Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 611 The Emerald Girl

There are more than 50 Chinatowns all over the world, of which the Chinatown in the UK is the oldest in Europe, and the Chinatown in San Francisco is the largest outside of Asia.

Chinatown is different from China itself, and also different from the culture of the place where it is located. Whether you are a Chinese or a foreigner, you can feel a strong exotic atmosphere when you walk into this "city".

In San Francisco, Chinatown is a more popular attraction than the Golden Gate Bridge, and it is the most Chinatown-like Chinatown.

Many Chinatowns don't look so Chinese. That's because the buildings first came, and then the Chinese settled down.

The same is true of Chinatown in London. The English-style buildings are covered with a layer of Chinese-style eaves, which seems very nondescript.

There are also Chinese-style mosques and churches in the northwest of China. The roofs of mosques are generally round, and it seems very incongruous to change them to Chinese-style roofs. After cultural integration, they will change. up.

Nine out of ten women wanted Severus to change his greasy hair to keep it clean and flowing. Hell, why can't he wash his hair once a day and it doesn't take much of his time.

Or you can simply cut your hair short. Lucius' long hair is very classically beautiful. His hair looks like the hairstyle of a wicked witch. It's not short, which makes people itch.

Rita Kiester used a picture of him in the Daily Prophet as Headmaster of Hogwarts for her new book, and he remembered to keep his hair fresh when he was photographed that day.

He is such a person, it is always easy to make people hate him until his teeth itch, and then he twists his thin lips and shows a provocative smile towards the other party. If he is not good at duels, I don’t know how many people want to beat him up he.

He was able to find "friends" unexpectedly, and he was also a Chinese. The British and black Americans have no aristocratic temperament. It's Ma Youxuan from Henan, a big province of liars. It's really a match, let's see who can be deceived by his rhetoric.

A very simple trick, the wizard sprayed a piece of water on a piece of white paper, and blood-red words appeared on it, which seemed to be a message sent by some invisible force.

This is actually a very simple chemical phenomenon. Use colorless phenolphthalein to write on white paper in advance, and spray alkaline solution after drying, such as baking soda. It is written on it, and then sprayed with alkaline water, the turmeric will turn blood red when it meets alkali, and the scarlet letter will appear.

Reading may not necessarily make you a lot of money, but it can help you see through this deceptive trick. If you can pay the "IQ tax" without losing money, you will already win ahead of others.

When other people have to go out to work in bad weather because of their debts, you can sit back and watch the situation rise and think about what to do next. As long as you grasp the pulse of the times, you will be the next winner.

Su's kind of woman only thinks about saving money to buy a house to get married and build a comfortable nest, but she doesn't see the business opportunities in Atlanta's reconstruction at all. When Scarlett entered Kennedy's grocery store, she saw the outside of the window at a glance. He didn't care at all, and planned to give up the timber business.

Born to the same parents, with the same growth environment, the difference between a smart and capable woman and an ordinary woman is like this. Thirty-six Strategies to cheat the sky and cross the sea is not to go against people's hearts, but to follow people's hearts. If a man wants to start a family, he needs to find a woman to marry, and when a woman gets married, she wants to live a stable life, live in a comfortable house, have a place to live for her children, receive education, and so on.

Real estate is a big investment. There are only a few rich people. There are tens of thousands of mansions, and they sleep seven feet at night. There are thousands of hectares of fertile land, and only three meals a day. The rich are also alone. The vast number of "leeks" is wrong, because the common people consume a lot of them.

If you can’t afford a house, you can get a loan. The loan needs to evaluate the credit rating. After the intermediary company and the internal operation of the commercial bank, the middle and low-income people who could not afford the loan can buy a more comfortable house with the loan. The sales manager The person got the commission, and the buyer bought the house he wanted. Everyone is very happy. Doesn’t it give a sense of accomplishment to see the happy smiling faces of the wife and children?

Brother, you've been locked up like this all your life.

In order to repay the loan on time every month, you have to work hard, just like a cow. It’s not good for you to be dragged into the boss constantly, yelling at you, but you don’t dare to say “I resign” smartly, and the pressure is constant. Increase, you can only choose to endure, however, this is not the end.

After a round of real estate squeeze, ordinary people no longer have much money, and luxury goods such as LV and Chanel used by rich people are far beyond the affordability of ordinary families.

