Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 618 Phantom Pain

In that dream, Albus took her for a walk by the Black Lake, and he said to her: Be patient, and then revenge afterwards, but I believe you have forgotten by then.

Revenge is not easy to forget, so he told her the story about Cain and Abel.

He didn't make it up, although the old fool was good at it, it was taken from a collection of essays by an Argentinian Muggle poet, Jorge Luis Borges.

At that time, he was almost blind due to serious eye disease. He laughed at himself and said: "Fate gave me 800,000 books, and I managed them, but at the same time gave me darkness." But blindness did not take away Borges's In his artistic life, with the help of his mother and friends, he continued to create with endless perseverance, and revised and published some early works.

Maybe God closed the window for him to observe the world with his naked eyes, but opened an eye for him. Forgiving and forgetting are really a virtue sometimes, even if its taste is far less sweet than revenge.

Pomona didn't know if Albus had forgiven those Muggles who hurt his sister, she only knew that he wanted her to be a tolerant and forgiving person, even if it made her twist herself, even her rivals Help with good words.

Jealousy comes from love, and Ron is ordinary, and he doesn't hide his jealousy. He's jealous that Harry can be a Triwizard Tournament player, and that Hermione and Victor look so well-matched. Jealousy made that idiot understand a truth: men and women cannot be pure friends, unless they regard each other as relatives, otherwise the friendship relationship will deteriorate sooner or later.

Straight men tend to be emotionally slow, but Severus could see through that James Potter liked Lily, but Lily didn't know...

The stupid kid is not just talking about people from Harry's class, no one was young. Lily, James, Sirius, and Severus also did stupid things sometimes, even the more mature Lupine was infected by those stupid kids, and did a lot of tricks, the main target was Slytherin snotty.

It's not good to cover up, but if Albus hadn't protected Severus back then, he would have been thrown into Azkaban like Sirius and wasted 12 years of his life.

What Marcus Flint did this time was as bastard as joining the Death Eaters, but it was obvious how powerful he was.

Severus, who had been shielded by someone, was now shielding another criminal, and Pomona felt that she was really getting darker.

Didn't Hagrid secretly raise the dragon Albus in the past to cover him up? Anyway, the Norwegian spineback was sent away, so everyone pretended it never happened.

In theory, it is not terrible for children to make mistakes, but it is the parents who protect them.

Those who say these words must not be their own children who made mistakes. Being a parent is a very difficult job, with many responsibilities. When a child makes a mistake, the first thing the parents think of is to cover up and redeem the mistake. They can be ruthless and righteous. Most parents will always be a minority.

Old Buddy Crouch managed to give his son a fair trial, but he still used his power to let Mrs. Crouch die instead of Barty Jr. The father and son who hated each other stayed under the same roof, It is understandable for others to suspect that Barty Crouch Jr. killed his father.

Neville chose to forgive Barty Crouch Jr. They got along well while Barty Crouch Jr. was disguised as Moody, even though Barty Crouch Jr. was one of the accomplices involved in torturing Neville's parents.

He had the same forgiving heart as Harry, but for Bellatrix, neither Harry nor Neville would be able to forgive him.

After singing for a while, the extreme anxiety in her heart disappeared.

Scarlett's "I don't think about it now, I'll think about it tomorrow" style doesn't suit her.

The dean of Slytherin has always favored her own students, and Pomona didn't know how "unfair" it was for her to condone Marcus while saying "fair and just", she only knew that she couldn't "betray" marcus.

When someone believes your words, forget what he said.

This is the best way to keep it secret.

Human beings now need manpower to deal with the large number of werewolves who are easily infected, so they need to unite all forces that can be united.

The problem is that she can't forget everything about herself, maybe, she also has to learn from Albus and use the Pensieve to organize her thoughts.

Young pickpockets like Ivan are the best. Children who grow up on the streets are not like children who are protected by their parents. They are very smart at a young age.

However, if Pomona forcibly confiscated Ivan, he would not necessarily do his best. The old bat locked the students in confinement, and their work was very perfunctory, not at all like Slughorn's time, in order to gain the teacher's appreciation Make it as good as it gets. There is also a question of loyalty, she wants the news not to leak, don't find them and become the source of spreading the news.

She finally went to Longfeng Restaurant, looking for Mr. Snake Wen, a local boss in Chinatown.

The Chinese believe that food is the most important thing for the people, and food can bring happiness to people. Harry and the others had a lot of trouble because of food problems on the way to escape. Gryffindor's ability to survive in the wild still needs to be improved.

For the little badgers, the forest is a huge food warehouse. There is no need to worry about the problem of starvation. Learning plants can not only learn potions well, but also can be used to distinguish which plants can be eaten. This is a survival skill.

Cain grew grain and Abel grazed. God chose Abel's livestock when choosing a sacrifice, which aroused Cain's jealousy and eventually killed Abel.

Cain hits Abel on the head with a rock, leaving a scar like the lightning scar on Harry's forehead.

When that scar of his hurts and burns, something bad happens.

But whether his scar really hurts is entirely up to him. Others can only see it and cannot empathize with him. Rita Kiester once said that he deliberately said that his scar hurts for the sake of attracting attention.

She has never experienced it, so she doesn't know what "post-traumatic disorder" is. This kind of pain is mostly caused by psychological effects. The physical injury will heal sooner or later, but the spiritual injury is long-lasting. Grooming, and it doesn't necessarily work, there are many people who will be swallowed.

Umbridge drafted an anti-werewolf bill, which caused many werewolves to lose their jobs, including Remus Lupin.

Not all werewolves are as ferocious and bloodthirsty as Fenrir and the werewolves of the capture party, and they capture the children of human wizards and bite them into werewolves.

However, it is too troublesome to distinguish which werewolves are good and which are bad one by one. Generalization can expand the target group. Although it targets a certain disease, it tries to catch all the people around it. People with scars, as well as children born to werewolves like Teddy and humans will also be discriminated against because of this.

There is no evidence to prove that the children of werewolves and humans will inherit wolf nature. Rational people know it, and others follow suit, and those who have read those "books" that discriminate against werewolves may not necessarily.

Hogwarts is the safest place in the world. If it is not safe even there, maybe there is only a peaceful place in the human brain where people can escape, and that place is described in religion, where people die Heaven to go.

She wanted to run away too, far away, but Severus had to take care of Draco Malfoy because of the Unbreakable Vow.

Bella's curse was not severe, and Pomona just seemed to be asleep, like Sleeping Beauty, but Frank Barton and Alice had been sleeping for more than twenty years, and they missed the entire growth process of their son.

The real vicious woman was Bella, and Pomona couldn't imagine what kind of child she and Voldemort would have.

The premise is that the child really exists, not a child who only exists in rumors.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Liscorpius is certain to be born, Albus Severus Potter is not necessarily, and Ross Weasley, the love potion will become more and more powerful with time, Two brats send messages to their parents through blankets, this chaotic timeline... Dandan's sorrow

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