Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 635: No bones left

"Shan Hai Jing Hai Nei Bei Jing": "In Lin's country, there is a rare beast, as big as a tiger, with five harvests and a tail longer than its body. It is called Zou Wu, and it can travel thousands of miles a day."

Zouwu does not eat unless it is a self-dead beast, so it is regarded as a kind of benevolent beast, just like the legendary "she wolf" who ate people who died of the Black Death.

The former suburbs of London have now become the city center. When digging the subway or repairing building foundations, you can find people who got the Black Death and were buried at will. Most of them have become skeletons.

There are always many cemeteries in ancient cities. There is a large cemetery underground in Paris. In 1786, a plague broke out in Paris. In order to solve the problem of insufficient cemetery and public health crisis, people moved the bones buried in all cemeteries in the urban area to this place. .

Nicholas was born in France. After refining the Philosopher's Stone, he used the wealth gained from alchemy for charity, built 14 hospitals in Paris, and built and renovated churches.

To maintain immortality by taking the Philosopher's Stone, you must drink the water soaked in it regularly. The liquid soaked in that red stone must be as red as blood.

No wonder so many people think that the Sorcerer's Stone can be made by sacrificing human life.

When he was young, Nicole Flamel came to study at Beauxbaton Academy of Magic and Magic. Here he met his future wife Perenal. Rather than asking Nick about how to refine the Sorcerer's Stone, Pomona wanted to ask him how to make the Sorcerer's Stone. A marriage that has been maintained for six hundred years, many people can't maintain it for six years now, and they start to make trouble in the seventh year.

"7" is really a magical number, no wonder Voldemort is superstitious about it.

At this intersection, Pomona saw the scene of the werewolves fighting against the undead army. Those skeletons held weapons like swords in their hands, fighting with the werewolves. It looked... a lot like a gang fight.

From time to time, she can still see a brightly colored tiger running around on the battlefield. Its claws and teeth are really sharp, and every time it swings its claws, it can fly a werewolf away.

The army of werewolves who originally planned to rush across the street had to turn around and continue chasing the Muggles. This is the time to test their physical strength and endurance.

You don't need to be the fastest, you just need to be a little faster than others. However, not everyone abides by the rules of this game. There are many Muggles, both male and female, who deliberately push others down so that others can crawl It will take a little time to get up, and they will become the targets of werewolf hunting.

People panicked and could do anything, it could be three children pushing a girl into a bucket to "test" if she was a witch, or it could be this scene, who knows what he did in such a chaotic scene?

Maybe one day when he or she dreams back at midnight, he or she will remember how terrible judgments he or she has made in order to survive, but that will be in the future. Say sorry and frame others in order to escape.

Monsters are different from viruses. Viruses are invisible, but this "solid" enemy can be seen. Animal instinct tells him what to do, and the desire to survive has overcome morality at this moment.

Muggles are not fools. If they were fools, it would be impossible to create modern civilization in just a few hundred years.

Pomona didn't look at the scene in front of her, she was guarding the next street corner, and she couldn't let those werewolves deviate from the route.

Among so many magical plants, this time she chose Dragon Claw Vine.

This is a carnivorous plant and the most dangerous plant in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. As long as the devil's net does not struggle, or encounters strong light, it will loosen the vines that wrap people.

The thorn tree will stretch out its roots when it senses movement on the ground, and drag the creature down to digest it slowly. As long as it stays still, it can be escaped after killing it with the house-elf's special magic.

The dragon claw vine is as long and entangled as a spider's web, and the vines secrete mucus, ready to grab the prey that approaches it at any time.

The mucus is highly acidic enough to melt bones as part of its nutrition, so it doesn't need particularly fertile land and is very suitable for planting on asphalted roads.

Every August, its long pods like cowpea will explode, allowing the seeds to fly as far as possible. At that time, its peel will be rolled up like a dragon's claw, so it is called dragon's claw vine .

Originally, she wanted to use pimple vines, but everyone is crazy anyway, so it doesn't matter if she goes a little crazy too, not to mention that the weather is so cold now, and the seeds of dragon claw vines can't germinate under natural conditions.

After selecting the location, Pomona dug a small pit with the Quicksand Curse, and then threw the seeds of the dragon claw vine into it, and threw a few test tubes of mixed improvement potions of growth agents and rejuvenation agents. After blending, that dragon claw vine immediately grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, she ran away to admire her new masterpiece.

The Muggles who originally planned to run in this direction quickly turned around when they saw this strange scene, and retreated the same way.

Whenever she saw vines that did not suit her wishes and grew wantonly, Pomona used the cutting spell to "prune" it. Those vines were green and white at first, covered with white fluff, and then they grew longer The thicker it is, it turns orange-purple, and it can climb no matter it is a cliff or a building wall. Like the Venus flytrap, it can grow even if the growth conditions are poor, the soil is poor, and there is a lack of water.

Hufflepuff is well-known as the Good Guys Academy, but even the Good Guys Academy will have one or two special skills when you are in a hurry. You don't want to try the badger's sharp teeth, otherwise it will hurt very badly.

It didn't take long before the werewolf rushed over. The leading werewolf saw that she was alone behind the "spider web", and originally planned to rush over, but before he charged, another werewolf who completely lost his mind and looked famished, overtook him , roaring and rushed towards Pomona, the dragon claw vine immediately sensed him, and the purple vine was ejected from the curly shape like a frog's tongue, grabbing him firmly, and the strong acidic digestive juice immediately began to corrode His skin, even the numb pain sensation after the werewolf's transformation made him howl in pain.

Pomona couldn't bear to watch that scene, but she still had to confront the werewolf opposite. There was no madness in the green eyes of the transformed werewolf, but calmness and reason.

She then summoned a box of powder from her pocket.

Medicine and poison are two sides of the same thing. Hufflepuff's earliest teacher of herbal medicine was not Helga Hufflepuff, but an old witch named Ellington.

At that time, the herbal medicine class was not how to take care of magic plants and prune the branches of fig trees, but the pharmacology and toxicology of plants, and one of the classes was the study of seven insects and seven grasses.

This class was considered "evil and dangerous", and was later moved to the Potions class, and only the teacher was responsible for making the poison, while the children were responsible for making the antidote. Nee McMillan was furious.

There are at least 49 combinations of seven insects and seven grasses. If you want to write a thesis, you can write at least one and a half feet long. Now there are cunning guys in Gryffindor.

The werewolf left after hesitating for a while, and howled in another place.

Pomona watched a group of werewolves running past her and let out a long sigh.

It is normal to know how to use black magic, including Gedric Gryffindor, all professors during the founding period will use black magic, the key is how to use it and when to use it.

Lily was too young to be prejudiced against Severus because of his use of the Dark Arts.

Severus grew up with her, she still doesn't know what kind of person he is?

Looking at the werewolf who was gradually corroded into bones by the dragon claw vine, Pomona's mood was really complicated.

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