Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 565 Silver Tongue Devil

Albus has a scar on his left knee from a complete map of the London Underground.

Pomona didn't know when and under what conditions the scar was left, but she felt that it should have some special meaning to him, like his nose, which was broken by Aberforth , crooked noses and candy are the hallmarks of Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix.

Dark wizards don't eat sugar, and in Grindelwald's own words "self-righteous, arrogant, infuriating bastards, cruel, arrogant, hypocritical bastards, always pretending to be humble hypocrites-no, I don't Eat candy."

Grindelwald also has a magic. He takes a puff of smoke from the skeleton, and when he spits it out, he can show some illusions. Nothing is more shocking than intuitive images.

Fog or smoke is the symbol of Grindelwald. The smoke and the hot air from the mouth look similar, but the smoke is inhaled, while the hot air is exhaled. Grindelwald wrote to Dumbledore He said he wanted to suck the hot breath out of Albus, and Severus was like him in a way, when Severus kissed her, he seemed to want to What sucked dry was the "honey" in her body, so much so that he nicknamed himself "honey-eating bird". What the Mirror of Erised shows is the most urgent and strongest desire in people's hearts. Not everyone's "desire" is as pure as Harry's, and they just want to reunite their families.

The love letters written by the old fool and the old lunatic are scattered on the sofa floor. Alcohol accelerates the blood circulation and does not really generate heat. After the alcohol is over, it will become colder. After a glass of tequila, they are lazy on the sofa Hugging each other to keep warm is not like sitting in XZ's cave, after all, they are no longer friends.

Grindelwald still calls Albus "old friend". What kind of "friend" would pester him over a coffee table?

Everyone in this world has one or two secrets. Even if you can fool everyone in the world, a master of manipulators will often make you feel that what you do is beneficial to the whole world, but there are always one or two people that you don’t know. Way to cheat.

He or she knows too much, and you don't want others to know those secrets, because it will make your perfect image fall to the ground and smash into pieces. How can you make that person shut up?

Some people will use killers, some will use threats. If Grindelwald captures Albus, he will not imprison Albus on a high tower and remarry with an owl.

Grindelwald will do whatever he wants, no matter how morally resistant Albus is, what else can he do? He has lost.

Violating lust is not a woman's crime, it can be committed between men and men, but why do men always attribute the fault to women.

It's not fair, if a man doesn't have that "craving", then no matter what a woman does, he won't do something out of order.

There is a moral model in the East, Liu Xiahui. A beautiful woman sits in his arms without messing up. When Salome danced the dance of the seven veils, John the Baptist also saw it. He was not moved by her beauty and temptation at all. It was her stepfather Herod who killed John to please her.

For a long time, women have been responsible for the crimes committed by men, and the responsibility after tasting the forbidden fruit is also borne by women. "Smart people" know that when they face mistakes, they must learn to shirk responsibility. Only in this way can they save their future. Just like old Tom Riddle, he realized the "mistake" immediately after Merope stopped using the love potion, and he immediately turned and ran away.

When you have physical contact with someone you like, you don't feel disgusted at all. On the contrary, if you hate someone, let alone physical contact, even eye contact will feel disgusting.

Tom Riddle, the Dark Lord who nicknamed Albus "a self-righteous old thing" was destined to be born. He was hated by his father and accumulated negative emotions such as greed, ignorance, and indifference. These qualities are What people desire to destroy, but he wants to live forever, just like the lingering shadow in the sun.

In that summer, Grindelwald managed to make a little ice flower, he seemed to want to teach Albus something about Russian geography, but Albus was not paying attention at all, and in that selfless passion he lost the ability to think , he cared more about Grindelwald himself, the genius Albus Dumbledore became Grindelwald's little follower, he was attracted by Grindelwald's dream full of ambition and glory - to overthrow the International Statute of Secrecy, to realize Wizards rule Muggles. But Albus backed off when he realized how difficult that dream would be, that he was the one who betrayed both of their dreams.

The vast majority of women in the world can give up their talents for love, and devote themselves to the wind, flowers, snow and moon. Wisdom and reason have long since disappeared without a trace. Men will not understand, only women can understand what it feels like .

There is a kind of power that rises from within her body, radiant and shining, making her whole body radiate dazzling light.

In that eternal rhythm, we are both small and great, both cowardly and brave, both lonely and clinging to each other, both bleak and bright, both momentary and eternal.

This power is love, as long as she is not betraying her, no matter what mistakes a man makes, she will forgive him. Even Tom has something to shine. He refuses to believe that his mother is a witch. If she is a witch, she will not die. Naive idea.

But in the eyes of Albus, Voldemort is unforgivable. Compared with Grindelwald, Voldemort may be just a self-righteous young man, but he is impulsive, reckless, ambitious, and he is too obsessed with death.

For Voldemort, it was just as disgusting that Albus was always obsessed with "love".

For Albus, who sees through life and death, death is just another beginning.

For Grindelwald, using too many Unforgivables can weaken the wand.

