Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 429 Basilisk and Spider

The scar on Harry's forehead hurt the closer he got to the Slytherin camp.

At first it was like a needle prick, and then it was like a dagger trying to pry open his skull. The rhythm matched the beating speed of his heart, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

What spiders are most afraid of is the basilisk. In the second grade, he and Ron broke into the secret room together. He killed a snake. There are many mouse skeletons in the secret room. Although the basilisk is huge, it has never eaten people. It only has eyes Be petrified only when you stare at it.

In contrast, the spider will have no bones left, and the snake is not only the natural enemy of the spider, but also the natural enemy of the mouse. If the basilisk is still there, maybe it will eat Pete Pedilu as a mouse.

Helping those who deserved help at Hogwarts, Pete Pedilou wasn't one of those who deserved help, but what puzzled Harry the most was why Severus didn't kill him.

Harry has been learning the Fidelity Charm, which is not an easy spell to learn, his family has been threatened after the Death Eaters escaped, and he needs to find someone he can trust to be a nanny, if the secret agent betrays his family's family to the Death Eaters position, Ginny and James were in an accident, and he would never let that person go.

If Severus wasn't a brave man, a murderer like Malfoy, then it would be understandable that he wouldn't kill Pete, but he wasn't that kind of guy.

Harry was very puzzled, Severus didn't bother to kill Pete, the mouse, or did he feel that killing Pete would dirty his hands and it wasn't worth it?

In the Shrieking Shack, Harry also thought so, his father's friend was not worth getting his hands dirty for Pete's dirty mouse, but later in the coffee shop after the battle, Ron suggested killing him. Antony Hollov, because it will never hurt again.

When Bellatrix killed Sirius, Voldemort was urging him to kill her, and if she had died then, Molly wouldn't have needed to get her hands dirty.

Killing is a dirty job, one that stinks like swamp mud, that no one likes to do, but someone has to do it.

In the past, when the dementors were guarding Azkaban, the death penalty could still be handled by them. Now that they are gone, another method must be used to execute the werewolves captured in the Battle of the North Sea. Kingsley decided to hang them.

Those werewolves have been completely brainwashed. They take pleasure in biting people. Many Aurors have been hurt by them. Even if they don’t turn into werewolves, they will have sequelae due to wolf’s poison. As the director of the Department of Legal Enforcement, Harry wants to sign For those documents, the Ministry of Magic is now using the same "never trouble" method as the dark wizard.

Phoenix led the pathfinders to see the place where Arthur was assassinated, but brought Harry to the place where Ron needed help, and Ron also followed him to deal with the female spider, but along the way they The three of them didn't say a word, and the atmosphere was awkward and weird, which reminded Harry of how he felt when he was selected as the fourth player in the Triwizard Tournament in the fourth grade.

Ron was jealous of Harry. The vision that appeared when they destroyed the Slytherin locket was actually a scene of Harry and Hermione making out. Ron was so angry at the time that Harry thought he raised his sword and killed him. It was him. Fortunately, he hit Voldemort's Horcrux in the end.

Another Horcrux, Voldemort's 16-year-old diary, the handsome Tom Riddle doesn't know as much as the soul in the Slytherin locket, it seems that the memory will not be shared because of the same soul.

But when other Horcruxes, such as Hufflepuff's gold cup were destroyed by Ron and Hermione, he could also feel the pain and fear, when destroying the diary, the locket, the Gaunt ring Harry didn't even feel that way.

And Ravenclaw's diadem, and Nagini feeling the pain too.

According to Dumbledore, Voldemort didn't know that Harry Potter was a Horcrux, he became a Horcrux by accident, plus he was the only 7 Horcruxes.

Voldemort didn't know that Harry Potter was a Horcrux, so Cedric's death was used to create the actual eighth, what Voldemort thought was the seventh Horcrux, Wormtail's prosthetic hand.

Sometimes Neville can always do some unexpected things. For example, he cut off Nagini's head with a single sword. Dumbledore told him that there are two children born at the end of July, one is Harry Potter , one is Neville Longbottom, the Potter family and the Longbottom family are both families that defeated Voldemort three times.

You can't Apparate with a baby, but Augusta Longbottom did it with Neville when the Death Eaters broke into her house.

In order to protect Harry, Albus violated almost all international secrecy laws, and insisted not to apparate.

Women were harder than men sometimes, and not just Mrs. Longbottom, but Hermione too, who had encouraged Ron to take part in the operation, and Aunt Petunia too.

In the final parting, she told Harry that not only had he lost his mother that night, but she had also lost his sister.

Women are really good at disguising. Devil's webs are usually disguised as crab claw orchids, which look harmless, but the power they produce tonight is so amazing, those snake-like vines tightly entangle the spiders, humans just need to Ignite a fire, and the flame will burn along with the spider along with the devil's web. At the same time, it is also a sharp weapon for assassination. On Christmas in the fifth grade, a devil's web sent by an anonymous person silently entangled Bode to death.

He could almost hear the heels of his shoes on the solid concrete, but that sound was really just echoing in his head, what he really heard was the rustling of the spider's legs moving.

