Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 553 Canned Laughter

Impact, or what Muggle scientists call impact factor, is very important to academics.

Writing a column about health advice in the Daily Prophet now has a chance of being called a "professor," but real professors write papers.

Albus Dumbledore's use of dragon's blood is cited a lot, and his influence is far greater than Severus'. Albus was a scholar as well as the head mage of the Wizengamot, who was later dismissed by Fudge for "rebellion".

She didn't care about things in Vanity Fair, her main focus was on school, and she didn't know how much Severus had achieved outside of school.

It is not easy to maintain Hufflepuff's overall good atmosphere, especially Hufflepuff's family is generally very rich. It is really difficult to let the children not abuse the money and develop good habits.

Children's rebellion is aimed at adults. When children are together, they will converge. There are very few people like Luna who stand alone among their peers.

For example, everyone does not believe in Santa Claus. If someone says they believe in Santa Claus, they will be laughed at by their peers.

Or maybe everyone knows how to play Quidditch on a broomstick, and the one who doesn't is shameful.

Everyone can swim, and a person who can't swim will find a way to learn to swim by himself. There is no need for parents to persuade him, and he will overcome his fear of water by himself.

The expression of this "social identity" in the 1970s was that everyone was playing rock and roll, and if someone was keen on jazz, they would be ridiculed as "old-fashioned and outdated".

Prosociality emerges in childhood, and playmates are sometimes more effective than teachers and parents.

At the same time, children will also be influenced by their native families. Pure-blood families will discriminate against Muggles to the next generation. The Weasley family’s pro-Muggle ideas will also be passed on to Ron. Will have an effect on the kids, if Hermione wasn't a witch, she'd probably be a doctor, Jacob wanted to open a bakery because of his grandmother's influence, he knew Newt Scamander because of the bank loan , he wanted to start a business and open his own bakery.

The only way for young people to get rid of their own class is not to spend money, but to save money, and start their fancy career after they have enough start-up capital.

Jacob participated in the First World War and was stationed in France for a while. After returning, he could not find a high-paying job and had to work on the assembly line of a canning factory.

It is almost impossible to save money to open a shop with the workers' meager salaries, and applying for a loan is his only way out.

Jacob was born in Poland. Most Polish farmers did not have their own land and lacked basic living supplies. He had nothing to mortgage except himself.

Even such a person can have a fiancée, but she left him as soon as she heard that Jacob hadn't applied for a loan.

This is not a question of money, but of "hope" and "future". Pomona can understand this feeling. A veteran did not die on the battlefield, but was exhausted by life. The first batch of Irish refugees were also different from Americans. They were drunk, violent, and had nothing to do with "decency".

Civilized people will always subconsciously behave gracefully in front of others and avoid those who are extremely vulgar. After all, they have not experienced the torment of war and famine, and do not know how barbaric people can become in order to survive.

In a place where everyone thinks the same, no one thinks too much. Human beings respond to social recognition unconsciously and reflexively. Once someone challenges a certain "public knowledge", they will maintain this cognition. Don't try to argue against the other person.

He will look for evidence to support his views, even if the evidence is fabricated and illusory, which is one of the reactions of plural ignorance. When you are not sure or confident, use other people’s reactions to judge. For example, if a person has a heart attack, it does not mean that the more people there are, the greater the chance of his being saved. On the contrary, the onlookers will observe other people’s reactions.

The city is noisy, noisy, and changes a lot. It is difficult to judge the nature of what happened here.

Compared with those in small towns, everyone doesn’t know each other. People will show an elegant and mature appearance in front of strangers. They will also behave calmly when emergencies happen. If you scream loudly, nothing will happen and you will be ridiculed . Everyone acts calm and at ease, in the eyes of other people who are looking for reference, everyone is calm, it is not a big deal, and this makes a very cruel social phenomenon, when someone needs first aid, all witnesses stand by. , watched the man slowly die without even notifying the ambulance.

This is a kind of "big city disease". Some comedies are often shown on TV, but sometimes the audience doesn't understand those "laughs", so "canned laughter" will be played on TV, even if the audience thinks it is not It's funny, when I hear someone laughing, I laugh along with it.

Just as children don’t agree with some concepts, but parents, TV or teachers still “inject” them into their minds. Everyone is the same, pursuing the same “American dream”, reading, studying, finding a job, earning money, buying How many people are successful in building a house, starting a family, or starting a business? The risk is too great.

Even if Jacob's loan application is successful, his bakery will also face the crisis of the Great Depression.

But then he went to France, and a Muggle actually attended a pure-blood party at Lestrange's graveyard.

His grandfather liked to raise pigeons, and those high-level apartments in the city looked like pigeon coops. "What everyone else is doing must not be wrong." This mentality is not only used in TV, but also in many places.

In 1978, U.S. Representative Leo Ryan learned that there were various abnormal phenomena in Jonestown, and immediately organized a delegation to investigate. Jim Jones tried his best to cover up the truth, but had a fierce conflict with the investigation team.

