Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 644 Underground Kingdom

The "rabbit hole" was not wide enough for one person to go in, and it was relatively small. People like George couldn't get in. Only children or small women could get in.

Luna was barely able to do it, but Pomona didn't intend to let her take the risk, and just as Pomona was about to go into the hole by herself, Severus' warning came to her mind again.

She had to go back to the cabin within three hours, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

"Are we going down?" Luna asked.

"I'll go first," said George, staring at the cave.

"You're too big." Pomona's voice was weak. "Maybe a hobgoblin. Never mind. Let's look elsewhere."

"Me and Fred used to catch goblins, which are never a species," George said. "Turn me into a weasel so I can crawl in."

Fake Alastor Moody used to tease Draco into a ferret. This transformation spell is not very difficult. The problem is that Pomona can't bear the responsibility. If George has an accident, Molly will go crazy .

Pomona didn't move, and with a wave of Luna's wand, George was transformed into a weasel, and he slid swiftly into the hole.

"What are you doing?" Pomona said in disbelief.

"Fix the problem." Luna said with her big, protruding eyes open. "Standing around is just a waste of time."

New and old hatred suddenly surged into Pomona's heart. It was the crazy girl in front of her who asked Harry to ride a Thestral to the Ministry of Magic in London, and Sirius was killed in the end.

"I hate Ravenclaw," Pomona said, staring at Luna.

"I know." Luna said indifferently, "Girls' friendships don't always last long."

They confronted each other for a while (mainly Pomona glaring at Luna), then watched the cave mouth in silent watchfulness, waiting for George to emerge from the cave.

This kind of transfiguration is different from Animagus. It can be transformed back into a human form through someone else's despelling of the spell. Animagus that fails to transform cannot be reversed.

Like what Sirius and Lupine did to Pete in the Shrieking Shack.

"Ding dong ding dong, find the broom in your stocking, sing about the magic of this place, and fly with the owls, this Christmas."

Luna seemed to have nothing to do, so she started singing.

How much Pomona wanted to learn the old bat's death gaze at this moment, so that she could kill that hateful crow with her eyes.

"Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, ring the bells at Hogwarts, light up the night, fly with the owls..."

Pomona has never felt like time is ticking like it does now.

After about ten minutes, or maybe ten centuries, a weasel ran out of the hole. Pomona immediately threw a counter-curse in the past, and George appeared covered in mud.

"How?" Pomona asked anxiously.

"You...you absolutely don't believe what I saw." George looked extremely pale as if he had suffered a mental shock.

"What did you see?" Luna asked.

"A kingdom." George swallowed. "A kingdom of wild house-elves."

Pomona was worried that George's head had been smashed. What was he talking about?

"You know the house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchen, they're one species, but the underground ones are wild, not the enslaved ones, not the ones waiting to be freed, they're underground."

"And wild elves?" Pomona murmured.

"They should have been hiding here for many years." George said, "You said druids live in seclusion in the oak forest?"

It began to dawn on Pomona that the people who lived in that village must have been cut off from the world for many, many years until the men who built the dam came.

Both the druids and the house-elves had been persecuted, and now they were neighbors. The dam was built by Muggles, and all it takes is a Muggle banishing spell to keep people in the village from being disturbed.

"What should we do?" George asked Pomona. "Report this to the Ministry of Magic?"

"If humans know that there are wild house-elves, they will not let them go." Pomona said worriedly, she was really worried that the current wizards would still be the opponents of those house-elves.

Meanwhile, that eerie feeling is finally explained, as house-elves don't just make cakes and cookies, attack Death Eaters with meat cleavers, and they're just as magical as wizards.

"Let's not disturb them," Pomona said in a low voice. "Come back another day."

Pomona thought that Luna would say something annoying, but fortunately she didn't, and they returned to their previous positions.

This is a huge world, just as Muggles think that the extinct balls still exist in the wizarding world, and wizards think that there are still one or two surviving elves who have been captured, and they are truly "free" little ones. Elf, unlike Dobby.

She was past the age of exploration, and besides, there was Teddy and the werewolf to worry about.

At that moment, her world view was about to collapse.

"Tell me what you saw just now, George." Luna asked with interest. "They have a king or something? And are they wearing tea towels too?"

"They have soldiers, and they wear armor, and they look like they were made by goblins," said George, "but most house-elves are shabbily dressed, and if we don't enslave them, they enslave their own people."

"I want to go home," said Pomona wretchedly. "I hate sobriety potions."

"I miss Hogwarts," George said. "I feel like a king every time I go into the kitchen and the house-elves hold the food over my head and let me take whatever I want."

"How did you and Fred find the entrance?" Pomona looked at the former king of children. There were so many paintings in the corridor of Hufflepuff's lounge, the twins wouldn't have scratched them one by one.

George laughed.

"We told a house-elf we were hungry, take us to the kitchen, and he told us."

"It's that simple?"

"Otherwise, how complicated do you think it is?"

Pomona looked up at the stars.

"Why should I continue to worry about you all graduating?"

George's smile gradually became bitter.

"Your husband said, I shouldn't have done that to you. You didn't do anything wrong." George said softly, "Bill liked the job of being a spellbreaker in Egypt's mysterious tombs and vaults, but he took the initiative to apply for transfer back for us. He also encouraged me to continue to run the trick shop, and Ron helped me a lot, they are also my family, but... none of them are Fred."

"I understand." Luna said, "Just like how good your stepmother is to you, she is still not your biological mother."

Pomona found Luna's analogy odd, but said nothing.

In people's hearts, there is an irreplaceable place in George's heart. The place in George's heart was once filled by Fred. Now that he is gone, there is a huge wound in George's heart, which is constantly bleeding.

Time doesn't heal any wounds, there's just more stuff buried in that wound and it looks like it's healed, but no, it's always been there.

Luna lost her mother, and if Xenophilius found her a new mother, she might not be able to accept that woman.

Even if this woman can heal the pain in her dad's heart and make him less lonely.

"On the ground just now, I thought of Fred," said George. "What do you think he would do if he saw what I saw?"

Pomona couldn't imagine it, and George didn't really want to know what other people thought, his eyes looked into the void, as if caught in a memory.

"Let's go," Luna said. "He doesn't need our help now. Neville does."

Pomona was still worried about leaving George here alone.

"Can you contact Bill? Luna?" Pomona said softly, "I don't think Angelina can handle the current situation."

Luna took out the fake Galleon from the messenger bag with the airship Lee hanging on it.

George seemed to be ignorant of everything that happened around him, and he became like a piece of wood, motionless, as if half of his soul had been lost.

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