Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 441 Force Majeure

It used to be said in a Latin proverb.

Jusest ars boni et aequi.

The law is the way of goodness and justice.

One of the reasons for the implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy is that Muggle laws do not protect the rights and interests of wizards. Muggles are not held criminally responsible for burning to death or harming wizards. For the sake of personal safety, the wizarding world and the Muggle world are completely separated.

But in enforcing this law, the Ministry of Magic deviated more and more from its original purpose. When Arianna was pushed into a bucket by three Muggle children, she caused a magical riot in order to avoid drowning. Her health was ruined, and she was silently parasitized. The law did not give her justice. In the Secrecy Act, there is no punishment for Muggles harming wizards. What is the use of such a law and the Ministry of Magic that upholds this unfair law when an angry father avenges his daughter and is imprisoned in Azkaban instead?

When he was young, Albus was as radical as Grindelwald. He had enough reasons to hate Muggles. The reason why he became protective of Muggles' rights was because he recognized the fact that Muggles have an overwhelming population advantage.

He never told Pomona about Arianna, let alone his homosexuality, leaving her wondering which woman he was having a secret relationship with.

Aberforth took Arianna's portrait as comfort, and Albus, who had mastered the power, used a living Pomona as a substitute. Albus accompanied her to Diagon Alley to buy a wand and the things needed by the newborn, It was like accompanying Arianna to report to Hogwarts.

Pomona is good at taking care of plants, and Arianna also likes to grow flowers and plants. She was attacked by Muggle boys in her garden. If Albus knew that his beloved sister became what she was just now, how angry he would be .

She had never imagined that she would be so dissolute, and she could hardly connect the screaming woman just now with Dean Hufflepuff.

That dumpy woman was respected, and what she had just done was not respected at all.

It was meaningless to others, but very interesting to the two of them. It would be a waste to waste time on this aspect, but she felt very happy, and the whole person was relaxed and comfortable, just like It was as joyful as after exercising, and she fully realized the joy of being alive.

Severus was kissing her back, and not only was it itchy, but he was making noises as if to tell her what he was doing.

The previous quarrels and negative emotions have completely disappeared. No wonder some people say that the bedside quarrel is closed at the end of the bed.

"We're going to hell," she said in a hoarse voice.

"I'm fine with hell if it's the same as before," Severus said in a nasal voice.

"Where did you learn that?" She turned her head and glared at him. "Where have you been these few days?"

"Looking for a new house, this place is too small." He used the Flying Charm to attract a cigarette case, and then lit it. "We used to come here only in summer, how about using this place as our villa?"

"I don't care where I live, don't waste your money on this place."

"The place where Harry Potter lived when he was a kid is empty now, how about moving there?"

"No!" She refused without hesitation.

"Would you rather live in a house or an apartment?"

"Why do you want to change your residence again?"

"Safety, Lucius still has an apartment in London, we can live there."

"Why didn't I expect it, it's Lucius Malfoy again." Pomona complained, "Is that house where he used to meet his mistress?"

"Why do you think that?"

Pomona watched Severus, although he looked calm, his shoulders were hard and he looked guilty.

"A woman's intuition," said Pomona viciously. "Is that why you wrote me that love poem? My mistress' eyes!"

"That's where he used to handle business, don't think too much about it."

"Look me in the eyes," Pomona threatened. "Every time the two of you get mixed up, you're up to something."

"He wanted me to push Fleet Osbert to the front to compete for the position of Minister for Magic."

"So he donated the house to bribe you?" Pomona sat up and shook her head angrily. "Damn albino snake."

"You haven't given up on your dream of having Hermione as Minister of Magic?"

"What would Flatt do? He only flatters and flatters!"

Flyte Osberte (Flyte Osberte), nicknamed Flatter (Flatter), if he takes power, he will definitely become a puppet of the Malfoy family like his ancestors.

Because of the influence of Lucius Malfoy, Fudge felt that he could handle government affairs, and ended up treating Albus Dumbledore as a threat. Lucius was good at playing tricks, but he might not be good at dealing with business affairs. She couldn't let him succeed.

