Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 668: A Fickle Person

Once upon a time there was a woman who longed for a small and lovely child. She went to ask the witch for advice, and the witch said it was very easy, so she gave her a grain of wheat and asked her to plant it in a flowerpot. When the flower bloomed, Thumbelina was born, and she lived a very happy life.

But one day, an ugly toad took her away and made her the little toad's wife. The fish in the water felt sorry for little Thumbelina, so they bit off a stem of the lotus leaf.

Thumbelina floated to a foreign country along the lotus leaf, and was abandoned in a forest by the scarab. In the early morning, with dewdrops as drink and nectar as food, life is still passable.

Summer and autumn passed, but the cold and long winter came, and Thumbelina came to live in the vole's house. After a few days, the field mouse said: "The richest man here, the Mole, is coming. If you marry him, you will have endless splendor and wealth."

The next day, the mole came wearing a black swan fur coat, because he was blind and couldn't see Thumbelina's face clearly, so the field mouse asked Thumbelina to sing a song, and the mole fell in love with her soon.

The Mole didn't show it, though, because he was cautious. A few days later, the mole officially proposed marriage, and when autumn came, the mole asked Thumbelina to sew the wedding dress. In fact, Thumbelina does not like the mole, because she likes sunshine and flowers, but is disgusted with the dark tunnel.

Thumbelina once rescued a swallow in the tunnel, when the swallow was going to fly to another country, he asked her, "Would you like to go to another country with me?" Thumbelina readily agreed.

The swallow carried Thumbelina on her back and flew to that country, and put Thumbelina on the most beautiful flower, on which there was a handsome man who was as big as herself, he was the king of all flowers, and they got married , Thumbelina became the queen of flowers here.

Pomona heard this Muggle fairy tale when she was a child, and her first reaction was that the witch gave the Muggle woman a fairy egg. That kind of vanity-loving little things are often used as decorations by wizards, and their eggs are also the size of rice grains, but they can't speak, they can only make a high-pitched buzzing sound to communicate with their companions.

Thumbelina has no wings, maybe her wings were taken off by the witch to make potions. Muggles have a very good impression of fairies and unicorns because they look good. In the coloring page of the last story, the so-called The Prince of Flowers also has wings.

For Thumbelina, although the mole is rich, it is meaningless if he cannot show off his wealth.

She didn't see that Mr. Mole who lived in the dark was not obsessed with her beautiful appearance, but other more important qualities, and finally she married another fairy.

The flowers only bloom for one season, where will she live after the flowers wither?

Mole is actually a lot like Niffler, the nasty little thief who always causes trouble.

Maybe, she is used to the darkness by nature, so she doesn't reject the darkness as much as Lily who likes the sun.

The noise from the train window interrupted her thoughts, and she looked out the window. On the platform of Agripba Village, a group of people were levitating several people onto the train.

This small station in the countryside is not as big and busy as Lyon Station. It is about the same size as Hogsmeade Station. Usually there should not be many passengers. After they got on the train, the station returned to calm.

Pomona and Severus left the box immediately.

Before Harry Potter entered school, there were also a few troublemakers in the school, such as the Weasley twins, who were as adventurous as Sirius and James, but the problems they caused were not as big as the troubles Harry caused .

The children in the Badger Yard were timid at first, and they were frightened and paranoid in the year of the basilisk incident.

Her keen sense of smell told her that "trouble" is coming again.

Those people were sent to the second-class carriages. When they came, many first-class passengers were looking around at the intersection of the two carriages.

There are more passengers in the second-class compartments than they imagined, but they are not full. They are similar to the Hogwarts Express. There are two single beds in a compartment, which can be used as a sofa during the day and sleep at night. Those who were floated onto the train were placed in three boxes, five in total, and they looked dirty and bloody, as if something terrible had happened to them.

"Was ist passiert?" Severus asked the passiert villagers in German.

Pomona didn't understand German, but she knew she couldn't leave these people alone. She yelled at the onlookers to go back to her box, and then went to check on the child who seemed to be the least injured. He was alone in a box , a person who looked like his mother was holding his head, looking very bewildered.

