Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 664 Sick as a dog

Although the United Kingdom and France are only separated by a strait, there is a time difference of one hour. The express train across Europe from west to east has to cross more than a dozen countries, and the time of each country is different. As a result, everyone's dining time is different.

It was about two o'clock in the afternoon of Greenwich Mean Time, and Pomona felt a little hungry. At this time, they had already stopped at Cotterdel, and a few locals came up. They did not take the luxurious first-class carriage. , but on the second-class carriage.

They take this kind of train just like the British take double-decker buses. Girls in rural France are not as fashionable as girls in Paris, but they have a fresh beauty of the field, just like the difference between the Louvre and Fontainebleau.

The ceremonial gown that Fleur wore in the Triwizard Tournament was glamorous and intricately tailored. It was probably bought in Paris, while those worn by those country girls were simple in style, and they were not so beautiful as to make people dizzy. It feels so innocent.

The breakfast in the UK is very rich, while the dinner in France is very rich, and the dining time is very late. Many habits are bound to be different when you go abroad. Pomona has not felt this jet lag for a long time.

Philippe can not only cook French dishes, he can also cook Italian and German dishes. Vienna's music is famous all over the world, and Vienna sausages are also delicious, served with fresh baguettes, French onion soup, a plate of spaghetti Bolognese, And truffle bacon, that's what they have for lunch.

She loves animals, but she also loves to eat meat. There is a purpose for humans to give their own food to animals. Some are for their meat, some are for emotional sustenance from them.

If domestic animals are smart enough, if they want to get rid of their fate of being eaten, they will escape from prison and go to the wild environment, but if they cannot adapt, they will be eaten if they escape from prison.

You'd be much luckier with a pet, but that poor cat is as ugly as Kullukshan and no one would buy it if it looked like it had a broken leg.

Hermione is a kind witch, and she bought back Crookshanks who looked disabled, so much uglier than other people's cool pets.

"Not to your liking?" Severus asked, holding a crystal glass of white wine in his hand, dressed and behaved like an aristocrat.

Looking at the "successful man" in front of her, she thought of Sirius Black. He was weak and dirty when he was brought back from Azkaban. He looked like a tramp. Connect with the old school prince.

Sirius is a man of conscience, he would rather die than betray his friends, but what will happen to him in the end?

"I was thinking, Napoleon invaded Italy by crossing the Alps, but we took a detour, why not secretly dig a tunnel under the Alps?" She cut a piece of sausage and ate it with baguette, which was surprisingly delicious.

"Switzerland has not maintained true neutrality. Many high-ranking German officials will spend their holidays in Switzerland. There is a tunnel from Switzerland to Italy. The Germans don't need to build one themselves." Problems with the Canal and the Panama Canal? Let them build the Alpine Tunnel and wait until the next century to finish it.”

"But the Anglo-French Channel Tunnel was dug through."

"That's because the main project was built by the British side, and their corruption problem is more serious than ours."

Pomona glanced at Philip from Lyon. He was busy packing the kitchen utensils, as if he didn't hear anything.

"You care what he thinks?" Severus had a mocking smile on his face.

"I just don't like to make enemies everywhere." She said with lingering fear, thinking of Kreacher who was always scolded by Sirius.

"Don't you wonder why Filch is more loyal to me than to you? Obviously, you are much better to him than I am to him."

Oh, what a weird question.

Pomona glumly sipped her French onion soup.

"You like reading Muggle books so much, so how about we talk about it? How about Plato?"

"I don't want to talk about him at dinner." Pomona glared at the sausage and baguette.

"I asked you last time, who is your favorite philosopher, do you still insist on Nietzsche?"

"Even if it wasn't for Nietzsche, I wouldn't choose Plato."


"Do you have to talk about this topic?"

"What is the essence of love? Why do people have love?"

Pomona was questioned.

"He believes that the reason why we love something is because of the lack of this thing. Because the patient is sick, he has pain, so he says he wants to pursue health. And the doctor has the medical skills that can restore the patient's health, so it is said that the patient pursues health. If you are healthy, you will pursue doctors who have medical skills, or doctors who represent health, I don’t know what this person is thinking, do you think he is normal?”


"Draco is a doctor, do you love him because he is a doctor with superb medical skills, or because he is Draco?"

"I hate that little bastard..."

"Don't be duplicity, you are very partial to him, even if he bullied the students of your college, you didn't punish him, you and Narcissa indulged him too much." He rolled the pasta with a fork, and said sourly, "Looks like Being cute like an angel is a real plus."

"I'm not the type to judge people by their appearance!"

"Then why do you like him so much?"

"Oh my God, are you jealous of Draco?" she said under her breath.

"Apart from his looks, what else should I envy about him?" Severus smirked. "Although I don't know if the old wand has eyes, he must be blind."

She rolled her eyes skyward.

