Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 649 dragonborn

Pomona took a bottle of water from the lake in a glass bottle and held it up to the moonlight.

It looked clear and transparent, and there was nothing wrong with it, but whether it was poisonous or not, only her potions master at home could check it out.

The oak tree is a symbol of the seventh month in the Celtic tree calendar, which begins on June 10 and ends on July 7. According to wizarding superstition, the combination of oak and holly must be unlucky.

Some people believe in superstition, while others don't. For example, Voldemort was superstitious about the number 7.

Hagrid's wand is oak, he gets along with Harry just as well, Ginny's wand is yew like Voldemort's, legend has it that the owner of the yew wand is easily attracted to black magic, but the reality is Severus this The owner of the sacred birch wand is even more obsessed with the dark arts.

The statues of Lily, James and Harry in Godric's Hollow are just an obelisk full of names in the eyes of Muggles. This island in the middle of the lake may look different in the eyes of Muggles. , Pomona had the feeling of walking on the clouds, and a strong intuition told her that this place was beyond her ability to deal with at this stage.

"How are you, Professor?" Bill asked.

"I'm fine," she said with a smirk.

"What made you so angry, because of Neville's attitude just now?"

"No, I understand, it's difficult to forgive a person, he compromised with the Death Eaters because of the situation, he didn't really forgive them." She rubbed her face. "What I'm angry about is why I'm so useless."

"What defense do you think the druids will set up to destroy us dark creatures?" Bill said with a smile.

"It's not funny at all!" Furong said angrily.

"How do I know." Pomona put the bottle of water back into the velvet bag, "Shamans in different places have different powers and different ways of understanding the world, oh, you know? Inuit Humans have animagus too."

Pomona told Bill again the story Iris had told her.

"When I went to XZ before, there was also a small island in the holy lake. There were many practitioners on the island, and they lived an isolated life. The altitude was very high, there were no forests around, and no one would bother to move a boat to that place. Every winter, when the lake freezes, those practitioners will leave the island in the middle of the lake to exchange supplies with ordinary people. I thought it would be troublesome to go to this island. The world is full of wonders and there are many unknowns. I don’t know everything. of."

"Have you been to XZ?" Bill asked.

"Yes, I was very young at that time, and I was ordered by Albus to deal with unruly snowmen, and I almost never came back." I can't help, I'm just idle, others thought that we were sent by a fire mage and should be good at fire magic, but we didn't know it at all."

"Us?" Bill asked.

"Severus, we stayed there for almost a year, on the one hand traveling, and on the other hand avoiding the Great Judgment."

"You called him 'Snape' just now?" Fleur asked confusedly, "Why did you call him that?"

Pomona looked at this real French chick, who after all was assimilated by the British and not good at showing emotions.

"So is Charlie, you may not know, he is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix." Bill quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, I know, he seems to have made a lot of money selling dragon blood."

"That wasn't his idea. He basically didn't return home. Albus asked him to recruit wizards overseas. It was his friend who suggested that he use this method to raise funds." Bill said, "George and Fred want to fund the Order of the Phoenix, But Dad didn't let them join, they were too young."

Pomona looked at Bill, always feeling that there was something in his words.

"I know you want to reconcile the relationship between the other three houses and the Death Eaters, but you can't use Neville's pure-blood status to say that." Bill said softly, "You will only backfire if you do this."

"I don't know Bill. I haven't slept for three days and three nights. Now it's the potion that keeps me awake, but my brain is starting to lag." Pomona said painfully, "I want to rest."

"Then have a good rest." Fleur took out her wand, "Do you need help?"

"Not now." She shook her head. "Today is a full moon."

"The curse is at dusk, and the crack is at midnight. The worst is over." Bill comforted, "My parents always believe in these superstitions. Although some are unreliable, some are still accurate."

"Bill." Fleur looked happily at her husband who had been disfigured by the werewolf's claws.

Pomona felt like her teeth were going to ache.

"I know, I'm not the favorite child of my parents. They like Charlie more. He is much braver than me and dares to fight the dragon."

"I don't think so." Pomona said sternly, "You are protecting those children from injuries. If you are bitten by a dragon, you will end up being bitten by a werewolf."

