Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 639: The End of the Carnival

Although in many cases, what is evil is not power, but people themselves, but black magic itself is extremely evil, and it can also distort people's hearts.

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione carried Slytherin's locket as a Horcrux, they were all negatively affected by it, especially Ron, who was said to have become a nuisance.

Umbridge hated it herself, and with the Slytherin locket on, honestly, could she be any more hated?

Severus was far from healthy mentally, it was just that he was more normal than that crazy woman like Bellatrix, but it was hard to say whether he had any interest in the Philosopher's Stone.

After so many things, even though everyone knew that he was not as bad as he looked, and he still loved Lily deeply, George still didn't trust him, and even Neville probably didn't trust him completely.

Neville left the decision to Pomona, just as she had given the decision to Albus, and it would really be easier to follow orders.

Neville was not the same person as Harry. He was more suited to be a supporter of the leader, rather than a leader like Harry.

Many parents often make this mistake, imposing what they think is good on their children.

Many people think that their children will be happy if they become the sons of emperors, kings, and dukes. This is what most people want, isn't it?

How prominent, powerful, rich, and noble the Black family is, but these are not what Sirius wanted. Walburga imposed these on him, and even intervened in his marriage, making him and his cousin Andromeda marry.

Marrying her cousin herself doesn't mean Sirius is willing to be like him, but she doesn't ask Sirius' opinion at all. In the end, Sirius became more and more rebellious and ran away from home at the age of 16.

He waited in Azkaban for twelve years, wasting his most precious youth. When he escaped from prison, the world had become completely unknown to him. The snot-nosed man who was bullied by his school prince in the past had Achievements higher than himself, this is probably one of the most unbearable of all sufferings.

Sirius didn't care whether he was a Black or not, just like Andromeda and Tonks.

But he is a Black, and he also has a cousin Bellatrix who is loyal to Voldemort. In the Order of the Phoenix, like Severus, not everyone trusts him, so that in twelve years Nobody had the slightest doubt about his case, and Remus couldn't actually do anything for him because of his werewolf status.

Walburga had been waiting, waiting for her son Regulus to come home, and Sirius didn't belong at 12 Grimmauld Place, which was his parents' house, as he'd always called the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

One day, boys will grow up, leave their parents' home, go somewhere else, meet a woman other than their mother, and start a family of their own with her.

Going back to where you grew up doesn't mean comfort for some. The house at Spinner's End was a place of bad memories for Severus.

Poverty, quarrels, and Muggle ridicule for his weird clothes, he was eager to get out of that place, just like Sue was eager to get rid of everything in Tyra and start over with Kennedy in Atlanta, but Scarlett took her chance, she still The feeling of staying where I am is really terrible.

Ouroboros is a circle, and the starting point and the ending point of the circle are at the same position. If Muggles can spend even a little more time and think about the knowledge related to animism, it will not be so difficult to understand alchemy and chemistry. the difference.

The "common sense" that Harry learned in the Muggle school made him unable to understand why it could understand the Parseltongue at the snake head statue at the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets and open the door of the Chamber of Secrets for him.

Modern Muggles also feel that Slytherins are prejudiced by not allowing Muggles to attend Hogwarts.

He lived in the Middle Ages a thousand years ago, and people in that era would really do the thing of burning "wizards" at the stake. They might have done it as a death sentence at first, but later it became entertainment.

Slytherin was afraid that Muggle seeds would tell their relatives the secrets of Hogwarts, and they would find Hogwarts for faith, bounty or other reasons, so he advocated only recruiting children from wizarding families, That is the so-called pure blood.

This is a prudent approach, education is a kind of power, in the eyes of the disenfranchised, Salazar Slytherin is a bad person, plus he uses black magic, accepting dark wizards to Hogwarts Go to school, so Slytherin is the school that a bad ruffian only goes to.

Godrick Gryffindor hopes that through education, all children with magical talents will receive education, so that there will be more wizards, Muggles will be familiar with it, and Muggles will not panic and reject wizards.

