Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 547 Deadly Danger

In the words of Edward Cowan, the founding father of the United States, "The American Constitution was forced out of a desperate need by a rebellious people." The American Constitution and constitutional government originated from Aristotle's natural law and The British common law tradition, Aristotle put forward the concept of "natural justice" in "Ethics", natural justice is different from legal justice, natural justice is not designed by the state, but discovered from nature , it is in harmony with nature and prevents people from doing evil by means of prohibition.

But there must be something missing here in the Dark Lord Tom Riddle, who is so obsessed with power and believes that power can do anything, there is a saying in wizarding parlance "like some cheap goblin", this kind of The idiom shows that goblins have always suffered from unequal treatment. Even if goblins control the finances of Gringotts and wizards, they still cannot receive fair treatment in the courts and Wizengamot.

What's more, many people in the Ministry of Magic at that time had already begun to serve Voldemort. After killing a few goblins who refused to obey the order and "donated" their wealth, the goblins became obedient.

The first wizarding war ended with the sudden disappearance of Voldemort, it ended too suddenly, the humans were celebrating and cheering, but the goblins were not, even if all the magic he used to cast on people was gone, the goblins didn't see his dead body before They have been vigilant all the time, worried that he will appear suddenly.

In 1999, the second year after the end of the Second Wizarding War, officials from the Ministry of Magic held a meeting with the Brotherhood of Goblins in Chipping Clombly. interrupted the agenda. They turned trash cans and mailboxes into wildebeests, exploded sheds and some bushes, and chanted the fraternity slogan: "We're not ugly fairies!"

According to the truce agreement of the last goblin civil unrest, goblins are not allowed to use wands, but now, they believe that Voldemort will not return, and the long-accumulated resentment against human wizards has caused an uproar. The leader of the goblin brotherhood is Cross-eyed Bo Derek, but the goblin who led the riot was someone else. It was Royden Polk who was talking to the goblin at the time. Like most wizards, he felt that wizards and goblins had always gotten along very well until he heard To the first explosion. This small riot did not make people vigilant. Compared with the news of the trial of war criminals at that time, the Chipping Clombly riot was just a trivial matter, but it was a signal that goblins are a nation that knows how to resist, and now they are in an urgent need to change In this dilemma, "change" is forced out by human beings.

Neither werewolves nor goblins were afraid of the Anti-Dark Arts Alliance. After losing enough power to deter them, these "heterogeneous" began to rebel.

Just like the ancient law in the history of human civilization, if the ruling class cannot maintain its rule, it will be replaced by others.

The speed and stability of the flying broomstick will be improved by using the metal parts made of goblins. This kind of broom is definitely better than the previous flying broomsticks, but the goblin is unwilling to do it, what a cheap goblin.

Ludo Bagman owed the goblin a lot of money and had to run away in a hurry, and he had a brother named Otto who had gotten into some trouble for bewitching a Muggle lawnmower. Arthur Weasley helped him get the whole thing over with, so Otto's brother Ludo thanked him by getting Mr Weasley tickets to the 1994 Quidditch World Cup Final.

"The money he went to Egypt was from the Daily Prophet lottery, and the 700 Galleons were spent on travel." In an abandoned classroom, Severus said while smoking a cigarette, "Ludo Bagman see He looked like a nice guy, but gambling cost him everything, and before the final Quidditch match, he had Fred and George Weasley put all their savings on a bet, totaling 37 Galleons , 15 Sickles, 3 Knuts, plus a fake wand. The two of them saved up hard to start a business. At first, Fred and George thought that Bagman had just made a mistake accidentally. Leprechaun's gold paid their bet, so kept politely urging him to pay it back, but Bagman ignored their letters and made up all sorts of reasons for not paying them back, and they lost everything, and later they were in Gambling at school again, caught by me, help always answered at Hogwarts, so I 'helped' them, after a gambler lost everything and caused a lot of pain to the family They will also show sincere remorse. Regret that they shouldn’t have gambled at the beginning, regret that it would have been nice if they hadn’t played when they won before, but it didn’t take long for the scars to heal and forget the pain, and they gambled again against their vows. In their hearts, they have the same life philosophy as ordinary people, but also have a different side from normal people. They just like to "gamble", and it is difficult to control that kind of "gambling". Some people live well, and some people live in a mess , Ludo Bagman was not only being chased for debts but also lost his position as the director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports. The Triwizard Tournament ended with Harry and Cedric Diggory winning together, but Cedric was in Killed after taking the trophy. The goblins refused to admit that Ludo had won the bet because Harry hadn't "won it all". So shortly after the game, Ludo fled the school in a panic and was never seen again gone."