"In ancient Greece, only the feelings between people were called 'Eros', while the love for other things, such as the love for wine or other things, used 'Philia', a person who likes to drink can't use 'Eros' ', human love must be to pursue a person and then seek satisfaction. This is a basic point of view drawn by Plato himself. But if you love a person, in what sense does that person satisfy you? Or why can he make you feel satisfied? Are you satisfied? Can Draco satisfy you like I do?"

"Stop it, please," she said listlessly.

"In fact, Plato spent a lot of space to praise this kind of love between men and women, saying that this is a very sacred thing. The union of the flesh allows talents to continue to multiply. Without love, men and women will not be together So it is precisely because of love that they are brought together, they are combined, and then they reproduce offspring, but he also said in the Utopia that men and women without love should be married, and he regards this as a task, as a The law says. The best men should mate with the best women as often as possible so that they can produce the best breed, that's what you did to me, you made me go find younger women, 'mating' for this Because you think you are too old to have children, how can you be so cruel to me, what is the difference between what you do and ****?"

She had the feeling of being invisible in the sun.

"That's right, I'm jealous of him. You can love him unconditionally, and even allow him to develop bad habits, but you always give me what you think is good. I can't love someone who makes me unable to be happy. I I will not have children for the sake of responsibility and bullshit race continuation with someone I don't love. Platonic spiritual love is a pile of shit. Hell, love directed by carnal pleasure is a low-level love. I don't think the best woman It has to be paired with the best men, and she can give in, like me."

Pomona fully understood why he didn't eat at the Order of the Phoenix anymore, he could really ruin everyone's appetite.

During World War II, Germany’s “population farms” were full of beauties with blond hair and long legs. They did not talk about feelings and only did one thing. They gave birth to Aryan children as much as possible. This is in line with Plato’s thinking and fulfills an important task for the great country.

"Platonic love is a huge misunderstanding. The reason for distorting its history can be traced back to the Renaissance. When the Italian philosopher Fischer translated the Greek word Eros, he was not too cautious and used the two words Amor and Caritas. It is a word, but the word Caritas actually expresses people's desireless love and love for God, which is different from the kind of love full of strong desires mentioned by Plato. Slowly, people think that it is related to carnal desire. It doesn't matter, a very light and pure love, just like me and Lily, aren't you very jealous?"

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Why did you talk to me like that in the box just now? You feel very unsafe, right?" He looked at her with a threatening gaze. "You think I left England to escape?"

"You've caused so much trouble..."

Severus suddenly shook his head and smiled.

"That's why I don't like the people in the Order of the Phoenix. There are always so many problems. It seems that they have to understand everything before implementing it. To put it bluntly, they never really believe me. I didn't expect you to be the same."

"I am anxious……"

"You are always in charge of cleaning, I know, you can deduce a lot of stories from some details, just like Sherlock Holmes, now you don't have so much information, you don't know what to do, right?" He said confidently as if everything was under his control, "Now, your only source of information is me, and the only person you can trust is me, but you think in your heart that I am not a trustworthy person, and then you Feeling uneasy, right?"

"Too hasty."

"After the Battle of Hogwarts, you were careless when you left with me. Why were you happy then, but not now?"

To elope is to leave all responsibilities and the past behind and start over in a new place.

It's as easy as throwing away the snail shell on your body.

It's just that this feeling of not being protected by a shell is very disturbing, but this is the feeling of freedom.

"I'm not Carl, honey, I'm Jack, the one who set you free." He scraped the black truffle from the expensive plate of truffled bacon into their onion soup, and then smiled with satisfaction, "Look , so much better."

"What's so good?" she said aggrievedly, and the British guy who didn't understand the beauty of food ruined the two dishes together.

"Cream of Mushroom Soup, our first meal in that house." He held a piece of baguette in his hand, imitating her, and eating it with Vienna sausage "Well, it's delicious, you really are this The best foodie in the world.”

"That's what Philip did," she said sweetly and coyly.

"Think about the Hogwarts banquet, you host it every time, I like those 'greasy dishes'."

Pomona thought of Fleur, the half-breed Veela who kept complaining that the Hogwarts food was too greasy for her to wear her gown. If she is really afraid of getting fat, she can skip it, but she can't help being tempted to eat, struggling between beauty and appetite.

"Bad guy," she murmured, before starting her "cream of mushroom soup."

"Nietzsche said that men are bad in their bones, and women are... ouch!"

Pomona stomped on him hard under the table.

Why did Fleur of France marry Bill of England?

This is the reason. When Scarlett saw Rhett driving the carriage to pick her and Melanie up, her first words were "Oh, Rhett, I knew you were reliable!"

What is more important to a woman than this?

"You just said why Filch likes you more?" She continued the conversation.

"Slavery." Severus said calmly. "He has already accepted the class model that wizards are higher than squibs, so he is so eager to become a wizard and stay in the magic school to be bullied by a group of children."

Is it fun to bully a disabled person?

A lot of people hate Filch and Mrs. Norris anyway, and Squibs can see a lot, but they can't see through Animagus and invisibility.

The cruelty of children is something they are not aware of. By the time they realize it, the damage has already been done, misunderstanding and prejudice will intensify, and it is too late to ease it.

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