Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 462 New Fashion

There are many ways to deal with political opponents, the most effective of which is the assassination of political opponents themselves and their families.

Alicia Burns was assassinated, she was a member of the Wizengamot, the son of Buddy Crouch the elder, Buddy Crouch Jr. was kidnapped by Death Eaters, taught badly, and finally became the most surprising person in the trial The death eater, political star Buddy Crouch Sr.'s popularity plummeted, paving the way for Fudge to rise to the position of Minister for Magic.

Before 1991, Fudge was still very dependent on Albus Dumbledore, like a studious student who wanted to ask questions about the White Wizard every day. This way of getting along made him look like a puppet controlled by Albus. Later, following Lucius Malfoy's whispers, Fudge felt that he could handle government affairs, but Dumbledore's reputation was higher than Fudge's. The former mentor became a potential threat, and Fudge began to take action.

China in the Tang Dynasty had the crime of unforgivable heinous crimes, which means that any one of the ten heinous crimes must be executed, no matter what his status is, even if he is a relative of the emperor.

Changsun Wuji's political opponent was Fang Xuanling. During the struggle for successor in Zhenguan's later years, Changsun Wuji elected the later Gaozong Li Zhi as the crown prince, while Fang Xuanling recommended Li Ke. Although Li Ke was Li Zhi's older brother, Li Zhi was the son of Empress Changsun, and Li Ke was born to the daughter of Emperor Sui Yang. Finally, under the repeated persuasion of Changsun Wuji, Tian Khan appointed Li Zhi as his successor.

After Li Zhi ascended the throne, he governed the country with leniency and prudent punishment, and began to sort out laws and regulations, but Changsun Wuji used the law as a tool to deal with political opponents, and when he formulated laws, he served his personal political goals.

Three years after Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi ascended the throne, a scandal broke out in Fang Xuanling's family. In order to fight for the family property, Fang Xuanling's second wife, Yiai, framed her eldest brother Fang Yizhi for indecently assaulting Princess Gaoyang.

In the last year of Zhenguan, the princess had already had a scandal. She had committed adultery with a monk named Bianji, and the monk was finally sentenced to be cut in half.

This time Fang Xuanling's family had another scandal, Changsun Wuji falsely accused Princess Gao Yang and Fang Yiai of treason on the grounds that Princess Gao Yang was spying on the palace, turning them from plaintiffs to defendants.

In order to implicate his political opponent Fang Xuanling, he continued to expand the bottom line on the crime of treason. According to the provisions of the Tang law that "conspiracy is a crime", even those who have complained will be included in the scope of treason. Xue Wanche and even Li Ke were also included in the questioning list. He used Fang Yiai's greed for life and fear of death to make Fang Yiai falsely accuse Li Ke. Fang Yiai and Princess Gaoyang were only suspected of treason, Li Yuanjing and Xue Wanche only complained, and Li Ke was nowhere to be found. According to the legal sentencing, the death penalty cannot be sentenced at all, but Changsun Wuji beheaded Fang Yiai and Xue Wanche. Li Yuanjing , Li Ke, and Princess Gaoyang committed suicide, and Fang Xuanling was forced to leave the court. His goal of suppressing political opponents was achieved.

Li Zhi once had a debate with Changsun Wuji. Regarding the issue of lenient usage, Li Zhi advocated lenient administration, but Changsun Wuji did not judge according to the emperor's preference. The core of the contradiction between the emperor and his ministers lies in the here.

Li Zhi didn't want to be a puppet, so he had to get rid of the powerful ministers, so there was a dispute to abolish the king and establish the military. Wu Zetian was just a pawn in her husband's hand. According to his own preferences, he abolished and established the queen.

If Fudge had arrested Albus Dumbledore for treason at that time, the British Ministry of Magic did not have the death penalty of beheading, but there was a dementor's kiss. Albus Dumbledore died, and then Fudge could Expand the scope of treasonous members, arrest all members of Da and Dumbledore's Army, the savior Potter will definitely be expelled, and even like his godfather Sirius Black, he will be directly imprisoned in Ards without trial Caban.

When Sirius was arrested, it was old Buddy Crouch and the aura master who were in charge of the trial. These people skipped the proof and convicted Sirius with just one finger of Pete Pediru.

Albus protected Severus, but not Sirius. Pomona still can't figure out why Albus did this.

It is necessary for Albus to borrow the phoenix apparition. Once he is imprisoned in Azkaban, he will be passive, and will even implicate other people, not just all the members of da, even Aberforth who provided a place for them to meet , Minerva McGonagall will be implicated.

