Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 662: The Eternal City

Before lunch time, the European train slowly entered the Gare de Lyon in Paris.

Paris is a big city, with seven train stations alone. It was already the capital of Frank in the 9th century.

But Paris at that time was a naturally formed city. Like most cities in Western Europe, people in the Middle Ages believed that bathing was immoral, and feces could be seen everywhere in the streets and squares. There was no drainage system, and residents dumped their garbage directly on the on the street.

Such poor sanitary conditions are not only a hotbed of plague outbreaks, but also make the whole city stinky. There is a big difference in climate between northern and southern France. The north is rainy all the year round. After being washed by the rain, the garbage will make the whole city stink. Hey, the aristocrats didn't want to solve the city's sanitation problems, but ingeniously figured out their preferences in using perfume, so Paris, France became the capital of perfume.

Napoleon Panama liked retro, or hoped to establish a unified Europe similar to the model of the ancient Roman Empire. He carried out a large-scale transformation of Paris. As early as Louis XIV period, Paris began to build a large number of buildings, such as Champs Elysees, Luxembourg Palace, Princess Square, Concorde Square, etc. These monumental buildings were linked by widened main roads and became the architectural art center of a district.

Napoleon I built the star-shaped square and the Arc de Triomphe, and made uniform regulations on the width of the city streets. Napoleon III made another big plan for Paris. In addition to improving traffic and living conditions and developing commercial streets, he also attempted to build roads for artillery and horse teams to all corners of the city.

On the map of Paris, there is a large cross and two ring roads that run through the whole city. They constitute the basic skeleton of the city. From then on, Paris has changed from a medieval city with sewage to the current "Flower Capital".

Wizards in France are mainly concentrated in southern France. Even though France is not big, there are still huge differences between the north and the south. Northern France loves butter, while southern France loves olive oil. The French in the south live a lazy and enthusiastic Mediterranean life. The Northern France area is much more conservative, perhaps because of the influence of the neighbors, the British and the Germans.

Philippe is from Lyon, which is a southern city. The Parisians on the platform of the Lyon train station do not have the cheerfulness of Philippe's hippie smile, and people here walk and talk faster than people from other provinces, but even so, the rhythm of Paris is still faster than that of London. slow.

Britain has a black tea culture, while France and Italy have a coffee culture. When the train stops, the dining car is also replenished, and bags of coffee beans are transported onto the car in steam.

In addition, passengers from Turkey to Paris got off here. Pomona thought that perhaps few people in the world would share her views. Both Paris and Constantinople had undergone drastic changes due to the severe cold caused by the volcano. .

In 536 AD, the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian wanted to reunite the divided Roman Empire. He also designed Constantinople like Paris.

The Senate, the library, the racing track, the public baths, and the now famous Turkish baths are actually inextricably linked with the Roman baths.

In 1453, Constantinople was occupied by clean-loving soldiers, and the hammam really became popular.

It can be seen from the ancient Roman ruins left by modern times that the Romans used water very well two thousand years ago, and the baths consumed a lot of water. The Romans used engineering technology to complete the art of water supply.

A comfortable life tends to corrupt people's spirits. The Romans eventually degenerated. The nobles who were fond of banquets all day long became parasites. The unified empire also fell apart.

Reunification of Europe is the dream of every "Augustus". Justinian was a diligent emperor. Many codes he wrote still have an important influence on European law, but his dream of empire is still plagued by erupting plagues and volcanic ash was buried.

Gladiatorial fights were considered barbaric, and the former Colosseum was turned into a racing track, where the blue party representing the ocean and the green party representing the green land often clashed here.

At the racing meeting in 532, the lower levels of the two parties were dissatisfied with the tyranny and exorbitant taxes of the officials, and asked the emperor to dismiss the two tyrannical officials Tribonian and John of Cappadocia. In the "Nica riots", people in the name of freedom burned many public buildings, including the Hagia Sophia and the Senate.

Justinian almost fled by boat in the face of the rioting crowd, but Theodora persuaded him to stay.

Later, in order to suppress the riot, Justinian brought Belisarius back from the front line. Together with the barbarian mercenaries, these elites blocked the gate of the racetrack and massacred 40,000 ordinary civilians.

Whether it is to form an army or build a city, money is needed. This money will not be scraped out of thin air. It needs taxes. Protesting against taxes is the reason why civilians continue to resist and riot.

More than a thousand years later, due to weather and climate problems caused by volcanic ash, food production was reduced, Louis XIV spent money on wars and city construction, and Louis XV’s extravagant extravagance, and it was hard to get back to Louis XVI, and civilians faced famine. The nobles still enjoy luxury, and the serious social inequality makes the common people angry, but it will not rise to the level of overthrowing the king and the nobles.

But the American War of Independence ignited the powder kegs hidden in French society like sparks, and the Great Revolution finally broke out.

Religion and law have lost their restraining effect, and the original social order has completely collapsed. Whether it is a lady in the city or a peasant woman in the country, it is in danger.

Before Louis XVI fled in 1791, many people still supported the constitutional monarchy. If Louis XVI can insist on staying in Paris to support the constitution, France may gradually realize democracy along the constitutional monarchy like Britain.

But on Easter Sunday, April 18, 1791, he went to a castle near Paris to celebrate Easter with priests who refused to take an oath to the constitution. He showed his refusal to support the constitution with his own actions.

The Constituent Assembly required priests to swear an oath of allegiance to the country, the law, and the king, but the priests believed in God, and half of the clergy in the country refused to take the oath.