"He and Hagrid are good friends, you know, they both like Fantastic Beasts. Sometimes he wonders if he should be assigned Hufflepuff, and he never understands why Professor Graplan doesn't like you, she is like you All support Dumbledore."

"It's complicated," Pomona said wearily.

"Is it because you are a mixed Veela!" Fu Rong asked angrily in French.

"England is not France, my dear. It is much better now than before." She looked at the calm lake, and there was a small castle in the distance on the river bank. It was not as grand as Hogwarts, but it reminded her of Burial Abu Si's white tomb, the scenery seen from the island after the funeral is similar to the present.

"I want to make a better world for Teddy Lupine, just like Albus did for me."

"I remember you didn't attend Tonks' wedding." Fleur recalled, "And my wedding."

"That's because I wasn't invited at all. I once objected to Tonks dating Remus. For her, Remus was too old, too poor, and too dangerous."

"But you still married a Death Eater, and, besides, Severus Snape." Fleur said strangely, "everyone knows that he loves Lily."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not sacrificing myself." Pomona said with a sneer. "He's a 'hero', so he deserves a beautiful woman as a reward. I married him for other reasons."

"May I know why?" Fleur asked.

"It's been 34 years, and I gave up resistance." Pomona sighed. "Human women basically have no hope of getting pregnant at my age."

"You want a child?" Fu Rong asked.

"There used to be one, but then there is no more." She touched her stomach subconsciously, "It was his decision."

"I heard you lived in St. Mungo's for nine months," Bill said.

"No one can estimate the magic damage caused by the Unforgivable Curse." Pomona said sadly, "the child and the mother have a certain kind of induction. When Alice was tortured, Neville also felt it. He kept crying and fell asleep. No, I used the Oblivion Curse on him, but I didn't master the strength well, causing him another injury, and I was also tortured by the Cruciatus Curse, I don't know how it will affect her."

"It wasn't your fault, it was Bellatrix," Bill said. "I'm glad Momma killed her."

Just mentioning Bella's name, Bill, who was still laughing at himself just now, lost his smile.

"Charlie said he won't get married, anyway, he will have many nephews and nieces in the future." Fleur frowned worriedly, "It's impossible for him to be so unstable."

Bill didn't speak.

But Pomona observed him carefully, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he remembered something interesting.

"What were you thinking, Bill?" Pomona smirked.

"Charlie has always liked outdoor activities." Bill said with a smile. "Before Harry, he was the Seeker and captain of Gryffindor. I thought he would play the professional Quidditch league. I didn't expect him to go to He went to study dragons in Romania, and he was only transferred back for a few days and then wanted to transfer away, and he, like Newt Scamander, can't stand indoor work."

Some men are like this. He prefers to be single than to be married and be bound by his family, children, wife, and responsibilities. He doesn't feel lonely, but "free".

"Let's talk about Norberta, what happened to the guy Charlie found? How could he be so irresponsible!"

Bill looked at her inexplicably: "Nobetta? The Norwegian Ridgeback?"

"Otherwise who else could it be?"

"It was Norbeta who broke free from the chain and ran out. She thought she was a dragon, and there was nothing in the outside world that could threaten her. As a result, she fell into someone else's trap and ate food containing a lot of sleep water. Charlie please It took friends a long time to get her back."

"She was not abandoned?"

"Who told you she was abandoned?" Bill asked rhetorically.

Who else could it be? Her "lovely" husband, a double agent who is good at lying, Mr. Severus Snape, the love saint!

"Damn viper," Pomona said through gritted teeth, and the voice came out with a hissing sound.

"You know, a lot of people think highly of Snape now, but I know he didn't take such risks to save the world." Bill paused, "Charlie is more interested in dragons than women, but Snape Not that kind of person. Potions and magic are tools for him to climb up. When he reaches the top of the mountain, he may waste these two things. I didn’t invite you to my wedding, but you invited us to your wedding. You left early that day..."

"Oh, stop it!" Pomona wailed, covering her face, she almost forgot about it.

"We haven't had time to give you gifts yet." Bill said with a smile. "You know, I don't have much money. I think I can find a way to get a dragon egg. Can you find a suitable place to take care of it?"

Pomona looked at Bill through her fingers, he was smiling as treacherously as a weasel at the moment, no wonder Draco gave Ron the nickname "weasely".

Is it really a family? Do not enter a family.

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