What other people have, they also want to have, and almost everyone has the desire to compare. At this time, a consumption concept called "light luxury" appeared.

This is another way of capitalism to cut leeks. After buying a "necessity" such as a house, most people will "save a little money", but they have been saving so much, and life is too hard, and occasionally they want to treat themselves better. .

Eating some upper-middle-class restaurants that you don’t usually go to, or buying one or two pieces of clothes, shoes, and bags that are a little higher than the mass brands, just use up the remaining savings without increasing debts, but you have gained happiness. Mood, so you can continue to "carry the bucket" with this happy mood.

The desire to buy is also a desire, and it is painful to suppress one's desire.

It takes money to be able to buy what you want at will. The reason why people like something is not because it can satisfy their desires. Does a poor ghost really love money so much? No, he just suppressed it for too long and needs to release his desire. The more pressure he exerts, the greater the release will be.

He has such a strong desire, but he is unwilling to break through the shackles of morality and law. Macbeth once said: You are not without ambition, but you lack the evil associated with that ambition; your desire is great, but And I hope to use only legitimate means; on the one hand, I don't want to play tricks, but on the other hand, I want to make unreasonable grabs.

This indecisive indecision ultimately leads him to torn between being law-abiding and lawless.

In peaceful times, he can still choose to hide his true nature because of the threat of violence from the police and the army. When the order is chaotic, or when he hides in the crowd and no longer needs to take responsibility for his actions, he will tear off his disguise. Do whatever you want.

In order to deceive the world, you have to pretend to be the world.

A werewolf has to pretend to be the same as a normal person so that it is not easy to be discovered by others.

This kind of person is often more dangerous than the kind of tattooed person who looks like a bad person at first glance, because others will not be wary of him, and it is too late when he shows his true colors.

Nietzsche once said that the faster a woman forgets how charming she is, the faster she learns to hate others.

Women are indeed supposed to be charming, and even Minerva has a habit of taking care of her nails, because her Animagus is a cat.

If a woman is charming to a woman, God knows what the same sex who is forced to watch that scene thinks. Not every sensual gesture is as gay as Minerva doing manicures for all the schoolgirls.

Of course, there are also women who can seduce the same sex, but in most cases, women's charm is shown to heterosexual men.

For the sake of temptation, for the sake of taking, the success of the temptation can bring her a sense of satisfaction, and what can be asked for can be a lot, maybe it is money, maybe it is a romantic date, which can produce a sense of superiority without achievement.

For some purpose, he wants to submit to her temporarily, just like a courtier submits to the queen, he wants to say nice things to flatter her and make her happy, the goddess of the night is like a charming and flirtatious woman, laughing and attracting Adventurous people chase her.

Gypsy girls have a bad reputation, but they are free dancers. In Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris, Esmeralda's dance in the square aroused the vicar of Notre Dame church, Claude Frollo. Feeling uneasy, because Esmeralda's beauty and graceful dance have disturbed his calm heart.

His heart was pounding like a fire burning in his body, but Catholic clergy could not marry, let alone a gypsy woman, so he falsely accused Esmeralda of being a witch and threatened her with blasphemy In medieval Europe, the church was above all else, and the church enjoyed the right of asylum as the residence of God. Notre Dame de Paris is a "holy place" that is not subject to the law. The church and the royal family were very annoyed by this, and the court soon decided to ignore the right of asylum , to arrest the girl. At this time, the beggars and vagrants from the lower class of Paris rushed to attack Notre Dame after hearing the news, preparing to rescue the girl. During the melee, Claude robs Esmeralda from Notre Dame, threatens her to submit to him again, and expresses his fiery love to her. But she was firmly rejected by the girl. In a rage, the archdeacon handed over the girl to the officers and soldiers who were chasing her. Esmeralda was sent to the gallows, and upstairs in Notre Dame, the archdeacon laughed ferociously.

The ugly Quasimodo is the bell ringer of Notre Dame. Although he is ugly, he is full of poetry and books, but he must obey the order of the vicar to kidnap Esmeralda. But the girl was rescued by the captain of the archery team, Fabis, who was on patrol, and she fell in love with this frivolous officer. The next day, Quasimodo, the bell ringer, was tied up for public display in Grave Square. He was whipped in the scorching sun, thirsty, and shouted for water, but he was answered with ridicule, scolding, and stones and rags thrown at him. The archdeacon, though present, kept away from him. But at this moment, the girl picked up the jug, pushed aside the crowd, stepped onto the execution platform, and brought clear water to Quasimodo's mouth.

