Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 490 Promise land

In the 1970s, there were shouts like mountains and tsunamis everywhere.

Western rock, the whole world seems to be in turmoil.

It is very lucky to be able to find a place to stay quietly at this time. When the impetuous heart returns to calm, I can close my eyes and have a good rest.

When a double agent was to be under suspicion on both sides, not just the Order of the Phoenix, but the Death Eaters as well, it was only in her arms that Severus could sleep soundly and dreamlessly.

Perhaps death was really a relief for him.

Confucius said: If you don't know life, how can you know death?

The progress of Confucius' thinking is that he does not focus on the afterlife or after death, but wants to "serve people" while he is alive. This is what the entire Renaissance did, breaking through the shackles of theology, and he did not believe in going to heaven after death. To do what a person should do while alive.

Religion depicts a beautiful and peaceful world of death, and persuades people to do good deeds while they are alive, so that the "afterlife" will have good rewards.

The East does not believe in gods, but in ghosts. It believes that there are gods standing above their heads, and that God knows the earth and knows you and me. This kind of fear restricts people's words and deeds, and there is no boundless freedom.

The absolute freedom to do whatever you want does not exist. If it exists, it will only bring about one result, which is destruction and destruction. Excessive pursuit of freedom will definitely lead to a path of destruction.

Compared with terrorism, the problem of gun control in the United States is more serious. If a person has no motive, even if he has an ICBM button in his hand, he will not press it. If a person has a motive, even a rope can kill .

In destroying other people's families, one's own family is also being torn apart, misery becomes the norm, and despair spreads everywhere.

This environment happens to be a breeding ground for dementors to thrive.

The idea that people lose the motivation to live is hard to understand for people who live happily every day. He wants to continue to live so happily, so he pursues longevity.

Ignorance is a blessing as well as a sin.

Fear and greed are human nature. The end of the world is scary, but the volcano is in front of you like a brain tumor, and there are no children and grandchildren. Don't think about these issues at all, he will definitely not live for 10,000 years, and those who want to leave something for their children and grandchildren should act.

Not everyone likes the United States becoming the hegemony of the world, especially since it was once a colony of the United Kingdom. The world's top talents are in the United States, and it has become a thorn in the eyes of many countries.

It stood alone while Europe and Asia were drawn into the abyss of world war, and now it is the turn of Eurasia to wait and see what they have to do.

When he is strong, he makes enemies everywhere, and when he is in trouble, no one takes him in. Shang Yang is such a person.

If you continue to be domineering and use wrong diplomatic methods to communicate with other countries, you will be made things difficult when you need other countries to take in refugees.

All human beings cannot be spared from this kind of devastating natural disaster, which is very suitable for making a science fiction film and showing it in movie theaters all over the world.

Soldiers are deceitful, and in all the methods of using soldiers, the whole country comes first, followed by destroying the country. Therefore, it is not good to be victorious in every battle.

Severus admired Tang Ren's Battle of the Yin Mountains very much, and Pomona took that book to read while he was not at home.

This war was the decisive battle of the Tang Dynasty to destroy the Turks. It was also known as the night attack on the Yin Mountains. In 630 AD, the Eastern Turks encountered a heavy snowstorm, and a large number of cattle and sheep froze to death. The Turks were like wolves. Seek peace on the surface and buy time to recover your strength.

After the Xuanwumen Incident 4 years ago, the Turks besieged Chang'an City with soldiers and horses. Tian Khan led a few entourages and Turkic Khan shouted across the Weihe River, and finally killed the horses and formed the Weishui alliance.

Four years later, in order to avenge his hatred, Tian Khan prepared to go to war while accepting surrender on the surface. The military gods Li Jing and Li Ji met in Baidao.

When the weather is extremely cold, the water in the air will not become fog, but directly become ice crystals, suspended in the air, which looks like fog. Mobei was very, very cold, and Li Jing decided to use Han Xin's strategy of attacking Qi to attack Eastern Turks. On the night of March 27th, when the Turkic Khan held a banquet in honor of the envoy Tang Jian, Li Jing ordered Su Dingfang to take 200 cavalry as the vanguard, and took advantage of the fog to reach a place seven miles away from the Turkic Khan's tooth tent, and then launched a surprise attack At this time, it was too late for the Turks to reorganize their resistance.