The delegation was attacked by Jim Jones' private armed forces at the airport, and Leo Ryan and several others were killed. The survivors were rescued by Guyana government forces and returned to the United States. Jim Jones, who knew that he could not escape the guilt, decided to coerce the believers to commit suicide collectively.

200 people, one after another, drank highly poisonous strawberry juice. Some of them chose to resist when they saw others dead, but they were immediately forcibly fed with cyanide by private armed forces, or shot or strangled to death. The infants were fed strawberry juice, and only two youths who pretended to take poison fled desperately and became direct witnesses of the Jonestown tragedy.

Then there is the suicide report. If the media reports the suicide news, someone will commit suicide in the same way in the same month. Goethe once wrote a book called "The Sorrows of Young Werther", which was listed as a banned book in many countries , a pathological example of social proof, these suicides base their decisions on what others do when they are in trouble.

When there was an attack at Hogwarts, many people were buying amulets. Neville actually didn't need to buy them, but he wasn't sure if he would be attacked. He didn't have confidence and felt like a squib.

When they were in Potions class, children often watched what others did. When examining others, they often overlooked one thing, that is, others didn't know what to do, so the explosion happened.

The advantage of having a master at this time is that you can follow his example. Slytherin's potion grades are generally better than Gryffindor's grades, not only because the potion professor is Slytherin, but also because Draco Malfoy, the Potions master who was often secretly "remedial" by his godfather.

Neville is the number one in herbal medicine. He was so cruel to himself when he took the pimple vine pods, but no one followed his method. Everyone wanted to be elegant in front of others. Neville looked so embarrassed.

"Elegance" will kill, even if someone dies in front of you, you must remain calm.

Driving to work is definitely more elegant than farming, and you don’t need to be covered in mud, but if everyone goes “elegantly”, who will keep the city running.

The sewers have to be cleaned, the streets have to be swept, and the food brought into the city, vegetables don't grow in supermarkets.

The multivariate ignorance effect is more common in cities than in rural areas. The degree of acquaintance in rural areas is high. It is too familiar and has no freshness. The rural environment is another form. Everyone does not think too much, and those who have ideas will leave .

Pomona worked hard to save a lot of money, but Severus spent a lot of money on bird and snake eggs, and she also felt distressed.

But some money has to be spent. Now he is starting a business. His goal is to correct the public's discrimination against people with the Dark Mark. Whoever told him that his godson also has one on his arm.

Their son ruined his future, and now they want his future back.

Compared with girls, boys need a higher degree of social recognition. Generally speaking, having a beautiful wife, a luxurious house, and a decent job is recognized as success. One of the reasons to divorce and instead marry a lighter and beautiful woman.

It's not that women can't marry poor ghosts, it's just that men can't keep their promises and actions.

She can have a high income when she is young, find a rich man to change her class, why should she start a business with the poor, and be abandoned by the man after suffering so much, and continue to stay where she is?

Generally speaking, love can make women ignore the charm of money, but the risk is too high. Men always like to wishful thinking that the "goddess" can favor themselves. It was a relief for him that he soon fell into a new relationship, and Jacob didn't think about his ex-fiancée's feelings at all.

Many people in Furong are delusional. Even if she is not Ron's strict advantage strategy, he is still obsessed with that small probability event and hopes that luck will fall on him.

It's not easy to keep a clear head in front of beautiful women. Ron doesn't really like Fleur, he's just obsessed with that sense of social identity, and he's the "winner" when he gets a date with Fleur.

When he saw Hermione with Victor, he got so jealous that he hurt her, Patil spread that scene all over the place, and Ron became the last thing girls wanted to date.

Pomona also thought it was a mistake for Hermione to be with him. The society agreed that they were not a good match, and more people supported Hermione and Victor.

The best choice in the eyes of the public may not be suitable for her. Thanks to Rita Kisser's article, Hermione has become an "ambitious" girl. She said that if she really chooses Victor, however Explain that what Rita said is correct, and that she and Ron have a common experience, it is difficult for outsiders to understand.

Although Pomona was a few years older than them, she was still the same age in the eyes of Severus, Lily, Sirius, and James. They didn't have that kind of rebellious psychology. On the contrary, Tonks regarded Pomona as " elder".

Many loves cannot stand the test, but some people have more external pressure, the more they try their best to stay together, and finally they are serious even if they are just playing around at the beginning.

The same is true of the scarcity theory, if you don’t hurry up, it will be gone. With this external pressure, people will make irrational choices.

In most cases, Severus was responsible for rational thinking, who would have guessed that he also had irrational moments.

Don't bring personal relationship problems to work, but people are not strangers when they cooperate to complete a thing. There are many office romances in big cities. That's how Penny and Fernon met.

She didn't want him to betray Lily, he was supposed to love Lily all his life, but he was alive, and he didn't want to live on memory like Albus.

The relationship between Ron and Lavender was stopped by Ron, and they had no time to talk at all except kissing.

Severus didn't, he liked kissing very much, and she never thought that they would be the same as Lavender and Ron.

How ridiculous they are in the eyes of wise men.


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