Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 616: The Cunning One

Many people think that only a gifted person like Sybill Trelawney can predict the future.

In fact, people's anxiety is also a kind of prediction of the future.

Slytherin is a realist, understands the rules of society, and knows how to survive.

If the chance of success is only one percent, then Slytherin will not dare to bet on that one percent chance like Gryffindor, they will choose to play it safe.

Harry is that one percent chance, who would survive the Avada Kedavra twice?

Originally, when Hagrid appeared holding Harry's "corpse", everyone was almost desperate. As Neville limped out of the crowd, emotions were mixed.

It seems that he is pinning hope, but also feels that he is being stupid.

It's over, what is he going to do now?

Hufflepuff Academy is not suitable for cultivating leaders. The spirit of the academy is very clear: you don't need to be strong.

And a leader often needs to be a strong person. Even a physically disabled person like Roosevelt still has a healthy soul, and a strong soul is also a kind of strength.

Slytherin is ambitious, but as ambitious as he is, he must have the strength to match it. To gain strength, he must go through hard training. If not, he must learn to surrender to stronger people.

It was not unreasonable for the Sorting Hat to disregard Neville's opinion and forcibly sort him into Gryffindor.

Because there is also one of Hufflepuff's rules: You don't need to be strong, if you are not the leader, then follow orders.

Pomona was still counting on Neville to tell her what to do, but he asked her what to do. The situation in front of her was like a bet on a gamble. No one knew what the opponent's cards were. It would be nice to be able to predict, but Pomona believes that what most people want to hear is good news, and bad news will make people more depressed and their chances of winning will be lower.

It is so difficult for a human wizard to obtain a child, but a werewolf only needs one bite. The worst thing is not the weakness caused by the transformation, but the crazy appearance of a werewolf who does not recognize any relatives and completely loses reason. Remus is so gentle. People, even after becoming a werewolf, are inhuman, that's not the real him, but he can't stop it with his own will, only potion can help him get rid of the pain.

There are many people who committed suicide directly after being bitten by a werewolf. Death is sometimes a relief.

Although Lavender was lucky enough to survive, her face was ruined, and her love affair was destined to be full of twists and turns, but it was not her fault, she was also a victim in the war, and she chose to stay and protect the school.

No one is omniscient and omnipotent, and no one can predict what will happen in the next moment. Fred was hit by a curse shot from behind and died. George couldn't accept it, and he blamed Pomona for the fault.

It sounds funny and illogical, but people need a target to vent their emotions when they can't bear those sorrows, and usually living people are the best choice.

Amos hated Harry, he felt Harry had stolen Cedric's life, and if he hadn't invited Cedric to lift that trophy, his beautiful son would never have died.

For Amos, Harry's crime is that he is still alive. Before, he could hate Pete Pedilu who killed his son. Now that Wormtail is dead, what can he do to a zombie Amos?

Through Hermione's attitude, Pomona began to feel what a change of position was. In the eyes of some people, the dean of Hufflepuff was no longer a member of the anti-Dark Arts camp.

Hufflepuff seldom produces dark wizards, but he already has Pete and Buddy Crouch Jr. who have defected to the Death Eaters, why can't there be another one?

As a human being, if she takes the wrong path, she can screw up her life at best.

But if she is the leader, she will lead many people to screw up their lives.

The smarter the person, the greater the loss caused by mistakes. She is no longer suitable to continue to be the dean, so she stepped back and gave way to others.

Women are not as obsessed with power as men. When it’s time to let go, it’s easy for her to do it. Men can’t do it. The emperor is for life. Ruizong is one of them, so his posthumous title is the word "Rui" for wisdom.

In a democratic system, every president and prime minister has a term of office. The term of office of the Minister of Magic is not stipulated. The longest term is 37 years. "Pleas" to step aside, and next time he won't be so lucky to survive the assassination.

There is nothing strange about political assassinations, they are more strange if they are rare. Spavin is not the only Minister of Magic who was assassinated. Maximilian Crowdy is one of them. He is an excellent Minister of Magic. Attacked by the ultra pure blood group, his mysterious death at the office is still the subject of many books and conspiracy theories.

There is also Wilmina Taft, she is the first female Minister of Magic to succeed Leonard Moon, and her son took advantage of her mother's good popularity to inherit the position of Minister of Magic. She died at work from an allergy to the aliote leaf-flavoured fudge.

It's not difficult to mix candies with drugs, not to mention that if those candies were gifts from her son, then she wouldn't be so wary.

It is understandable to kill one's father for power, but what about mother?

Men are more capable of killing than women. Although a woman is more ruthless than a man when she goes crazy, she also loses her reason.

Pomona is just a very ordinary woman. Her biggest dream is to have a peaceful and sweet love like an ordinary girl, do housework while singing like Snow White, cook delicious food, invite friends to parties, and everyone can be happy Live happily.

