Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 474 Bloody Lion Den

The Middle East Pavilion on the second floor is next to the European Pavilion. The Middle East Pavilion No. 6 to No. 10 on the first floor exhibits the Asian civilization, and the No. 52 exhibition hall on the second floor mainly displays Central Asia and West Asia, which belong to ancient Iran. civilization.

The Oxus Treasure is the general term for a group of Persian metal products unearthed in the Tahtikuwad area of ​​Tajikistan. Most of them are designated as produced in the fifth to fourth centuries BC. Most of the treasures are stored in the British Museum.

Just like the stone sculptures of the Parthenon, Tajikistan also hopes that the British Museum will return the Oxus treasure, and will take all means to get it back if necessary.

At the entrance of the Asyria Hall are statues with a human head, a cow, and a winged body. They were originally the patron saints of Asyria. During the transportation, the British archaeological team was blocked by guerrillas, and bullet holes can still be found on the sculptures.

Behind the two stone statues are rows of stone carvings on the wall of Nineveh's palace, engraved with reliefs of royal deeds such as hunting and war. It is the only place in the British Museum where you can see so many and such a well-preserved series of stone carvings.

Relief sculptures are to Assyria what sculpture is to Greece. The kings of Assyria were bloodthirsty and murderous, and had a strong desire to conquer and kill. Their brutal killings in wars were appalling. After the Assyrian king Arthur Banipal conquered the kingdom of Yilan, he had someone carve a relief: King Yilan's head was hung on a tree, and he stood proudly in front of the head, with a mountain of corpses behind him.

The merits of the Assyrian soldiers are based on the number of heads captured by the enemy, so most prisoners of war were beheaded. The experience of the defeated nobles was even more tragic. Some of them had their ears and noses cut off, some had their hands and feet cut off, some were quartered by five horses, some were skinned and cut into pieces, and some were tied and stabbed on sharp stakes to die slowly. , They even showed the scene of the skinning of prisoners of war alive to children. After three thousand years of time and space, they can still smell the strong smell of blood.

In the 19th century, because of unplanned random discovery, although it added a lot of diluted treasures to the British Museum, it destroyed a historic city.

The Oxus treasure exhibited in Hall 52 belongs to the first dynasty of Persia, the Achaemenid dynasty. Among them is a chariot model pulled by four golden horse chariots, which is one of the treasures of the British Museum. , it is hundreds of years earlier than Qin Shihuang's bronze galloping horse carriage.

The Huxuan dancers who appeared in Chang'an City of the Tang Empire were Caucasian, but they did not come from Western Europe, but Sogdians who migrated to Central Asia with the population.

The Sogdians have a very close relationship with the Persian Empire. The Persians are actually not a nation, but a general term, which refers to the general term for various groups of people in West Asia and Central Asia who speak Persian.

The Persians believe that the Aryans migrated to Iran along the southern Russian grasslands and Central Asia around 2000 BC. After Cyrus II unified the ancient Persian tribes, he established the Persian Empire, and then began to develop in the direction of the East and West, becoming the China formed a great empire spanning Asia and Africa. At that time, China was still in the era when there were many countries in the Spring and Autumn Period, and its strength was not as good as Persia. At that time, the Persians in Western Iran conquered the Sogdians in Eastern Iran.

The Persians are good at playing sticks, and the Sogdians have brought their commercial talents to the extreme. From Byzantium in Europe to India in the south, and then to the Mongolian Plateau and Central Plains in the east, the Sogdians are active.

In the middle ages, the second dynasty of Persia, Sassanid Persia, rose, and Persia began to centralize its internal rule. For a long time, the Sogdians played the role of internal and external intermediaries. The imperial court was in charge of horse administration, diplomacy, and arms trade. The Tang Dao, which the Chinese are proud of, was made by the Sogdians who transported the Uzi steel produced in India to China, and then tempered it into iron.