"Why mention him?" Pomona asked impatiently.

"Miss Know-It-All suspects that George lost a lot of money in gambling, causing Arthur to corrupt the law. 37 Galleons, 15 Sickles, and 3 Knuts are not a lot. They were still children at that time." Severus took a long drag on the cigarette, and slowly Puffing Smoke "Arthur is clean financially, trouble is his sons George and Fred who are easy targets."

"Then why did he chain his fireplace to Bork Bokin?"

"According to him, it was because of a secret mission. Although Albus Dumbledore is dead, he can still protect his people. The Weasley family is a war hero, so his inquiry is over."

"He was suspended?"

"No, but he doesn't show up in the Law Enforcement Department anymore, but he often shows up on the fourth floor." Severus smiled and shook his head. "He's really going to get himself into trouble."

Pomona shook her head as the house-elves relocated the office and the werewolf office. "He's only been assassinated once."

"You forgot." He pointed to his neck, which was covered with Nagini's bite marks. "This is the second time he escaped from death. Maybe he thought he was an invincible lucky star and wanted to gamble again."

Speculators are like this. Those hedge fund managers get a lot of money from customers, and after giving the promised return to customers, the extra profit is his. That's why he is so interested in high-risk, high-yield CDOs. interest.

The income of hedge funds is at least hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention the principal they invested. The money in the barrier lake of real estate is not something ordinary people can play with, even the country.

During an avalanche, no one is innocent without that snowflake. It is not uncommon for extreme joy to turn into sorrow. The Japanese suddenly understood, as well as the shareholders of the South China Sea Bubble, and the French in the Panama Canal. The government will also be unreliable. Believe in the United States”, the subprime mortgage crisis transferred the bubble caused by the Internet to real estate, and then continued to inflate it through real estate. Its volume is so large that no one can handle it. Waking up in a dream.

To set up a tent in the wilderness, you must first find a source of clean water. Unfortunately, much of the water is polluted by industry, and even drinking water is a problem. People who have no ability to survive in the wild are like pets driven out of their homes. If there is no Humanitarian aid can die quickly.

"It seems that every time there is a problem on the wizard side, the Muggle side is also the same." Pomona said with emotion.

"But not every time Muggles are in turmoil, wizards will also have problems." Severus threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped out the sparks with his feet. "White wizards think that marriage between Muggles and wizards can increase the population of wizards , and before Merope, the Gaunt family hadn't had any powerful wizards, but she married a Muggle man and gave birth to the Dark Lord. Mixed blood can make the two bloodlines complement each other, but he forgot One problem, not every Muggle is like his mother."

Pomona thought of old Tom Riddle who had abandoned his wife and son, and had nothing else to say.

After regaining consciousness, he should have dumped Merope without hesitation, because she was too ugly, and sleeping with this kind of woman would only make him feel sick, and he might have thought he had been "kidnapped".

How can a man as handsome and rich as him sleep with a freak, all the women he seeks are healthy and beautiful, who would have contact with someone who lives in a shack.

The 1994 Quidditch World Cup was organized by Ludo Bagman. He completely disregarded security-related issues, completely disregarded the prohibition against Muggles and not wearing Muggle clothes, and he even acted as the commentator of the game in the final.

So the Death Eaters riot that year had a direct relationship with him.

He is the kind of man who is "unreliable", "not sober", and wants to renege on his debts after losing.

If you are a gambler, you must be willing to gamble and admit defeat. Goblins are not good people. Anyway, if they don’t want to get back their debts, why not be more gracious, admit that Harry Potter has won, and reduce Ludo Buckman’s debts a little, so that he can continue to play in the game. What about the Department of Sports Affairs at the Ministry of Magic?

He could open the door for the goblins to become major sponsors and make more money.

Sometimes men are so impulsive, they lose the ability to think when they are hot-blooded, and they use violence to solve problems when they are instigated by others.

"Fool," Pomona murmured.

Severus smiled sarcastically. "He's a fool indeed."

She knew he had misunderstood, but so what? Anyway, in the eyes of men, women are short-sighted.

So, she closed her mouth and let the misunderstanding continue.

I like Harry Potter hahahahaha

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