It is a ten-minute walk from Soho, where Chinatown is located, to Charles Cross Street, where Diagon Alley is located.

The strange thing is that the distance is so close, the British wizards have not been to Chinatown, and the wizards and Muggles in Chinatown have not been to Diagon Alley.

Because of the International Statute of Secrecy, wizards and Muggles also live their own lives. Wizards seem to be a closed community, and they have no intention of contacting Muggles. Wizards, Muggles, and Chinese all lead their own lives, and no one interacts.

Until the appearance of werewolves.

Remus Lupine changed Harry's life, Defense Against the Dark Arts class was no longer so boring, he could really learn something useful, and Remus was an old acquaintance of Harry's parents, Remus made James Come alive with Lily, no longer a reflection in the Mirror of Erised.

However, too much information followed, his godfather indirectly killed his parents, the Pete Pediru who claimed to be dead is still alive, the life of great changes feels out of control, as if the whole world has become Crazy, and what's worse is that this kind of madness is not a madness of joy, but a madness of horror, and people need something to celebrate to forget for a while those things that are too "exciting".

1994 happened to be the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament. Both ceremonies were very grand, but they were all messed up by Death Eaters in the end.

British people, whether they are wizards or Muggles, generally don't show their emotions, but they complain a lot. Men drink a pint of bitter in the pub, make jokes about the government, how stupid the Prime Minister and the Minister for Magic are, and one more thing is to support a football game involving England, so it is considered "patriotic".

The 1994 Quidditch World Cup was between Ireland and Bulgaria, and the Irish didn't like being thought of as English, but in that carnival atmosphere who cared about that disagreement? Ron was also a Victor Klum fan.

Henry Potter's call for wizards to participate in the First World War risked exposing the wizarding world, and his approach seemed very radical in the overall conservative wizarding world.

The vast majority of Chinese wizards do not marry. Whether they are wizards or witches, all students look for them from the "folk", which is what the British wizarding world calls Muggle Seeds. Much closer, and even so they were not heavily involved in the Muggle wars of the Manchu period.

For the Chinese, the bottom line is drug control. The reason why the Opium War was named because of "opium".

Palmerston legalized the opium trade in the Nanking Treaty in pursuit of maximizing his interests. By stepping on this bottom line, he not only harmed the Chinese people, but he is also responsible for the soft drugs that are rampant in Europe and the United States. They are not strictly monitored like cocaine. ", students with spare money can also buy it,

The 1970s was the era of rock and roll. Pomona didn't like rock and roll very much when she was young, let alone old. The "Proms" on the last night of the London Summer Music Festival was simply "hi" turned upside down.

The grassroots police are actually miserable, and so are the Aurors. Many people have the idea of ​​retiring at the age of sixty.

Politicians sitting in their offices drinking steaming tea while writing bills certainly don’t know how uncomfortable it is to stay up in the middle of the night and watch the cold wind blowing on the street.

Umbridge's Werewolf Act pushed the werewolves to the point of no return, and they began to rebel, and it was the Aurors who were the first to suffer.

Police officers who have just entered the office cost more than 20,000 pounds a year, and more than 100,000 pounds must be at least a first-level superintendent. The work and rest time depends on the arrangement. Those who sit in the office are relatively fixed, and the patrol police must have night shifts.

In Plato's Utopia, the country should be ruled by unmarried philosophers. Justice is the highest good, consisting of three virtues: wisdom, bravery, and temperance. It is precisely because of the existence of the virtue of justice that the country produces The three virtues are wisdom, courage, and temperance.

Christian theology is deeply influenced by Plato. Men and women are not married, and they don’t have their own homes. In theory, they will serve everyone, and everyone is his brother and sister.

The purpose of education is to train and train philosopher kings, so that philosophers can monopolize all political power in the city-state.

The rule of the philosopher-king is the key to realizing Plato's ideal of justice, without the rule of the philosopher-king, the realization of justice is empty talk.

Pomona was sure that whoever told the policemen standing in the street warming themselves with cups of coffee and tea would get a beating for Plato and Justice.

