Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 460: The Legacy of the Forefathers

Bars are to the British what cafes are to the French and teahouses are to the Chinese.

Whenever the night falls, office workers drag their heavy steps and walk into bars with neon lights. Some of these bars are gentlemen, some are sports, some are cross-dressing, and some are only open to gays. The night has given all kinds of people all kinds of cover. The face looks strange, none of which is suitable for children to go in and play.

A bar is not a nightclub, there is no deafening music, no men and women who shake their heads and dance, this is a social place. Many bars are important places to understand local culture. The paintings on the walls and exquisite ornaments are more or less related to local culture, just like a small local museum.

Some places are even frequented by writers. Shakespeare was a frequent visitor to the tavern, and he still wrote while drinking.

The bar does not only sell alcohol, but also offers non-alcoholic drinks for ladies. The three broomsticks' butter beer has a very low alcohol content.

In the bar, the class difference will be reduced, and Master Malfoy will sit on the same level as the poor Weasley in the three broomsticks. Even if you use the private room, the environment inside is not much better. The charm of the bar is that people who are usually serious will become less restrained here, and everyone can chat happily.

But the former owner of the Leaky Cauldron Bar has turned it into a haunted place for sneaky people. It is dark, dirty, and there are many elderly people. Some people even use the bar as a smoking room. Many bars are non-smoking. If you want to smoke Go behind the bar.

After Hannah took over the operation, the Leaky Cauldron Bar has changed a lot. The long dirty table is gone, replaced by a circle of red booth sofas and a small table composed of round wooden tables. The walls still retain the original red bricks, with many chocolate frog pictures hanging on them.

There is an open space in the center of the hall, where everyone can dance or chat to the brisk music played from the trumpet-shaped phonograph.

The lighting is much better here, too, with lots of green fireflies dancing in the lampshades, similar to the Hufflepuff Lounge, and the bar is made of blue glass bricks in a grid shape that looks like fish scales.

The colors of the four courtyards of Hogwarts are gathered here, and it doesn't look messy at all. There are many staff from the Ministry of Magic who come and go here, and it looks like a place suitable for children to appear.

Hannah provides food and lodging for guests like Old Tom. Hufflepuff has always been good at cooking food. The thick broth is poured on the mashed potatoes, served with small meal bags and flamed whiskey, which can make people blown in the cold wind. People who have been there for a long time recover quickly.

The waiter who served them food was Aberforth Dumbledore, who looked a lot like Albus Dumbledore. Even though he had a bad temper, everyone was still willing to greet Aberforth warmly and encourage him Wears the same half-moon glasses as his brother.

But even though everyone was laughing happily at the moment, the harmonious and lively atmosphere could not prevent Pomona from feeling depressed, and she ate the food on the plate like chewing wax.

Severus drank the Firewhiskey in silence, as if thinking of himself.

There are fairy tales in the west, and there are fairy tales in the east. Just now Zhang Tao told them an oriental fairy tale.

Long, long ago, there was a mischievous child who loved painting. His name was Ma Liang.

His father and mother passed away early, and he made a living by gathering firewood and mowing grass by himself. One day he passed by the entrance of a school and saw the county magistrate drawing with a brush, so he couldn't help but walked in and said to the master, "I want to learn painting very much, can you lend me a pen?" He glared at him and scolded, "The poor kid also wants to learn to paint with a brush? It's a dream!" After speaking, Ma Liang was kicked out of the gate.

Ma Liang is an ambitious boy. From then on, he made up his mind to learn painting and practiced hard every day. When he went to the mountains to collect firewood, he broke a branch, learned to draw birds on the sand, and when he went to the river to mow grass, he used grass. I dipped in the river water, learned how to draw fish, returned home at night, took a piece of charcoal, and painted the things I drew during the day one by one on the wall of the cave dwelling.

In this way, year after year passed, Ma Liang never stopped learning painting. His cave walls were overlaid with paintings, and he also made rapid progress. The birds he painted were almost like real birds except that they couldn’t cry, and the fish were worse. Swim in the water.

He drew a little hen at the entrance of the village, and there were eagles circling over the village all day long. He drew a black wolf on the back mountain, which frightened the cattle and sheep to dare not graze on the back mountain. But Ma Liang still didn't have a pen, how he wished he could have one.

One night, Ma Liang was lying in the cave, because he was very tired from working all day and studying painting, and fell asleep in a daze as soon as he lay down. Guang Guang, an old man with a white beard came and gave him a pen.

"This is a magic pen, use it well."

Ma Liang took the pen and jumped up for joy. As a result, he woke up at this moment, and it turned out that everything was just a dream.

