Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 509 The Spiral of Silence

In the movie Infernal Affairs, when Ah Ren was sleeping in the psychiatrist's office, he dreamed of Dr. Li in his dream.

She helped him chase away those nightmares, so he slept very soundly.

Severus told Pomona that when he dreamed of her, he wouldn't need to drink the flower-scented sleep water.

There are good dreams and bad dreams, some full of hope and beauty, and some full of despair and terror. When haunted by nightmares, sleep is a dreadful thing, and insomnia is excruciating pain to a living being.

After Voldemort died and came back to life, he no longer needs sleep and rest. He can't rest without rest. Every normal person who follows him feels very tired and wants to get rid of him, but he uses horrible methods to suppress him. So he Turned into a complete tyrant.

A lunatic can't feel that he is a lunatic, and a tyrant can't feel that he is a tyrant. Coupled with a woman like Bella who is crazy about him, Voldemort still feels that he has many followers.

During the decisive battle at Hogwarts, the number of Death Eaters was absolutely superior, but when Voldemort died, those mobs all ran away.

The morale of the army is shaken, the army is defeated like a mountain, and it makes people feel happy to watch the evil prevail, but the real world is not always like this.

Democracy means being ruled by the people. Once the ugliness hidden in human nature is not too deep, it will quickly breed and spread. When all the right to choose is given to the public to play freely, it does not mean that society can be changed. Even better, but not far from death.

A country is either destroyed in the hands of a dictator or in the hands of a rampant democracy. The direct democracy of ancient Greece is a good example. When voting whether to execute Socrates, the majority won, and they finally They got rid of that annoying bully, but they didn't know what kind of wise man they killed until Socrates died.

The core sign of a society's progress is neither the material level nor the institutional level, but the mental maturity of the people.

Pleasure does not teach man anything, but pain, suffering and obstacles transform man, making him better and stronger.

Kindness believes that there are many good people in this world, but in the experiment, when people are in the crowd, almost everyone will commit violence, especially after someone cut Martina's clothes, people began to be more unscrupulous, public executions have The entertainment effect, especially when the target of execution is a woman, the "entertainment" is even higher.

It’s just that once people find that the witch can’t really be burned to death by fire, they will run away in fear of retaliation just like the “thugs” who committed violence against Martina. Their heartstrings are as fragile as the muscles of a myasthenic patient, and they lack self-control and self-control.

They just can't do it, choose the easy one and the right one.

The temptation was hard to resist, so I chose to obey.

Losing in terms of spirit and willpower is not worth showing off. During the Sino-US Korean War, the performance of the US military and the Chinese military can be seen at a glance how big the gap is. Even though the Americans had advanced weapons, they were still defeated. MacArthur even planned to bomb the supply lines of the Chinese army with atomic bombs. If the US Congress really agreed to do so, it would be really crazy.

If you lose the war, you can do anything if your eyes are red. In 1952, the U.S. military violated international conventions and spread a large number of animals and insects with plague, cholera, typhoid and other infectious diseases in North Korea and Northeast China. Those materials are According to research conducted by Unit 731, when Japan surrendered, it was given to the United States as a political deal, as if the Americans were very, 100%, 100% sure that the Black Death would not make a comeback. , Clark took over after he stepped down, and the Korean War ended temporarily after the Panmunjom Armistice Agreement was signed, and China and the United States are still in a state of hostility in theory.

Freud compared the mind to an iceberg, a small part of which surfaced, and the vast majority of consciousness stayed below the surface, which is what Nietzsche called the Dionysian spirit. This part of the spirit is full of chaos and evil. If If the subconscious and the id dominate human behavior, then all kinds of anti-social morality will be released, which is why human beings invent religion, morality, law and politics.

When people express their ideas and opinions, if they see that the viewpoints they agree with are widely welcomed, they will actively participate, and such viewpoints will be published and spread more boldly, and they will find that no one or few people pay attention to a certain viewpoint , Even sometimes attack it in groups, even if you agree with it, you will remain silent.