This is a beautiful dream, just like the god of love in the sky in Plato's heart, and the utopia ruled by philosopher kings and unmarried philosophers.

Men and women get married, and werewolves bite non-werewolves for the purpose of reproduction. The death of a woman after giving birth to a child is the same as that of a non-werewolf who did not succeed in transformation after being bitten. Why do people give gifts to weddings and birthdays, but despise werewolves and drive them away?

Losing reason is shameful, why do people like to go crazy for love so much? Crazy for beautiful women and handsome men? Even if she's a monster, he's a madman.

Restraint is a virtue when carousing. Among so many Death Eaters, Severus and Regulus who kept their heads looked like good people. Even the profit opportunist Lucius Malfoy Not hopelessly bad.

Patience is not a virtue, and treating patience as a virtue is a way for the hypocritical world to maintain its distorted order. Ordinary believers in the Middle Ages donated all their family money to the church, but the church used it to launch crusades, and the clergy lived extravagantly.

They took the gold and lent it to the Eastern Roman Emperor, hoping to control Augustus in this way, let him guard Constantinople like a watchdog, and prevent pagans and barbarians from invading the territory ruled by the Pope. enforce their twisted social order.

Even if there were no barbarians, other natural disasters would come. The Black Death destroyed the original social order. People no longer tolerated their desires and began to enjoy themselves in a timely manner.

Rich and poor alike wear masks at the Venice Carnival, behind which social class is temporarily eliminated.

Calculate the time, it happens to be this time.

February 14, 1995 was not only Valentine's Day, but also the Lantern Festival. On that day, Pomona forgot how she managed it.

She kept thinking about the events of the previous Christmas, and Harry was too busy figuring out how to breathe underwater for an hour, without realizing that Valentine's Day, let alone Venice Carnival, was a thing of the past.

Drowning can feel suffocating, and now Pomona feels that way too.

In the letters between Albus Dumbledore and Grindelwald, you can see his sense of shame about his unrestrained lust, but Grindelwald didn't think it was a problem at all. He called Albus a hypocrite, Grindelwald really Albus understood very well.

He endured his own desires, enforced a twisted order at Hogwarts, allowed children to misbehave, but was disgusted with Severus.

That being the case, why did he save Severus and not Sirius Black?

Compared with a noble son who likes to joke, a potion master who is poor, has no background and has extraordinary talents, and needs his protection to avoid prison is much more useful and easier to control. Severus was in that werewolf An important role in the recovery plan, a good gardener would be the potions master's right-hand man, and she should watch over him, not sleep with him.

A woman so stupid that she couldn't see the greater good, no wonder Albus was so enraged.

But this is what he keeps saying, the great power of love, even though he is gay, he is still a man.

He still didn't understand what was going on in the woman's mind.

"It's time for you to let me go." She said a little dizzily, unable to figure out where she was for a while.

"This is what you want." He said with a smile, "If you really don't want to, you can let it go."

Only at this time did she notice that her hands were clasping his shoulders, holding onto him like a creeper.

There were strong muscles under the black coat, and she leaned on it uselessly. At this time, they were in a narrow and dark alley, not as dirty as Knockturn Alley, and there were suspicious people appearing. gap between stores.

Just now she summoned him with the summoning ring in the spacious Muggle street, he didn't delay at all, he left immediately, and then he took her back to the wizarding world.

She didn't ask him if he was disturbing something, he was like he promised, as soon as she called, no matter what he was doing before, he would appear immediately, he was a man who kept his promise, just like he killed Draco himself in order to protect Draco Albus Dumbledore.

The same is true when the Dark Lord wants to summon Death Eaters, as long as he summons, no matter what the Death Eaters were doing before, he must arrive at the first time, unless that person has a very reasonable reason.

Perhaps theoretically speaking, in Severus's mind, she was more noble than the Dark Lord, which made her more proud than any poetic praise.

"I want a mask," she muttered petulantly. "Maybe we can go to the Venice Carnival when we're done."

"You want to go to Venice?"

