all shaped him according to the hope. Fortunately, Professor Sprout finally reacted and let him choose his own path. He chose the sword of Gryffindor instead of the wizard's wand.

Pomona is a woman dazzled by love, far less clear-headed than Minerva, she has no idea what she is doing.

But whenever Neville thought of the bearded and haggard Snape sitting in the chair in the dark ward, he couldn't help but pity them.

Neville remained silent when the Gryffindor-headed three houses strangled Slytherin together. His words had an influence on Harry Potter. The reason why he didn't speak for them was for revenge, except for Bellatrix There were other people who tortured his parents, not to mention some people who deserved it.

He changed his mind because Professor Sprout told him about the reasons why Muggles launched World War II. After the end of World War I, Germany faced huge war reparations, which they did not pay back until 1995. After the outbreak of the world economic crisis in September, German reparations had effectively ceased. In 1932, the Allied Powers held the Lausanne Conference, requiring Germany to hand over 3 billion gold marks in compensation within one year in 1933, and the remaining unpaid compensation could be exempted. The victorious countries pushed the defeated Germany too hard, and they wanted to pass on their own internal The contradiction came to the Germans, but they did not expect that the Germans jumped the wall in a hurry, pushed Adolf Hitler to power, and robbed their assets by massacring the Jews to pay for the money needed to launch the war.

This is what Voldemort did the same as Hitler, except that Voldemort robbed goblins. The ancient pure-blood families hide many secrets, and no one knows what magic props they have. There are many doubts, the memories of the people at the core scene, regardless of wizards and Muggles, have disappeared, and no one knows who the culprit is.

Muggle breeds generally don't join the anti-Muggle Nightcall, so the ones who did this should be purebloods. If they are driven into a hurry, I don't know what they will do. Grandpa Justin's legs look like It was very dazzling, and he didn't want more people to be hurt.

When she is not in the grip of love, she is undoubtedly an excellent wise man, but Pomona is in love with Severus Snape, a man who loves other women and will die for her son. "saint".

Neville shook his head with a wry smile, and took out ointment from his pocket. In ancient magic rituals, mages and priests often applied ointment to the pulse. Herbs of power, or enchanting herbs, or both, exert unimaginable power when used.

Dr. Umbly's ointment was made from three teaspoons of amnesiac potion and a teacup of almond fat, and Neville's homemade ointment was made from oil of myrrh.

Hades, the king of the underworld, tempted Persephone to eat six pomegranate seeds, so that she had to stay in the underworld for six months of the year, and the pomegranate was born in the blood of Adonis, who was in charge of the annual resurrection of plants.

Salamander blood and pomegranate juice are the last two potions of enhancers, love makes a man commit all sins, like the song says, smart people know not to fall in love because it's a Deadly original sin.

But when Neville finished applying the ointment and looked up at Hannah and Lavender, his eyes were full of expectation.

Dumbledore said that a person is incomplete if he doesn't know how to love someone. Love is okay, but don't love so much that you lose your rationality. This is the lesson Neville learned from Snape.

Do not touch the forbidden fruit, no matter how sweet and delicious it looks, it is a poison, no matter how many enhancers are added, the antidote cannot be cured.

"Weiwei, come here!" Lavender waved at him, and Hannah looked at her with a disgusted expression, which looked very interesting.

Neville couldn't help laughing.

Hannah doesn't look like the kind of forbidden fruit that can't be touched, it should be safe to approach her.

"Here we come!" He trotted clumsily, the Sorting Hat was in his hand, it still looked wrinkled and dirty, why didn't anyone wash it?

The ancient alchemists all had a long-necked pear-shaped bottle. In the eyes of the alchemists, it was a small universe, representing the big universe, and the origin of everything that conceived and multiplied. The literal translation of Longbottom is the long bottle, plus the kitchen that can be entered by scratching a pear, it really can’t stop my brain hole, hahaha, if there is a hole, it needs to be filled, I’m not brain-burning, right?

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