The little boy's arm was dislocated and looked grotesquely twisted, an injury common to Quidditch matches.

Pomona found the palliative in her pocket and gave it to the woman.

"It's a palliative. Drinking it will relieve the pain." Pomona said in English, but she didn't seem to understand. At this time, another conductor spoke in German behind her, and she took the bottle of magic immediately. The medicine was given to the boy.

After drinking the potion, the boy's pale and painful face eased a lot. Pomona walked into the carriage and cut his clothes with a cutting spell.

"Ask her what happened?" Pomona said to the conductor, and at this moment Pomona cut open the boy's clothes, and the broken bones were clearly visible.

"She said her son fell off his broomstick," said the man accompanying the woman in accented English.

"Now?" Pomona looked at the sky outside, it was already dark outside, the moon had just risen, hiding in the thick clouds, the vision was not very good.

"He went to check what those Muggles were doing? Muggles discovered ancient ruins by Lake Neuchâtel, which are said to be more than 3,000 years ago."

At this time, there was a sudden painful wail from the next door. The sound was so miserable that it could make people have nightmares.

"Come with me." Pomona stood up, she couldn't let the child stay in this place.

The child's mother didn't seem to be a wizard, but even she couldn't keep her composure, and the man with her wand levitated the broken child, and she took them to the viewing car where they listened to music during the day, where there were Lots of very comfortable couches.

"What's his name?" Pomona asked after placing the boy on the sofa.

"Heinrich." The companion said, "My name is Andre, and his mother's name is Reina."

"How did Heinrich fall off the broom? Was he jinxed?" asked Pomona.

Andre asked Heinrich in German, and the boy endured the pain and said something hoarsely.

"He said his broom went crazy and knocked him off, and we were going to take him to Geneva, but the doctor said it's better not to use magic transport now, this bus will go to Bern, where the medical conditions are worse. The village is good."

Pomona looked at the boy, who was really in better shape than those Muggles.

At this time, the captain came over, followed by several flight attendants.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Smith. Mr. Smith said that this carriage is for second-class passengers. This child asks you to take it somewhere else."

"Let's go, let's go to the dining car." Pomona stood up without hesitation.

"Oh, the dining car?" The driver looked embarrassed.

"What? Is there a problem?" Pomona asked coldly.

"We have a library, and that's the carriage where the Muggles used to sign the Armistice of the First World War."

"What?" Pomona asked in disbelief.

"The director of our company thinks that carriage is an antique car worthy of collection, and passengers should be provided with a place to work. Do you think it's okay?"

"We're all right," said Andrei. "What do you think, miss?"

"Damn it," Pomona cursed under her breath, guessing with her toes who the director could be besides Platinum Malfoy.

So Pomona moved with them again, and before she left, she looked up at the glass ceiling, which was probably the same as the ceiling of the Hogwarts Great Hall.

The library is in front of the observation car. There is a small bar at the door, and a long table inside. The meeting that once determined the fate of hundreds of millions of people was held here.

There is a glass sliding door between the bar and the table as a partition, and there is another sliding door behind the long table. There are two desks and a bookshelf there. It should be the library that the captain said, but the bookshelf There are only a few books, more decorative than practical.

When Andre floated Heinrich across the table, Pomona inexplicably remembered the Kerry Dibbaji who was swallowed by Nagini.

Her "Severus, help me" scares Mr. Fawn so badly that it took Pomona a long time to get him to forget.

The rustling snake language sounded really terrifying.

"I can feel it, it's a very ancient black magic." She looked at the negotiating table in front of her, but a hoarse voice came from behind, "When the Muggles find the ruins by Lake Neuchâtel, let's check it out. Half under the water, half on the beach, what place does this remind you of?"

Pomona thought of the bottom of the black lake at Hogwarts, those buildings from an unknown era.

"A giant squid that lives in the sea lives in a freshwater lake. Haven't you ever noticed how strange it is?" said Voldemort softly, and she could almost see him holding the Elder Wand the way he squeezed a baton." Many civilizations have disappeared on the earth, but the most mysterious ones are the Etruscans. No one knows where they came from, nor how they disappeared. Before the 19th century, no one could decipher the Egyptian civilization. Hieroglyphics, until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, we knew more about Egypt than Etruscan."