This steel and the later Damascus steel are brothers of the same origin. They both use wootz steel as the basic raw material, and then produce two completely different materials according to different technologies.

When the Second Persian Empire ended, the last Persian prince fled to Chang'an. He gave Tang Gaozong Li Zhi the vassal states that originally belonged to the Persian Empire. These vassal states were the land of the Sogdians in Eastern Iran.

The nine surnames of Zhaowu are the surnames that the Sogdians took according to Chinese habits. Due to the broken terrain distribution in the middle of the river and throughout Central Asia, the Sogdians have never been able to form a large and powerful group. Or water source grasslands to build their own city-states, and because of these attributes, they became the latter's vassals when Persia was strong.

Iranians are Aryans, not Arabs. After the rise of the Arab Empire, the Arabs and the Tang Empire had territorial disputes because of the issue of the vassal state. At that time, the nine surnames of Zhaowu believed in Zoroastrianism, which was the same religion as the Arab Empire. Not the same.

Zoroastrians believe that white is a holy color, and Arabs do not allow Sogdians to wear white clothes unless they are willing to convert to the Prophet.

The Crusades in the 11th century not only brought disasters to the Middle East, but also brought wars to Europe. The wars hindered the progress of history to a certain extent.

There were many reasons for the Crusades, the most important being interests and religious reasons. Failed diplomacy caused conflicts. To this day, the Muggle government still puts all the responsibilities on others instead of looking for problems on itself.

The Gulf War and subsequent wars in the Middle East were waged for oil under various pretexts. Those coalition soldiers were no different from the medieval Crusaders. If they did not disturb the peaceful life of the Middle East, there would not be so many devastated cities, nor There are so many homeless people who are being taken advantage of.

Muggle politicians brought blood and killing wherever they went. The Renaissance brought Europe from a dark and isolated era to an open world for a short time, and now it is going to dark and isolated again.

The chess pieces of Isle of Lewis are very similar to the wizard chess, but there are not so many patterns on the back of the wizard chess, and the chess pieces representing the bishop have dragon patterns on the back.

The bishop who was supposed to bring peace partnered with the king and plundered the East under the banner of "jihad". As a result, he was beaten back by Saladin. Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he also suffered heavy losses. exotic.

There are lies everywhere, the king and the bishop colluded together, and later more and more people obeyed the orders of the church, so the church in turn persecuted the king, just like Harry’s last move on the chessboard under Ron’s instructions, the bishop will die the king.

If it wasn't for the Black Death that made people see the true colors of those liars, they would continue to be deceived, but the gods are still much better than the secular regime. If the hypocrisy of the gods is stripped off, no one will believe it, but the government No, people cannot live without them. The Americans can’t count on it anymore. They can’t take care of themselves. Every time there is an earthquake near the Yellowstone volcano, the danger is closer. When an earthquake and a volcanic eruption occur, manpower cannot control it, and even predictions cannot be made. Otherwise, the Indonesian tsunami would not have killed more than 200,000 people. .

It's like a bomb, and instead of praying to God that it doesn't go off, try to find a way to deal with the real problem, give yourself a way out, and stop letting someone with a low IQ become president.

"Some people say that the British Museum is the encyclopedia of civilization, what do you think?" Iris said with a smile, looking around at the treasures.

"I haven't seen civilization, but I have seen a lot of bloody wars." Pomona rubbed her arms, and she felt goose bumps. "No wonder Marx said that capital flowed dirty from the moment it was born."

"Is there not one exhibit that you like?"

"There is one thing." Pomona decided not to look at these golden exhibits. "Let's go, I don't want to see it. Oh, I heard that the afternoon tea in the British Museum is very good."

"May I know which one it is?" Iris asked.

"Wish they had good scones," Pomona laughed. "Maybe I'm the only fool in this hall of civilizations thinking about eating."

"There's me too." Iris said with a smile, "The only thing here that doesn't disappoint people is the food."

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