It’s a job for them to be a policeman, and the salary is so low for such a high-risk job. They have long been full of complaints. A group of ragged but energetic policemen who are not afraid of sacrifice can fight well-equipped and well-dressed gangsters who are greedy for life and fear of death. ?

Thanks to the cameras, the number of police patrols on the streets can be reduced. If all the money is spent on "non-emergency police situations, non-police help-seeking police situations, and invalid police reports", how much money will the police have left for handling cases?

So some petty theft and disappearance cases are left alone by the police.

The law and order in Soho District has always been good. This area is very close to the Financial City and Mayfair. The law and order is much better than that of Whitechapel. Recently, the problem of real estate development has also started to become chaotic.

If the police also took to the streets to protest because of the salary issue like the truck drivers, then there would be no way to maintain social order.

In most people's minds, manual workers such as bartenders, taxi drivers, and construction site workers have relatively low incomes and do not have sufficient living security.

And such as teachers, policemen, nurses, etc., no matter which country they are in, they are occupations with acceptable income.

But in London, they are no different from other generally understood low-paid occupations.

As the only super metropolis in the UK, London has advantages and attractions that are unparalleled by all other cities.

When young people with dreams, entrepreneurs, or people from emerging fields such as the financial industry are rushing to London, traditional occupations such as police and teachers, which are indispensable to a city, are losing their salary competitiveness.

Cities like Manchester and Liverpool can afford housing even for the lowest paid bartenders. But in London, it is becoming more and more difficult for police officers, nurses, teachers and other professionals to buy a house in London. The phenomenon of "poorization" of these legitimate professionals has become more and more obvious, so that they have to queue up to apply for affordable housing.

If there is a financial crisis and the government cuts spending, it will also take them as grassroots civil servants.

All DA members participated in the Aurors, and everyone quit one after another. Only a few people such as Harry are still persisting. They basically have a good family background and do not need a high-paying job. It is unrealistic for them to ignore the rewards as well.

The salary is too low, and it is not uncommon for the police and Aurors to accept bribes in order to "subsidize the family". Otherwise, how did the news of Harry leaving home on July 31 turn from "top secret" to a topic of discussion at the Death Eater conference table.

Teachers and police jobs are being laid off, crime is soaring, the ability of the police to protect people has declined, and people don't feel safe.

When Harry first went to Diagon Alley, he took Hagrid to take the subway, and it was not surprising to see such a striking "giant" Muggle policeman.

There are many performance artists in the city of London, and Harry's hands and feet are not tied, which is not an emergency situation.

Veterans used to work as policemen, but now many people go to security companies. "My home is my castle." In order to avoid burglary, rich people invest a lot of money in security. Security guards have gun licenses. Compared with the police, the salary of the bodyguard is much higher, the equipment is much better, and the security of the house is much better than that of ordinary houses. Why would he give up such a good life to become a poor policeman? For a sense of justice?

When diseases and natural disasters drove people to a dead end, gods did not appear to save them, so human beings smashed god statues, and people who no longer had moral restraints began to do whatever they wanted. on himself.

Before this disaster befalls them, many people are social Darwinists. Survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest. If you feel that teachers, nurses, and policemen have low salaries, won’t you do other things?

Only when I became a victim did I remember where the police, doctors and nurses were.

What happens when you annoy a lonely infectious disease patient who is despised and abandoned by society?

It was Remus Lupine's father, Lyle, who annoyed Fenrir by saying werewolves were ruthless, evil and damned, so Fenrir turned Lyle's most beloved child into a "damn" werewolf.

This is called "self-eating evil results".

In troubled times, not everyone will become a victim like Remus, and some people will take the opportunity to reach the pinnacle of power.

When the Peruvian Vipertooth caused dragon pox, people extinct it. It is not difficult for humans to destroy a species. The difficulty is how to identify it, because werewolves were humans before they were bitten. One bite, and the person who was once is no longer a "person".

According to this idea, it should be no problem to cast the defensive spell. Anyway, London Chinatown is not big, even if it is not like Hogwarts' defensive formation, which reduces all the invading werewolves to ashes, it can still be used.

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