Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 486 Marina Humanity Experiment

In 1974, a Yugoslav performance artist Marina Abramović gave an art performance in Naples, Italy. She faced the audience in the exhibition hall, and there was a table in front of her, with more than 70 kinds of props on it, ranging from lipsticks, brushes, flowers, etc. Dangerous and malicious things such as bullets, knives, and whips represent goodwill.

During the experiment, she will give herself a general anesthesia, and the audience can play with her at will without worrying about being punished by the law, so the audience gradually came up to try.

At first, someone put flowers in her arms and asked her to hold them. Later, someone began to paint on her body with a paintbrush. Gradually, someone began to cut her clothes with knives. Cutting her arm, just after the props were almost used up, a man raised a pistol loaded with bullets and pointed her at Marina's head. At this time, Marina hadn't responded After tears were shed, the man with a smile on his face reacted, and the crowd stood up and stopped the man.

In 5 hours, in the absence of laws and correct guidance, human behavior can change from sending flowers to sending bullets, and the speed of human nature collapse is faster than people think and imagine.

After experiencing this experiment, Marina came to a conclusion: once you hand over the decision to the public, you are not far from death.

When free to choose one's own behavior without taking responsibility, that is, the so-called absolute freedom, human nature tends to spread towards the dark side of psychology.

The reason why human society produces religions, leaders, laws, and moral values ​​is to make people think about the good side. That is to say, the theory that human nature is inherently evil in ancient China is established through experimental demonstration.

It is a beautiful dream that human nature is inherently good. Confucius preached his theories everywhere during the Spring and Autumn Period, the most famous of which was to restore the abdication of the Yao, Shun and Yu periods. That is actually a white lie.

Han Feizi described abdication in this way in the book: Shun forced Yao, Yu forced Shun, Tang Fang Jie, and King Wu defeated Zhou. These four kings were the ones who were killed by their ministers, and the world praised them.

According to the findings of modern Chinese historians' own study of "Bamboo Book Chronicles", in the past, Yao's morality declined and he was imprisoned by Shun. Shun imprisoned Danzhu so that he could not meet his father.

It means that there was a bloody battle for power behind Yao and Shun's "abdication". After Shun imprisoned Yao, he didn't even let Yao's son see him.

These stories do not exist in any ordinary middle school textbooks and need to be read outside of class.

Power depends on competition. Those Chinese rich young masters, like Han Xiandi, handed over the "country" that their parents worked so hard to build. Their parents are not around, they have no effective restraint, their self-control is not strong, and there are so many people around them. Including people with evil intentions who encourage them to spend money, without proper guidance they will use money in dark and evil directions.

Buying a supercar means pursuing speed and passion. They are racing on remote roads in the middle of the night, so they don't have the energy to go to class during the day. More importantly, they affected the local residents. They drove too fast, and if they were not careful, they would kill passers-by. This is no different from the prince and grandson who made troubles in Chang'an and Luoyang in the Tang Dynasty.

During the Wu Zhou period, the queen was in power, and she was very conniving to her nephews. In the rituals of the Zhou Dynasty, there was an ancient law of atonement, which can be redeemed with money. This law has been used for five thousand years, and has been used until the Qing Dynasty. With cruel officials in power, these relatives of the royal family will not be punished in any way, and at most they will lose some money.

Wu Zhou fell very quickly after losing the hearts of the people, and no one wanted to restore it. Wu Zetian almost didn't even have the qualifications to be buried with Emperor Gaozong.

The western personal injury compensation system has a "loss of happiness compensation", not only the person involved, but also his family members can pay. After Cedric Diggoli died, Amos Diggoli received a huge amount of compensation.

The power of domestic parents does not go to the British courts. It is easy to lose money and go bankrupt. The United Kingdom and many Asian countries do not have extradition.

A well-known son of a beverage company committed a murder in Thailand and fled to London to take refuge. He must abide by the law in the UK, otherwise he will not be able to continue his current life if he is extradited back to China.

Asians are often asked a question by the locals, where are you from?

There is a huge gap between Eastern and Western civilizations, and their cultural values ​​are completely different.

If the West discovers that their child is superhuman and is called a "wizard", instead of being happy, they will be very worried; parents in the East are afraid that their child's talent will be stifled, and they will do everything they can to make their child stand out.

Two completely different people are like yin and yang, independent, opposite and attracted to each other. The etiquette in the land of etiquette is only for friends. For questions that offend oneself, some people answer in Chinese pinyin, g-u-n "get off", and if the other party refuses to give up, they will call back. Kung fu is also a kind of Chinese culture.

