The East India Company was established in 1600, and this year was also the break-up line between the European Baroque era and the Renaissance. The Sekigahara War broke out in Japan, and it was in this battle that the foundation of Japan's modern shogunate era was laid.

In 1660, Charles II was restored in England, King Louis XIV of France married Princess Marie Theresa of Spain, making Louis the most powerful king in Europe, and Deng successfully recovered Taiwan occupied by the Dutch.

In the South China Sea bubble in 1720, after the Qing army expelled the Junggar tribe from the Communist Party of China, under the auspices of General Yan Xin, who suppressed the rebellion, he began to carry out the institutional reform of the Communist Party of China.

During the American Revolutionary War in 1780, the Atlantic hurricane swept across Martinique, St. Eustatius and Barbados from October 10 to October 16, killing about 22,000 people, and thousands more people were off the coast In 1780, the number of sunspots reached its highest peak in centuries.

1840 Opium War.

In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered BJ City.

In 1960, a natural disaster occurred in China, and an atomic bomb was released at the same time.

In the past history, big and small things happened almost every year, and sometimes it might just be a coincidence. Nothing big happened in 1540, except that inflation occurred because of the large amount of silver imported from Mexico and Bolivia to Europe, but It didn't just happen in that year, it was a chronic disease that broke out after years of accumulation, and it was just a far-fetched human psychological effect.

At the turn of the century, there were also various rumors. In the end, nothing happened, but the power of rumors still affected many people. The small and medium shareholders of the South Sea Bubble lost their fortunes because they believed the rumors about the South American trade.

When people are panicking, one bad news after another will make people make uncalm judgments. The French stormed the Bastille was instigated by people under the premise of a famine, and it was also made by the Bourbon dynasty itself. Who allowed nobles to lock people they disliked into that devil's lair at will.

Hidden dangers are like mines in the water. They usually drift with the tide. Once they explode, the consequences will be unimaginable. Chinese people like to invest and buy houses everywhere. If there is a financial crisis in the United States, it is reported that the Yellowstone volcano will erupt at any time. The "American Dream" I should wake up.

Banks are most afraid of a run, and the speculative market is most afraid of selling. No one has counted the number of properties held by the Chinese, and no one knows what will happen.

It is possible to get richer and richer, and it is also possible to lose the bottom line. There is no investment that is guaranteed to make a profit. You need to be cautious in investing and not blindly follow the trend.

Before the Japanese real estate crash, a housewife also knew how to buy a house to make money. Before the South China Sea bubble burst, people still believed that the cargo ships from South America would bring dividends. In order to rush to buy stocks, they sold their wives and children to death. Two empty.

The British are very good at "laying mines". Before the opening of the Suez Canal, the United Kingdom had to go through the Cape of Good Hope to go to Asia. The so-called Suez Canal issue was actually the result of long-term competition among Western powers around the excavation and control of the canal.

In the 18th century, Britain and France stepped up their competition, and their targets were concentrated in the rich East. France attempted to connect the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea and reach the East, so as to break the British control of the Cape of Good Hope waterway and seize the monopoly of east-west trade. In order to safeguard its interests in the East, especially in India, Britain opposed the construction of a canal and advocated the construction of a railway from Alexandria through Cairo, Suez, Syria, the Euphrates River to the Persian Gulf to strengthen the connection between the East and the West.

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh once thought of digging the Suez Canal, but he failed. Later, Napoleon decided to continue digging in order to abolish the British Cape of Good Hope route.

Britain has been laying out the Cape of Good Hope route for many years. There are many large docks and military bases. It has made countless profits by firmly controlling this route. If Napoleon opens the Suez Canal, Britain will suffer heavy losses.

No matter what the British thought, the French sent engineer Le Perle to survey, but the data he got was that the Red Sea was 9.9 meters higher than the Mediterranean Sea, which was not suitable for digging the sea-level canal.

It happened that there was civil strife in the country, and Napoleon had no idea of ​​repairing the canal. However, 50 years later, the French surveyed again and found that the gap between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea was very small, so there have been rumors in France that Le Perle has been taken by the British. Instigated against him, he deliberately made a wrong calculation and obstructed the construction of the canal. For this reason, the British Cape of Good Hope route gained another 50 years of benefits. When the French military investigated him, everyone died, and there was no proof.

After discovering the mistake, France continued to dig the canal. This time, the British spread rumors to the Egyptian governor. The French digging the canal was false, and it was true that they took the opportunity to attack Egypt. The British continued to lobby, slander and bribe, and finally delayed the two Egyptian governors by another 10 days. At the same time, the British persuaded the governor to build a railway to transport their own goods. Laying mines is to blow up others, so what should they do. 10 years later, Said, the governor of Egypt, took over as the governor of Egypt. The Frenchman Ferdinand was his teacher, and the French persuaded him by virtue of this relationship. In 1858, France established the Suez Canal Company, which issued 200 million francs of stock, a total of 400,000 shares, to raise funds for the construction of the Suez Canal.

France itself bought 52%, Egypt bought 23%, and Russia and other countries planned to buy the remaining stocks. However, the London Stock Exchange warned the United States and Russia not to buy these stocks.