This cycle goes on and on, forming a spiral development process in which one voice becomes louder and the other party becomes more and more silent. This theory is based on the fact that most people will try to avoid the isolation caused by being different.

Ancient Greece believed that the earth was round and measured the prime meridian, but people who held this view could not explain how people on the opposite side of the earth stood on the upper surface. Compared with the flat horizon, it is much easier to understand. Under the blessing of this spiral vortex, the "truth" is distorted.

It takes courage to dare to say "no" to the public opinion. Fudge has mastered the public opinion. The whole wizarding society hopes that Voldemort will not come back. Only Harry firmly believes that he has come back.

This time Ron did not stand against Harry as he did during the Triwizard Tournament, but was a staunch supporter.

In this climate of opinion, the reluctance of a minority to express their views openly, preferring to suppress their true feelings rather than risk isolation, solves the conflict that threatens social harmony, but it remains unresolved.

Pomona publicly supports Slytherin, and she is still a pure-blood family with a Death Eater background. She has been excluded from the "lawful good" camp. The same is questioned by students in class.

Even if she used the disguise technique, she still couldn't stop other people's gossip, and she was isolated from the world again like the summer vacation of the fourth grade, but this time it was not Albus Dumbledore who protected her, but Severus, A former Hogwarts headmaster who was younger than her and now more adult than her.

Inspiration often appears in dreams.

As soon as the idea took shape in her mind she opened her eyes.

The man who came back from the dead is smoking a cigarette by the window at the moment, looking at Kensington Palace in the morning light.

There are many scars on his body, but the most glaring one is on his neck, which looks like a collar.

Men are more rational than women in most cases, but if they lose their minds, they will be crazier than women. Gambling is not a good habit, but their gambling nature is hard to change. The more they lose, the more they want to win back, because they believe in "luck" .

This period of time is bad luck, but it will be fine after a while. It is crazy to be obsessed with small probability events, but only a few people left their names in history, and that is also a small probability event.

People perceive risks and benefits differently.

The Yellowstone volcano is very likely to erupt, either the day after tomorrow or 10,000 years later. If you leave the United States, you will abandon everything you have built. At this time, most people will choose to take a gamble, just like not going to court. 300,000 to solve the problem, you may lose 400,000 in a lawsuit, or you may not lose money. Most people will choose to go to a lawsuit.

Who can meet what will happen 10,000 years from now? People are so "risk-averse". What to do after something happens is left to fate and depends on one's own ability. People who only know how to dress up will never be able to survive in the end times and troubled times. Those who survived, but before that day came, those who were ostentatious were definitely better off than them, and fate was so impermanent.

"What does it taste like to me?" He seemed to notice that she was awake, and asked in a smiling voice without looking back.

"Salted butter, too greasy." She said in a hoarse voice, she felt a little sick now, how could she do such a disgusting thing.

"Melt the butter, add some sugar and flour, and you can bake biscuits. I saw my mother do that," he said in a low voice.

She couldn't understand what he meant.

"I think I can understand why Barrow killed Helena." He said calmly, "Don't tell me to find another woman next time."

"Yes, sir." She unconsciously used a humble tone, because she felt a knife was pointed at her heart.

"You are a beautiful girl, you should be as confident as Furong, but the old fool twisted you..."

"I wish you could pay more attention to my head than to my exterior." She interrupted him boldly.

"That's what makes you different." He said triumphantly, "The stupid dog had a chance, but I won in the end."

She really didn't know what to be proud of.

"What do you think of that horse reining?" he asked suddenly.

"Nothing." She replied nervously.

Then he stopped talking.

After he finished his cigarette, he went back to lie down next to her.

Just when she thought he was just tired and wanted to lie down and rest, he started kissing her again, and it was obvious that a new round had begun, only this time the person who took the initiative changed.

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