After Louis XVI and the priests spent Easter, they were surrounded by a large group of citizens on the way back to the palace. This strengthened Louis XVI's determination to flee. Queen Mary secretly shipped jewelry, clothing, and cosmetics out of Paris.

If Mary could spend less time at parties and refreshments and read more history, she should understand that running away at this time will not solve any problems, and she should, like Theodora, support Louis XVI to stay in Paris.

But in the middle of the night on June 20, 1791, members of the royal family slipped out of the palace one by one through a secret passage after putting on makeup, and they fled all the way to the northeast.

On the morning of June 21, the news of the king's escape spread in Paris. Louis XVI left a statement on the table announcing his break with the constitutionalists. A fleeing king lost all his prestige. Demanding a trial to depose the king, the moderates wanted to keep Louis XVI on the throne.

At that time, there was no Murphy's law. If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of the choices will lead to disaster, someone must make this choice.

If there is a chance that things will go wrong, no matter how small the chances are, it will happen.

Queen Mary came forward to say that she made a wrong choice at a critical moment, not only causing the king to lose his crown, but even his own head.

Rabbit is a very cute animal, but it is overrun in Australia, which eventually led to the ecological destruction of Australia's native species, and the native species were replaced by exotic species.

While experiencing the Great Revolution, the French also had to face the invasion of foreign armed forces to avoid their own destruction. It was not until the end of the Thermidor coup that the political situation was relatively stable and entered a period of maintaining the achievements of the Great Revolution.

The so-called Reign of Terror was a radical method implemented from 1793 to 1794, when France was troubled both at home and abroad, and the domestic aristocracy opposed the revolution because it deprived them of their privileges; the Catholic Church opposed the revolution because it turned priests into ordinary clergy , growing partisanship between the Girondins and the Montagne, and popular discontent because the revolution had failed to deliver on its promise of social equality.

There are wars on foreign borders, domestic royalist and federalist rebellions and civil wars, extraordinary means used in extraordinary times, and Jacobins using terrorist policies to suppress dissidents. People all over France have been sent to the guillotine.

Robespierre, as a lawyer, courted a girl who was pursued by another lawyer who later became a member of the Girondins.

When the Girondins were overthrown and the Jacobins gained power, Robespierre found the young couple and sent the girl's husband to the guillotine.

Robespierre said to the girl, "Did you see it! You refused to marry me back then, and your husband is now guillotined. Do you regret it!?"

Men are like this, longing to teach the woman who dislikes the poor and loves the rich or rejects him for other reasons a painful lesson.

It’s okay when there is no opportunity, but if they have such a dream all day long, once their opportunity comes, they will ruin her happy life just like Robespierre, and let her understand what is "the taste of regret" ".

How can a man like Robespierre be loved by a sober woman? Of course, a man like Napoleon who is single-minded no matter what Josephine does will be better. In the end, Napoleon became the emperor of Rome, if he was not defeated Waterloo, without the aura of "God of War", he will continue to be.

Constantinople has lost its former glory, but the soul of Eastern Rome still exists in Russia, and the emperor who unified Western Rome lost to the Eastern Roman emperor.

The patriotism of the French is no worse than that of the Chinese. Napoleon was the emperor of the empire during his lifetime. He implemented a policy of safeguarding the interests of the country and the people, and was supported by the French. Many French people were reluctant to part with him when he abdicated. After Napoleon's death, he was buried in the Cathedral of the Institution of Honor in Paris. I don't know how many people have admired him for hundreds of years. He is regarded as a national hero by France, even though he is a Corsican, not a Gaul.

This is the same as Genghis Khan is a Mongolian, and the Chinese want to classify him as their own. The feeling of being a conqueror is definitely more comfortable than being the object of conquest.

The French saw that their territory still had the hard-won fruits of revolution, and it was stolen in this way of alien invasive creatures. It is conceivable that they were annoyed, but who made them unable to win against those outsiders.

The birth rate of wizards is lower than that of muggles. If wizards can have a large population, why should they live such a shady underground life?

Albus Dumbledore has enough reasons to hate the Muggles who ruined his family. He even became a close lover with Grindelwald. He supported Grindelwald at the beginning, but he recognized the reality that they The dream of wizards, or the ambition of wizards to rule Muggles cannot be realized.

Muggles are just Muggles, they are not fools, there are foolish wizards, and there are clearheaded Muggles.

Although the world of boys is different from that of girls, there are also places where they meet, especially at the critical moment of life and death. If you make a wrong step, you will lose everything.

"What are you doing?" Severus said drunkenly in her ear, he wasn't actually drunk, he was just enjoying the comfort of the tender country.

"Thinking," Pomona said, looking at the Gare de Lyon, where people were coming and going, and now they were all dressed up and looked like respectable people.

Those werewolves who were pushed to a dead end by the Werewolf Act, and the fallen pure-blood nobles who were robbed of everything, are not as respectable as them.

The Girondins were once also a revolutionary party. Although they were composed of the bourgeoisie and a few nobles, they also opposed the king. However, with the soaring food prices and too many speculators, civilian revolutionaries demanded that speculators be punished and the prices of daily necessities be limited. The Girondists ordered the repression of the common people, and since then they have become a counter-revolutionary party, overthrown by the Jacobins.

Duke Vincent Pique was sent by the Girondins. In order to survive, he even thought of using a concealing spell on his neck.

Why can't he use the method of a wizard to show those who captured him what is really powerful?

Although the magic power is blooming in his body, the Duke is no longer a wizard.

Just like Malfoy, the albino snake wouldn't use the wizard's solution to solve the problem, but if he turned around now, would he fall into a trap?

She really needs to think about it.

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