This is the style of Chinatown in London. When you go out and rely on friends, the neighbors are very united, and they also believe in the leader's words.

The chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Hongmen are not in the same way. He is a law-abiding citizen. Hongmen told the Scotland Yard police to "get out". They won't really "get out". , Restricting pedestrian traffic can still be done. As for whether any politician dares to go in, it depends on whether he wants Chinese votes and financial support.

The Chinese who came to the UK in the early days were very hard-working. They have endured hardships and know that today’s life is hard-won, especially the older generation. They still miss their motherland. The descendants of the Chinese people always want to return to their roots, and the Chinese in Liverpool are like this.

As they couldn't find the horse, Pomona found Zhang Tao's studio early in the morning according to the address on the business card given by Zhang Tao.

It is located on the south bank of the River Thames, next to the Kew Gardens of the Royal Botanic Gardens. There are many ancient buildings with historical value in the garden, one of which is a Chinese-style tower, which can be seen from the red-painted door of this small courtyard.

Although the opinions of the elders and seniors are conservative, they are not always wrong. Threesomes must have our teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. Hanfu does not necessarily have to be worn in accordance with the ancient style. People's life is different from modern times, and the cheongsam was improved from the bag-like style in the Qing palace.

When Pomona rang the doorbell, the door opened not long after, and a girl wearing a modified Hanfu stood inside the door. It was the girl she had seen in the British Museum last time.

At home, she still wears the restraint, and Pomona thinks that thing looks a little bit of an eyesore now.

"Who are you looking for?" the girl said softly in English.

"I'm looking for Zhang Tao." Pomona said in half-baked Chinese.

"Who are you?"

"Qingchen, let her in." Zhang Tao's voice came through the door, "I know her."

So the girl named Qingchen opened the door wide open.

This courtyard is very rural. A stone path leads directly to the main house. There are many bamboo frames on both sides of the road, covered with vines. According to her observation, it should be used for growing grapes or loofahs.

The studio is similar to the house on Privet Drive where Harry lived when he was a child. It is also two floors, and looks like an ordinary British house.

But the first floor was opened up, and there are many sliding doors, which looks a lot like a Japanese house.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period and even the Qin and Han Dynasties, China advocated sitting on the bench. This custom is hard to find in China, but it is still preserved in Japan and South Korea. At this moment, Zhang Tao was kneeling and sitting at a low table on the first floor, as if he had been waiting for her arrival.

"I used the Disguise Technique, how did you recognize me?" After being ushered into the reception room, Pomona took off her shoes, but did not kneel like Zhang Tao.

A person who hadn't practiced knelt for a while and his legs became numb, so she stood and talked to him.

"I remember your voice." Zhang Tao said slowly, "If I told you, I didn't follow you, but just met you every time, would you believe me?"

"You mean fate?"

"That's right." Zhang Tao said with a smile, "Meeting is fate. We have an old saying in China, we talk about morality when we drink tea, and we talk about heroes when we cook wine. Mrs. Prince, do you want tea or wine?"

"It's up to the owner." She smiled and said, "Can you find me a chair? It's too uncomfortable to be forced to stand all the time."

Zhang Tao looked at her without speaking.

"Go make a pot of tea." Zhang Tao said lightly.

"No." Qingchen made a salute, this action Pomona had seen in the emperor's sacrifice ceremony, it was a very formal etiquette.

She looked at the amiable Zhang Tao, who might be stricter than she thought.

He really was in the same league as Albus Dumbledore, no wonder Severus hated him.

He didn't change the chair for Pomona, but just looked at her with a smile. Pomona was defeated in the end. Fortunately, she learned yoga and could sit cross-legged, and fortunately she was wearing pants today.

"What are you looking for me for?"

"It's about Liverpool's Chinatown. Werewolves may attack them during the Lantern Festival. I have a plan..."

"Do you know who she is?" Zhang Tao suddenly interrupted Pomona when she was talking about her plan.

"Her? Oh, you mean Qingchen?"

"Her surname is Ma." Zhang Tao said in a hoarse voice, "She is Ma Youxuan's younger sister, and I adopted her."

"Why didn't you adopt her brother?" Pomona asked in a daze.

"Do you think he will care about the family relationship, listen to her persuasion, stop in time, and turn around?"

Pomona thought for a while, then shook her head.

"That's why I didn't adopt him. He is a rebellious wild horse. I don't have the strength to tame him anymore." Zhang Tao sighed and said with a heavy face, "When we are all gone, who will inherit it?" What about our traditions?"

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