Everyone sees the problem from a different perspective, and forms a different point of view. "The Voldemort Kid" was played by the old devil Grindelwald. He went around doing a bunch of experiments to verify this, and the result became Grindelwald. Interesting story of a long prison life, he must never have imagined that one day he would be killed by that "Voldemort kid" who lacked a sense of humor.

"Do you believe that Grindelwald is dead?" Pomona asked Severus when the two of them no longer had each other's tongues in their mouths. Her mouth was no longer sweet and fruity, but With the bitter smell of cigarettes and alcohol, she is no longer a "good boy".

"I don't know." He lay on the sofa pillow and looked at her with blank eyes." Before dying, he said to Voldemort, kill me, Voldemort, I am happy to die! But my death will not bring What you're looking for, there's a lot you don't understand. I think, I see what he said, the last thing he said to his 'partner' was 'You're still lying, damn it. Fuck you.' I Thinking that if he was given another chance, he would never say this to Albus, the feeling of regret was about to consume him, and he wanted to start the next journey, starting from the beginning."

"Then what do you think Grindelwald wanted to say to Albus in the end?"

He didn't answer right away.

He suddenly took an interest in her hair, and pulled the messy lock of Eli's "deliberately" left behind her ear, mossing her cheek with his rough thumb, like teasing a rose petals.

"I think he's going to say, 'I love you, you changed my life'."

"It was Albus who put Grindelwald in prison, made him a prisoner," said Pomona, taking his hand.

"Albus said to Grindelwald, 'I seem to have pissed you off again. I just want to ask for your forgiveness. I really didn't mean to. I did something wrong that time, I apologize, let's get back in touch', You know how hard it is to get the great White Wizard to admit he was wrong? "He seemed to be in a good mood and had a good smile" Worth going to jail for that alone."

"Why are you so entangled in right and wrong?"

"It's asking you, why do you bother with this issue, your mantra, 'do the right thing because it's right', who decides what's right and what's wrong?"

"Oh, you're going to argue with me about this again?" Pomona quickly woke up from her affection, and "Love Saint" suddenly became unattractive.

"You want Muggles and wizards to coexist peacefully. You are really emotional fools. We can continue to discuss the issue of Noah's Ark. Tell me, what do you think the lions and tigers on the boat eat?"

Pomona took off the pillow behind him, and his head hit the armrest of the wooden sofa with a "boom", and it hurt just to hear it, so she took this opportunity to add insult to injury and hit him in the face with the pillow.

How else could his face be ruined? Maybe it will look better if it is destroyed.

"Enough!" After blocking a few "pillow attacks" with his arm, the Slytherin old bat put on the majesty of a teacher and stopped her, but the straight, greasy hair was now messy and looked very embarrassed , doesn't have that deterrent effect at all.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you, Severus?" Pomona said, her waist thrusting, as menacing as a steaming teapot. "Where's that letter you found in Sirius' room?"

"I burned it." He looked away, as if he didn't dare meet her eyes at all.

"You still have it right? Take it out every now and then to remember Lily?"

"Be reasonable, woman, you also know that the letter is a forgery!" He immediately replied confidently, "Stupid Dog stayed at his mother's house for six months. At that time, Lily was dead, and Black's house had placed a shielding spell. There's no way an owl could find that place."

"Then why do you take half and leave the other half?"

"I want to leave a little fond memory for that stupid boy," Severus said dryly. "He likes to ask about his parents. The first few pages of the letter are about his parents. That doesn't change anything." plan."

"What's on the last few pages of the letter? It's about Dumbledore and Grindelwald, right?"

He was silent again.

"You just have to know that when the time comes, I'll let you know."

Pomona looked at him and shook her head.

"What are you doing?"

"You know why so many people enjoy torturing you, Severus, you're such a…"

"you dare!"

The arrogance that Pomona had just raised disappeared under the terrifying pressure.

The evil Slytherin smirked politely and gracefully.

"Who is in charge of this family?"

He deliberately slowed down and said in a low voice, he obviously knew that she had no resistance to this voice.

"You." She said reluctantly.

"Since I am in charge, should we establish some rules?"

"No, Severus, you never even think about it." Pomona smiled and shook her head "Have you forgotten how Tobias restrained Irene?"

The smile on his face disappeared immediately.

"I am a free woman, you can't rule me." Pomona threw the pillow in his face, then quickly got up and ran away. "Catch me, you evil dark wizard."

"I hate the Order of the Phoenix." He sat up reluctantly, with disgust on his face, like eating a fly.

He pulled out his wand from his left sleeve, and the letters scattered on the ground were collected in an orderly manner, and then he strode forward, dragging his black cloak, chasing after him like a nightwalker at Hogwarts. The naughty "elf", the woman's happy laughter suddenly echoed in the luxurious apartment.

And the letters, after being rearranged, floated onto a low table. On the table was an open history book written by the historian of magic Bathilda Bagshot. The photos of two young people, they both look so handsome, but one looks very gentle, while the other looks rebellious with his chest raised up, and there is a step between them, no one can look at it would doubt that they had any intimate relationship.

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