Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 614: Glory Bows His Head

Bestsellers are generally very expensive. In Harry's second year, all the students in the school had to buy Lockhart's books, and the Weasley family had to buy five sets at once, which made them almost unable to pay the tuition fees for that year.

In fact, they can buy two sets. Except for the twins who have one set, everyone else can use them interchangeably. Anyway, Lockhart's class doesn't teach any useful content.

This is the second night without sleep, and she feels a bit overwhelmed after only two days.

She didn't feel sleepy at all after drinking the potion, but this tireless feeling was very bad. She could feel that she was longing for rest, but the magic power kept her awake, as if something had started to twist.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like if Voldemort didn't need to rest. Even if he wasn't crazy, those who followed him would also be crazy, because he didn't have normal people's work and rest time and biological clock. If the biological clock is messed up, many functions of the body will be messed up, all kinds of things. Disease will follow.

If there is no Remus, Pomona will be like everyone else, taking it for granted that all werewolves should be exterminated, just like exterminating the Peruvian Vipertooth that can cause dragon pox, let them be extinct, so that everyone does not have to panic, You can live a peaceful and stable life.

Among the right choice and the easy choice, the right one is too difficult, and she doesn't know how long she can stick to it.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

There are many monsters in the ground, and there is a book about them in the Hogwarts library, which she used to read as a fun storybook.

Until that day, she found a striped sea anemone seed on the beach. She wanted to go back to Hogwarts to rest, but those Death Eaters who blocked her blocked her way, so she used magic power to give birth to a sea anemone. That kind of deep sea monster.

War is only beautiful when it is over.

Common people like peace and loathe war. Chamberlain followed public opinion and finally came up with a policy of appeasement.

Churchill's advice was heard by others, but no one was willing to listen. People did not admit that what Churchill said was right until it was too late.

A woman's tears are useless in troubled times, and they can't shake a hard-hearted person at all.

There is no choice but to be strong, or you will be eliminated. Not everyone is like Melanie, and Scarlett will protect and take care of her.

Scarlett killed people, but she protected Tyra and Melanie, and others, if Scarlett didn't shoot the deserters she would be the victim, the one standing on the red clay, swear to God never hungry again After experiencing so many hardships, the woman in the stomach is no longer the southern aristocratic girl surrounded by boys at the ball like stars. She has gone with the wind, maybe only in front of Rhett Brad she can be that wicked, cunning, unruly and willful little girl again.

This is why women hope that men can have a reliable shoulder, rather than simply having material security.

Pomona can be rejuvenated, Lily, Ginny and Hermione must be independent and strong. James was willing to make changes for Lily, but it was hard to say how much Albus trusted him.

Severus is the kind of stubborn villain who likes black magic. He rarely jokes with people he doesn't know well, and he doesn't believe that everyone can live in peace and equality. In contrast, Albus Dumbledore, who sent werewolves, veela, and Lockhart to the school, was too radical and rationalistic.

Albus Dumbledore trusted Severus Snape, he had a clear head and a man who could do things right.

Legilimency was originally used to extract confessions by torture. Torturing werewolves violates human rights, laws and morality, but morality is about to give way to the issue of survival.

It was difficult to tolerate a person's bad habits one way or another without losing sight of one's principles, and Pomona repeatedly compromised with Severus that it would spoil him.

Severus didn't dare to smoke and drink when Albus was alive before, but now that no one cares about him, he starts to act recklessly. It's not so easy to control him. The more talented and capable subordinates are, the more difficult they are to control. He and the horse Yu Ren is a kind of person.

Usually this kind of person does not support his boss at critical times, but tries to replace him. This kind of person cannot be used in theory.

But when employing people, the boss still can't help but give such a person a chance. Voldemort originally wanted to find Slughorn to replace Severus, but the old slug hid in XZ to avoid soliciting, and there was no substitute. Fleurs can continue to be a double agent.

Neither the White Wizard nor the Dark Lord can figure out who he is loyal to and how reliable he is. The things in vault 713 cannot be handed over to him. Quests that require absolute loyalty are much easier to use.

He was so difficult to deal with that Pomona could hardly remember what she had been like before.

In theory, Pomona belongs to the Anti-Dark Arts League, and Lily is very repulsive to black arts, no matter what Sif says, she won't be fooled.

That's the real confrontation, what is she doing?

Chinatown in London is a constituency of the Conservative Party. In addition to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, there is also the Conservative Party Association. Mrs. Thatcher encouraged Chinese to participate in politics, but the Chinese were conservative about it.

Generally speaking, it is already extreme for London Chinatown merchants to go on strike and protest. London's Chinatown is different from San Francisco's Chinatown. Guns are banned in the UK, and Hongmen is not as advocating force to solve all problems as the American gangsters. It is relatively mild, and London's law and order is much better than San Francisco and New York.

Generally speaking, a strike against shops in Chinatown is an extreme protest, which is different from the bloody violent conflict.

After Marcus Flint graduated, Slytherin Quidditch was less violent than before, and more inclined to tactical movements and formations. At that time, Severus was no longer in the mood to meddle in the team's affairs.

Compared with Sirius, the prisoner who was really imprisoned in Azkaban, he is actually more like a criminal. He borrowed the power of Albus to get out of prison. Later, he always used criminals to mock Sirius in meetings. Reese.

Compared with the overall strength, it is hard to say who is the chief of the Order of the Phoenix, Severus or Moody. If Severus is the chief, many people will not accept him. Moody has higher popularity than Severus. It's so annoying, even more hated than Alastor, even if they knew in their hearts that he was the chief, no one would admit it and say it.

Pomona used to provide medicinal materials and help in the kitchen at most in the Order of the Phoenix. How could a small person like her manage him?

When she gives up resistance, that's when he conquers her.

That snot-nosed man from the ghetto had made many better-borns humiliate him.

Slytherin Code of Conduct: Emphasize communication skills over easily exposed lies.

After sorting, the prefect will take the freshmen back to the lounge, and there will be a welcome speech at this time.

Hagrid belongs to Gryffindor, so he thinks Gryffindor is brave, Hufflepuff is stupid, Slytherin always produces dark wizards, and Ravenclaw is smart.

Hufflepuff's welcome speech is that Hufflepuff is loyal and trustworthy, there are always villains in Slytherin, because they have never heard of fair competition, they would rather use deception to avoid daily hard work, and pretend to be Extraordinary Ravenclaw, even Gryffindor has a cunning guy.

What does the werewolf attack on Chinatown have to do with Hufflepuff? The werewolf office is no longer under the control of Hufflepuff. They stay up late at night and work overtime here. What are they doing?

"I hate you, Severus!" she murmured through gritted teeth at the construction site.

She felt as if she had been swayed by the poisonous snake again.

In the past, Severus was Albus' trouble, and he was quieter and more low-key than the trouble-loving Sirius. Who would have thought that he would be as much trouble as Sirius.

The point is that now this "trouble" is hers.

Pomona is now seriously thinking about whether she is really not smart enough, maybe the public's eyes are really discerning.

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