Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 431 Love u0026 War

A swamp is a muddy place with water. It is very simple to get rid of a portable swamp. Just drain the water in the swamp with a draining spell. The swamp will turn into ordinary soil, and then it can be disposed of. Umbridge was told that the portable swamp that Weasley had set up had been transformed by the Hufflepuffs into a dating sanctuary, complete with bright flowers.

If Percy had been at Hogwarts, would he have joined the DA like Ron as a Gryffindor prefect, or would he have been Umbridge's sycophant like Draco Malfoy?

But what made Pomona even more unexpected was that he would actually fall in love, and he was also a female prefect with Ravenclaw. It is well known that Ravenclaw girls hate Gryffindor's arrogant boys the most, and they have secret trysts everywhere in the school. It is really hard to see that Percy has such a side.

Pomona sat on the tree fork, watching Mossag flopping about in the swamp, her legs were entangled in aquatic plants, and now she couldn't run at all, and it was much easier for Harry to deal with her.

Come on, Phoenix Fox pecked out the Basilisk's eyes, she's not cheating!

Every move of Mr. Savior has been noticed by many people, especially his interaction with girls. The newborn Ginny Weasley was named by Ron's mother's roaring letter, and it was hard not to notice her.

Every time she saw Percy, she felt weird, as if she was afraid of him. At first, no one cared about it. After all, there is a majestic brother. Before that, he was hesitant to talk to Harry, but Pomona overheard the news of the trio's quarrel just now, and a strong intuition told her that the first victim killed by Tom Riddle and made into a Horcrux was Gran The male prefect of Findor Academy.

1944 was the most intense period of World War II. At that time, it was normal for one or two people to be missing. In addition, Dumbledore was going to deal with Grindelwald, and Hogwarts was dominated by the male student president.

Tom must be very guilty of dealing with this kind of ancient black magic. He is not sure what kind of problems will arise, so he is particularly guilty when he sees the prefects of Gryffindor.

If he could find a girlfriend, maybe he wouldn’t have to go down that road of no return. Hagrid didn’t solve his own problems, but he was busy asking about other people’s problems. He found a female companion, Mosag, for Aragog. , and even planned to find a girlfriend for Glop, but later the centaur Firenze predicted that it would not have a good result.

Sometimes Pomona couldn't help but want to grab Hagrid by the collar and ask him: what on earth is a girlfriend for?

Mrs. Maxim was so easily pushed to the point that Hagrid was still single. How could he, as an older brother, set an example for his younger brother?

Ms. Atrix Bloxam has taken a great variety of old stories and rewritten them in her own way. She herself stated that her ideal was to "fill the pure brains of our little angels with healthy, happy thoughts, to keep their sweet sleep free from nightmares, and to preserve the innocence of flowers."

Hagrid's brain should be as pure as she hoped, the problem is that children are not as pure as she hoped, generation after generation of wizarding children have read the story of Lady Bloxam's reaction It's all the same: uncontrollable retching, followed by a demand that the book be taken away from them quickly, immediately reduced to pulp, her book is garbage, and children don't bother to read it.

After reaching a certain age, the books that boys like to read are war themes, and the books that girls like to read are love themes. Boys only feel disgusting when reading girls' books, but girls can read boys' books.

If it is a Quidditch game, only boys study tactics and formations, girls only care about who wins in the end, what is offside? He obviously scored a goal, why can't it be counted?

Explaining offside to girls is as difficult as explaining the law of celestial body movement to them. They just support the person they like. The vast majority of females are not aggressive. How to win the game.

Girls of the same age mature earlier than boys in most cases. When Severus was fooling around with Death Eaters, Lily was already thinking about starting a family and how to stay in the wizarding world. Boys will only grow up after experiencing setbacks Well, Master Malfoy used to be very arrogant. When his father was the school manager, he was like the master of the castle. In the fifth grade, the family changed drastically. In the sixth grade, he became taciturn and gloomy like his godfather.

Girls read boys' books to see how they deal with setbacks and difficulties. If there are no ups and downs in the plot, it will be dull and boring, labeled as boring and thrown aside.

Ron's story is very plain, there is no tragic life experience, and there is no legendary story. He is just a very ordinary person. It is very difficult to find the good points from him. Compared with Harry, it is much simpler and clearer.

Ron is a person who lives under Harry's halo, and is also a person who is tired of Harry's reputation. Why doesn't Hermione choose Harry Potter if she is so good? He became unconfident when there were too many people asking this question, and with the addition of Victor, it was even more difficult for the ordinary Ron to succeed.

What is good in other people's eyes is not necessarily suitable for you. It is rare to see people who don't care about other people's opinions at all. Pansy and Draco have been together for seven years, and they also broke up because of their mouths.

The Battle of the Ministry of Magic is very famous. His father Lucius became the role of supporting the members of the Order of the Phoenix like a clown. A masterpiece like the patron saint of mice will be as infamous as Rashitian.

No one wants to leave a reputation as a villain in history. Most people want to be heroes, at least to leave a good reputation, but those characters left on paper were once living people, and they also had love and hatred. The history books written by historians are like masks, which are what they want others to see. The real historical figures may not be so stalwart or so insignificant. Even Judas, who betrayed Jesus, sometimes regretted it.

It’s just that Jesus didn’t forgive Judas, because he knew that Judas hadn’t really repented. Judas’ confession was only a superficial confession forced out of the perpetrator’s fear of psychological condemnation and seeing the future judgment.

Knowing that his pleading was futile, Judas rushed out of the judgment hall, shouting, "It's too late! It's too late!" He couldn't bear to live to see Jesus being crucified, so he hanged himself in the suburbs of Jerusalem in despair.

How true was Severus' claim that day that he was going to sleep in front of the Gryffindor common room? Did he really hope to get Lily's forgiveness, or did he just put on a play for the whole school to see.

He is an excellent actor and a liar, only magic can't act, and the old fool believes it is true. In the notes of the poet Beedle's story collection, he once wrote: Whether you are a wizard or a Muggle, your heart is full of desire for power . How many people can refuse the "Staff of Destiny"? And who who has lost a loved one can resist the temptation of the resurrection stone? Even I, Albus Dumbledore, would have found the Invisibility Cloak the easiest to refuse. It only goes to show that a man as clever as I am is as much a fool as anyone else.

Owners of the Elder Wand are almost always male, and witches never have.

Most wizards prefer to use a "chosen" wand of their own rather than any second-hand wand, as second-hand wands have likely learned habits from the previous owner that do not match the new owner's style of magic. After the death of the owner, the wand is generally buried or burned with the owner. This practice also prevents a wand from learning from too many owners.

A wand is not a stick. It has life and memory. Isolt Thayer's wand is made of snakewood. It can understand Parseltongue. When Graeme Gunter came to America, she could use snake The Laoqiang put Isolt Thayer's wand to sleep, when it was no different from a stick.

Albus thinks that the resurrection stone is not a real person, but a ghost, and there is a pool of corpses in that cave.

It would be really sad if Severus and Lily became like that.

"I just can't let you go," Pomona murmured. "Is this human?"

"Yes, dear, this is people." The Death Eater who turned into black smoke stood next to her and said "When I fly in the sky, I can feel that nothing can hurt me, but unfortunately I can't Always in the air, I always have to fall to the ground..."

"Like a fallen angel." Pomona said deliriously.

"You're the only one who thinks I'm an angel." Severus said helplessly, "You're really a weirdo, senpai."

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