He has learned some ancient runes, and the numbers from 0 to 9 are represented by magical animals.

0 invisible beast

1 unicorn

2 horned camels

3 Runes

4 Witchbirds

5 five-legged monster

6 salamanders

8 eight-eyed spider

9 Hydra, the nine-headed sea monster

Only 7 uses an unknown creature. In Harry's view, its shape looks a lot like a squid, but the real squid tentacles are two long tentacles and 8 short arms. One has 10 tentacles, which does not represent 7.

The number 7 is magical. The person who first discovered this secret was an arithmetic divinationist. Many people thought she was from Ravenclaw, but in fact she was from Hufflepuff.

This time he returned to Hogwarts because the dean of Hufflepuff came to visit in person. Compared with dealing with documents in the Legal Enforcement Department and doing nothing in the Auror office, coming to Hogwarts to teach, especially It is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that can make him more useful. For every one more person who can call the gods to guard, Kingsley's policy of canceling dementors as guards will be supported by one more person.

Some things are better to face it than to avoid it. Harry Potter, the seemingly brave and fearless savior, is actually afraid of the dark, just like a child who has not grown up, especially the Forbidden Forest, a place full of unknown dangers, here There are also cave trolls. Trembling Town outside the Forbidden Forest was originally called Troll Town. When Harry was young, Harry didn’t know its power. It's impossible to blame.

The more you know, the more afraid you are. Only the ignorant can be fearless. Albus Dumbledore has hidden many things from Harry. When he was in the Chamber of Secrets, Fox would not appear by chance.

Maybe the phoenix's tears could cure the basilisk's venom, but Harry wasn't sure if it could handle the spider's digestive juices.

The basilisk retains some of the habits of snakes, as does the eight-eyed spider. After this carnivorous insect captures its prey with a net, it first uses its pincers to inject venom into the animal's body to kill it, and then secretes digestive juice from the intestines to infuse the captured prey. body, break it down into juice and suck it into the digestive tract.

That kind of digestive juice is very corrosive, and the trees in the valley where they live are probably corroded by the digestive juice, otherwise, how long would it take to use their pincers to gnaw.

No wonder the eight-eyed spider is on the same level as the basilisk, but even the eight-eyed spider is still afraid of the basilisk, and what the basilisk is afraid of is the crowing of the rooster. Hagrid's rooster is not enough for the basilisk, but it is Afraid of the crowing of the rooster.

When he saw the giant elephant-like eight-eyed female spider, Harry suddenly hoped that a basilisk would come out, but he was not sure if he could still speak Parseltongue, because in the Forbidden Forest, with Ava The Dassault Curse, the part of Voldemort in his body that has been wiped out.

"Harry! Harry!" cried Hermione. "Did you hear what I just said?"

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Harry asked in a daze.

"If Mossag surrenders, shall we kill her?" Hermione said. "We can take her to Hagrid and let her be buried with Aragog."

"What do you think, Ron?" Harry asked the deadpan Ron.

"She's crazy, we killed a lot of her children, even though her children were going to eat her." Ron said angrily, "She escaped with eggs."

Harry looked at Mossag.

"We're undoing her curse, aren't we?" Harry asked the other two companions, but no one answered.

Hermione looked at Mossag with sympathy, and Ron looked at her with disgust.

As long as there is something worthy of pity, witches will show mercy, while wizards are much more rational. This is why the witch hunt burns witches, but there are very few wizards.

The Middle Ages was also an era of unprecedented development of alchemy. When Harry lived in the Leaky Cauldron, he often went to the ice cream shop next door to do his homework. The owner told him a lot about the witch hunt in the 14th century, but about alchemy The knowledge he had found while looking for traces of Nicolas.

Knowledge and greed co-exist, rationality and ignorance co-exist, for wealth, longevity, faith, knowledge, people from all walks of life are crazy about alchemy, once someone announces that he has mastered some secrets of alchemy, it means that he Not far from being the guest of kings, bishops, or great nobles.

When the "witch" was tied to the stake, the wizard was enjoying the food and wine. Of course, most of these people were liars. The real alchemists were very low-key, and many of them were even priests of the church.

During alchemy experiments, sometimes failed products will be produced, and at this time the alchemist must destroy them.

Of course, the product will not just wait for death like this. It will beg for mercy and hope that the Creator can forgive itself. If these are ineffective, it will turn back to the owner.

"How do we get rid of her, Hermione?" said Harry.

"Normal magic won't work on her at her size," Hermione replied.

"So there's nothing you can do, right?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Hermione said dejectedly.

"What are you going to do?" said Ron in a low voice.

"Cut off her feet first," said Harry. "She'll be less difficult to deal with if she's immobile."

"Or Fiendfyre," said Ron. "It's going to work a lot better than your plan."

Harry didn't answer Ron's words.

His clear lake-green eyes looked at the female spider fighting with the phoenix. She was squirting spider silk and digestive juice at the phoenix in pain and madness. Her hair had already started to turn gray, as if death was not far away.

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