"I can tell you what he's been up to behind his back." Severus puffed on his cigarette, smirking maliciously, "but you'll have to trade it for something."

"For what?"

He looked her body up and down.

"Oh, hell!" Pomona covered herself with the quilt. "I'm not going to sleep with you for this."

"You're my wife, why don't you do yourself a favor while fulfilling your obligations?" He leaned in slowly like a snake in the Garden of Eden, hissing in a low voice, "You did a good job just now. "

"Can I change it to something else?" She said weakly, "I don't want this."

"Then what about the last time you got information from me?" He took her hand and let her stretch it under the quilt. "And that invitation letter, that was the most surprising invitation I received in my life."

"That would be wrong and exceptional circumstances."

"But I like it very much." He whispered in her ear "Do you like me?"

Honest Badger was about to cry, "You're teaching me to be bad."

"Good girl, be obedient." He suppressed his shortness of breath and coaxed, "Just like you did just now, do it."

"Lucius won't get what he wants, Albus risked his life to suppress the rise of bloodism, and Flatt won't be the Minister of Magic."

"I don't care who is the minister." He kissed the corners of her mouth and lips, as if rebuilding the atmosphere that had been destroyed just now. "You ask me when I saw you in the Mirror of Erised, when did you Me in the mirror?"

That day, like a maid in a castle, she took the house-elf to do the cleaning, greeted the guests from Durmstrang and Bray Barton, and accidentally discovered the empty classroom where the Mirror of Erised was stored.

What he saw in the mirror was personal privacy, but Dumbledore shared it with everyone. He repeatedly reiterated that what he saw was woolen socks, as if hiding something.

She walked into the classroom and came to the mirror. What appeared in the mirror was not her appearance after drinking Polyjuice Potion, but her hybrid Veela appearance.

The man standing next to him was dressed in black and stood upright. This kind of aristocratic temperament did not come from the inside out like Sirius did. After all, he was a kid who grew up in a slum.

The way they stand together is like an old photograph from the 18th century, when people only took pictures of big events, usually a wedding or a new baby.

"Wait for me for a while." She whispered, then lifted the quilt and found the suitcase used by Hogwarts students. The villa of Godrick Malfoy's family is now used by Draco, and their things cannot stay There it was, the French maid outfit she bought last time was there.

It's the best style that that lingerie shop sells, and they just love maids.

Tutu, garter belts, and lots and lots of lace. After putting on the maid's headdress, she turned around and said in French deliberately, "Master, what do you want Abigail to do?"

"Are you going to be naughty again, Pomona?" he said with a broad smile.

"I'm Abigail, master." She danced on tiptoe like a ballet. "How about I stay home in this capacity in the new house?"

"You don't want to be the hostess?" He watched her sit down on the edge of the bed, looking down at her thighs. The hem of the tutu skirt couldn't hide the garter belt, which according to the salesperson can make many people lose their minds.

"I don't want to be a hostess," said Abigail, tucking her hand under the sheets. "It's not free at all being a dame. I like working."

"You call this work?"

"That's right." She whispered into his ear while "working" "I'll tell you a secret, the work I'm doing now is why everyone is vying for house elves instead of human women .”

Considering Dobby's eyes the size of tennis balls and Kreacher's bullfrog-like voice, who could be interested in house-elves.

"Are you comfortable, Master." She asked in a low voice, and Severus ignored her, holding her head instead and French kissing her.

She took the time to look at the sky, and it seemed that they were going to move at night.

A nomadic life requires being ready to take all your belongings away at any time, just like Harry in the third grade, who basically left his suitcase unopened when he came home from summer vacation, ready to escape from the Dursleys at any time.

"Abigail wants more, master, more." She acted like a degenerate brain, acting like a baby to someone younger than her.

"That's it." He said with a beaming smile. "I like being alive."

After finishing speaking, he threw his newly hired French maid on the soft bed. The body temperature left by the hostess just now has not dissipated, as if she just went to the bathroom to apply skin care products to keep her youthful and beautiful, and may come back at any time .

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