Su Dingfang won a complete victory, the Turkic Khan escaped on horseback, and Tang Jian survived by luck.

Theoretically, the two countries do not fight each other, but who will care about so many rules when they are attacked.

The fog will interfere with people's sight, and it is impossible to judge how many enemies are coming in the chaos. In addition, it is a night attack. Su Dingfang has extraordinary courage, and 200 people dare to attack the Turkic tooth tent of 100,000 people.

During times of war, people's spirits are highly tense, and what to do at that time depends entirely on individual reactions. The Tang people won this battle very well.

After the Tang Dynasty defeated the Turks, the Tang people did not kill the captives, but moved all the Turkic nobles to Chang'an, including the Khans of the East and West Turks, and the countries and tribes that originally belonged to the East Turks also surrendered to the Tang Dynasty.

Because these countries suffered from natural disasters and had no food to eat, the Tang people used food to help the victims. Tang Jian, who escaped by chance, was in charge of handling it. They set up Jimi Prefecture in Hebei Road, so that the Turks could live and work in peace and contentment there, just like placing a horse on the head of a wild horse. Rein, no longer trust the horse freely.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. The Turkic people respected the Emperor Tang as Tian Khan, which was an honor that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not get. The Turkic people believed in Li Shimin very much, and even when he died, some people died for others.

Because Wu Zetian's inappropriate handling of the Turkic issue caused the Turkic that had been almost wiped out to resurface, Mochuu almost returned to the country. In order to negotiate a peace, she agreed to the Turkic request to marry her daughter to the emperor's son. As a result, she sent Wu Yanxiu.

The Turks did not recognize Wu Zetian as the queen at all, and called her the queen mother. What they believed in was the descendants of Tian Khan Li Shimin.

Even after Xue Rengui killed 100,000 of their captives, the Turkic people still did not really surrender to the Tang people. What they worshiped was the benevolent and righteous teacher who was able to fight well.

Chinatown is also called Chinatown. The most grand festival of the Tang Empire is the Lantern Festival, which is also called the Shangyuan Festival. Since a thousand years ago, lanterns have been hung on this day to celebrate. Chang’an had a curfew every day. It is not allowed to go shopping casually at night, but during the Lantern Festival, people in the city can play all night and day for three days.

During those three days, they could enjoy happiness and freedom, the emperor would have fun with the people, and Suzaku Street was full of tourists, but at that time gunpowder was not invented and fireworks were not seen.

"What a powerful country." Pomona said with infinite emotion. Gunpowder saved Western civilization, but brought disaster to Eastern civilization.

Fireworks in the hands of Orientals have become weapons in the hands of Westerners.

priming est non nocere.

The most important thing is not to have the intention of harming others.

The Greek Trojan horse massacre was also a sneak attack, but the final outcome was quite different. The core of civilization is different, and so is the human heart.

If Westerners need to be reminded that there is no need to harm others, what Easterners need to be reminded is that there is no need to be defensive. This world is full of bad people with sinister thoughts, and we need some good people to make this world a better place .

Although she is a wizard, she sometimes believes in the existence of gods.

If the world is full of "sinners", God will no longer like this world. In the final judgment, people will swim through the sea of ​​​​magma.

The New Testament says: When you repent, if you do not repent, the Lord will strike them with the sword of his mouth.

The Goddess of Fate favors courageous people. If you don't have courage, you are not qualified to be an independent and brave nobleman, but you can only be a humble and obedient slave.

With a "poof", the house elf Kreacher appeared.

"Does Mr. Zhang like the cake I made?" Pomona asked her little "owl".

"He loves it," Kreacher said in a bullfrog voice.

"I think it's about time we talked about our plan to free Refoules," she said with a smile. "I can tell you where that island is."

She will not liberate all the house-elves like Hermione, she will only help those she feels are worthy of help as much as she can.

Those who stand up are those who do not want to be slaves. For those who want to continue to kneel, they do not need to be liberated. That is another kind of helpless existence that no one can save.

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