Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 516: The Long Way

Food can bring happiness to people, and it has more healing power than words.

However, bringing food into the closet will be scolded by my mother.

Some children think it is troublesome. In order to keep the surface of the bedroom clean, they will throw dirty clothes and socks directly into the closet, as if it is an ulterior secret, and they cannot open the closet door to see others.

Now, the two of them hide in a "closet" the size of a room, surrounded by expensive haute couture clothes, but they don't need them, lying on top of each other on the floor with a thick gray carpet, eating East and West side intimacy.

The woman's legs are wrapped around the man's waist, turning the two into conjoined twins like vines. The sweet kiss mixed with the scent of sage is like a dream. They are very happy and don't want to wake up in pain, anyway As long as they have each other, they are satisfied.

There are worse things than death in this world, Voldemort doesn't know, what is more painful than death?

The Mirror of Erised cannot impart knowledge, nor can it tell the truth. People spend their days in front of it, obsessed and even driven mad by what they see, not because they don't know whether everything in the mirror is real, but because he can't get it.

Power, money, prestige.

There is also the Philosopher's Stone of Immortality, and the Lover who can be seen but cannot be touched.

For a sane person, he can see through that layer of illusion and realize that it is just an illusion.

But for the irrational mind, the illusion in the mirror is the only place where he can temporarily escape the cruel reality.

Fairyland, Peach Blossom Spring, Paradise.

If you want to be qualified to go to heaven, you must restrain your desires when you are alive, and do more good deeds. This is how the magic sticks control the spirit and wealth of Muggles.

Realistic people know that instead of pinning their hopes on death, it is better to enjoy life while they are alive. The Renaissance is to let people enjoy themselves in time, seize the moment, don't let down their youth, and enjoy love. Although being a happy pig will end up being Zai, but it is a happy life after all. When the world is difficult and dangerous, those happy memories can help people get through those painful and desperate years.

That's what Albus Dumbledore did, and he tried to teach it to Severus, but Severus didn't accept it.

"You are mine." He looked at her as if admiring a trophy, with a warm smile on his face, as if he was in heaven.

"You really don't care about other people's lives?"

"I don't have that much power, I can only take care of my family, don't forget the curse on you."

She pityed the Muggles, but that wasn't her thing to worry about.

Wizards have troubles with wizards. According to the investigation of Minister of Magic Ottaline Gamper, Muggles are more intelligent than wizards. If they can't solve it, who else can?

Pure-blood or half-blood wizards don't care too much about Muggle society. Only Muggle-born wizards care about Muggle interests. After all, their parents are Muggles. Agreeing to oppress Muggles means oppressing their own parents. Emotionally, there is no way. accepted.

However, Muggle wizards will hardly return to Muggle society, including Lily Evans. She wants to stay in the wizarding world, but the Sif she likes was unreliable when she was young, and she never repented. James Potter, who is rich and can provide a good life, and is willing to help her get rid of bad habits, is very suitable for her. Marriage is often not perfect. Wanting the best, not getting the best fit, she was a smart woman, and James' willingness to change that alone was enough to win over most men.

The history of plague and famine made her feel heavy, and she wanted to escape those dark histories, so she held his head and kissed his lips.

The person who was really embracing her at this moment only existed in the Mirror of Erised.

She may be wasting her time, but who cares.

She is a harmless sweetheart, a woman, love is what she wants, too complicated for her stupid little head to figure out, what she did just now in front of the mirror subverted her common sense, she never thought about it His own expression can actually be described as "attractive".

It's like a ripe apple, with white flesh and red skin, and a bite is full of fruity sweet juice.

What would Adam and Eve do in the Garden of Eden before they tasted the forbidden fruit?

She recalled the rainforest in Hufflepuff's girls' lounge, full of lush tropical vegetation.

Flowers are blooming, beautiful butterflies are flying in the air, pets are playing in the forest, everyone can live together peacefully, even people who don’t know each other can sleep peacefully on their shoulders.

Hufflepuff was her favorite house, although her favorites were from Slytherins.

There are not so many flowers and butterflies in the real world, only rubbish everywhere, and a dirty river. A huge chimney stands in the distance in the mist, and there are only weeds and dead trees on the river bank.

This place was the industrial city of Cokeworth where Severus stayed before the age of 11. The sky was gray, and she would never let her children live in this kind of place.

Her daughter, Lily, had gone to a better place than her dad had grown up in, and she was just as lucky as Lily Evans to leave before she could taste the real pain.

The Irish love to tap dance, they like nature, but the famine in 1845 made them "violent", "alcoholic" and "criminal", all of them wandering abroad are given by the British.

The Incas cultivated more than 200 varieties of potatoes to avoid pests and diseases, and the Europeans only introduced the highest-yielding varieties in order to increase production. Greed eventually caused the famine.

The Hogwarts Express was built by Muggle engineers in the mid-to-early 19th century. The train that departed from Platform Nine and Three-quarters of King's Cross Station came to Hogwarts on the track laid by Muggle railway workers. Maud's.

In the 1830s, the development of railways was very fast, and railway tracks were being laid all over Britain. After completing this large-scale project, the wizards cast an oblivion spell on the Muggle railway employees in Crewe, and they For a year, there was memory confusion, as if I had misplaced something important.

Instead of Portkeys and other unregulated forms of travel, trains ensured that students could arrive safely at Hogwarts each year without attracting the attention of Muggles.

Pure-blood wizards protested strongly at first, refusing to use the Muggle-built device as wizarding transportation, claiming it was "unsafe, unhygienic and demeaning".

However, after the Ministry of Magic said, "Either take the train to school, or don't go", the voice of this opposition disappeared.

It was Ottaline Gamper who carried out the plan.

Unlike Americans, the British are very good at compromise. Although British history is full of intrigues and brutal wars, there have been no radical reforms and subversive changes like the French Revolution, nor the extreme madman like Hitler in Germany.

There are only a small number of extreme pure bloodists like Death Eaters, and the vast majority of people can accept "change, change, change", and compromise in exchange for the coexistence of contradictory parties, rather than the life and death of one party destroying the other.

The British are very concerned about their face. They don’t accept support from other countries when the country is in a famine. The Chinese are also very concerned about their face. When two people who are both concerned about their face meet head-on, there will be a bad situation. At that time, it depends on China. Who will make concessions first, whether it is the middle ground or the British compromise.

It's like watching a group of women boxing who can't lift a bucket.

Pomona shook her head secretly, put aside her distracting thoughts, and hugged this tough and sturdy "coward".

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