Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 471 The Dreary Village

After having lunch in the Great Atrium Restaurant next to Hall 12, they continued to visit the British Museum.

Most visitors head straight for Greek Pavilion 17, where many marble sculptures have been dismantled from the Parthenon.

After nearly a thousand years of plundering by Rome and the plundering and damage by the modern British, the collections of the National Museum of Athens are low in both quantity and quality. The Greeks are currently discussing the issue of returning these marble statues, and the two countries are very unhappy. .

Because the stone statues had been cut before being transported to the UK, and the damage of transportation, these stone statues were all broken and incomplete, looking like some pieces of meat, without any aesthetic feeling.

Anyone who has seen the Parthenon Promenade in Greece will know why the Parthenon Temple in Athens is so dilapidated. The robbers did not carefully protect the essence of these ancient civilizations when they plundered them. Either the horse had a head and the body disappeared. , or the person has a body, the head is missing, the legs of the centaur are missing, and the arms of the humanoid goddess are missing. There are no other adjectives to describe it except messy and devastated.

According to Marx, religion is the lament of repressed beings, and it is equal to the mood in the soulless state, the emotion of the ruthless world.

Pomona thinks that religion is more like a kind of spiritual complement. When people are lonely and helpless, they will pray to God for help, so that they will not feel so lonely.

The biggest difference between the gods of Greece and the gods of other civilizations is that they have humanity. In the original primitive worship, the Greeks worshiped the power of gods, not morality. This kind of god is more like a powerful human being.

Entering the era of moral civilization, human beings who know shame will cover up the mistakes of their idols and try to create a god of perfect morality.

In Plato's mind, the god of love in the sky exists in the ideal, but does not exist in reality. The one who lives in the world is the god of love on the ground. Venus also needs to take a bath, and she will be surprised if she is disturbed while taking a bath. is the response of a living person.

What should a morally perfect god of love do when someone peeps at him in the shower?

The Renaissance opposed theology but not religion, while Christian theology is based on Neo-Platonism. Plato has always been known for pursuing spiritual communication, rejecting lust, and pursuing rational and spiritually pure love. The church, especially the Catholic Church, forbids the clergy to marry. This has something to do with the social ethos of the late ancient Roman society.

In the era of moral civilization, excessive prohibition has created new social problems. Most men don't like Plato at all, and that kind of idealized love is simply unrealistic.

Plato said that the best love exists only between men. Homosexuality was very popular in Greece and Rome, but not everyone is gay, and there are still many people who like women.

If you can’t accept it, you can’t accept it. There were many homosexuals in the medieval church. This is directly related to the theological foundation of Neo-Platonism. Neo-Platonism advocates oriental mysticism, which is superstition.

Not just holy things like the Holy Grail, shroud, and true cross, but even the holy foreskin left by him is considered infertile. The miraculous effect of getting pregnant at a glance.

Henry V borrowed it from a French church. Fortunately, that church only said that it had the effect of anti-birth, but it was not returned because of the obvious effect.

Borrowing and repaying, it is not difficult to borrow again, but if you don’t repay it, don’t even think about borrowing again.

The rule of the room is to borrow and return it, but Albus borrowed the Mirror of Erised from it and did not return it. According to the rules, the entrance to the room of the room should disappear, but da members can still enter.

As the chief mage of the Wizengamot, Albus Dumbledore has the power to change some of the rules of magic. Holding power means enjoying privileges. When privileges are in their own hands, no one will have an opinion. Lina felt very uncomfortable. At this time, it is useless to shout about equality and complain about unfair fate. You have to grab it to use it yourself.

Marx said: Violence is the midwife of every old society gestating a new one.

Violence is not a derogatory term in Marx's eyes. Boys' world is full of competition and violence, and just like girls, they cannot survive in a world where wild animals are rampant.

Draco withdrew from this contest, and he went to work as a doctor in St. Mungo's. He is a soft-hearted person. He is more suitable for acting like a baby and bullying others, and he is not suitable for using violence to break out of his own world.

The result of using violence on civilization is what Pomona saw in front of her eyes, complete destruction, those stone carvings were destroyed and incomplete.

The loot was nothing to look at, but Severus was in a meeting right now, and it would be embarrassing for everyone if she went back now.

"I'm bored, find an interesting topic, Iris."

"It took Charlie a lot of time to find the Norwegian spineback named Roberta this time. His friend was not as reliable as he thought. After raising her for a period of time, he sold her because she was too difficult to tame. It was given to a passing traveler." Iris said, "After several twists and turns, I finally found Roberta in the dungeon of a merchant who took dragon blood and sold it for money. She was tortured miserably, and many parts of her body were festered. "

"Oh, my God!" Pomona exclaimed.

"I think her original adopter thought it was special to have a dragon as a pet, that he could keep a dragon in his backyard like it was written in the book, and then he found out that wasn't the case, it was too dangerous and disobedient , so it was sold.”

"Don't Charlie know anything about it?" Pomona said angrily, she thought Roberta would be well taken care of.

"He stayed in Romania all the time. Only the Triwizard Tournament returned to England to transport the dragon. After the game, he brought the dragon back. The half-giant kept crying when he saw Roberta become like that. The dragon seemed to be still alive. I remember him, he is very docile, he doesn’t like to attack people like in the legend, now he is taking care of the dragon.”

"Where's Charlie?"

"He joined the Department of Fantastic Beasts Protection, and he is still in the same department, but he can already stay in the UK." Iris paused, and then said, "There is a country called Moldova between Romania and Ukraine, that is a tradition strong Quidditch team, and I think Blaise will have fun there."

"Where is that?" Pomona asked inexplicably.

"A small country next to Romania, where there is plenty of sunshine, and it has the reputation of the country of sunshine. More importantly, it is very close to the Fire Dragon Reserve. The horns of the Romanian Longhorn can be used to make potions after being ground into powder. It has a high value, but this kind of dragon is hard to find, and its horn is now a Class B trade item."

"You want to put Blaise in the Beast Office?"

"It's the Huolong Research and Restriction Bureau. Thanks to Huolong's help in this battle in the North Sea, otherwise we would have suffered heavy losses." Iris said calmly, "This is a work arrangement, and Blaise will obey orders."

"What if he doesn't listen?"

"No one dares to disobey Mister's orders." Iris said with a sneer, "There is no other entertainment in Moldova except Quidditch, so it's no wonder they will become a strong team."

"I don't recall Blaise liking Quidditch."

"But sir, Slytherin has always been the house Quidditch Cup champion before Harry Potter came to school, you just need to tell him that." Iris covered his mouth with his hands, Mona whispered in her ear.

"You really wanted to ruin Blaise's life," Pomona marveled.

"There's nothing wrong with him himself, it's just that he has an overly charming mother, and his unsocial personality, and I've heard he doesn't have any friends in Slytherin or Hogwarts except for Draco, and he really doesn't It should be like this." Iris smiled charmingly, "Multiple friends can lead to multiple paths, and no one can help him in his official career except for relying on Draco. It's boring to stay at home all the time, unless he wants to squander his Mom's hard-earned money."

Pomona shook her head and sighed.

"Your scheming is really too deep."

"Have you ever seen a Slytherin without a plan?" Iris said oily. "Do you find it funny now, ma'am?"

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