When Harry was at school, there was always a little follower who took pictures of him with a camera. Sometimes Pomona would not remember his name, but only remembered that he had been petrified by a basilisk. That child was older than Harry. One year younger, it would be too cruel to use the word "natural elimination" to describe it.

Remus was also very poor before he became a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, because he was a werewolf, so all his morals and achievements were denied by others. However, without knowing this, he is undoubtedly the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Many of Harry's teaching methods had been learned from Remus, and Pomona was almost sure that the first class that Harry replaced was Boggart.

Unlike Harry, who has a high exposure rate and often makes newspaper headlines, Voldemort rarely has photos published in newspapers. He has always maintained a sense of mystery, and people can only know what he has done through newspapers.

His mother, Merope, may be a victim of social Darwinism. She really doesn't know how to survive in this society. People's cold reality gave birth to a "Dark Lord" with a handsome appearance.

Not everyone is qualified to be his "servant", especially the top Death Eaters, he does have "style", both Bella and Lucius are beautiful, although Severus is not good-looking Good-looking, but he has a different inner quality.

Mr. Xiang Changwen from Hongmen doesn't like to use the kind of people who will betray him. He likes loyal people first and then looks at ability.

The White Wizard and the Dark Lord value ability first and then loyalty. The loyal Bella is not as capable as Severus. What is the use of her staying in Azkaban for so many years? She cannot provide useful information about the White Wizard, and "chess players" are often cold-hearted. In order to make Severus valued by the Dark Lord, Albus betrayed the members of the Order of the Phoenix to Severus, so that He went to claim credit from the Death Eaters.

They all need someone who is clear-headed and "reliable".

It's like women are always looking for a "reliable" man to marry.

What are the conditions that can make a woman feel that a man is reliable?

Some people think it is "self-motivated"; some people think it is for the sake of the family that they can change themselves; some people think that no matter how busy they are, they will not neglect their wife and can go home on time every day; some people think it is tolerance and can tolerate her small shortcomings; It is wealth, and the most unreliable thing is actually appearance.

Vision affects 80% of the information a person receives, and a handsome face is enough for Voldemort to win more than half of it.

If a woman's appearance is not good, you can't expect others to study your inner beauty through the appearance. There are very few such men, and Zhuge Liang is one of them. The question is how many Mr. Wolong are there in the world?

Women appreciate men even if they are not good-looking. Generally speaking, women are more tolerant of men than men, but it is not so simple for men to be tolerant of men.

The world has never been tolerant of women, and public opinion is much more tolerant of men than women. At the beginning, Pomona also disliked Lavender Brown. She and Ron would kiss wherever they went, as close as one person. However, Ron didn't love her, but he accepted the "cheapness" of throwing himself into her arms, just like most men in the world. A man may not accept a woman's love, but most men will not reject this woman's body. If he can even reject a woman's body, it is usually because she is too ugly.

Voldemort insisted that it was Merope who told old Tom Riddle she was a witch to scare him away, and he didn't believe he was the product of a love potion.

He wishes he was born of love, like most people in the world.

What Harry wanted was a complete family, like most people in the world, and they became what most people wanted to be.

Fame, wealth, power.

People tend to cast envious eyes on those "successful people" and forget to respect those who are in poverty or life adversity.

There are no ideological and moral lessons in Pomona's classroom. Everyone just needs to touch their conscience and ask themselves, will you treat grain as futures like the East India Company in 1776, transport it to Europe and sell it, and then let India Do tens of millions of people starve to death?

Every meal at Hogwarts is very rich, but the leftovers that can't be eaten are not wasted, and there are still many magical animals to eat. It feels happy not to worry about where the next meal is.

We can live happily in this world because of the hard work of people and the gift of nature. For nature, gold is just a substance, it will not directly transform food. When the Jews were wandering in the wilderness, God once descended A kind of food like hoarfrost, it is called "manna", that is the real power of gods, not even wizards, no matter how powerful people are, those who believe that the customer is God, prepare Fortunately, can you still persevere in the most severe moment?