These people may not die, but they will be ruined. Fudge was in control of the Daily Prophet at the time, and Rita Kisser was the best at making up stories. She dared to write any wild stories.

From Harry's encounter with the dementors during the summer vacation to Albus being framed for treason, Fudge used the law as a tool to deal with political opponents. In the end, like his grandson Wuji, he was imprisoned and was impeached to step down. Snake Lucius Malfoy himself went through trials, was imprisoned in Azkaban, and was finally rescued by the dementors back to Malfoy Manor.

After the Second Wizarding War, Lucius Malfoy, like Karkaroff, survived by selling a lot of his companions, huge war reparations, and Harry Potter's maintenance. The reason why Harry helped him was because Naxi Samalfo lied in the Forbidden Forest that Harry was dead. He survived twice under the Avada Kedavra curse.

Compared with him is Draco Malfoy, Draco is no longer the prince in the old school, he is the son of a Death Eater, and he himself is a Death Eater, his father was humiliated in public, And he himself was humiliated by his former classmates. The average woman couldn't bear the pressure at all, and Pansy Parkinson ran away.

Astonia didn't dare to use her own name when she opened this candy store. Everyone knew that she was Draco's fiancée. If the victim found out, her store would be bombed.

Fame is very important to a woman. Before she really got in touch with Ginny, Pomona thought that she was plotting Harry's gold coins and fame, just like what was uploaded on the market.

She was very scheming, and she was not old enough to agree to Neville's invitation to the Christmas ball, and then met Michael Kona at the ball. She dated Dean Thomas not long after the date, and finally came together with Harry Potter.

There were many people who were jealous of her, plus she secretly resisted Severus, she was framed countless times, and fell into the hands of the Carlo brothers and sisters, so be careful even if she is a pure blood or a girl.

Hermione was also scribbled by Rita Kist. She had a miserable time in the fourth grade. Rita Kist wrote others as a slut, but in fact she was a slut. Her dress, behavior, And the scandals she passed on to the editor-in-chief when she first entered the industry in order to climb up in the early years, but she became a well-known reporter, who can ruin the good reputation of a serious girl at will.

Astonia's choice to be with Draco was tantamount to saying goodbye to her good reputation, and God knew what scandals would come out to slander her in the future.

Hurting her is not just hurting herself, but also smearing the faces of Lucius and Draco. This kind of trick is very insidious, but very effective. Just because you are invulnerable does not mean that the people around you are like you. Weaknesses of politicians.

In 1990, the year before Harry entered the school, the Muggle president of the United States had a scandal with a female intern, and was finally forced by public opinion to take the blame and resign. In front of people, he behaved brightly and righteously, like a perfect saint with zero flaws.

But people always have shortcomings. Millicent Barnold defended Albus and the Order of the Phoenix, saying "I uphold our inalienable right to celebrate", and the remnants of the Death Eaters carried forward this sentence , she became notorious. In order to divert public attention, she made a big fuss about Aberforth casting a spell on a goat.

If anyone had known that "Lord" Snape was with women other than Lily, he wouldn't have had so many female advocates.

Idols should not be married. It is too difficult for a person to understand what Buddhism and theology are. Sakyamuni and Moses’ Ten Commandments both require not to worship idols, but there is a portrait of a person on both a Buddhist altar and an altar. .

Religion can give people spiritual sustenance and help people spend lonely and lonely time. However, liars see that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, and turn the original good things into tools to satisfy personal desires. No one believed it.

"There seems to be no one." Through the transparent glass, Pomona saw that it was pitch black inside, and she could only see a lot of sweets in cute packages.

The glass reflected the man's clothes behind her. It was pure black and looked solemn, like a priest's vestment.

It's immoral to have that kind of heart for the clergy, but he is a wizard, and he is also a dark wizard who advocates freedom and pleasure. His dark eyes don't have the warmth of Hagrid's. Downward suction.

"Where are you going next?" Severus said flirtatiously. "Home?"

"We wasted a day and can't waste any more time."

"I never feel like being with you is a waste of time, other people are nobody to me, you are my family."

"I want a cocktail." Pomona thinks of that house-elf Winky who has a drinking problem, now she needs alcohol, and then she does crazy things like molesting snotties, he can't blame her when she's drunk .

He twisted his lips as if holding back a smile, then bent his arms and said smoothly, "Come with me, ma'am, I know a good place."

She held out her hand without hesitation.

"Where is Hannah?" She thought she suddenly remembered, but at this moment their figures began to twist, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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