In the year when Severus was the headmaster, the Carroll brothers and sisters distorted and vilified the Muggle education method was the same as the way the government brainwashed the German people. People with the ability to distinguish right from wrong can tell the difference at a glance, but for It is acceptable for children who have no discernment ability.

Pomona didn't know how much influence the Carlos had on Severus, she just wanted him to distance himself from such radical ideas.

Before they came back, the life of the Death Eaters and war criminals was difficult. Psychology has a refinement and generalization effect. Subdivision requires accurate concentration, while generalization is the opposite, infinitely expanding the target population. Slytherin is widespread Purity, Death Eaters make people prejudice against Slytherin, and Slytherin has credit for destroying Horcruxes. If people forget, then whoever is assigned to Slytherin in the future will be discriminated against. How can everyone live in peace when they discriminate against each other?

The phenomenon of "dumping milk" exists because dairy farmers are afraid that if they donate the unsold milk to others for free, their other milk will also not be sold, and everyone will wait for him to share the milk.

People are lazy, and this kind of inertia does exist in some individuals, but not everyone is like this. Protestants are generally very hardworking, and this kind of generalization is generalization.

Human behavior experiments involve many ethical issues. The target of the generalization experiment is Little Albert. His mother asked behaviorists to experiment on him in order to experiment with one dollar a day. At first, people were like babies, not afraid of anything, but some instincts It still exists, such as the loud noise. Every time little Albert touched the mouse, the scientist made a loud noise, and Albert cried.

Later, every time little Albert saw a white mouse, he cried out of fear, not only the white mouse, the white towel and the white rabbit, but also the white hair of human beings could scare him.

It is too difficult to discriminate and analyze whether a person is good or bad one by one. It is much easier to generalize. Many people will unconsciously choose an easy road. The psychology of dairy farmers is that as long as you are poor, you want to get something for nothing. Waiting for free food , In fact, many people are willing to exchange work for food. During the Great Depression, people were so hungry that they were malnourished. Who would choose a decent job?

As long as it has one characteristic, such as the Dark Mark on the arm, it can arouse people's fear, whether it is Severus, Draco or Bellatrix with this mark, in the eyes of non-Death Eaters, it is One of a kind.

As long as it is a werewolf, whether he is Remus Lupin or Fenrir, he is a dangerous person who wants to steal human wizard children and bite them.

As long as it is a Chanel trademark, no matter whether it is really designed or not, it represents taste, even if it appears on a lamppost.

Generalization is everywhere, but people don't notice it at all, and it's troublesome to explain.

Before Little Albert's experiment, human beings had no restrictions on behavioral experiments. Later, human beings imposed ethical restrictions on behavioral experiments, which must be carried out with the consent of the experimental subjects.

Little Albert's life was ruined after the experiment, a person who is afraid of white, furry things, how can he gain a foothold in society, fortunately he died of cerebral effusion at the age of 5, when the fear is implanted in the human heart , people's slavishness will be activated, for example, some parents are afraid to drink their children when they see their children's poor grades. Pomona has seen many such people.

Draco was always scolded by Lucius for failing the exam for a Muggle girl, Hermione. Old Buddy Crouch didn't care much about his son, and he didn't even know what grade he was in, but he would still ask little Buddy Crouch's grades, this kind of silent intimidation is the same as "what will you do if you don't study hard?" It's a surprise that the seemingly obedient little Buddy Crouch ended up becoming a Death Eater, isn't it? ? My child is actually a bad person. No parent will admit that he has failed in education, so the teacher must be at fault.

A strict and strong father sometimes hurts the child unconsciously. He just hopes that the child can make progress, but accidentally crushes him.

The Anshi Rebellion The father-son relationship between Tang Xuanzong and Tang Suzong was like this. Tang Suzong was frightened by his father and was physically and mentally exhausted. After An Qingxu ran to Yecheng, he didn't even pursue him, and the civil strife continued for several years.

Outsiders think he is too useless. Anyone who takes his position will know how frightening it is to live under the high pressure of fear for a long time.

Tang Xuanzong was imprisoned by his son after the civil strife subsided. At first, he was very proud that his son could take on the big responsibility at a critical moment. This huge gap finally made Tang Xuanzong depressed. Not long after his death, Tang Suzong also After his death, the eunuch party began to take power, and the Tang Dynasty finally flourished and declined.

Before the stock market crash, no one believed that the Great Depression would be that bad. The stock market bubble was created by speculators who lived a life of spending money, even with Prohibition.

Yuyang cockroaches came to the ground with agitation, and the neon clothes and feathers were frightened.

Before An Lushan's army broke through Tongguan, the people in Chang'an City did not believe that someone would launch a chaos.

Because of the newspaper propaganda, the wizards didn't believe that Voldemort was really back. They believed Fudge's propaganda and thought "everything is fine", but they thought Harry was a lunatic.

The people of the French Revolution broke the Bastille. Those who read history only remember the changes in people's thoughts at that time. Few people noticed the impact of weather on crops, let alone link it with volcanic eruptions.

In the same year that Laki Volcano erupted, Mount Asama in Japan also erupted. The volcanic eruption is not necessarily a single one, but it may also be a chain reaction. The so-called civilization of people exists when there is sufficient food security. Without food To ensure that the barbaric phenomenon of cannibalism still exists even in the 1940s, should we maintain our humanity and starve to death in the snow, or in order to survive, become a "tiger" and eat those who fell on the ground?

Boy Pi chose Tiger. He made up a fantasy story for himself, with floating islands, mongooses and blooming lotuses. He would believe the lie if he told it a thousand times. He ate his lover, And then married another woman, this is a man, always so realistic, know "forget" and "move forward", unlike a woman who is so easy to immerse in the past and memories.

There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. They are so rational and evil. In the 19th century, the British smuggled opium into China. Now the Chinese gangsters are holding the banner of revenge in the Western world to fight the "New Opium War" and earn money from the marijuana trade. A lot of money.

The purpose of reading is to have the ability to discern, and you can’t take drugs like other people in order to “fit in groups”. Of course, no one will take this persuasion seriously. What he uses is not heroin, but soft drugs, just like skipping classes. After eating, it will have a "fun" effect on himself, and all his classmates are like this.

A world without a sense of crisis is like a mouse utopia, gradually self-destructing.

Of course, people are not mice, and not everyone is like Pete Pedilou, Animagus is a mouse.

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