Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 427 drama queen

Some girls might spend their lives playing, surrounded by flowers and chocolates and balls, but some girls don't.

Facing such a chaotic battlefield, Hermione can still shuttle freely through it. Ginny fell in love with Harry because Harry saved her life. As for Ron, he was always saved by Hermione.

The common feature of most straight men is that they don’t understand girls’ minds besides bad taste in clothes. Severus and Ron are both so “straight”, and their inner thoughts are: I’m so handsome, I'm so handsome, I'm so handsome, Ron Weasley likes to show off in Quidditch matches, and Severus likes to show off in duels.

Some people like domineering men and some don’t. It’s very difficult for a “straight man” to accept that girls are better than him. Working with domineering male colleagues requires patience and wisdom, especially those who are brave and proud of their “military achievements” Winners, Lions seldom empathize, consider problems from the perspective of others, and don't know what is enough.

If they read more books and history, they will understand that if they are too aggressive, they will jump over the wall in a hurry. The fact that the Communist Party came to power is directly related to the greed of the victorious countries in World War I and the excessive demand for war reparations. The Axis war indemnity in the Second World War was much less than that in the First World War, but the lions were notoriously lacking in curiosity, as if all the curiosity in an academy was concentrated on Hermione.

The male lions in the lion pride are lazy and arrogant, and the lionesses are responsible for hunting and taking care of their children. The duties of the male lions are to patrol the territory, bask in the sun and yawn, and have no other use at all.

Without Hermione, Ron and Harry would not have been able to complete so many adventures. She is the pillar of the Iron Triangle, otherwise save the world with the fantastic combination of Ron and Harry, maybe the world has been controlled by Voldemort.

Hermione Granger as Minister of Magic?

Hahaha, that was hilarious.

The Ministry of Magic is different from the Muggle political arena. The predecessor of the Ministry of Magic is the Wizarding Council, and there are still succession ceremonies. The true face of power is that one person speaks and another person is responsible for implementing it.

Ballots cannot represent any power, it is just to force the minority to obey the majority by means of the minority obeying the majority, if you do not obey you will not be "democratic".

The Muggle game of power is not the same as the wizard's game. No one will admit that they are not smart enough, except for that weirdo Socrates who always says "I'm so stupid", only to refute those who think they are smart , His behavior is very hateful. When everyone voted whether to kill him or not, most people voted for it. After Socrates died, he regretted killing such a wise man.

It’s certainly comfortable to stay in your parents’ home, but after you get married with a woman, you have to leave your parents’ home. It’s like leaving the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden, you must obey God’s arrangement. You are not allowed to eat this way, you are not allowed to do that thing, and you can live a little life like that. Neither is free.

After leaving the Garden of Eden, there is no such a comfortable life, everything has to be created by men themselves, of course, those who live a hard life are not as comfortable as the kind of life without worrying about food and clothing, but people are free.

If a man misses the easy life in the Garden of Eden at this time, and intends to go home and continue to obey his parents' arrangements, admit his mistakes, repent, and push all the responsibility for leaving home on the woman, then he will become a slapstick in front of adults. A male giant baby who is so arrogant, lacks independence, has no opinion, no principles, and no sense of responsibility.

He would do whatever his parents asked him to do, and the priests of the church always regarded themselves as "fathers", and they would do whatever they asked the pious lamb to do.

In order to obtain the qualifications to go to heaven, atonement, whether it is burning witches or the Crusades, is atonement. At that time, everyone felt that there was no problem.

The church is a big family, and non-religion is an unorthodox expression. If you believe in a non-Christian religion, you are a pagan. Even discussing whether the Son of God is a man or a god is not allowed.

The church controls education and implements a policy of completely obscuring the people. Except for books related to theology, there are no other books in Europe. The proud Renaissance was also snatched from the hands of the Communists. When books and philosophers and scientists were burned everywhere in Europe, it was the Arabs who kept the fire of civilization for the Westerners. The Crusades After those books returned to Europe, the light of knowledge began to illuminate the darkness in people's hearts.

Ron Weasley's strong mother arranges his daily life properly, the family has no money, he has no ability, and has all the qualities of a "loser".

Bill also stayed at home for a while, during which time Fleur and Molly didn't get along well. Later, Bill's face was ruined, and Fleur still insisted on him before Molly began to accept her.

If a man comes home from get off work and sees his wife and mother arguing, it's not hell like a battlefield, but it's a different kind of hell. The war will end one day, but this kind of family war will never stop. Which one should mother and wife help?

It is not so easy to move out, and it is impossible to raise a family without certain material conditions.