No one bought 25% of the shares, and there was a funding gap of nearly 50 million. Ferdinand bought another 21% of the shares with the signed empty check that Saeed had given him. He bought 44% of the stocks at a low price, which was far beyond the tolerance range of Egypt, thus laying a hidden danger for Egypt.

Saeed volunteered to be a national hero and lead the Egyptians to a better life. France built the Suez Canal without producing workers, and the Egyptians recruited workers. At the beginning, they promised 6-8 pias per day, and the construction site would have water and food. 1 million people are employed.

Because of ethnic beliefs in Egypt, it is very difficult to recruit workers, Said had to force labor, otherwise he would have to pay compensation to France.

As soon as the forced labor order was issued, people were arrested everywhere in the country. At that time, Egypt had a population of 4.88 million. Excluding the old, weak, women and children who could not work, the total labor force was 1.9 million, and excluding the 1 million people who dug canals, the domestic agricultural labor force was seriously insufficient. There was a famine in Egypt that year.

Because of poor sanitation, cholera and typhoid fever were prevalent on the construction site. The French didn’t even dig a canal to provide fresh water. Many workers died of thirst. Repairing the Pharaoh’s pyramid was not so miserable, and the entire construction site became a purgatory on earth.

Egypt asked the British for help, hoping to use railways to transport food and water, but the British planted mines again, and the trucks that transported food and water to Egypt could be towed at will, deliberately causing dissatisfaction among the workers.

Not only that, Britain also smuggled weapons to the Egyptians, provoked conflicts, caused workers to riot, and armed against Egypt and France.

In 1862, a riot broke out in Egypt. When the Egyptian police entered the construction site to maintain order, they found that the workers had British weapons, and they paid a heavy price to quell the riot.

Said, who volunteered to become a national hero, became a national scum. After the riots, it was difficult for Egypt to recruit manpower. Egypt and France discussed whether they could reduce labor. France's answer was to lose money.

Egypt had no choice but to pay 84 million francs. At this time, the country was short of money and had no money. When the canal was completed, 2.5 million workers were employed in Egypt, and 123,000 people died. For every 1,000 meters of construction, there were 738 deaths. An Egyptian worker died on a long voyage.

After the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, Egypt had to borrow money from Britain and France because of the heavy casualties in Egypt, the decline of agriculture, and the need to import food. Britain borrowed a lot of debt from Egypt this time, and had to take out the 44% of the Suez Canal stock to pay off the debt.

Although France has 52% of the shares, the domestic situation was chaotic at that time, and the control of Suez was actually in the hands of the British, which meant that Egypt paid people and money, and drained its own national strength. He didn't do anything, and made trouble everywhere, but enjoyed the benefits, and finally used the excuse of repaying debts to send investigators into Egypt to fully take over Egypt's finances.

Oh, karoshi can't be blamed on the capitalists, it's the Egyptians who don't know how to combine work and rest.

Until 1956, in order to safeguard national sovereignty and national dignity, Nasser announced the nationalization of the canal company. Britain and France were unwilling to lose their interests in the canal. In October 1956, they invaded Egypt with Israel in an attempt to reoccupy the canal and overthrow Nasser. After being defeated, they were forced to cease fire and withdraw their troops, and the canal finally returned to the hands of the Egyptians.

After the founding of New China, it denied all the debts owed by the Qing Dynasty. During the Republic of China, those debts were still being repaid. In order to prevent another coalition invasion, China was suffering from famine, and the overall civilization was still in the farming period. An atomic bomb was created. He said, "China is relatively backward, and its nuclear weapons are only enough to destroy the earth once." It means that there is no way to collect debts, and at worst, everyone will die together.

Ah, China is such a rogue country, there is no spirit of contract.

Egypt and the Manchus abide by the spirit of the contract, what will happen?

A weak country has no diplomacy. If China wins the Opium War and its ports are closed like Spain, this is not a "closed country", but trade protection. The problem is that if it loses, it will not only cede land and pay compensation, but also legalize the opium trade, and a large amount of silver will flow out. .

Capitalism has fewer people and more money, so naturally more will be distributed to everyone. However, just like Marx said, capital has been extremely dirty from the day it was born.

Confrontation needs violence as a support. As long as it can win, no matter what means it uses, regardless of its morality or immorality, the winner will have the opportunity to be "benevolent", and the loser can only be mermaid. This is Nietzsche's postmodern education method.

The so-called "crisis" or "opportunity" depends entirely on how people perceive and label them.

Hong Kong people fought a financial defense war in 1997. I don't know if they have the ability to turn defense into offense.

After closing the file on the table, Pomona put it back in the drawer.

She knew that the albino snake Lucius was not that easy to deal with.

Muggles made rapid progress after the Renaissance, but they were led by a small number of elites. The vast majority of Muggles are "leeks" and "cornerstones". In Lucius' eyes, Muggles are such humble ants. Actually knew Muggles better than Astonia.

Draco is really not suitable to inherit the family business. He is suitable to be a doctor in St. Mungo's because he is a soft-hearted person.

Unfortunately, he has the Death Eater mark on his arm, which he left to save his father, and he is really a good guy, although most people think that is not the case.

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