"I want a mask! Stupid!" She thumped his arm.

"Okay." He promised. "Are you going to Venice after you get the mask?"

"Well, I want to think about it." She said hesitantly, she wanted to go to both Yamu Village and Venice now.

"What did you call me for?"

"I want to see you, and, do you know who the real descendants of Helga Hufflepuff are?"

He froze. "Why are you asking me?"

"Did the Dark Lord give you the information in the Chamber of Secrets?"

"How do you know that there is information about Helga in the data in the secret room?"

"They are friends, maybe they can find records from letters or other things." Pomona frowned strangely, judging from the relationship between Helga, Rowena, Godric and Salazar, What is wrong with men and women who can be friends without being family?

"Why did you suddenly think of investigating?" He asked persistently.

"I'm going to Derwent with Neville later, do you think I should go?" She asked weakly. appear there."

Pomona expected him to say something sarcastic, like "It's awesome that potted plants can talk," but he didn't say anything.

"You suspect that Longbottom is Hufflepuff's heir?"

"That's why I want you to check the information, maybe you can find some clues." She paused and said, "Just now George said that you and Lucius went to Gringotts. What did you do there?"

"Warning goblin, don't make trouble at this time." Severus said coldly, "There is still at least one Horcrux that has not been found."

"They believed it?"

"I don't know." He let go of her, looking straight at her with black eyes. "Is there anything else you haven't told me?"

"No more... Oh, Devonshire is the place where Nicolemay lives in seclusion. Maybe those people came to find clues to the Philosopher's Stone."

"I don't want you to get involved." He said weakly, "I thought I would feel better if I had you join the battle this time, but instead I was more frightened."

"It's okay, this is not the first time I have participated in a war." She said calmly.

"No, you don't understand." He lowered his head and squeezed her shoulders with his hands. "I want to live with you."

She really doesn't understand, aren't they living together now?

"Lucius said to me, 'You're asking for trouble', I'm going to be burnt to ashes one day by the flames of the phoenix, and I've done so much for him, but he's never really looked down on me, To make up for his mistakes, he sent you to that stupid dog..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" she interrupted him displeased.

"I'll make you think, why didn't Albus Dumbledore save Sirius Black, have you really thought about it?" His eyes were red, and he smiled sinisterly, "To prove Sirius Black's innocence, you only need to check him If he kills someone, as long as he uses the flashback spell, the Muggle soul will also appear. However, the flashback spell can only be used once. Facha."

Pomona didn't know what to say.

"Alastor Moody, it was he who stole the dog's wand and gave it to the White Wizard. Albus Dumbledore knew Sirius Black was innocent, or rather, the dog was not innocent, he did kill A Muggle, like a Dark wizard."

"You have no evidence!"

"Yes, I didn't, because the evidence was destroyed by the White Wizard, and memories can be faked, just like Slughorn, the Law Enforcement Department will not use Albus Dumbledore's memories to release Sirius Black!"

She was very confused.

"I, falsified my memory." He whispered. "Guess which part?"


"I want to live with you." He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "Why is everyone forcing me to do things I don't like?"

She felt that Severus's mental state seemed abnormal right now.

"No one is forcing you."

"Find a way to live, even if you have to sacrifice others, otherwise I don't know what I will do." He seemed to be looking at her, and he seemed to be looking at something else through that body "I won't let Bella get what she wants of."

Pomona knew the idea was crazy, but she couldn't help thinking about it.

He won't commit suicide, but he can make people all over the world unite to kill him, and he will become a very, very bad person.

When killing bad guys, good guys shouldn't have any psychological burden.

After all, what they are doing is "justice".

Druids were originally peace-loving, but in the end a group of women were forced to put on black robes.

"Everything will be fine tomorrow." She reassured him.

He cried and shook his head, "Liar."

"What happened to you?"

He covered his face with his hands, and after a moment he regained his composure, except that the expressionless face looked like a mask.

"We'll meet at the cabin in three hours, and if you don't come, I'll kill Harry Potter."

With that, he disapparated.

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