Paper money and even silver will be inflated. A piece of bread needs 200 billion German marks. Paper money can be printed indiscriminately. Paper marks are like waste paper, and the Germans use it as fuel.

Oh, that day won't come, who gave you the confidence?

The feeling of getting rich is very exciting, and the Japanese have enjoyed it before, but with the outbreak of the financial crisis, the "American Dream" will definitely become a "nightmare". Those capitalists take advantage of people's desire for a better life and live in "better houses" Those who dream of setting traps will take out loans if they can't stand the temptation. Once the bubble bursts, the house price will depreciate, and the bankers will drive away the original residents. You can go back to where you came from.

If you mortgage your original house and use a leveraged loan to buy a bigger house, you will have no place to go back, and you will become the homeless person you used to despise. Did you not work hard and fall into that situation? You are just being cheated, and this scam is intertwined and completely "legal". It is a human scam set up by capitalists and politicians for social stability. It is full of lies, and the framing effect often appears in speeches. You Thinking that you made the right choice, in fact your choice has been included in the framework.

Harry felt that he had to die because he was the last Horcrux, how to get out of this frame?

The most primitive instinct of human beings is the desire to survive. It is the desire to survive that makes us more and more capable of coping and solving problems. It is the desire to survive that allows us to continue a good life. There is nothing shameful about "I don't want to die".

A Texan farmer who, in spite of the salesmen telling the hell out of it, would be nice to move to the city, refuses to listen to the "good life" that the salesmen and bankers describe, and he can yell at them, "Get off my land, I'm not going to take my land for any loans!" And then raise the shotgun and threaten the crooks who baited him to leave, which is the real "American life".

There are no dignitaries in front of bullets. Abraham Lincoln launched the Civil War in the name of emancipating slaves, but in fact he was oppressing the interests of southerners. Booth, the assassin who assassinated the president, expressed his oppressed spirit of resistance.

It is said in "Gone with the Wind" that you hand over your happiness to others to pursue something that will not make you happy at all.

No matter how beautiful the forest in the distance is, it will lose its beauty when you walk in.

Don't easily envy other people's lives, because maybe in the eyes of others, you are worthy of others' envy.

You live in a country free from war and famine, surrounded by loving family and fertile land waiting to be cultivated.

God didn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve better.

Living in the Weasley family is very happy. Pomona's ideal female image is Molly, but unfortunately she is not. She lost her daughter at an advanced age, and she will never have as many children as Molly in her life.

And Severus wasn't Arthur.

It was no use envying the Weasleys.

Falling in love with a man who loves other women is not a smart decision, especially if he is still stubborn and won't change easily.

His devotion is very hurtful, look, she was punished in the end, this heartburn hurts more than being roasted on the stake, at least she can recite the cold fire spell, and this kind of burning There is no way to stop it, as long as she is alive, she will suffer.

Women will not fall in love with a man because of his high moral character. Even Hitler had Eva by his side.

As for why a person falls in love with another person, this is perhaps the most urgent puzzle we need to solve.

I know many people don't want to read it, but after the subprime mortgage crisis, many Americans were displaced, including women and children, and they all lived in tents. After the houses of these people were mortgaged out, they needed the court to decide whether they had the right to redeem them, that is, Even if you want to pay back the money and get back the house you bought, 700,000 people were homeless in 2007. At that time, many Americans

They all have five or six houses. As long as the housing prices are still rising, their assets will appreciate, and they can borrow more money from the bank to buy more houses.

However, at that time, the housing loan interest rate in the United States fluctuated with the U.S. federal benchmark interest rate. The loan contract clearly stated that the interest rate might be raised in the future, and the interest rate might be so high that it could not be repaid. Or opt for a loan instead of full payment. As long as you are not the last one, you can be a white wolf with nothing.

Everyone thought this way, but the last moment finally came.

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