Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 647: Howl of the Banshee

The Quidditch League, like the Premier League, is held every year.

On October 1, 1999, Puddlemere Chaser Willda Grieth mysteriously disappeared during the riots of the match against Holyhead, which was held at Ilkley Moor in Exmoor Heights. Geekball Stadium.

Due to the possibility of fan riots, fans' wands were confiscated upon entering the arena, although many fans simply handed in a fake wand bought at Weasley's trick shop.

There are many outstanding students on the display rack at Slughorn, among which Holyhead Harpies captain and Chaser Gwenog Jones is one of his proud collections.

She was named "Outstanding but Dangerous Captain" by the Daily Prophet. The Holyhead Harpies were all women, and no one dared to disobey her orders. Wilda Gris was one of them.

At the beginning, she entered the Harbies team as a substitute chaser, but she was unwilling to be Jones' substitute all the time, and asked the manager to increase her chances of playing, but was rejected, so Wilda Gris moved to Puddlemere United acted as the Chasers.

Jones and Gris had a feud. Many professional Quidditch players knew about it, and Jones was not the kind of gentle and tolerant woman. When they met after the first transfer, Jones uncharacteristically let substitute Chaser Valme Morgan, who contributed 10 goals for the Harbies, play for him for a while.

In Greek mythology, a "harpy" is a monster with a face and torso resembling a woman's, and wings, tail and claws resembling a bird, with a cruel, greedy, and man-eating nature.

Puddlemere United's Welda Grieth was not seen again after half-time.

Many fans watch the game because they gamble, and many people think that Jones did it. Everyone knows that she still maintains close contact with her Potions teacher Horace Slughorn. If Ghorn is willing, Gwenog will help him get free tickets.

Voldemort used to be a member of the Slug Club, and so was Jones. In short, the riots happened. The wand was confiscated during the game to prevent someone from casting a spell on Jones, just like what Voldemort did at the Hogwarts Quidditch Academy Cup. After the game, Jones Arrested, the Holyhead Harpies were ninth in the league before that day, and after losing their captain, the Harpies plummeted, not even making it to the quarter-finals.

Valme Morgan could not replace Jones as an independent chaser. Later, the manager of the Harpies looked for a new chaser to transfer to the Harpies, but no one agreed. Later, Ginny Way, who admired Gwenog Jones Sly tried out and eventually replaced Valme Morgan as Chaser for the Harpies until she married Harry and moved on to become a sports reporter for the Daily Prophet.

Quidditch is not for pregnant women, not even for journalists covering Quidditch.

In the end, Ginny quit her job at the Daily Prophet and concentrated on waiting at home, and she did not return to the workplace after giving birth to James Sirius Potter.

Harry's parents were gone, and Molly was a little nervous at that time, and Ginny was worried about leaving the child in the care of her mother.

Maternal love is great, but it is the premise that women must make sacrifices and not fulfill their dreams. Ginny is brilliant, and she could have replaced Jones as the new replacement on Slughorn's shelf, but she chose another path - being a mother.

Valme Morgan is the daughter of the last Chaser and captain of the Harpies, Gwendo Morgan. Most men probably couldn't accept their children taking their wives' surnames, but the men in the Morgan family had to submit to Gwendo Morgan.

In 1953, after a seven-day game against Germany's Heidelberg Hounds, Hounds captain Rudolph Brand proposed to her, and she gave Rudolph a concussion with her five-star sweep.

"Shreme" means that the woman is so fierce that no man can beat her.

The average man hopes that he is stronger than a woman. If a woman is better than himself, then she will probably not be able to marry, just like Mrs. Maxim, the headmistress of Beauxbatons. She is smart, powerful and elegant, but also single and lonely.

The banshee is a dark creature, legend has it that it was transformed by a lonely old witch. At first they wept like the weeping myrtle, and then they began to scream, and the cry was fatal to those who heard it.

On the chocolate frog card, there is a famous female druid, Cleona. In Irish mythology, Cleona is the goddess of love and beauty. She has three brightly colored birds whose songs can cure diseases. She left the Promised Land to live with her mortal lover, Kibahn, but was swept into the sea as she fell asleep in Glendor Harbor, County Cork, becoming the Banshee Queen.

Druid In Irish mythology, Cleona was also once an Animagus who could turn into a sea bird and was rescued by three magical birds that healed wounds by singing hypnosis.

In addition, she is also the discoverer of the moon dew flower, which can be used to make awakening potions and living hell potions, so the patterns of moon dew flowers and three birds can be used to represent her badge.

There are many things with this kind of emblem left in the village where there is basically nothing left, and there are also on the trunks of the oak forest. It seems that this druid hermit village worships this "sage ".

Druids not only worship nature, but also respect ancestors. Druid priests are priests of the Celtic nation, who are good at using herbs for medical treatment. The "God of Abundance" Sananos they worship has a pair of antlers. In the Middle Ages it was considered to be a form of devil worship.

Every summer solstice, the druid priestesses will hold a celebration at the place where Stonehenge is located. At this time, the holly duty is over, and the oak tree becomes the king of the forest again. They have always been advocates of nature and neutrality. Zuo is a hermit in his own homeland.

Druidism existed in the era of matriarchal society in Britain. But after the war with the Romans and the strong suppression of Christianity, it has almost disappeared.

Their job transfer ceremonies are also different. First of all, they have to be infinitely close to death, and then they can feel the "natural rhythm" in the process of "rebirth". They are usually buried in the soil, which is a bit similar to Neville falling from upstairs , Either awakening or death, so it is very risky to change jobs to become a druid. Many people die in solitude, and become female ghosts after death, wandering in Ireland and Scotland.

Devon across the sea is Ireland, and their understanding of trees is different from that of ordinary people. All plants with woody stems are regarded as trees. As a result, they also made wands out of vines, a tradition that Garrick Ollivander continued into the 20th century.

In other words, Ollivander, who has been making wands since BC, is likely to be the descendant of Druids.

On this not-so-long embankment, Bill and Pomona exchanged information about her seclusion.

She wasn't really interested in Quidditch, but she seemed to know more about Ginny.

"Do you know who I am, Bill?" Pomona asked with a mysterious smile, her current appearance was disguised.

"Yes, Professor." Bill looked back at Fleur. "I can feel a similar rhythm in you."

"Have you read Severus's memory?"

Bill nodded silently.

"If Furong becomes like me, will you still love her?"

"What made you like that?" Bill asked rhetorically.

"Werewolf, every full moon night, I have to control Remus so that he doesn't run out of the screaming house."

"I remember the Shrieking House had a lot of defensive spells."

"How should I put it? There are always loopholes in the defense, and someone needs to remedy it in time. There was Minerva originally, but her Animagus is a cat, so it is useless at all. I taught James and Sirius so Become an Animagus."

"Why not Professor McGonagall?" Bill continued to ask.

"Don't you wonder why your younger brothers like to play with you so much? Arthur is very funny, but he is the elder after all, you are their peers, and children always think it is cool to play with older children."

Bill was silent.

"Do you think the Veela bloodline will be happy after awakening?"

"Not bad except not being able to dance and calling bad luck," she said lightheartedly. "I can make that serious Potions master so angry that he wants to strangle me."

"Professor Slughorn is serious?" Bill said with a strange face as if he smelled a strange smell.

"You mean Severus is not serious?" Pomona asked even more weirdly.

Bill smiled mysteriously, the earrings on his ears were slightly shaken by the wind, it looked like some kind of moth flying around his head, or what Luna called harassment, the kind that only she could see Fantastic Beasts.

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