You don't have to worry about this when you are studying, you can play without worry, and you can just pass the exam, and Ron Owls didn't get an o in the exam.

When he came out as an adult, he found himself being rejected everywhere when applying for a job. If it weren't for the special period, Ron's grades would never have made him an Auror.

Pain is a process that everyone must go through in adulthood. The food at Hogwarts is free, but the food you eat costs money. Ron wolfed it down at school, as if he couldn’t get enough to eat. If you don't get it, just make up for it.

Hogwarts provides excellent material conditions for children, so that they don't have to worry about life. It is like an ivory tower and a paradise. People are attached to it like their own home. People who read or have read books are reluctant to leave, even an independent person like Tom Riddle wants to go back to school and become a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Inertia needs hard work to overcome. In the Middle Ages, there were no books to read. In modern society, there are many books to read, but some people choose to have fun. If you don't broaden your horizons, you can't make correct and wise choices. The success or failure of life is often determined by choices. If you don't understand why you failed, you will fail again next time. Tom Riddle made a wrong choice. He was pursuing immortality, but he failed after putting in so much effort, and was still defeated by a few young people who looked like ants in his eyes.

When Hermione found Ron on the chaotic battlefield, he was fighting spiders with the centaurs, surrounded by a little pony and two strangely dressed young men, the air was filled with the smell of gasoline, everywhere All are burning flames.

Fortunately, no one screamed like a fire alarm. Without that annoying sound, people would be calmer. Panic is very contagious.

"Ron!" After using Arania exumai to drive away the spiders approaching her, Hermione dispelled the disillusionment spell, and Ron, who was using fire magic to drive away the spiders with a sad face, looked like seeing a savior. looking at Hermione.

"Watch out for that big female spider!" cried Ron. "I don't know where she's gone!"

Hermione saw the spiders coming in like waves and the centaur whose defenses were gradually leaking, and immediately sent a message to Harry with Gallon, and then jumped into the battle circle to fight with Ron.

The centaur chief, Margolian, took a look at Hermione Granger, who he clearly recognized, but said nothing, because they really needed more help at the moment.

"Come on, brothers and sisters, let them see it!" A voice from among the spiders yelled, Margolian showed a disgusted expression, and threw a spear out. The spider that screamed just now "Chirp" screamed, was nailed to the ground, and then it was surrounded by those brothers and sisters.

It seems too simple, just shoot them to death, but they need manpower, there are too many spiders.

"Where's your Deluminator?" cried Hermione. "Spiders are nocturnal, just make them think it's daylight to repel them!"

Ron immediately took out the Deluminator from his pocket in a panic, and it released a huge ball of light that looked like a sun.

Seeing the light, the spiders' offensive immediately weakened. They are artificial life, and they were designed to be dark creatures, and the pressure on the defense line was relieved a lot.

Immediately after Hermione waved her wand, a gust of wind formed from the end of her wand, which blew away the mist covering everyone's heads. This corner of the Forbidden Forest was like daylight, and everything was in sight—disgusting spiders everywhere.

Suddenly, a shrill and high-pitched cry sounded from the place shrouded in dense fog and darkness, and a golden phoenix flew over at high speed like an arrow off the string, followed by a bird riding a hippogriff Harry Potter, and dozens of people on broomsticks cast various fire spells on the spiders on the ground as soon as they arrived, and the reinforcements finally arrived.

"How are you?" Harry rode Buckbeak in front of the crowd, looking extremely majestic, like a hero who saved the world.

"And Arthur." Hermione looked up at Harry and said, "Someone is going to assassinate him."

"I've notified the Aurors."

"And that big female spider, Mossag." Ron said blankly, without the joy and gratitude after being rescued at all.

"Which way did it go?" Harry asked.

"How do I know that? I'm too busy saving my own life."

"Maybe it's headed towards Trilling Town." Muggle Dylan said suddenly, "Those spiders eat people, and I also heard that she uses people to hatch her eggs..."

"That's not what she said." Ron interrupted Dylan feebly, "She said she would use digestive juices to dissolve people's internal organs. Do you remember the Muggle juice drink we drank last time? In a cardboard box, plug in a straw and drink the juice inside."

"Stop it." Hermione rubbed her arms as if she was cold, obviously, goosebumps all over her body.

Harry looked in one direction, which happened to be the Slytherin camp.

"I'm going over there, will you come with me?" Harry asked.

"Of course." Hermione said without hesitation, and Ron was silent.

Someone who couldn't Apparate was a real liability, and Ron's dad was in danger right now.

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