Ugly people also need love. Quasimodo knows that he is ugly, so he dare not speak out his love for Esmeralda.

And Esmeralda fell in love with that frivolous and handsome officer. Once Fabius had a tryst with Esmeralda, Claude Frollo couldn't help but ignited the fire of jealousy when he learned about it. When the couple confessed their love, he stabbed Fabius with a dagger and blamed the girl.

Roma is a word that many Roma people use to describe themselves.

Gypsies are portrayed as cunning, mysterious outsiders. Although France claims to be a fraternal nation, it is keen to expel Gypsies. death penalty.

The officer didn't save her this time, even though he knew Esmeralda was innocent.

On the day of the execution, out of gratitude to Esmeralda, Quasimodo rescued her from the execution ground and hid her in Notre Dame. All failed.

Quasimodo, desperate for losing Esmeralda, pushed the archdeacon from the top of the tall building in his infinite anger, and fell to his death. Quasimodo disappeared the next day. Two years later, two skeletons of a man and a woman were found in the Mengfugong cemetery. The strange thing is that they hugged each other, and the bones turned into ashes as soon as they were separated.

Gypsies love to dance flamenco, and Pomona believes that it was the dance that Esmeralda captured the archdeacon's heart that day.

She liked being in the spotlight, everyone was like that, she didn't like drinking Polyjuice Potion to hide herself.

It's just that she is a mixed Veela, and in her time, she was not allowed to go to Hogwarts. Twenty years later, in the 1990s, the world has become more open and inclusive, and Furong can appear in school in a dignified manner and become a player in the Triwizard Tournament.

Only then did she realize that she didn't have to hide herself anymore.

Albus hides a lot of secrets, including his orientation. He is so strict with himself and others. He is an old man who lived in the 19th century. Who would take chastity seriously in the 21st century?

Only those who belong to themselves will care so much. Most people will clean their homes, and public places don't matter.

Women who show their charm in public will attract the attention of many men, but be careful at this time, there will be all kinds of bad words prepared, and some people will feel jealous. Not all girls are like Furong, who is attracted by girls If they were excluded, Madam Maxim would still be able to take care of her.

There are many ways for girls to bully girls. Hiding things is only the initial stage. In Snow White, the stepmother and the queen were jealous of the princess's beauty and asked the hunter to kill Snow White, but she was later saved by the seven dwarfs, who later disguised herself as an old woman and poisoned her to death with poisonous apples.

In wizarding children's stories, the heroine is much more proactive in pursuing happiness than in Muggle fairy tales. Ginny is an example. She didn't miss the Christmas ball, even if she was not a year lower than her age.

She also took the initiative to approach the "golden boy" Harry Potter and became the final big winner. Other girls were jealous of her and bullied her, but she fought against it without flinching. Hair falls out.

The red-haired girl didn't have Lily's green eyes, but she was as brave as she was.

Ginny and Lily chose their own lives, and the half-breed Veela who was more beautiful than them chose to wait to be picked up by a wizard who was more handsome than Quasimo, what a failure she was.

However, the marriage is already over, does she still want to leave?

There are many temptations in the outside world, but if she can't resist the temptation and cheats behind his back, then she will really become a slutty woman who is accused by others.

When Plato walked through the wheat field, the ear of wheat he chose might not be the most full-grained ear, but he promised Socrates that he could only choose once. When he was in the wheat field, there was no one else around, so he could "cheat" completely, just He didn't.

Shendu is a Confucian concept, which is in common with Western moral self-discipline.

If you look carefully, Eastern and Western civilizations can still find common ground.

No matter how different men and women are, there will always be common topics. Isn't the purpose of "being right" is "common topics"?

Flamenco is like a flame that plucks the heartstrings of the audience. This flame is long-lasting. Although it is not as lustful as lap dancing, it attracts his attention even more.

Love can make people blind, selfish and crazy, but their behavior at the moment is very rational.

Like combustible ice, they look like normal ice blocks until they are ignited in flames, just waiting to one day explode and unleash incredible power.

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