He rubbed his eyes, intending to get up and continue working, only to find that he was holding the pen in his hand.

He was very happy. He drew a bird with a brush, and the bird flew up to the sky with flapping wings. If there is no waterwheel in the house, he will draw waterwheels for him, and gradually he has the title of Ma Liang, the magic brush.

Soon the news reached the ears of the county magistrate. He didn't believe that the things he painted could come to life, so he forced Ma Liang to paint. He refused, so the county magistrate locked him in a stable and refused to give him food.

In the evening, it was snowing, and a thick layer had accumulated on the ground. The county magistrate thought that Ma Liang would either starve to death or freeze to death, and the magic pen belonged to him. But when he walked through the door of the stable, he found that Ma Liang had not He died, and a big stove was lit, and he was eating pancakes while warming up.

The county magistrate angrily called for the servant to kill Ma Liang, but Ma Liang disappeared at this time.

He drew a horse, jumped on the horse's back, and escaped from the county magistrate's house. At the same time, he overturned the stove, and the county magistrate's house fell into flames. Since then, Ma Liang has disappeared, and only occasionally people say that he Still painting for the poor.

Legend has it that the three Peverell brothers got three items from Death, the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. Among them, the Elder Wand was claimed by many wizards, and it can always be found in the darkest and bloodiest chapters of the history of magic. figure. The Resurrection Stone was handed down to the Gunter family, and the Invisibility Cloak was handed down to the Lil family. Later, because the Lil paternal line was severed, it was handed down in the Potter family by the primogeniture system.

According to legend, the magical writing brush was circulated in the Ma family.

The surname horse is very common. Like Potter, the writing brush is similar to the wand, both of which are made of wood and animal hair. It is made of sycamore wood. As for the material used for the hair on its tip, there are different opinions. Some people even did not believe that such a magic brush existed until Ma Youzai appeared.

The British and French allied forces broke into the Old Summer Palace and took away a lot of Chinese treasures. The emperor often had a hobby of collecting rare treasures from all over the world. When the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, many Han people were killed. No one knows whether the brush was lost or not. to the palace.

Ma Youxuan is very good at painting, just like the magic brush Ma Liang in the story, and he claims to be from Henan. Chang'an in Xijing, Luoyang in Tokyo, Luoyang, the capital of God, was once the imperial capital appointed by Empress Wu Zetian.

Women are very good at lying. According to the legend, she framed the queen, saying that the queen killed her daughter, and then the emperor abolished his queen in anger, and made Wu Zetian his queen.

However, the reality is not what the world knows.

Tang Gaozong Emperor Li Zhi was an emperor who was very good at acting. He has always been known as a benevolent and weak man. He hid behind Wu Zetian and used his illness as an excuse to ignore the government. In fact, he let Wu Zetian deal with those powerful people.

The abolition of the king and the establishment of the military is not because of pure preference, but also because of political issues. To manage a country requires a perfect law. The "Wu De Law" used at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty was based on the "Kai Huang Law" left by Yang Jian in the Sui Dynasty. Some modifications have been made for the basis, which is essentially not much different from the "Kaihuang Law".

In the reign of Zhenguan, Tian Khan asked Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others to revise the "Law of Wu De" and completed the "Law of Zhenguan". Among them was Changsun Wuji. At this time, Changsun Wuji, as a minister of Gu Ming, didn't value the young emperor very much. He was more and more like Cao Cao, a powerful minister, and Li Zhi didn't want to be Emperor Xiandi of Han. Opinions were divided and became increasingly fierce.

Queen Wang is a woman, not a strong woman, and she can't help Gaozong Li Zhi in her career.

Wu Zetian is a talented person who often helps Tian Khan to deal with government affairs. Although Changsun Wuji did not play any role when Li Yuan and his son rebelled against the Sui Dynasty, his skills mainly came after the founding of the People's Republic of China. He had heard of Li Chunfeng's prophecy: , there is a female Wu Dynasty Tang. Wu Zetian happened to be surnamed Wu, so he strongly opposed making Wu Zetian the queen.

On the surface, it was a matter of establishing a queen, but in fact it was a contest between the emperor and his ministers, and the final result was clearly written in history.

During the Han and Tang Dynasties, Chinese wizards often haunted the court and knew much more than ordinary people. There were many liars in Henan and Shaanxi. People at the foot of the imperial capital were like this. Politicians were good at lying. , If you stay with a liar for a long time, you will naturally lie.

It is not clear whether the Henan native who claimed to be Ma Youxuan was really Ma Zhangtao, but that person was not a good person, although he looked like a good person, and he also helped a pair of illegal immigrants to uphold justice up.