But Kingsley said her romance was full of misfortunes.

A man infatuated with a veela will go crazy and lose his mind, and bad luck and disease will haunt that person forever.

Sometimes, they are also very friendly to human beings, and they will cure their diseases and divination. At Hogwarts that day, she had a wonderful feeling that an assassin would appear in the Forbidden Forest. At first she thought it was the target of the assassination It was Harry, she learned later, and it was Arthur Weasley who was in danger at the end, a man who shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Now she also has a premonition, an ominous premonition, that the crying Myrtle often cries in the girls' bathroom on the second floor and spills water everywhere.

She was cynical and cried over little things, and then that bastard Severus had her soul transferred to the prefect animal bathroom to fix Cedric, who, in his words, couldn't stand a girl been so lonely.

Myrtle was much happier seeing the boy's "warm body", although Harry and Cedric were not happy at all.

How much she wanted to beat up that old Slytherin bat who had no money and no looks, but was so attractive to girls, but while hating him, those sweet memories would appear together.

The black lake with mermaids, the snow-covered castle, the auditorium full of candles, and the kind-looking old principal Albus Dumbledore who would send candy to everyone, just like celebrating Halloween every day.

As the dean, but always against the principal, I really don't know what he thinks, what about Slytherin's cunning and sense of time? Perhaps because of this, he was a Slytherin of Gryffindor more than the real Gryffindor.

If Harry didn't believe his memory, would Harry Potter go to the death promise?

When the foul-mouthed and mean-spirited dark wizard used his deer-shaped Patronus to lead Harry to destroy the Horcrux—Slytherin's locket, although he was ugly, he was so pure and beautiful. But it moved her heart very much. She wanted to get close to that soul and know all his thoughts, not just his happy memories.

Veela is actually a more terrifying monster than dementors. Salazar Slytherin said that the offspring of Muggles, werewolves, and Veela are forbidden to enter Hogwarts, but humans just don't listen to persuasion.

She wanted that man like a vampire wants fresh blood fresh from his veins.

He knows who she is.

Even if she knew she was a monster.

Slytherin has great artistic taste, as long as it is beautiful, it will still be collected at home.

Those horcruxes are all works of art, Voldemort will not let his soul be wronged on an ordinary vase.

Her camp has already been chosen, not because Gryffindor no longer has the leader of Albus Dumbledore, but because she is a fool, and people like her are not worth following.

"The werewolf's sense of smell may not be so sensitive in human form. I remember that when we were hunted down, there was a werewolf who was only one step away from me. I was inside the defensive formation and they were outside, so they didn't smell me. .”

When Pomona inadvertently chatted about the stench on the other side of the trap, Hermione suddenly said with a look of pain, "I haven't showered in days."

"Do you use perfume?"

"No." Hermione said immediately uncomfortable, "I'm used to using scented body lotion."

Pomona leaned over and sniffed "Neroli?"

"What's the problem?" Hermione asked defensively.

"It's too ordinary, how about some advanced ones?"

"I don't need to, it's fine that way, and I think our priority is hiding the trap rather than talking about it."

"Don't worry, the boys will figure it out."

Hermione smiled and shook her head, "You don't know how strong their tolerance to the smell is, the house elves haven't cleaned up the Gryffindor lounge for a week, only Dobby did it, the smell is worse than blue cheese Oops."

"It's unbelievable..." Pomona murmured, no wonder Severus called the Gryffindor lounge a "cave".

"Professor Snape doesn't smell that bad, although his hair..."

"That's his style." Pomona interrupted Hermione listlessly. "It looks scruffy, but he's actually very clean, and he mixes his own perfume."

"What perfume?" Hermione was stunned.

"Sage," said Pomona deadpan.

"I thought it was the smell of the potion on his body."

"Sage is also a potion."

Hermione seemed struck by lightning.

"Sometimes he would experiment with Sybil, adding a little psychic potion to her pumpkin juice, especially around the night of the full moon."

"What!" Hermione screamed.

"Sybil is of mixed race, her 'celestial eye' doesn't work all the time, she needs medical assistance..."

"Is it legal to drug a colleague?" Hermione interrupted Pomona, screaming again.

"Relax, Sybil is still alive, and her prediction is quite accurate, she predicted Lavender's rabbit."

Seeing Pomona's relaxed expression, Hermione shook her head in disbelief.

"You wizards are crazy."

"Don't forget you're a wizard too, Hermione, where's my kettle?"

Hermione lifted Pomona's travel water bottle from the bench and handed it to her.

"You know I can tell if you cast a spell on it, right?"

"I promise! I won't use any spells." The otter girl smiled innocently, showing her white teeth.

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