Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 511 Remember me?

The flesh ultimately reflects the madness inside, and how much do you know about the madness inside?

After the Justinian plague in 536, the Eastern Roman Empire suffered a devastating blow. After that, Eastern Rome has been in constant turmoil in plague, war, and famine. Before losing Syria, it was still able to farm by itself. After losing Syria, Eastern Rome The food in Constantinople, the capital of the Roman Empire, could only be solved by trade.

The Western world relies on trade, and the Black Death is now believed to be spread through rats in the cabin. It is precisely because the port was not blocked in time that the Black Death from Amsterdam came to France along the trade route after the outbreak in London.

Even though the country was closed to the outside world, the army of the Ming Dynasty was still infected with the Black Death, so Li Zicheng's army could break into BJ so easily.

Li Zicheng went to Beijing in March, when the plague had appeared in the BJ area. A large-scale plague ravaged the entire capital, and Li Zicheng's army could not escape the disaster after entering Beijing. The plague spread in the barracks, and a large number of soldiers were infected. They couldn't get rid of it for a long time.

When Europeans heard about the Black Death, it was like hearing about the end of the world. At that time, not only the people, monks, soldiers, and nobles all had to face death. The bubonic plague still had half the chance of surviving. Pneumonic plague and septicemic plague had no Survival is possible. It only takes 2 hours for a healthy person to go from infection to death. If one person is infected, the whole family dies in the house without anyone knowing.

The church was empty, and no one presided over the various ceremonies, because the monks had to baptize the sick, a profession that was originally admired by everyone, and no one cared about it. The church lost its authority, the government was unable to rule, clergy and soldiers died in large numbers, and commercial exchanges gradually ceased.

Where is God at this time?

Famine broke out among those who were not sick, theft and robbery broke out in the city, and the social order completely collapsed. People formed teams and whipped themselves with whips, hoping to obtain forgiveness from the creator.

People need someone to take responsibility for this disaster, and to vent negative emotions such as anxiety and panic. The Holy See also needs to establish its own precarious prestige, so various scapegoats were tied to the stake.

The joy of public execution and the pain of the doomsday crushed the last "reason" of people, and people danced among the dead bodies.

However, "life" still has to go on, and the lords have to pay more money to hire people to work, because people are already dead, and the population recovered during the warm period from the 10th to the 14th century is all dead, and the towns have become empty cities , there are ravens everywhere, and people are waiting for the end in prayer.

After the Anshi Rebellion broke out, the rebels broke through Tongguan. Tang Minghuang asked Longwuwei General Chen Xuanli to recruit all the troops in the city, and fled with the prince, sister Yang Yuhuan and some ministers. Many concubines and princesses were abandoned.

The news of the emperor's overnight escape quickly spread throughout Chang'an City. The panicked people failed to form an effective resistance. The refugees broke into the homes of the nobles and looted them. Before the rebels entered the city, the order in the city was completely chaotic.

Although the imperial army who fled with the emperor was rewarded with considerable money, they had no supplies. The soldiers and horses did not move food and grass first, and they could not easily exchange for food on the way to escape. After solving it, there were complaints in the army, and because many people's family members were in Chang'an, the emperor abandoned the people and fled by himself, and the army was about to lose control.

The grievances in the army need to be vented. If they are not controlled, they may threaten the danger of Tang Minghuang. So when they passed by Mawei Station, when the soldiers asked Yang Guozhong for food, Chen Xuanli and the prince launched a mutiny, dismembered Yang Guozhong, and hanged Yang Yuhuan. .

Before the Black Death, Christians would do everything they could to support the Crusades. After the Black Death, people doubted whether the church could really deliver God’s will. Protestants proposed that private property should be sacred and inviolable, and the structure of society was reorganized. , people are no longer abstinent, and Protestant clergy can marry.

In order to put down the Anshi Rebellion, besides the Uyghur cavalry, Shuofang Army was also relied on. Although Shuofang had farms, it still had to rely on taxes from Jiangnan. Yang confronted.

People's desire to destroy can generate creativity, and the same is true for defenders. At that time, the defender of Suiyang was Zhang Xun. There were many good archers in the south of the Yangtze River. Once he deliberately shot an arrow cut from wild wormwood, making the enemy think that the city When the arrows were used up, the enemy showed the arrow to the general, and the archers took this opportunity to shoot and kill the enemy general who was hiding.

Zhang Xun fought many beautiful battles during his one year guarding the city, but because the city ran out of food and grass, his men went to the surrounding areas to borrow food, but the world was in chaos and everyone was in danger, and no one lent him food. Had to eat people.