Before entering the Leaky Cauldron, Pomona went to a Muggle bookstore and bought the book that was advertised for sale last time. According to Muggle research, there was a major eruption of a volcano in Iceland in 536 AD. Ice core samples were taken from a Swiss glacier, including fragments of volcanic glass. The researchers believe that these large-scale eruptions of volcanic ash enveloped the northern hemisphere for more than a year, affecting the world for 18 months, and the temperature dropped to the coldest in 2300 years. period.

Trolls originally only existed in Scandinavia, but later appeared in Britain, Ireland and other parts of northern Europe. The migration of animals is related to the living environment. If the original place of residence is no longer suitable for survival, it will be taken away, just like those abandoned ancient cities in the desert, or Pompeii, before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius It used to be the second busiest and wealthiest city in ancient Rome, because the hot springs became a paradise for the rich. Nobles and wealthy businessmen came here to build luxurious villas and have fun.

However, because of an abuse of magic, the wizard Zacharias Innocenti used the Tarantella dance spell to make Vesuvius "dance", causing the volcano to erupt and Pompeii to be destroyed. The dance spell made which volcano dance, and the volcanic ash covered the entire northern hemisphere as it did in 536, so because of the abnormal climate, it might really be the same as the day after tomorrow movie, the second ice age came early, and because there was no sunshine, if Without enough food reserves, many people will starve to death.

At this time, plant magic, which is useless in duels, will save many lives.

In Dumbledore's will, he first gave Ronald Weasley the Deluminator, a gadget he made himself, hoping to bring light to Ron in the darkest of times .

In fact it did, when Ron was besieged by spiders in the Forbidden Forest, he used the light from the Deluminator to drive the spiders away.

The Deathly Hallows themselves are also made by humans, but in fairy tales they are made by Grim Reaper. What Albus left to Hermione was a book of fairy tales, and he hoped that she would find fun and inspiration from them. Harry was left with the Snitch as his reward for perseverance and skill.

There is also the sword of Gryffindor, but even the principal has no right to dispose of that sword. Elves and humans have been fighting for its ownership for thousands of years.

Apart from these, his property was given to Aberforth, although there was a fierce battle over the ownership of his research materials.

Severus is the successor designated by Albus, including the position of headmaster, but at the same time he is also the murderer who killed Albus Dumbledore. Stringer felt that he had no right to inherit. At that time, the Ministry of Magic had not yet fully returned Voldemort controlled it, and it wasn't until Stringer was killed that the Ministry of Magic really came under Voldemort's control.

Before Evangeline Orpington, there was a Minister for Magic, Hortensia Millifit, who introduced more laws than any other minister, mostly useful, but some tiresome, leading to brought down her regime.

People are like this, it is easy to remember the bad things about others, and forget the good things about others. Wu Zetian was demonized in history, but she is actually a very poor woman. Her husband cheated on her sister and niece, and she was raped by her father and brother Abandonment, a woman can't stand any kind of suffering she has experienced, let alone she has tasted almost all the pain in the world, and her heart can't help it if she doesn't want to harden.

But the men didn't feel sorry for her at all, instead they took advantage of her loneliness. Brother Zhang Yizhi put her under house arrest when she was old, and played the game of coercing the emperor to order the princes.

She opened up her voice, hoping to hear the opinions of the people, but it turned out to be a stage for false accusations. Countless cruel officials ignored human lives, and the entire Wu Zhou Dynasty was stained red with blood.

She became suspicious and sensitive, and felt that someone was harming her all the time. Later, because of a maid's false accusation, she called Tang Minghuang's mother Concubine Dou and Liu Shi for questioning. As a result, the two living people disappeared in the heavily guarded palace. .

The crazy world is simply unreasonable, and Muggles who lose their light after the sun disappears or the power goes out will not behave as rationally as they think.

Pomona didn't know if Zhang Tao knew what she knew. The Chinese were really too mysterious. Their history was 5,000 years old. It would be unwise to underestimate them.

A wise leader is needed in tough times, the Minister of Magic can also be removed by a motion of no confidence after the Wizarding Council became the Ministry of Magic, Kingsley is not performing well now, and to make matters worse he has an ambitious Auror Chief of Staff , it would be terrible if the Ministry of Magic turned into a military government.

"Your food is getting cold." Severus said coldly "Don't waste it."

Pomona ate delicious mashed potatoes.

praemontius, praemunitus.

Being forewarned is like being forearmed.

Every family has a secret or two, and now it seems it's the Weasleys' turn to keep a relic. How was she going to tell Ron Weasley how important the Deluminator he had was.

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