"What did you find?" Pomona asked.

"Nothing," said Voldemort. "Only Severus changed his wand for this trip."

"I'm going to the dining car to get some raw bone water," Pomona said to the three in the library, turning around to leave, remembering Philip saying that there were biting kale in the car.

"If I were you, I would destroy the things hidden here before leaving." Voldemort said, "Look carefully at the bookshelves."

Pomona turned her head again.

"Remember the Grindylows who almost killed Harry Potter at the bottom of the Black Lake? They are actually pets of mermaids, just like basilisks, and it is also a lovely pet for Salazar Slytherin." Voldemort said with a kind of haughty self-confidence, "Some people always like to keep some dangerous pets. I remember Sirius Black kept a Hippogriff. Even Muggles have tigers and lions. Why kill them?" got it?"

Pomona looked at the bookshelf, but there was nothing unusual on it.

"The basilisk may be a pet to you," murmured Pomona, "but a terrible monster to others."

"Weakness," said Voldemort. "You looked like a bunch of frightened rats."

Pomona admitted that Voldemort's description was not an exaggeration at all.

"It was said that Grindelwald was remorseful in Nurmengard. I saw him, and he begged me to die. That scene really made me sad, so I gave him mercy and ended his life. A lifeless man. Lovely man, keeping him alive is torture for him, at first I thought it was because he was locked up for too long and he lost his power and followers, but now I get it, his lover died and he finally wrote The letter to the White Wizard was returned, this is love, the weapon that the White Wizard thought was omnipotent, I almost believed what he said."

Pomona heard the sarcasm in Tom Riddle's words, he still doesn't believe in love.

"Every wizard's house has one or two magical pets. You should think that the basilisk, like the hippogriff, is a Hogwarts pet. Without it, the rats in the castle became so rampant. "

This is the second time Voldemort has mentioned Buckbeak.

Pomona began to race through her mind, pets, wizard family, Black family, there was an old ghoul in that house besides Buckbeak!

"This thing is not a threat to wizards, but it is very dangerous to Muggles." Voldemort said again, "You don't want that little wizard to lose his mother like Albus Dumbledore, do you?"

"Get out! Reina!" Pomona yelled at her.

Reina raised her head subconsciously when she heard her name, but she didn't know what happened.

At this moment, a plaster sculpture on the bookshelf began to tremble, and then it quickly deformed, jumped onto the negotiating table, and turned into a slimy, ugly-looking ghoul with horrible buck teeth.

Both the driver and Andre screamed in fright, while Heinrich was unable to move, as if under a petrification spell.

"It's disgusting," said Voldemort, making no secret of his disgust.

Pomona raised her wand and used a flying sand and stone on it. The magic spell splashed a lot of mucus on its body, making the luxury car dirty.

Then she used the Fiercefire Curse directly, turning it into a human-shaped torch. It kept howling, and finally broke the window in a panic, and jumped off the speeding train.

"Don't worry, it's just a color-changing ghoul." She said casually, "Let's go to the dining car."

After she finished speaking, she turned around.

Ghoul Ron also has one at home, and her student Zacharias Smith is now working in the Ghoul Rangers, which specializes in driving out ghouls in wizarding houses that have been transferred to Muggles.

This magical animal is not dangerous except as far as wizards are concerned, it is a type of cannibal, who eats small bugs as a pet, but turns "wild" and attacks Muggles or Squibs.

According to Muggle legends, a haunted house and a house where someone disappeared was made by it.

Dogs and cats that are harmless to humans are dangerous to birds and other wild animals, especially in places like Australia where human-looking pets are terrifying monsters.

The basilisk will not attack people without an order, just like a well-trained dog, the owner says it will bite people.

However, it is a kind of beast after all, and it does not really harm people if the owner says "my pet does not harm people".

Do not believe? May weeping myrtle be asked, how did she die?

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