Cannibalism is definitely a crime, but it is precisely because of Zhang Xun's persistence in the Tang Dynasty that Jiangnan was not lost, and he was not ruled by foreigners like the Yuan and Qing dynasties that followed. He is also a very contradictory existence in the Chinese historian circle.

A well-fed scholar living in a civilized city with good law and order discusses the immorality of cannibalism among the defenders of a desperate isolated city surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops. In that situation, what else could he do?

There is also cannibalism in Eastern Europe, especially the Battle of Stalingrad. Human nature is maintained. People who refuse to eat human flesh are given only one biscuit a day. They starve to death. The streets in winter are full of starving people. The fallen corpses are all "meat" in the eyes of hungry and crazy people. Not only the residents of the city, but also the German army eats them. This is why some people are so anti-war.

For God's sake, be a little human.

War madmen are often full of energy, but Justinian rarely rested. People in the Middle Ages thought he was possessed by the devil.

The same is true for Irish Cupid Palmerston. He is like a stallion inseparable from a woman. The cerebral cortex manages human vision, hearing and advanced functions such as learning, memory, thinking, and language understanding. "I only got it later, how long has he not used that cortex?

He is a foreign minister, and it is not his turn to build warships. He wants to launch a war of aggression all day long. The diplomatic strategy of the 19th century, where there are no permanent enemies but only permanent interests, is wrong. This hegemonic behavior has caused "Glorious isolation", the influence even continues to this day, and even the wizarding world has been implicated in it. For a while, the whole of Europe stopped playing Quidditch with the UK. It took the Minister of Magic to lobby everywhere before the neighboring countries agreed that the UK could hold Quidditch World Cup.

Men sometimes lose the ability to think, and their cerebral cortex is overwhelmed by various hormones. At this time, a woman's clear mind is needed.

Ravenclaw said that extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings.

So, can you feel it? That feeling of overlooking the world from the commanding heights?

Such is the power of Helena's obsession that she even wears her mother's diadem in order to "see" further, only that regal diadem is eventually tainted by the lust of a man named Tom Riddle.

"clang clang"

The sound of metal objects falling to the ground came from the kitchen, and the two people who were sitting at the dining table just now disappeared without a trace.

But in fact, they did not leave the kitchen. They were lying on the kitchen floor, their hands and feet were constantly entangled. A stainless steel washbasin fell to the ground just now, and the flour in it spilled all over the floor, and the air was full of dust.

The breathing of the two was short, as if they were running desperately, but their mouths were too busy kissing, and there was no time to breathe.

She struggled desperately, trying to push him away, but he lifted the hem of her dressing gown like a stitch, and searched for the restricted area.

Whether it is the Black Death or the military disaster, it is obviously the fault of men, why should all the faults be attributed to women?

It's not just women who abuse money, men spend money and power indiscriminately!

She resisted desperately, but physically she was no match for men, because she was a woman, and her body structure was different from that of men born for fighting.

"Stop it," she begged.

"You want it too." His eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of blackness, and they looked even darker. "Like yesterday, how about it?"

She shook her head "I don't want that."

There was so much stress and desperation, she felt like she was out of breath.

She wanted to find a place to breathe, not to think about anything, to act on instinct, but that was obviously a bad idea, and she let a beast out.

He made her turn on her back and get on all fours, kneeling on the ground like an animal.

She crawled, enduring the storm he brought her, and her brain gradually lost the ability to think, as if it had degenerated, and could only accept signals from touch and hearing.

Heavy gasps and whimpers echoed in the kitchen, reminding people not only of the words in the Analects of Confucius.

Food sex also.

Food and sex are common to all animals, not unique to humans. If food and sex are regarded as human nature, it is to confuse human beings with beasts, how much they look like two beasts now.

At this time, she suddenly heard a hoarse "rustling" sound, which was the unique sound of Parseltongue. She raised her head and found a person standing in front of her, Tom Riddle wearing a black sacrificial robe.

He looked at her with pity, as if he were looking at some poor creature, but he left no footprints in the floury ground, as if what he was seeing was only her hallucination, or a ghost.

"Don't worry, I won't use a body made this way." He said softly. "I just have one question for you. Do you really think what you're doing is interesting?"

"Haven't you tried it with Bella, Tom?" Pomona asked back. "I heard you have a descendant."

He turned to look out the window.

And her consciousness was pulled back again.

There is no figure of the black-robed priest by the window, only the flour suspended in the air, they seem to be hovering like the ashesed glass shards in the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, as if controlled by an invisible force field .

It doesn't look holy, it doesn't look evil, there's no other word to describe it other than "magic", it's amazing.

No wonder so many people are madly obsessed with him.

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